Hetalia X Male Reader Oneshot...

By SummerBeilschmidt

863K 12K 5.8K

I take requests!~ Don't be shy. I'm sorry for any spelling errors, wrong use of language, fangirling (or fanb... More

Hallo Readers!~❤
Italy X Silent!Male Reader: Thunder Storms & Nightmares
China X Tsundere!Male!Reader: I'm Not Cute!!!
England X Male Reader: Body Heat
Sick!Germany X Male Reader: Love Sick
Norway X Imaginary!Male Reader: Midnight Wish
Russia X Sleepy!Male Reader: Snow Dreams
Sweden X Shy!Male Reader: Snow Days (Lemon)
2pItaly X Shy!Male Reader: Home Alone (Lemon)
England X Aphrodisiacated!Male Reader: Heated Spells (Lemon)
France X Innocent!Shy!Male Reader: Première Fois (Lemon)
Germany X Intimidating!Male Reader: Horror Movies (Lemon)
America X Male Reader X Russia: Sharing (Lemon)
Welcome To Halloween Hetalia~ :3
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Hetalia Halloween: Vodka Bottle - Russia
Hetalia Halloween: Maple Leaf - Canada
Hetalia Halloween: White Flag - Italy
Hetalia Halloween: Iron Cross - Germany
Welcome To Halloween Hetalia~ :3 Update
Drunk!Prussia X Drunk!Male Reader: Beer Flavored Kisses
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Prussia X Dominant!Uke?Male Reader: Sie Beherrschen (Lemon)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Intro)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader : Here's My Number (Germany's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Italy's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Prussia's Ending)
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François x M!Reader: That Three Lettered Word
Greece x Neko!Chubby!M!Preg!Reader: Pampered
Intoxicated!Scotland x Intoxicated!Reader: Heat of the Moment (Lime)
Romance/Fluff Request Page
Dark/Depressing Request Page
Sexual/Lime/Lemon Request Page
Intimidating Trio x Short!Male Reader: Friendly Kisses
Prussia x Pregnant!M Reader: Wurst Cravings
Shy!Nerdy!Russia x Blunt!M!Reader: Secret Writer
America x Ghost!M Reader: Love Over Fear
Austria x M!Reader: Unholy Night (Christmas Special Lime)
Iceland x M!Reader: Scared of the Dark
Germanic!M Reader x Italy: Summer Heat (Lemon)
Chibi!Russia x Kind!Loving!M Reader: A Broken Promise
Canada x Popular!M Reader: Heartbeat
Young!France x Older!Injuried!M Reader x Child!England: Together
Soldier!Italy x Soldier!M!Reader: Golden Rings
Hiatus 😥😥😥
2pCanada x Shy!Pudgy!M Reader: A Night Under the Stars
Uke!Australia x Seme!M Reader: Birthday Sex Surprise (Lemon)
Netherlands x Soulmate!M Reader: At First Sight (Soulmate AU)
Not A One-Shot
Lithuania x Butler!M Reader: At Your Service, Mr. Laurinaitis
After Four Long Years....
2pGermany x Chubby!M Reader: Cream (Lime)
Villian!Turkey x Prince!Reader: Unexpected Hero

The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Japan's Ending)

5.8K 118 37
By SummerBeilschmidt

'I should just call to see which one it was.' You thought, chewing on the inside of your cheek. You looked down at your phone, the dial pad waiting for you to type the number. You glanced at the paper, your finger drifting to the first number. You gulped, pressing the number.

You quickly pressed the rest, your heart racing. Your mind was screaming at you, asking why you did that. You didn't know, you just did it. You cursed yourself, clenching your eyes shut. To late to turn back now. Hopefully the person went to bed and won't pick up, maybe they'll call you back tomorrow while you're at the café. Yeah! And you could have-

"Herro?" A soft Japanese accent asked, interrupting your thought. You squeaked, jumping in surprise. You were shaking, your eyes wide.

"S-sorry! Wrong number!" You said quickly before handing up. You nearly threw your phone as you grabbed a pillow, hiding your face. Oh god! They answered! Please don't call back! Please don't call back! Please don't call back! You prayed to yourself, waiting for your phone to ring.

A few minutes passed and nothing happened. You slowly came out of you little blanket and pillow shelf. You picked up your phone, sighing in relief. You were about to power it off when you noticed you had a message. You looked at it, curious on who texted you. Your friends when to never text you past a certain time, even if it was urgent. You pressed it, the screens switching.

You looked at the number, hoping it was either Felix or maybe Ravis. But you didn't recognize the number, this making you panic inside a bit. You gulped, forcing yourself to read the message.

~ Hello. Are you _____, from the café?

You hesitated for a moment, thinking about what to reply. You shook your head before typing your reply.

~ Yes I am. And may I ask who you are?

A few moments passed, you getting uneasy by how long it was taking. There was a small ding, signalling you had received a message. You opening the message and read.

~ My name is Honda Kiku, but you can call me Kiku. I'm glad you decided to call me... Well, hang up on me. Lol

You gave a small smile at the end, giving a soft giggle. You laid back into your pillows, typing your reply.


You softly yawned, pulling your blankets up around you. You nuzzled your pillows, getting comfortable. You stared at the wall as you started to drift off, eyes slipping closed. Your mind was still buzzing from the conversation you had with Kiku, a small smile coming to your lips.

Kiku ~ You seem like a very nice person from what I saw on the café. Your smile is so bright.

You blushed a little at this and made a small noise, hiding your face in your pillow.

Kiku ~ Oh you want to go on the sate tomorrow? I don't get off of work until late. But I can work something out. Where can I meet you?

"At the little book store across town..." You said quietly to yourself, softly smiling. You began to drift off, remembering Kiku's last message.

Kiku ~ Oyasumi _____, I can't wait for tomorrow. Sweet dreams

"I will..." You said before falling asleep.


You whimpered, holding back tears. You looked in the bathroom mirror, whipping whipped cream and strawberry bites off your face and picking crumbs out of your hair. The white of your uniform was stained brown, the scent of coffee reeking off of you.
You jumped when the bathroom door slammed open, Felix hurrying in. You quickly looked down, your tears finally slipping from your eyes. A hand fell on your shoulders, making you tense.

"L-leave me alone..." You whispered harshly, jerking away from the hand. Felix sighed, turning you towards him. He began to help, grabbing paler towels and wetting them. You left our a soft sob, flinching when it touched your cheek.

"Abel, like, threw that girl out. He was so mad I thought he was like going to kill the bitch..." He said with a small smile, throwing the dirty towels away and grabbing a few more. You gave a small nod, not wanting to speak.

Felix soon had you cleaned up, except for your uniform. "I hope you brought some extra clothes for your like date tonight." He said, motioning to the stained fabric. You shook your head, you didn't think about that.

Felix tsked and shook his head. "What time is your date?" He asked, washing his hands. You shrugged and looked at the tiled floor.

"I don't know. We were just supposed to meet at the little bookstore I always go to." You said, shifting on your feet. Felix hummed as he dried his hands on the front of his uniform.

"Sounds a little like boring." He said, looking at you. You shrunk further into yourself, giving a shaky sigh. Of course he would think that. Why of all times does he decided to do this? Before he could say anything else, you turned and quickly left.

The café was quiet, only some random murmurs. Abel must have yelled, making that two days in a row this week. Your shoulders hunched down, knowing it was your fault for the reasons he yelled. Also the reason why the café was losing customers.

You bumped into someone, making you squeak in surprise. You looked up, seeing Abel looking down at you. He didn't say anything which was normal, but for some reason. His eyes were a bit different. You could feel some eyes watching you, making you feel uncomfortable. You felt your shyness bubbling and something starts to break inside you.

You didn't know what happened next. You burst into tears, hugging Abel. He was surprised​ which made him tense, which made you let him go.

"I-I'm sorry Abel but I-I... I quite!" You said running away, quickly leaving the café.


You spent the rest of the day at home crying, curled up in the blankets. You ignored any calls from Abel or Emma, not wanting to talk to anyone. You weren't going back, you made up your mind. You've had enough of the bullying, the screaming, and cursing from the customers. Hopefully you could find a job that didn't involve too much interaction with people.

So it was late evening and you finally decided to emerge from your room. You want to the kitchen and found some (f/comfort food), giving a small smile. You took it to the living and sat on the couch, turning on the TV. You found (f/TV show) and watched an episode or two.

You were about to start another episode when your phone buzzed, you frowned and ignored it. A few minutes passed before it buzzed again. You continued to ignore it.
After the buzzing stopped for a while, you decided to see who was trying to talk to you. You picked up your phone, looking at the notifications.

Kiku ~ Where are? I'm at the bookstore now and I can't find you.

Your eyes widened. "Fudge!" You cursed, shooting up. You hurried upstairs to your room, looking for an outfit. As you changed, you quickly replied to Kiku, telling him you had lost track of time but you were on your way.
You were putting on your coat when your phone buzzed again, you read it.

Kiku ~ Alright. Be safe.

You smiled a bit, turning off your phone and putting it in your pocket. You made sure all the lights were off before leaving the house, turning on the porch light. You left the house, locking the door. It was a bit cold outside, snow starting to cover the ground. You shivered, hugging yourself. You hurried down the street as fast as you could.

~ Time Skip ~

You heard the little bell ding as you entered the shop, shivering violently. You were covered in a light layer of snow, which fell around you as you shivered. You gave a small sigh at the warmth of the store, slowly heating up.

You glanced around, seeing that the store was nearly empty. The old store clerk was behind his desk reading a book, not really acknowledging you. You began to look around for Kiku.

You looked around for a bit, not being able to find Kiku. You began to worry. Did he go home? Did he leave to look for you? Or did he stand you up?

"_____-chan?" A soft voice asked, making you jumped and squeak in surprise. You snapped around, taking a step back. Your eyes were wide and you heart raced, quickly seeing who had called your name.

The ravenette you saw yesterday was standing in front of you, looking at you curiously. He was holding a few books in hand, his free hand brushing hair out of his face. His chocolate orbs shined as he gave a small smile, walking up to you.

"You finarry came." He said, switching hands that was holding the books. You gulped and nodded, looking down at your feet.

"Sorry for being so late..." You said quietly, lacing your fingers together and slowly rubbing your palm with your other thumb. You shifted on your feet, not knowing what else to say.

"So, want to look around for some books?" Kiku asked, breaking the silence. You looked up and nodded with a blush, Kiku smiling a bit. He turned and walked away, stopping and looking back at you to follow. You did after a bit, joining his side.

You two looked around the entire store, searching for books. You both enjoyed the anime section, finding that you both like the same anime. Kiku got some books that he didn't have while you browsed, not having that much money.
Soon you ventured into the romance section, you're eyes began sparkling with life. You never knew why, bit you absolutely loved romance novels. You quickly went onto the isle, looking around like a little kid.

Kiku was behind you, smiling at your reactions. You looked around at the different books, wanting to but each one. You noticed one on the shelf above your head that caught your interest. You stood on your tiptoes, trying to reach it.

Your fingers brushed it, pushing it back. You posted and tried again, grabbing the spine and pulling back. The book fell from your hand, landing on by your feet with a semi-loud thud. You cursed, bending down to pick it up.

You suddenly hit your head hard, crying out in pain. You quickly stood up, rubbing your throbbing head. Tears formed, you closing your eyes to contain them.

'I'm such a clumsy cow! Kiku is probably laughing at m-!' You weren't able to complete your thought when something soft touched your forehead. Your eyes slowly opened, wide with confusion. You blushed darkly when you realized that Kiku had kissed you.

He pulled away, a dark blush on his face. "P-prease don't cry." He stuttered, looking away. You said nothing, still frozen in place. Kiku became uneasy, looking around. His eyes suddenly fell on the book on the floor, a brief smile on his face. He picked it up and handed it to you. You snapped out of it and took it, quietly thanking him.
He smiled and nodded. You smiled as well before looking down at the book, turning a bit to put it back.

"Don't you want it?" Kiku asked, making you stop. You settled back on your feet, looking to the aide, not being able to look at him directly.

"I-I don't have enough money..." You said quietly, hugging the book to your chest. Kiku hummed, looking down at you.

"I'rr buy it for you." He said, making you look up. You quickly shook your head, putting the book back.

"N-no! You don't have to!" You squeaked, quickly shaking your head. Kiku softly smiled, reaching up to get the book. He added it to the stack of book he had.

"I insist... Any other books you want?" He asked, looking at the books beside him. You didn't know what to do, so you just stood there dumbly. After a bit you slowly nodded before hurrying off.

Kiku watched you hurry off, chuckling to himself. Little did he know was that he was going to buy twenty some books that night, and take his new boyfriend to his house to watch anime.

~ Year Time Skip ~

The room smelled strongly of sakura as candles burned, lightly making the room glow along with the TV that displayed some anime. You were sitting on the ground reading a manga book while Pochi was curled up to your side asleep. Kiku sat infront of you with a sketch book in hand, drawing what ever came to your mind.
As you read, you noticed that Kiku would take slight glances at you before scribbling in his book and look back up.

~ Kiku's POV ~

I glanced at _____, who was reading (f/anime manga) that I got for his birthday, a smile on his round face. I couldn't help but smile too, he's the only one who could make me do this. I soon found myself staring at him intently.

The candles and TV casted a soft light that gave his plush body that I love to cuddle up with a night, making him seem magical. His usual (h/dimension- curly, straight, etc.)  hair was combed, the only thing sticking out of place was a few stubborn pieces that fell in his face. His lips were slightly pursued as his (e/c) eyes quickly scanned the page before moving to the next.

Without realising it, I had started to draw an anime version of him.

~ Normal POV ~

You gently closed the book and sat it beside you, crawling over to Kiku. You looked over his shoulder and saw thousands and thousands of manga drawings.

"Woah, you're really good Kiku. Can you teach me?" You asked as you sat beside him, laying your head on his shoulder. He briefly stopped drawing and closed his book, laying it on the ground infront of him. He gently placed his head on top of yours.

"Maybe rater, I need to take a break..." He said before lightly stretching his arms and wrapped them around you. You lightly laughed, nuzzling him.
"No more personal space?" You asked teasingly, poking his nose. You heard Kiku chuckle as he tightened his grip a bit, hand caressing your soft belly.

"Onry for you..." He said softly, rubbing your side which made you jerk. You knew that Kiku knows that you're extremely ticklish.

"Kiku Honda, don't you dare!" You threatened as you tried to push him away, trying to scramble to your feet. But he was much stronger than you.

"Don't do what _____-chan?" He asked innocently as he moved you into his lap, his smile growing.

"D-don't play innocent with me! Your gonna tickle me and you know it!" You laughed as I gently pushed him back.

"And if I was?" He asked with a devious smile, his leg coming across yours so you couldn't move them. I grinned, "You're gonna have to catch me first!"

You tried to get up, only to be pinned to the ground by Kiku, your hands being held above your head with one hand while his other was free.

"K-Kiku please!" You pleaded, struggling against his grip but failed. He smiled before attacking your soft sides, making you burst into laughter.

"Hahaha~ K-Kiku s-sto ahahaha~! You pleaded as he let go of your hands and used both of his hands, your laughter increasing.
You tried to get away but noticed that he was sitting on top of you, keeping you trapped underneath him.

Your sides began to ache and your breath became uneasy, soon your were coughing violently, making Kiku stop. "_____ are you OK!? I didn't mean to do it so hard!" Kiku asked as he pushed himself off and helped you sit up, your coughing dying down a little.

"Yeah I'm fine." You said between coughs as you took in a deep breath that went out shaky, coughing attack coming back.

"Here I'rr be right back..." Kiku said, scrambling to his feet and into the kitchen. He soon returned with a glass of water. He gave the glass to you and you slowly took a sip before drinking the whole thing, your coughing completely gone.

"Are you alright?" He asked, helping you up and going over to the couch and sitting down with you in his lap.

He gently wrapped he arms around your waist, holding you close.
"I'm sorry _____, I shourd have ristened to you." He said as he placed his head on your shoulder in shame. You lightly laughed and poked his nose, making him blink reflexively.

"Its OK Kiku, I'm just glad you did that." You said with a smile, looking up at him.

"Rerry?" He asked beside you ear, making you shiver a bit. You nodded your head, containing your blush.

"That's why I love you." You whispered before pecking his lips lightly. Kiku smiled, gently gripping your chin and tilted your head to look at him.

"Watashi mo anata mo aishiteimasu..." He said before completely turning you around, catching your lips for a sweet kiss.

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