The Boy with Bad Habits

By blackcatbri

441K 15.3K 2.2K

[Warning: this book contains SEXUAL content, crude language, drug use & abusive scenarios. If you aren't matu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Author's Note

Chapter 29

4.8K 203 11
By blackcatbri

My fists clenched at their sides, as I was beyond infuriated and felt like the grinding of my teeth become painful.

Nonna turned to me with utter shock written on her face, "Did this happen while you were both out?"

I looked toward Willow and could read the begging, imploring me not to tell a single thing.

Pretending like she had just cracked the code, I rubbed the back of my neck sighing, "It was a hit and run scenario."

"Care to explain....?" Nonna said drawing out every syllable carefully.

"When you left, I headed out to see Willow... her aunt told me she was at a friend's house. I asked her where and she told me the address."

Nonna nodded for me to continue.

"Well when I did get there, since it was walking distance, I heard a cry. I went toward it and found Willow holding her shin. She said someone.... attempted to mug her and since she didn't have any money at the time, the person... you know."

Will power was what it took not to seethe the words. Lydia did the awful act probably because of some booze in her system.

"Oh honey, I'm so very sorry this happened to you. Is there anywhere else you're hurt at?"

Each word coming out gentle, Nonna appeared pained still in slight shock.

I was too. Willow's leg almost completely covered in purple, blue, and yellow bruises. Swollen with marks and red lines all over. Even from afar it looked bad, making it very sore on the eyes.

At that point, Willow had barely there tears, "No," she looked down, "I managed to get away before anything else was done."

A surge of guilt pulsed through me along with discomforting thoughts. I should've been there. I should've protected her. She shouldn't have had to fight alone.

Quickly, I left the nonsense coming from my brain.

"We have to do something about this," Nonna said with determination.

"It was too dark. I have no recollection of what the person's face looked like," Willow responded hopelessly.

"We need to inform your aunt then!" All of a sudden Nonna was up in a hurry, not liking the fact she hadn't thought of it sooner.

I stepped in, seeing how that would be a serious problem, "It's no use, clearly Willow doesn't know who did it. I think it's best we leave the niece to tell her aunt instead of you; a woman she's never met before."

She still sat, deep in her thoughts, "I suppose you're right. I'll try to do the best I can with your leg and get you home as quickly and safely as possible."

Once again I rushed out, "She already figured Willow would spend the night, since she was on the way to a friend's house, her aunt went out of town." Internally I cringed at my foolish, avoidable statement.

"Well I guess we'll set up sleeping arrangements for tonight. I still don't like this 'she doesn't need to know' excuse. But since she's out of town, it'd be best to call her about it tomorrow."

We carried on a conversation as though the victim of it all wasn't in the room. However, deep brown eyes told me to continue with the act for the sake of her. I didn't like to lie to my grandmother, only this situation called for it.

I didn't notice before but Nonna had ointments and bandages on the table. Realizing her methods always worked from when I was a kid, I did not question it.

"Ace while I do this, can you please heat up the leftovers of garlic chicken for us. I'm sure you both are hungry."

Nodding eagerly, I then hurried to the kitchen wincing when light sounds of pain escaped Willow's lips.

"I know, I know, it just means it's working. That's all." Nonna sounded full of pity, something I didn't like and recently found out pity wasn't on Willow's top shelf either.

I guess given the circumstances it was appropriate. A beeping from the microwave pulled me out of my distracted state.

Taking the plate out, I heard another groan of agony, almost making me drop the glass dish.

"Alright, for tonight I've done as much as I can with the supplies I have. If you need anything I'll be all the way down the hall in my room. Since I've already eaten I'm going to head in early."

Walking in, I noticed a wrap around Willow's short leg along with warm cloths.

Nonna walked over to me and spoke in a hushed tone, "We will talk when everything is sorted out tomorrow, until then keep a close eye on her and call me if anything happens. Capiche?" She gave me a firm look to let me know, it was in fact serious.

"Yes Nonna, there's no need to worry. I've got it handled, now get some rest," I told her reassuringly.

Facing both of us, "Willow, after you eat make sure to get as much rest as possible. Ace, she will sleep in your room and you'll take the couch for the night." One last gaze of endearment to us and she retreated to the hallway.

Willow appeared much better and less pained with her pant leg still up.

"Hungry?" I asked and gestured to the plate filled with garlic chicken.

She sent me a gracious look, "Very much actually but..... what about you?"

Another beeping sounded off, "That would be my plate."

Carefully, I handed her the plate making sure she grasped it without dropping it and turned to get my deliciously smelling food.

Next, I took my time and sat right where Nonna was sitting on the couch near her.

Chattering sounds from our plates were only heard until, "Thank you so much Ace."

Plate now on her lap, Willow looked up at me with raw sincerity and gratefulness.

"Truly, for everything you and your grandmother have done for me tonight. It just amazes me how generous and kind both of you are to a partially significant stranger."

Locking eyes with her, "Like I said before, I'm not going to leave an injured girl on the side of the road only to bring her back and get the same treatment by the person who caused it. By the way, it's pretty clear by now you're not a stranger."

Willow let out a breath that sounded like it was held in for a while, "I just, I don't know how to repay you both."

Setting my empty dish down, "Hey, we never asked for payment and are not expecting you to. Calm down and relax."

She sent me a warm smile which caused a skip in my chest as I gladly took it in trying to burn it into my memory. Making me feel like I said or did something right for once.

Returning it as best I could, a question rolled off of my tongue. "The only thing I ask is," taking a long pause, "Why?"

Her smile dropped much to my disappointment. "Why what?"

"Why would you let someone do that to you? Someone who's probably never hurt a fly getting punished for no damn reason." I felt anger brush on me but shooed it away.

Picking up the fork and poking at a carrot on the plate no longer staring back at me, "The same way a person may not ask for it yet still receives."

Sending my puzzlement to her, "What happened?" I was walking on egg shells, only it killed not to know.

"My mother." Willow closed her eyes as a single tear rolled down. "Has had.... cancer for a while now and the only way I'm able to stay in contact with her is because of my aunt."

Two big brown eyes shot straight through me with misery and despair.

"I have no choice but to abide by her rules until I'm eighteen. I refuse to go into foster care. A part of me still loves my aunt. I can't let my mother know how she's been treating me." Each word balanced on a thin line of shakiness.

"Does she ever let you... visit?" I spoke in absolute carefulness.

Wiping her tears away sniffling, "Seeing Momma is my reward when I give Lydia what she wants."

I was uttered speechless at what I heard. Such vile actions taken out on her niece? It sounded bizarre especially when Lydia's own sister layed in a hospital dying. And the only way she thought to repay her was by abusing her daughter. Even after it all, Willow found it in her heart to still love the one who costed her so much in the end. Making me wonder how big her heart could possibly be.

Since Willow's legs were stretched out and I couldn't sit right next to her, I came closer and squatted down to the height of the couch.

Up close, I noticed a faint bruise painted her jawline and couldn't help but scowl mentally. No one should have to go through this. Lord knows I wanted it all taken away. All of the abuse, suffering, and agony. Seeing such a beautiful, brave girl in front of me, I felt admiration take over at how much she's probably had to go through. Yet never resorting to take her own life which gave me massive amounts of relief not wanting to even think about it.

Peering right into chocolate brown eyes, I noticed how vulnerable each evident emotion was. Taking hold of Willow's cheek speaking in upmost honesty, "What ever happens Willow, no matter what she drills in your head, you are more than this abuse. You are strong for taking all of this so powerfully and selflessly. I know there's nothing I can do but, I hope your mother fights this battle only to win. I hope that all of the horrible things you face are turned right back around only to face you with every bit of goodness life can give." I paused then continued on, "It's how the saying goes you know.... only the strongest angels endure the most brutal battles."

Hey Peeps,
*Sigh* :') this was quite the chapter. Unfortunately, I don't have my own personalized Ace in real life for you all. I guess we'll just have to hope Willow or Ace don't mess up what they have with one another. More Ace and Willow in the chaper soon to come. My dirty birdies will be satisfied I'm sure ;) Have a great night/day.



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