The Boy with Bad Habits

By blackcatbri

441K 15.3K 2.2K

[Warning: this book contains SEXUAL content, crude language, drug use & abusive scenarios. If you aren't matu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Author's Note

Chapter 49

4.3K 161 45
By blackcatbri

The same routine carried on the next morning. Except I did not face the mirror when dressing. I was disgusted with the sight my tattoo produced.

Nonna didn't suspect a thing when she left for work about the car.

I said "To hell with it," and continued out the door after getting dressed and brushing my teeth. Last night I took probably an hour shower. Again, not having any time for breakfast.

The bus arrived earlier than usual which was why I almost missed it. Strangely, Willow was not there and it troubled me a bit.

It bothered me until I got on the big yellow bus to witness a sneering Blake Carson. He ofcourse was wearing the exact same dumbass letter jacket all of the jocks sported.

Marcus nodded in my direction to sit next to him. Unlike my first day, the red head wasn't a bother to me.

"Hello, earth to Ace," grey eyes met with mine in confusion. "You alright man? Seem a little distracted."

His voice brought me back to reality, "Yeah, just... worried that's all."

Why was I telling him this?

"Please don't tell me it's about that Willow chick you asked about yesterday," he rolled his eyes already having figured what truly consumed majority of my thoughts.

I sighed. "We went out last night," each word edged out one by one to make sure he didn't freak out that I spent time with the school's most hated individual.

"So you're telling me you got an easy lay? Hate to break it to you but I'm not really into hearing about someone's sex life. Especially when it involves her." His demeanor didn't really change into anger, just disgust.

"Okay one, I didn't have," I whispered because of nosy ass people, "sex with her," then back to my normal voice. "And for the love of God would you please give me an explanation as to why you'd say something like that."

Marcus went to speak but was interrupted by the bus doors opening and cutting him off. Everyone stood abruptly, "Sorry man, I'll try to catch you up at lunch, if I see you. Have a swell first b-day."

We all exited the bus, I caught notice of Blake eyeing me threateningly. He was sending me bad vibes, which was why when he offered to let me go in front of him in line, I just stood there.

"Don't trust me new kid?" His shit green eyes danced around my face for a reaction. Unfortunately for him, I did not bother giving him one.

"It's your actions I don't trust blondie."

Blake's face began to form a smirk. He went to leave the bus entirely, since everyone else did. "I bet Willow would be just fine trusting me between her legs," he muttered.

It took all but one sentence for complete and utter rage to strike me down like lightning. One movement of my wrist and I was just a centimeter away from punching the hell out of Snake Carson.

"That's enough!" The bus driver stood, stopping my movement, her hand on the radio waiting for any moment to notify Mr. Shale.

I could tell even from behind, Blake wanted this reaction from me. To lure me into his disciplinary action trap. So I'd bite the dust academically.

No way in hell was I srewing up on my last year of highschool. Even though his words screamed for me to wring his neck out in every which way. Blake's mission was to ruin my reputation, and slowly tried succeeding.

The bus driver still stood. Ass wipe's back still faced me. Dirty blonde hair captured around the nape of his neck. He was waiting for an excuse. "What's the matter Ace? Afraid of the truth are we?"

"That's enough Mr Carson!"

My eyes turned to slits. To think he'd have the nerve to even utter her name. She was a human being, not some prize to hold over my head.

"The only way you'd manage to ever get in her pants is if you were a necrophiliac and she was a fuckin' corpse," I seethed.

Blake went to either face or maul me, but before any of that was done, Mr. Shale arrived.

"Alright you two, act like adults and not children. Go to your classes and try not skin each other!" Instead of sounding angry, Mr Shale sounded a bit fed up with it and realized this probably was going to last all year.

Back still facing me, Blake left without another word while ignoring Shale's presence. "Mr Valentino could you please...." He gestured for me to leave, which I did shortly after.

I mentally thanked God I didn't have to head to his office to have a talk about our behavior. The day carried on which meant no Snake Carson.

Marcus and I never crossed paths nor did Tony and I.

Finally someone I knew came in to my B3 class. It was Alyssa who looked shocked I had been placed in Modern Global Advanced.

People gave me curious looks and whispers, identifying as a dead giveaway the whole Bus situation got out. Bastard.

"You sure know how to make a name for yourself in this school," she joked. Her book bag plopped right next to me.

"What would you do if a girl claimed to have slept with Tony?" I genuinely wanted to know.

His leather jacket was draped over her shoulders once again. The design on the back was covered by her unruly mane.

"I would go to my burger head boyfriend first, genius," she stated matter-of-factly.

"How am I supposed to ask her? Hey Willow did you possibly happen to have a fling with a stupid ass idiot jock that may be threatening my reputation? Not to mention the fact that her reputation has already been diminished somehow." I felt like going on a rant even though my words were hushed.

Alyssa looked like she didn't know whether to laugh or view me as a crazy person for freaking out over basically nothing.

"Look here, I think it's best you go to Willow with all of this no matter what the consequences. Personally, I could never see her doing something like that with a person like him. If you really want to develop some corny ass bond with her, You need to develop trust and take her word over a manwhore's, that's step one right there."

I nodded my head in understanding. Her words calmed me down exceedingly, "Yeah I guess you're right."

Then another question came to mind, "What was it you two talked about at the cookout anyway?"

She scoffed, "You're getting a little ahead of yourself bestie."

I chuckled at her humor, to which she joined too. Another thought came to mind, "I also have something else to ask?"

"Shoot for the stars," she said breathlessly in false excitement.

"Are you sure you would just go to Tony if a girl actually told you that she slept with him?"

Alyssa commented nonchalantly, "Pssh, please I'd rip that bitch's weave out before she'd even get Antonio's name out of her used mouth."

I was sent out multiple times for hysterically laughing at Alyssa's comedy. I learned her personality perfectly fit with Tony's and that they easily made out to be very compatible partners. In a way, they balanced each other out. All I knew was that if they did have kids, they'd be top models for shampoo commercials because I'll be damned if their offspring ever went bald a day in their life.

My last block was the most useless class to me, art. Since I didn't get my first choice which was psychology pre-back, my alternate had been either art or creative writing.

Everyone in the class had their eyes on me when I arrived. A familiar face resided in the back, the face I always wanted to see. It was like seeing her for the first time that day was like finally being able to sleep after a hard day at work—to breathe. She relieved and intrigued me in an unexplainable way.

"Mr. Valentino, it's good to see you've taken interest in this course of learning." The teacher was a woman with dark thick hair and wide framed glasses. She said everything very energetically.

I wanted to say this class was just a stupid alternate but realized, without it I wouldn't have been able to catch sight of Willow. "Yes, I've always been drawn to art," I spewed out convincingly.

The teacher laughed at my poor excuse of a joke and looked up due to my height, "I'm Mrs. Atkins, have a seat wherever you like. This class is to express your creativity, and if sitting in a certain spot enhances those qualities, then I'm all for it!" I was starting to believe Mrs. Atkins would've been a better theatere teacher than art.

She gave me a syllabus and I made my way to Willow while ignoring the curious glances shot at me. Her eyes met mine and she smiled gently, in a way that I felt was forced.

Signature dark pea coat of hers dangled over the chair she sat in. Wearing a modest purple sweater that brought out her eyes, and jeans.

I sat to the left of her and murmured, "You weren't on the bus this morning. How did you get here?"

"I walked," she replied shortly. In the midst I saw a twitch of her unwavering false smile.

"Alright class, today I want you to paint something that happens to express you through symbolism. Remember to add personal touches to make sure you're really getting that deaper meaning across. Art cannot be explained but your details can."

Mrs. Atkins proceeded to whip our her own cancas and display it onto an easel, "You have all block to do this. If you wish to take it home, be my guest. It is due a month from today as your first major test grade."

She too began to paint strategically. I then observed my own blank canvas only to be left clueless.

Willow gathered her paints and began to sharply stroke the brush in straight lines. She noticed me looking and turned, "Do you want help?"

Her eyes darted to my canvas and I shook my head. "No. You didn't walk to school, did you?" I knew the answer without her even uttering a word. The walk from the apartments to school was not short. Maybe around a quarter of a mile, which isn't brief on foot.

"Let's not talk about this right now." The brush in her hand began to slide eagerly.

I lifted my brush and dabbed into a color while still carrying on a conversation. "Why not? We made a deal didn't we?"

"Yeah, a deal to handle our personal lives not having to share it with one another." She added in a hushed tone. Her smile was starting to falter.

My eyebrows furrowed together, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I just don't want to talk about how I got here."

I frowned at that and how distant she was being and dropped it. "What are you painting?"

"I'm not sure, it kind of just flows," her voice trailed off, encapturing me with that melodic voice.

I stayed quiet, while staring at my blank canvas—puzzled on what to do.

The bell rang and everyone scattered to find a cloth to cover their painting. Some left with theirs to work on at home.

"Just a reminder that your life project on expression is due next month!" She shouted over the russling of art supplies and bookbag zippers.

Willow came back with her cloth and covered her painting and placed two mechanical devices to make sure it didn't smear her work.

Since I had nothing, I just carried mine as it was. When Willow went to leave, she stopped and faced me.

"I'll wait for you," her bookbag weighed her down and the canvas was propped up on her arm.

"Okay," I barely smiled and gathered everything I needed for the day.

She looked confused, "Where's your bookbag?"

"I don't have the money to pay for school supplies this year," I grunted out when it triggered embarrassment.

"I think I can help you with that."

I sighed as we walked out of the door and wished Mrs. Atkins a good rest of the day.

"Willow, I'm not going to ask you to pay for what I'll get myself in due time," I said lowly.

"It's not a problem," she beamed and I knew I couldn't deny her when it came to that beautiful smile. Crow's feet formed around her pretty brown eyes.

Snake Carson wasn't on the bus that afternoon. Good thing too, considering if he even uttered an inappropriate acknowledgment toward Willow I would have been responsible for beating his face in.

People on the bus whispered when they saw us sit together. After all that time, I felt it would be necessary to atleast ask.

"Why are they whispering?"

"Because you're sitting with someone like me," she rushed out quietly.

I scoffed, "And what's so bad about that?"

Her hand moved when it brushed against mine. I saw a useful oppurtunity and grasped it.

The little bit of warmth radiating from it felt so unfamiliar. Affection was new to me when it wasn't sex. For some reason I loved having her small hand shrinking in mine. Like a claim in a less creepy and possessive way.

"What are you doing?" She tried pulling it away but I firmly kept it in my hold.

"Until you tell me why, no," I stated stubbornly making sure to rub my thumb slightly against the outside of her hand.

The apartments were starting to come in to view. I could tell Willow tensed considerably and her hand was beginning to go limp. "Fine," she exhaled, "I'll explain everything at your place."

Lydia must've been home. Which bothered me because there was something off about Willow's behavior. Not in a schizophrenic way but moreso troubled.

I let go of her hand reluctantly and she too took her time unintentionally letting it go. The bus door opened and all of the kids from Meadow Hills Terrace stood to leave.

Marcus shot me a look as if attempting to figure me out. He seemed curious as to why I stayed close to one of the most hated girls in school it seemed. Everyone walked beside the road gate the cars were riding through. Willow paced quickly ahead of me. I didn't put in much effort to catch up to her.

Fifteen minutes later, I heard a knock at my door when just getting settled.

"Come in," I voiced out loud.

Her face peeked in until she opened the door fully. There was an aura around her that commanded you to stare in amazement. Which contradicted how I felt when she was too close to leading me to storm up lustful thoughts and wishful thinking.

Waist length ebony hair framed her small face. She looked unwilling to come in but did so.

When she entered, I noticed a plain black two strapped book bag in her hand. I resisted the urge to groan in annoyance when she went against what I had told her not to do.

"You came here for one reason, that didn't include dropping something off for the donate pile," I said gesturing towards the bookbag.

Willow's cheecks burned red yet her head leaned up in defiance, "Just because your ego is in the way of accepting a mere gift doesn't mean I'm not going to offer one."

My eyebrows turned up in slight shock at such unexpected boldness, "In all due respect, I can not accept it."

She huffed and spilled under breath, "You're impossible."

"That, I am. Now can we please talk about why you're really here?" I stood from the couch and took note of how stiff her back had gotten hearing those words.

I smirked when realizing her intention, "It's very had to stall someone like me with a bookbag Willow."

The bookbag was placed on a stool nearby by her. Each curve was accentuated by her modest clothing. Any attempt to hide it was entirely pointless. Her back was facing me and I took a pregnant pause to discreetly praise it.

She did not turn and still faced the stool when talking, "Last year was a pretty good year for me. I had a few friends, Alyssa included. My grades were still top notch even though the abuse continued."

Willow exhaled sharply, "Then one day, I'm not really sure who it was, someone took pictures of Myers leaving my apartment." I was confused when it came to this Myers character but she still went on.

"He is Lydia's...beneficial acquaintance. He'd often make nightly visits to her. Usually I would take the trash out every night and strike up a small, brief conversation with him when I'd wait for traffic to pass by to get to the dumpster and him, his car."

After turning around, the face she made converted to shame and disgust which made my stomach churn in angst. "Whoever this person was who made it their job to personally destroy me by taking photograph after photograph...succeeded. From the pictures they took of him entering Lydia's apartment to the time he left when I so happened took the trash out and talked to him. The photos were taken completely out of context, if you know what I mean."

I ran a hand down my face realizing what this meant. Yet she made it very clear. "This person made it seem like I was sleeping with this man twice my age just by speculation. They revealed the photographs online to everyone in school to make me look like a..."

She did not finish softly, her words were louder as they progressed, "A slut! A tramp! A whore! Evey word you can imagine! And as all of this happened right before summer vacation, I never got to explain my side of things. As if they'd listen anyway. Everyone shunned me except for Alyssa. Who chose not to believe them and only left because I shut her out. My reputation is ruined, which is why Ace, you can't be seen hanging around me. It only drags you down. Because I'm worst than a slut. And even being under the impression you're sleeping with me is the lowest of the low. I'm worse than a school slut. I'm a disgraceful-"


I couldn't take hearing more. These things weren't even directed toward me yet it hurt worse than a gunshot wound to the chest. It physically pained me to withstand it. She was none of those things, the fact that it seemed like she believed them hurt me most.

Willow may had felt no one cared. But I did, and always would.

My movement was quick and abrupt, startling her in the process. Soft fabric met my hands when I held on to the material of her sweater and wrapping my arms around her in an embrace. The tightest hug I had ever given anyone. I offered every emotion and feeling into it. To keep her safe temporarily from the harsh thoughts she was probably always thinking. Because of her peers, her gaurdian, her environment. All of it was leaving Willow in shambles.

"Sssh," I spoke into her soft dark hair, "That's what they want you to think. They see an easy target and shoot. And because they didn't miss, you're forced to try and make their tiny little brains understand. They don't have to. All of this shit is temporary Willow. The laughs, the cries, the hurt, and sorrow. Stay strong, if not for yourself, then please....for me. For your mother."

My voice was hoarse and rasped. Something so innocent twisted into a horrible, awful lie. Willow didn't deserved any of it. There was no reason as to why she should blame herself. Damn a reputation, she was worth more than fucking street cred.

" aren't going to leave?" She sounded scared to hear the answer. Both emotional brown eyes peering up at me in fear and misery.

"Ofcourse not. I thought you already knew I'm not going anywhere unless you wanted me to." I stated reassuringly.

Tears never left her eyes. A lot of self control was the only explanation as to why. "Thank you for not hearing them."

"Hearing who?" I asked.

"The rumors, the hurtful conversations, everything. Thank you." A sigh of relief sounded from her.

"I heard it. I just didn't care to listen, big difference love." My hand strummed through each soft lock. I always loved long hair on a girl.

We broke away after what felt like a few minutes when in actuality, twenty minutes.

She sat on the couch, her head hung slightly in shame. "I didn't betray my word." Willow fumbled with her hands nervously. "I fought back."

My chest swelled with pride as I was in shock. I followed her to the couch.

Sitting next to her, I snaked my arm around her shoulder; caressing it softly. "That's good, you should be proud."

"Then why do I feel so guilty? That type of behavior is not all. I never meant to be short with you at school Ace, but it troubled me." Willow looked lost and bewildered with herself. Yet I was slightly distracted (even though hearing it more than once) by the way my name sounded out of her mouth.

"Exactly. Because you're so used to just submitting to Lydia."

She still looked unconvinced. I shifted her head to mine with the tab of my thumb gracing her chin. "You feel guilty because she's your aunt by blood. She lost the right to call you her neice a long time ago."

A breath I didn't know she was holding in, escaped. "You don't understand. When Lydia raised her hand to slap me, I pulled out a knife and-and threatened her. She left without another word but the look she gave me promised something dangerous was to come my way."

I was gravely appalled listening to this.

I grasped Willow's shoulders to grab her attention, "That's what she wants you to think. Either way, you have proof. Lydia can do whatever she wants but if certain people get involved, it's very possible she'll end up behind bars."

A light bulb went off over her head relizing this. "You're right I suppose," she muttered, "I can get through this." Her eyes shimmered with hope.

"That's right. And before you know it, time will fly and..."

I trailed off thinking about graduation. Time really does fly when you don't wanna grow up. "We'll graduate while moving on with our lives."

An invisible cloud loomed over me at this. What was I going to do? Sure, I planned to go to college but what about everything else. Personally, I took a liking in culinary arts. But what about my background? I didn't know who my parents were and not a day went by that I didn't think about them. My life was a puzzle, and hopefully one day I'd be able to figure it out.

My love life for starters, was a sore topic yet each passing twenty four hours helped. Then again it didn't, and as long as I had it bottled up, things were never going to change.

"Ace?" Willow waved her hands. I saw them but didn't bother acknowledging it.

The tattoo I had permanently marked on my skin was always going to be there. And so was that wound in my heart. Rachel left me in ruins and I was debating on whether or not to stay that way.

"Ace, are you alright?" That time I did recognize my state and quickly tried getting out of it.

"Yeah, just....tired." I didn't sound very confident.

She stood up and faced me while standing. Still on the couch, I sat there and only had to look up a little, given that Willow was adorably small. Small enough for me to easily hug her while acting as a cocoon.

"Get some rest, I'll come by here around five tomorrow after school for your tutoring."

"Alright. I'll be here," I stated while still unfocused.

The sweet smell of perfume faintly ushered up my nose easing my mind. Simultaneously, comforting me and relishing just her being with me.

"Ace," her soft melodice voice laced with concern. "Look me straight in my eyes and tell me you're alright."

I nodded sheepishly, "Yeah... uh sorry about that. I'm alright."

Before I prepared myself, Willow leaned in and pressed a slow sincere kiss on my cheeck igniting a fire where it was placed.

She backed away with red cheecks, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

My hand met where her lips were. A genuine smile spread across mine. The feeling never got old. Causing my heart to race a million miles a minute.


Hey Peeps,
Eeeeeeep! Longest chapter so far I believe. It took quite a while to think up a plot for this since I'm a 'Do it as you go' kind of writer. I hope you enjoyed! I also finished this in study hall. Have great day/night.



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