No Longer Just A Fan

Από Arianator1287

76.3K 4.8K 676

Ariana Grande holds a contest to promote the new show Sam and Cat. The prize? A week long sleepover with her... Περισσότερα

The Idea
The Winner is Announced
Texting and Falling
Meeting Ariana
Exchanging Facts...and kisses?
Make Her Believe
I Promise
Date? Date.
Clubbing Gone Wrong
My Hero
Let's Talk About Sex
Where's Captain Winky?
Meet the Fam
Let's Actually Have Sex
Typical Morning After Sex
You Gay Bro?
Shipping Kariana
We Gotta Make This Forever
Heading home
Just Date Already
Birthday Surprise
Fighting For You
The Affects of Morpine and Heartbreak
Really Not Okay
Respect My Authoritah!
Getting Tested
Under the Mistletoe
Ariana Tops
Into Harmony's Way
The Storm
She's Back
UCLA and Realizations
And the Truth Shall Set You Free
Granpa Grande and Unexpected Changes
Finally Hers Again
The Perks of Open Mic Night
A/N Opinions
Meet Ricky Alvarez
Wait, You Want Us to Tour With WHO?
One Direction's Directions
The Lies We Tell
Europe Bound
Making Up In Miami
Sleeping With A Friend
Broken Glass
Remember It's Just Pretend
Surgeries, Doughnut Licking, and Confessions
Kariana? Kariana For Life.
Focus On The Proposal
The Fiancé Experience
The Fiancé Experience 2.0
The Wedding and Honeymoon Avenue
Happily Ever After


1K 78 2
Από Arianator1287

Katy's POV:
Ariana reaches her hand out and caresses my cheek as if she doesn't believe I'm really here. "Am I dreaming?" She asks. "Fraid not captain. You have to put up with me all day actually. Now get up and get dressed. We got places to be and people to harass." I'm about to get up when a petite figure jumps on me. "Well hello there." I say making her smile and wrap her arms around my neck. "Hi." She says back. I wrap my arms around her back, only to quickly remove them when I remember she's naked. "Nope." I say rolling her off of me and getting up. She sticks out her bottom lip and gives me the puppy dog face. "You were naked and laying on top of me. I think we all know what would've happened in five minutes if I didn't do that. Now put some clothes on." "Aw come on now babe, it's not like you've never seen this before." She says standing up and fully exposing herself while smirking at me.

"Fucking hell child. Put on a damn robe and follow me to the kitchen before I call the police and tell them that Ariana Grande is trying to seduce a minor." She rolls her eyes at me and then puts on a robe. "Good Grande. Now follow me." I grab her hand and then lead her to the kitchen. "Happy birthday love." I say wrapping my arms around her torso and resting my chin on her shoulder. She laughs when she sees Kepling in a chef's hat sitting next to the table that has her pancakes on them. "I love it. You're the best." She says kissing the side of my head. "Anything for my queen. Now eat and get ready cause I'm taking you somewhere." "Where are you taking me?" "It's a surprise." I say making her huff. "Don't worry. You'll enjoy it."


"Is there a reason you randomly put a blindfold on me?" "Yes. You would know where I'm taking you if I didn't." "But we had been on the road for over an hour before you finally put it on me. Where are we going?" "Just relax and be patient." I say grabbing her hand and then raising it up to kiss it. I'm taking her to Disneyland. Disneyland is about thirty to thirty-five miles from her apartment, but with traffic it takes almost and hour and a half to get there. It's already 11:30 so I'm trying to hall ass in her car so we have plenty of time today. We finally make it to the parking lot. The one thing I hate about Disneyland is the fact that the parking lot is like a mile, if not a little more, away from the actual park which means you're either stuck walking or you can get on one of the busses. Either way it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

Before I get out of the car I check and make sure I have our tickets and see that I do. I quickly get out and jog over to Ariana's side to help her out. After helping her out, I open the back door and allow Kepling to get out. What, did you think I would let him skip out on Disneyland? "We're here but you can't take off the blindfold yet." "I'm growing impatient." She says huffing. "Even impatient, she's adorable as hell." I say out loud. I see a small smile creep over her face. I walk us over to the bus entrance and wait in line. The line moves fast allowing us to get on. "Is my surprise a bus?" She asks laughing. "Totally. I figured nothing says 'happy twentieth birthday' like singing the wheels on the bus while riding a random one." "I'd take it as long as long as you were with me." She says. I wrap my arm around her and relax for the five minute ride. After the bus arrives at the stop, I walk us off and up to the entrance. "That sounds like the music from Alice in Wonderland." She says looking confused. "That's cause it is." I say removing her blindfold finally.

Her eyes pop out of her head as she turns to look at me. "You didn't!" "Oh but I did Miss Grande." She wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek. "I love you so much Katy." "I love you too. Now let's go meet Cinderelly." I say. We get our tickets scanned and then walk inside. "So what is Kepling gonna do while we ride rides?" She asks looking down at Kepling. "They watch him while we do. Some rides even have cages for service animals to stay in until their owner gets off. But he's getting on the train with us, ain't that right buddy?" I say looking down at him too. He just nods his head at us. He then randomly stops walking and then sniffs my stomach and looks up at me. "What's wrong?" Ariana asks looking between the two of us. "I don't know. What's wrong, Kep?" I think what could be wrong, then I remember I forgot my medicine again. I checked my watch and see that I don't have to take it for another hour at least. I can just wait until lunch and take it. "Kep it's okay, I'll take my medicine in about an hour or so when we have lunch. I'll be okay." Kepling growls at me and sits down to show that he's not going anywhere until I take my medicine. "Okay okay yeesh. You're very bossy, you know that right?" Kepling nods his head again and then turns around for me to get my medicine and some water out of his vest. I take my medicine and the three of us begin walking again.

"He's such a good dog. I don't think he understands how thankful I am for him. I can't have you going to the hospital again." Ariana says locking our arms. I'd love to hold her hand instead honestly. But you know, this can't be public. Well, not yet at least. "Yeah. I'm thankful for him. I think he really likes you too." I say and she smiles. "Really?" "Yeah. Watch this. Hey Kep." I say making Kepling stop and look up at me. "Who's the prettiest girl in the world?" I ask. He raises his paw and puts it on my thigh making me laugh. "No not me silly. Who's the prettiest one that's not me?" Kepling gets up and walks over to Ariana and puts his paw on her thigh. "Did you train him to do that?" Ariana asks smiling really big. "Somewhat. I told him Ariana was the prettiest girl in the world and he picked up on it." Ariana has tears in her eyes now, but thank God they are out of happiness this time. "I don't think you understand how in love I am with you." She says. "If it's half as much as I am with you, then I think I have an idea."

We walk around for a little bit to try and decide on what to ride first. "Space Mountain?" I suggest. "You wanna ride that first? You know it's kinda rough right?" "Yeah. That's why we ride it before we eat lunch." "That's true. You know I'm already hungry again?" "It's okay I am too. And I'm sure Kepling is. I promised him a hamburger." Ariana laughs as we head to get in line for the ride. "We'll be right back bud. Just stay here and be good for the employees okay?" I say to Kepling when we get to the front of the line. He nods his head and then walks with an employee over to a cage to wait for us. Ten minutes later, we are off the ride and walking somewhere for lunch. We decide to eat at The Golden Horseshoe. After we get our food, we sit down at a table.

I'm so thankful this place isn't crowded today. In fact, the park itself isn't really crowded actually. "Here bud." I say feeding Kepling his hamburger. He quickly wolfs it down. "Easy killer, you're not gonna be able to digest anything properly at that rate." I say scratching his ears. "Oh yeah, I got you some apple slices too." I say feeding them to him. He takes his time eating them. "Good boy." I say and begin eating my food. I look over at Ariana and see she's smiling at me. "What?" I say smiling back. "Nothing. I just love the relationship between you two is all." She says making me smile. Kepling finishes his Apple slices and then rests his head on my thigh. I stroke his head with one hand and continue to hold my food with the other.

"So can I ask you something?" Ariana asks. "Anything babe." "Is there a reason we haven't talked much the past few weeks? Like other than being busy?" "I don't think so? Why do you ask?" "I don't know. I guess I'm just worried is all." I reach across the table and hold out my hand for her. She slightly smiles while bringing hers up and interlacing our fingers. "There's nothing to be worried about. Are you afraid someone else has my attention?" I ask while playfully smirking. She just rolls her eyes at my antics, but she should be use to them by now. "Well no it's just..." "Just what?" "Who's Cameron?" Oh God. What do I tell her? I mean I can't lie but I can't tell her the truth either. I swallow and begin talking. "Babe he's just one of my guy best friends. We have been best friends since the first day of kindergarten. He taught me how to swing since I was the only one in our class that didn't know how." Her face falls and I'm not sure why. Before she says anything, a group of fans surround us and begin asking for pictures and autographs. They even ask me for them. Kepling growls when they approach me. "It's alright Kep. They're just fans." I say rubbing his head and making him relax. "Sorry. He's really protective of me." I say making the fans smile and squeal. Why are they squealing? "So is Kariana a thing?" "Are you guys on a date?" "OMG did you bring her here for her birthday?" They all seem to say at once. "Look Ariana is my girl but not in that way." I say making everyone sigh. I look over at Ariana and see her face has completely fallen again. "Well not yet at least." I say making them all squeal in excitement and Ariana to smile really big. God I'm digging myself a deeper hole everyday now it seems.

After talking to the fans for a little bit, we sign a few autographs and take a few pictures with them. It was so weird doing that and not even being famous. Well I mean I guess I kinda am now but that's only because of the whole Kariana thing practically breaking Twitter. We finish eating lunch and then walk around the park to try and find other rides to get on. We do this until the fireworks at closing time. I'm sitting on the ground with Ariana laying in my arms. Kepling is sitting beside us and eying anyone that looks like they will approach us. Atta boy. "So how's your birthday been?" "The best one yet." She says kissing my cheek. The fireworks start and the two of us watch in awe. I'm waiting for the very end, which is my last surprise on the list for her birthday. The words "happy birthday Ariana" spell across the sky. Ariana gasps and turns around to look at me "I felt like just saying it out loud wasn't enough." I say shrugging. Ariana wraps her arms around me to squeeze me. "Ari. Can't. Breathe." I say making her loosen her grip. "I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you. You're so perfect." She tells me. "You being with me is enough payment. Now let's go meet Jennette for our threesome supper." "Well that's one way to put it."


11:30 pm

"God I'm so exhausted. I need a bath." Ariana says when we walk into her apartment. "Okay go take a bath. I'm gonna get Kepling settled." "Kk." She says going into her bathroom and turning the water on. I get his blanket and pillow out of my suitcase and lay it in the living room. "Alright Kep, time to go to bed." I say. Kepling walks over and sprawls out on his blanket while laying his head on his pillow. "That a boy. I'm gonna be staying in Ariana's room so come get me if you need me okay?" He nods his head. "Good boy. Goodnight Kep, I love you." I say kissing him on his head. He licks my face and then barks. I scratch his head and then go into Ariana's room.

"Hey Katy?" Ariana yells from her bathroom. "Yeah babe?" I say walking in there. "Are you not gonna join me?" She says smiling innocently. She's sitting in the tub and it's filled with bubbles. "Someone play Pony cause Katy is stripping." I say taking my clothes off and joining her. I sit behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. We sit in silence, but it's a comfortable silence. Or so I thought. I hear Ariana start to sniffle. "Babe?" I say. "Yeah?" She says shakily. "Why are you crying?" I say holding her tighter and drawing circles on her torso. "It just sucks that we hardly get to talk now. Today was one of the best days of my life and it kills me to think that you're gonna have to leave me again." This time she's sobbing. My heart is aching so badly right now, and there's nothing I can do about it either. I can't move out here for another year at least and both of us have busy ass schedules that we can't ever seem to work around. "We may be apart physically but I want you to know that I'll still always be with you. Nothing in the world can separate us or make me stop loving you or even forget about you, no matter how busy our schedules become." She finally starts to calm down. "I love you." She says when she does. I love you too." It goes quiet again for a few seconds before my phone starts to ring. I pick it up to see Captain Cam appear on my screen. Literally. So. Fucked.

So college and work are so cray cray. May or may not have been passing out as soon as I get home. Whoops. Anyways here's a nice little update. Don't forget to review and favorite :). Until next time.

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