A Drunken Mistake

By xxborntostandoutxx

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Katy Taylor is that girl you see walking down the corridor, head hanged low, trying desperatley not to draw a... More

A Drunken Mistake - Katys Prologue
A Drunken Mistake - Dylan's Prologue
A Drunken Mistake - 'I need to find whoever drew this picture.'
A Drunken Mistake - 'a feeling in my gut that something amazing just started.'
A Drunken Mistake - 'It has to be some kind of joke.'
A Drunken Mistake - 'I'm not going to rush her; I'm going to fix her.'
A Drunken Mistake - Its ok, my secrets safe, and now no one will figure it out.
A Drunken Mistake - "from the monsters"
A Drunken Mistake - Sending My Heart Soaring Once Again
A Drunken Mistake - I promise mum, I'll look after it for you.
A Drunken Mistake - "a perfect end to a perfect date"
A Drunken Mistake - Mummy, I'm so sorry
A Drunken Mistake - Oh S**t!
A Drunken Mistake - I could never bear the thought of losing her
A Drunken Mistake - "I will never forget you lot, never!"
A Drunken Mistake - ... I will find her again.
A Drunken Mistake - I've found her
A Drunken Mistake - ...I know I could stay here forever
A Drunken Mistake - "We're home bitches!"
A Drunken Mistake - ... I can't lose her again.
A Drunken Mistake - I'm slowly going to die here.
A Drunken Mistake - I also want him to remember me
A Drunken Mistake - But I have this feeling it's meant to stop beating now
A Drunken Mistake - Oh. My. Baby
A Drunken Mistake - Here comes story time...
A Drunken Mistake - "You're coming home."
A Drunken Mistake - I don't think anything can spoil this moment
A Drunken Mistake - ...I honestly can't wait until it's my turn.
A Drunken Mistake - And all that will be worth the pain we're suffering now.
A Drunken Mistake - ...the one I will hang onto forever.
A Drunken Mistake - This isn't going to go well...
A Drunken Mistake- "Miss me princess..."
A Drunken Mistake - "I'm sorry Katy,"
A Drunken Mistake - I don't want to lose her again.
A Drunken Mistake - She's my rock.
A Drunken Mistake - And I will retrieve it.
A Drunken Mistake - Time to find out the whole truth.
A Drunken Mistake - I love you too.
A Drunken Mistake - Dear Katy
A Drunken Mistake - "Will you marry me?"
A Drunken Mistake - "The suitcase can wait."
A Drunken Mistake - I can't wait to meet them.
A Drunken Mistake - "Holy S**t"
A Drunken Mistake - Here we go.
A Drunken Mistake - I have never felt so content.
A Drunken Mistake - Yeah. We are.
A Drunken Mistake - Here's to the future.

A Drunken Mistake - I guess this is what loves feels like

4.3K 132 5
By xxborntostandoutxx

Next chapter done

Let me know what you think, please vote and comment 

Thank you for reading 

Enjoy <3

'You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.'

Katy’s POV

He knows, he knows everything, it’s clearly written on his face. I can’t believe this, how does he know.

“Dylan, I can’t. My parents they’ll hear me and I’ll be screwed, literally,” I whisper shout out the window.

It’s sweet him being here, maybe he does care a little. But I can’t sneak out, I can’t leave. If Sarah or worse Michael realises I’m gone all hell would break loose. Or maybe not, maybe they wouldn’t even care.

“Look Katy, I know. I know they’re not really your parents, I know the cruel things they do to you, the cruel things they say to you and I’m so sorry for finding out against your will. I shouldn’t have come here to spy on you and I’m really and truly sorry. So I want to make it up to up to you, I want to make it better. Katy, I want to take all that hurt out of your eyes.”

Wow, he does care. Someone finally care’s about me. Well looks like my decisions made.

“You better catch me Dylan Thompson.”

Dylan’s POV

She flings herself out of her window and lands directly into my outstretched arms.

“Nice catch,” she smirks.

“Nice jump,” I smirk back.

“Quick move it fat ass, we have to get away before Sarah goes to look at her reflection in the window and sees us instead,” she laughs.

So I start to run, still cradling her in my arms, he head bouncing up and down.

“Owe Dylan, my heads bouncing like one of those dogs you put in the car,” she complains.

I only laugh at her head smacking against my chest.

I carry her far enough that we’re out of view of the house, and then I place her on her feet.

She brushes herself down, and looks into my eyes her eyes shining with happiness even though they’re still slightly puffy from crying.

I did that, I made her eyes happy, even if it is only for a little while before she has to go back to that house.

“Well, thank you for rescuing me from the monsters. Why did you follow me, why were you so desperate to know?” she asks, her eyes searching mine in curiosity.

“I needed to know, you changed without any warning, your shield suddenly got thicker and I needed to know why. But I now I see it, I see why you had that shield and why you tried to distance yourself. Katy you have every right to distance yourself from me, to be cautious. You’ve been hurt, broken and you can’t trust believe me I know the feeling,

 I’ve told myself over and over I would never love anyone, I mean all they do is hurt you. But Katy I think I’m starting to go against everything I’ve ever thought about love because I think I’m starting to fall in love with you. I know you have issues against love and I know you find it hard to trust, so believe me I don’t expect you to say it back, or to trust me yet. But I will prove to you that you can do it, don’t let what’s happening to you in that house change you forever,” I finish baring my soul.

This is the second time I’ve done this with her, told her everything going on in my life and mind.

Her eyes are boring into mine; trying to search if everything I’ve just said is true. I hope my eyes are showing everything my heart is feeling.

It’s barely been a week of knowing this girl, of being around her but my mind couldn’t control the feelings I started to feel towards her. My heart willingly opened to her, to everything about her and I need this girl.

I need to her to survive, to go on. She’s giving me strength and I can’t lose her.

But I know she can’t love me back yet, her heart is too guarded by her mind. I need to give her time, I need to be patient.

Her eyes show confusion, and worry. She’s finding it hard to believe.

“Why would you ever love a girl like me? Like you said I’m broken, but I’m more than that. Dylan, I’m damaged beyond repair; I’m never gonna be anything close to what you deserve to have. You deserve to have someone that won’t constantly question your feelings or your intentions; you need someone that will be able to give you her whole heart,

My heart is so wrapped in bubble wrap; nothing will ever be able to break through. Its sealed shut, sealed tight, no one’s ever getting to it. It’s to stop me from getting hurt, to stop the pain. But you see, you’ve started to work your way through my shield as you put it, you’ve started to make cracks. But it scares me, oh Dylan it scares me so much. I’ve promised myself I would never fall in love, I don’t want to get hurt so the fact that I might have started to fall in love with you scares the crap out of me. I don’t know if I can do it,” she whispers the last bit, the fear evident in her eyes.

She might feel the same way towards me, but she can’t let herself fall I understand that. I can barely do it myself.

“Katy, I promise I would never hurt you. I’ve seen what it does, my parent’s do it every day and it takes its toll. They’re both bitter and fed up with the sight of each other. I would never want it to be that way with you. It wouldn’t be the way it is with your foster parent’s.”

“I know Dylan, I know,” she whispers. Her eyes start tearing up as they look into mine. Maybe she could let herself love me.

“You deserve to know, I mean you’ve found out some of the story on your own, but you don’t know all of it, all of the details,” she sighs.

“I once had a mum, dad and twin brothers. We lived in a big house in the middle of London, my dad was owned some sort of company I never knew the name of but it did well enough to buy us a house with seven bedrooms and a bathroom for each of us,

I loved everything about my life, my family. They were amazing from what I can remember. Mum was always baking and cleaning, she loved to have a clean house and to have it smelling of homemade baking. Dad was mostly busy with work, he’s not in most of my memories, but I do remember a weekend where he didn’t go to work and to he took me to the park for hours, just pushing me on the swings. The twins were two years younger than me more mischievous too; they were always getting in trouble,” she smiles at the memory with a faraway look in her eyes. She really loved her family.

“It all happened when I was seven. Mum and Dad had a charity lunch they needed to go to which I hated. They were always filled with old boring people talking about finance and business, not the idea of fun for a seven year old. The twin’s had a birthday party to go to so they got me a baby sitter and headed out,

An hour later my babysitter was rushing me to the hospital to see my family. A drunk driver went through a red light as their car went through the green and went straight into our car. My mum and Jared died on impact the car hit them on their side, Luke died a couple hours later and my dad slipped into a coma for a couple of weeks but he never woke up,” the tears in her eyes overflow and slowly roll down her cheek.

I wish I could take the pain away, the pain she feels for her dead family. I wish I could make her feel better.

“Katy, I’m so sorry,” I breathe.

Katy’s POV

I can’t believe this, this boy loves me and I might love him back. I just poured my soul out to him, told him stuff I’ve never told anyone before.

Why would he want me, why would he ever want a broken damaged girl? I might never be able to love him like he deserves, he deserves so much more than me.

“You still haven’t answered my question, how can you ever love a girl like me? I got told when my family died that they were in a happy place, that they will be happier where they are. To any seven year old that sounded like they were happier without you, happier because I wasn’t there with them. All my fears were made worse when I went to live with Sarah and Michael; they were always telling me that I was worthless and a disappointment,

So you deserve someone who can give you her whole heart Dylan, and I know that any girl would be willing to have you.”

He sighs and hangs his head in frustration.

“Katy, I don’t want any other girl, I want you. I love you and there’s so much I love about you. I love your smile and your laugh, the way you don’t let anything affect you anymore, the way that you can lift your head in dignity to those monsters. From your deep eyes to amazing funny personality. You’re everything that’s good about my day Katy and I want to keep that forever,” he finishes staring straight into my eyes.

He means it; I can see it in face. He really does love me for me, he really does care. He can see through my mask, through the layers.

He sees the damage and thinks he can fix it, and I’m starting to believe he might be able to.

“Dylan your broken too, I can see it in your eyes, in your body language. Maybe, just maybe were perfect for each other.”

Dylan’s POV

Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming. She thinks were perfect for each other, she’s opening up.

She smiles up at me, happiness radiating from her eyes. I have never had such an urge to kiss a girl so much in my life.

So that’s exactly what I did.

I grab her hand and crash my lips into her. She stiffens in surprise at my touch her lips sealed shut.

But slowly she starts to melt into my arms, completely letting go, responding to my touch.

Her lips move perfectly into sync with mine, setting my body on fire with every touch.

I lick her bottom lip, wanting to taste her completely. She willingly opens her mouth for me, our tongues doing our own little dance.

This is what it’s meant to feel like, what it’s meant to be like. All the other girls I’ve been with have never been able to set my body alight, to ever make me feel like this.

I guess this is what love feels like.

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