Hetalia X Male Reader Oneshot...

By SummerBeilschmidt

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I take requests!~ Don't be shy. I'm sorry for any spelling errors, wrong use of language, fangirling (or fanb... More

Hallo Readers!~โค
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France X Innocent!Shy!Male Reader: Premiรจre Fois (Lemon)
Germany X Intimidating!Male Reader: Horror Movies (Lemon)
America X Male Reader X Russia: Sharing (Lemon)
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The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Japan's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Romano's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Berlin's Ending)
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Spain X Chubby!Male Reader: Thick Thighs (Lemon)
Prussia x Suicidal!Male Reader: Perfect
Prussia x Suicidal!M!Reader: Perfect (Happy Ending)
Norway x Innocent!M!Reader: Buttermilk and Honey Bath
2pEngland x Anorexic!M!Reader: No More Cupcakes
M!Reader x Oliver: Massage (Lime)
Franรงois x M!Reader: That Three Lettered Word
Greece x Neko!Chubby!M!Preg!Reader: Pampered
Intoxicated!Scotland x Intoxicated!Reader: Heat of the Moment (Lime)
Romance/Fluff Request Page
Dark/Depressing Request Page
Sexual/Lime/Lemon Request Page
Intimidating Trio x Short!Male Reader: Friendly Kisses
Prussia x Pregnant!M Reader: Wurst Cravings
Shy!Nerdy!Russia x Blunt!M!Reader: Secret Writer
America x Ghost!M Reader: Love Over Fear
Austria x M!Reader: Unholy Night (Christmas Special Lime)
Iceland x M!Reader: Scared of the Dark
Germanic!M Reader x Italy: Summer Heat (Lemon)
Chibi!Russia x Kind!Loving!M Reader: A Broken Promise
Canada x Popular!M Reader: Heartbeat
Young!France x Older!Injuried!M Reader x Child!England: Together
Soldier!Italy x Soldier!M!Reader: Golden Rings
Hiatus ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ
2pCanada x Shy!Pudgy!M Reader: A Night Under the Stars
Uke!Australia x Seme!M Reader: Birthday Sex Surprise (Lemon)
Netherlands x Soulmate!M Reader: At First Sight (Soulmate AU)
Not A One-Shot
Lithuania x Butler!M Reader: At Your Service, Mr. Laurinaitis
After Four Long Years....
2pGermany x Chubby!M Reader: Cream (Lime)
Villian!Turkey x Prince!Reader: Unexpected Hero

The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Prussia's Ending)

5.7K 119 35
By SummerBeilschmidt

You nervously tapped your foot, wondering if you should call or not. You sighed, shaking your head.
"I can't do this! I just can't!" You said, throwing your phone down. You huffed and grabbed your pillow, burying your face in it. You continued to shake your head, mumbling that you can't.
You soon had to pull away from the pillow, needing air. Your eyes traveled to your phone, the piece of paper wedged beneath it. You continued to stare at it for a bit before grumbling.

"It would be rude to have the number and not call, or at least text..." You said aloud to yourself, picking up your phone. You began to dial the the number, feeling yourself beginning to sweat.

Soon your phone begins to ring, calling your anonymous number. You became nervous the longer you waited, your hand subconsciously going to your pillow. You began to squeeze it, much like a stress ball. You took a dew deep breathes, trying to calm yourself. It's going to be OK...

"Hallo?" A voice laced with a German accent asked, the voice a big hyper and excited. You gulped a bit, trying to fins your voice.

"H-hello um this is uh _-_____ from the café..." You stuttered, gripping your phone. You heard a weird snake like hiss and and a small intake of breath.

"_____! You finally called the awesome me! I was beginning to worry!" He said loudly, making you flinch. You gave a small him, bidding your head.

"I'm sorry... I was just s-scared to call..." You said, a small noise of embarrassment escaping your lips after the statement. This caused the man to chuckle, making your cheeks heat up.

"It's okay little birdie~ I am the awesome Gilbert by the way! Keseseseseseseses!~"


You slowly laid down, pulling the blankets up over you. You sighed happily when your head met the soft pillow, a small yawn escaped your lips. You got comfortable, snuggling in the blankets.

You were very tired after having a nearly three hour conversation with Gil, it now being two in the morning. You couldn't hear much out of your ear now from how loud he was, a muffled buzzing irritating you.

You flipped, needing a new position.

Gil sounded like a nice guy. Loud, yes, but he also sounded caring by the way he talked about his younger brother Ludwig, and his sick friends Antonio and Francis, who he was currently taking care of.

"The two have a small little bug, but they're acting like it's killing them. Kesesesese~ Dummkopf's! Oh, wait a moment... I'm coming with your soup Francis, damn, hold on!"

He didn't let you talk much, but you didn't mind. You didn't really like talking over the phone anyways. You moaned softly when you finally found the right position, pulling a pillow into your arms. You hugged it, eyes getting heavy.

"So... How about a date tomorrow with the awesome me? How about the movie theatre? Sounds awesome right?!"

You never got to answer him before he moved onto a different subject. A movie date did sound fun...

You smiled as you closed your eyes, drifting off. You heard Gil whisper in a soft tone.

"Gute Nacht, _____."

You fell asleep with a warm feeling in your heart.


You cried softly, stuffing another spoon full of (f/ice cream flavor) in your mouth. A warm (f/c) blanket draped over your shoulders, catching your tears. You let out a soft sob and a hiccup.

"Why? Why?! Why him?!" You cried, letting out a loud cry as you continued to eat. You looked back at the TV, seeing the end credits rolling across the screen.

That's right, you were crying over a movie. Fault in Our Stars to be specific.

You were already a emotional person, but Augustus Waters death hit you hard in the feels. You didn't read the book, mainly because you couldn't find the time because of the café and being drained when you get home. You don't know if you can even read the book noe, not wanting to go through the emotional trauma again.

You laid down, curling into a ball. You sniffle and shiver, eating more ice cream.

You're living room was dark, having your curtains pulled close. You didn't even know if the sun was out, or if it was raining or what not.

You sighed, closing your eyes. Of all things to do on the weekend, you watch a movie that turned you into a crying mess.

You pulled the blankets around yourself more, needing some comfort that the ice cream wasn't providing. Your mind wandered, thinking about your date tonight. But then you thought, what if he was with you now...

"Shhh... It's OK..." Gil said, his large hand gently rubbing your back. He gently stroked your cheek, pressing another cold spoon to your lips. You happily excepted the ice cream, Gil smiling.

You shot up, blushing darkly. You hid your face, scolding your mind for thinking such thing!

The room slowly dimmed until the room was completely dark, the only light being the soft glow of the huge theatre screen. You looked up at the screen, slowly eating a hand full of popcorn.

An arm slowly snaked a found your shoulders, pulling you into a broad chest. You swallowed and looked up into bright crimson orbs. Gil grinned down at you, slowly getting closer to your face. You felt your face heat up, eyes fluttering shut when his lips met y-

Your phone suddenly rang, making you jump. Your heart was racing, your breath quick. You tried to make yourself calm down, answering​ your phone.

"H-hello?" You asked softly, placing a hand over your thumping heart. Your body had become warm, you letting the blankets slip away.

"Halllllo!~ Kesesesesesesese~" You heard a unique voice said that you instantly recognized as Gil's.

You gave a soft smile, your heart now racing for a different reason. You softly smiled, grabbing your ice cream again.

"Hello Gilbert." You said barely above a whisper, eating a spoon full of your frozen treat. You heard Gil huff, meaning he was probably smiling.

"Hey!~ Can just call me Gil, please! So, are you ready for tonight?" He asked, you hearing shuffling in the background. You hummed and nodded, eating more.

"I'll be ready soon. Is it OK if I pick you up?" He asked, h mumbling something under his breath. You gave a small cough, your eyes widening.

"Almost ready?" You asked, seeing the container down. You swear you heard Gil, scoff a bit.

"Ja, it's seven and the movie starts at eight." He said, making you pale. You quietly cursed, quickly standing up.

"I didn't know it was that late!" You said. You had dropped your phone, not realizing it. You quickly went upstairs, grabbing some clothes before going to the bathroom.

Gil laughed a bit before hanging up.


You tugged on your (f/c) shirt and wiggled into your tight jeans, quickly brushing your hair. You rushed to your room, quickly putting on your shoes. You glanced at the time, finding it was seven forty five. You cursed yourself before hurrying downstairs.

You planned to quickly clean up, not wanting to do anything tomorrow. But you froze in your tracks once you made it to the bottom of the stairs, seeing someone sitting on the couch.

You began to panic, heart racing. You felt your legs being to shaky, you throat going dry. You slowly moved forward, thinking about what to say.

"Um..." You said, now at the edge of the couch. The person looked up at you, red eyed looking at you. A smile formed on their pale face, silver blonde hair being brushed to the side.

"Are you ready?" He asked, you realizing it was Gil. You slowly relaxed, a wave of relief falling over you.

"Gilbert?" You asked, wanting to confirm it before getting too relaxed. He smiled and nodded, standing up.

"In the flesh!~" He said with a cocky grin, running a hand through his hair. He stood up and swaggered over you, your face heating up.

"You know... I like (f/ice cream) too." He said, licking his lips. You squeaked, taking a step back. Gil chuckled before plopping back down on the couch.

"Hope you don't mind that I intruded. It was raining outside and your door was unlocked, so I just kind of just came in." He said with a small shrug, looking at you.

You gulped and shook your head, looking down. Gil smiled, crossing his legs and getting comfortable.

"So... The date is cancelled." He said after a bit, breaking the silence. You looked at him, you're heart breaking a little.

"W-what?" You asked, already tearing up. Had you took too long? Was he mad that you forgot? Oh god...

You looked down, bringing a hand up to whip away your tear. You began beat yourself down, blaming yourself. You were the reason the date was cancelled. This was all your fault.

You didn't notice that you had began to full fledge cry, tears streaming down your face. You were shaking, your frame shaking lightly. You are such a fuck up, you told yourself. A fat, good for nothing, cow.

"I mean, it is raining and I walked here since my bruder has the car. And I think I'd much rather stay here and eat ice cream rather than go and munch on week old popcorn..." He said, his voice breaking your thoughts.

You looked up, tears slowly stopping. Gilbert gave a soft smile before standing up, moving to whip your years away.

"What're the tears for? Thought I was ditching you?" He asked, his large thumb stroking your cheek

You sniffled and hiccuped, nodding a little. You leaned into Gil's touch, soon meeting his chest. You could hear Gil's heart beat which was beginning to beat slightly faster.

"I would never do that to you." He said softly, a hand gently threading and unthreading through your hair. You leaned more into him, closing your eyes. You enjoyed his warm body and his soft touch, nearly messing into him.

You squeaked when you were pushed on the couch, your face going flush as you looked up at Gil. He grinned down at you.

"Stay here and I'll get what we need while you find a movie." He said before turning and walking off. You watched him, seeing that he went to the kitchen.

You sat there, blushing, trying to process what had happened. Your attention was soon pulled to the slight popping sounds from the kitchen, the familiar smell of popcorn reaching you. You gave a small smile, beginning to look for a movie on Netflix.

You settled on the Blair Witch Project. Of all things you could have picked, a horror movie was it. Though you were sure you would have nightmares later, you didn't really know what else to watch.

You jumped when arms suddenly came around you, setting a bowl of popcorn in your lap. You heard a snake like laugh, looking up to see a grinning Gilbert.

"You're easy to scare." He chuckled, his arms disappearing from around you. You lightly blushed, looking down at the bowl of popcorn. The couch cushion beside you sunk, your body slowly inching the other way before leaning against Gil.

You blushed, realizing this and tried to move away. But an arm wrapped around your shoulders, keeping you in place. You stayed still, the pink streak across your nose darkened.

The arm moved lower to settle on your waist, causing you to bit your lip. The remote that was in your hand was gently slipped away, the movie starting. You gulped, subconsciously moving closer to Gil. You missing the smile on his face.


You were clutching to Gil's shirt, your eyes clenched shut. Your face was buried in Gil's side, tears of fear falling down your cheeks. You were shaking and whimpering, your heart pounding in your chest.

Gil was gently rubbing your back, cooing soft things to you. You had been like this ever since the beginning of the movie, but kept telling Gil you were fine and continued to wash it.

Now you were hyperventilating, clinging to Gil for dear life. The popcorn was spilled on the floor, forgotten by the both of you. The larger male had moved you into his lap, your head resting on his shoulder.

You sniffled and shivered, nuzzling into Gilbert's neck. Your arms naturally wrapping around him, hugging him. Gil chuckled lightly, nuzzling you a bit.

A small yawn surpassed your lips as your eyes became heavy, it was only 8 p.m. and you didn't want to go to sleep. Knowing that nightmares were awaiting you. You held back multiple yawns and had to wake yourself up, you didn't want Gilbert to notice this.

But one yawn got his attention that made him shift the position from sitting to laying down. Your back pressed up against his chest while his arm acted liked a pillow for your head while your shoulder was a pillow for Gilbert.

"You can go to sleep if you want, I'll stay with you and keep the nightmares away." He smiled as he used his free hand to trace your side, luring you further into sleep.

Your eyes slowly dropped close and your breathing slowed. Within minutes you were asleep. Gil kept his promise, keeping the monsters away.

~ 1 Year Time Skip ~

You moaned softly as when the warm water hit your skin, a small shiver running down your spine. You closed your eyes, letting the water soak your hair and skin.

Your day had been very stressful at the café, a day full of the usual insults and such. But you paid no mind to them anymore, not letting them effect you too much. Knowing that Gil would help you forget about them later. Which resulted, in most nights, resulted in you being sore the next day.

You gasped softly when two cold arms wrapped around you, your eyes flying open. You looked up, finding Gil grinning down at you. You gave a sheepish smile, your face lightly up. "H-Hey Gilbert." You said softly.

Gilbert chuckled, pulling you into his chest. He began to kiss and nibble your neck, not replying to your greeting. You gasped again, biting your bottom lip.

"Francis said you were picked on again..." He mumbled against your skin, soon finding your sweet spot. You moaned, your fingers finding your hair.

Gilbert's friend, Francis, had started working at the café a few months after you and Gilbert started dating. He was a bit of a watchdog over you for Gilbert, telling Gil what happened at the café when you didn't since you were usually tired and hungry.

You hummed and nodded, knowing it was useless to deny it. You felt Gil frown against your skin, his grip tightening.

"Those bastards, picking on my little birdie. Jealous that this ass belongs to me~" He purred before gripping your round butt. You squeaked, your face, ears, and neck turning red. You swat the albino behind you, huffing.

This caused Gilbert to laugh, hugging you and nuzzling you. He kissed your cheek and smiled.

"Come on, let's finish showering and cuddle." He said, grabbing the soap. You nodded in agreement.

"Don't forget about my (f/ice cream)..."

"... That's what I forgot to buy today...)

"Gil... Damnit..."

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