
By whoopsiehdaiseh

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Ashling: an anglicized version of the Irish Gaelic 'Aisling', meaning "dream, vision". What if one day you wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Thank you!!

Chapter 39

59 15 41
By whoopsiehdaiseh

This chapter is dedicated to Fatima (hazzscupcake). I can't even begin to tell how much it means to me that you highlight little things from the chapters and comment on them, expressing your reaction and opinion. Thank you so much baby! Love you!
- H <3

We reach Republic almost an hour later. It's a Thai restaurant that Sam suggested to me. He said it's not too fancy and that it's a cool place. He wasn't wrong. The place is buzzing with people and energy. There are bench like seats along the wall on one side and bar stools on the other. It seems like a very trendy place; like you just have to come here at least once.

The waitress leads us to our table and I pull Cassandra's chair out for her to sit. I then take my seat.

"Good thing I made reservations." I mumble as I eye the surroundings.

"Yes! I had no clue it'd be this packed."

"Have you been here before?" I ask her.

"I've heard about it, but no. I haven't."

"Same here. Sam suggested this place."

"Really?" Her eyes light up. "How is he and Suzanna doing, by the way?"

"They're well, they're doing great."

"Did you, uh.. Did you tell them about our date?" She nervously asks.

"I did, yeah. They were ecstatic. To tell you the truth, they've been wanting me to take you on a date since quite some time now."

She arches her eyebrow and says, "Really? Is that so?"

Shit, she looks sexy. I gulp. "Yeah.."

"What did they say?"

My neck feels warm as I recall what Sam emphasized on, to kiss her. I clear my throat. "They, uh.. They.."

"Have you decided your order?"

The perky voice of the waitress interrupts our conversation and I swear I have never been more relieved. I was feeling so embarrassed, considering that both of them basically want me to kiss Cassandra. That's it.

I signal Cass to give her order first. She goes through the menu once and decides to have Glass Noodles.

"I would have.. Grilled Chicken with Pesto, please." I tell her my order.

"And beverages?"

"Two glasses of Pinot Noir." I look at Cass and ask, "Would a glass be enough? Or should we have a carafe?"

"I'm okay with just a glass. It's more than enough." She confirms.

"Alright. Two glasses of Pinot Noir it is, then." I humbly smile at the waitress.

She smiles at both of us and goes away.

"Hey, Cass?"

She diverts her attention from the surrounding and looks at me. "Hmm?"

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"How can I forget? You almost broke my ribs." She smiles teasingly and I stick my tongue out at her.

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyss dramatically.

"Well, what about it?"

"You had some papers in your hand. And you went to that Manhattan's Children's Centre. If you don't mind me asking, I'd like to know what that was about."

"I visit there regularly. It's sort of like a school for autistic kids. I'll take you some time."

I smile. "Okay."

"I like that you don't pretend when you're with me."

I frown, confused at where this thought popped in her head. "What does that mean?"

"You're always a gentleman with me. You're yourself; whether we're just hanging out or whether we're on a date. I like that you're genuine."

I can't help but stare at her. I can't help but ponder over how accurate she always is. The truth is, I've always pretended. Ever since I can remember, I've always had this mask covering my face that hides what I actually feel. But when I'm with her, that mask just comes off. I can't put it on even if I want to, because I have no choice but to be my self. And she brings out the best in me.

I nod modestly and she smiles, satisfied with my response. That's the thing; I don't necessarily have to tell her my thoughts. Somehow, she always figures them out.

The waitress comes and places our food and drink in front of us. We thank her and she let's out a cheery "enjoy" before walking off. I raise my glass for a toast and say, "To new beginnings."

She raises hers and repeats. "To new beginnings."

We both clink our glasses and take a sip of the red wine and start eating. My eyes close in pleasure as I take a bite of this divine cuisine. Cassandra's feelings mirror mine because she has her eyes closed as well.

Looking at her facial expressions regarding how pleasurable the food is turning me on. I can't help but picture her in bed.

I am so going to hell.

Mid way in our dinner, a man passes us. Cassandra frowns and I squint my nose. We both have a disgusting expression on our face.

"I think he just blowed off some major gas." I say and we both burst out laughing.


"Let's roam around Times Square for a while? Please, please, please?"

After laughing our hearts out at the man who farted while passing by us, we finished our meal and had dessert. Now we were just driving around when Cass makes this adorably childish request. I chuckle and park the car on the side of the street.

"I have always loved this place!" She squeals excitedly.

"Yeah, me too. It's so vibrant."

Times Square is the most bustling square of New York and one of the world's busiest pedestrian intersections. It's known for its many Broadway theatres, cinemas and electronic billboards. It is one of those places that make New York a city that never sleeps. It's a world in it's own; you can't help but feel overwhelmed.

We're walking side by side, as we take in the lively surrounding. Our hands keep brushing and I have the sudden urge to hold hers tightly in mine and never let go. But what if I make her uncomfortable? What if she snatches her hand away? What if she punches me?

I need to get my brain checked.

We're about to cross the road to go on the other side when we hear music and spot a guy dancing. I realize it's "Something I Need" by One Republic. It's one of my favourite songs so just listening it out loud is exhilarating.

I had a dream the other night
About how we only get one life
Woke me up right after two
Stayed awake and stared at you
So I wouldn't lose my mind

Suddenly some more people join him and Cassandra squeals as we both register that it's a flash mob. She looks at me with sheer excitement in her eyes.

"This is the best thing ever!"

I grin happily as more people join in when the chorus comes.

You got something I need
In this world full of people there's one killing me
And if we only die once
I wanna die with you

I notice Cass dancing lightly beside me; she's nodding her head and moving her hips ever so slowly. It's strange, but I can actually hear her hum beside me even in this boisterous place. I don't know where I get the courage from; I extend my hand to offer her a dance. She looks at it and then looks back up at me. Her expression is blank at first, but then a soft smile appears on her face, which deepens into a prominent curve. She happily takes the offer and I hold on to her waist tightly. My breath hitches as I realize that this is the first time I'm actually touching her deliberately, holding her so close.

I twirl her around and she giggles, her voice like a melody to my ears. We're both doing some goofy move which manages to get us some awkward stares but we absolutely do not care. Because the moment has seized us and we're living in it.

I know that we're not the same
But I'm so damn glad that we made it
To this time, this time, now

The noise is deafening now as literally everyone nearby has joined in the song, singing their hearts out. It's not even a flash mob anymore because every single person is dancing on their own, inventing their own moves and enjoying. We are all in a state of bliss. Just as the last part comes, I pull Cassandra and hold her close. Our breathing is heavy and we both gaze into each others eyes as if they hold all the secrets of the world.

You got something I need
In this world full of people there's one killing me
And if we only die once
I wanna die with you

This is where I want to exist. She is whom I want to exist with.

If we only live once, I wanna live with you

Any guesses what's gonna happen next *winks*??
Hint: It's the moment we all have been desperately waiting fooooor.. *jumps up and down with excitement*
- H <3

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