Hetalia X Male Reader Oneshot...

By SummerBeilschmidt

863K 12K 5.8K

I take requests!~ Don't be shy. I'm sorry for any spelling errors, wrong use of language, fangirling (or fanb... More

Hallo Readers!~❀
Italy X Silent!Male Reader: Thunder Storms & Nightmares
China X Tsundere!Male!Reader: I'm Not Cute!!!
England X Male Reader: Body Heat
Norway X Imaginary!Male Reader: Midnight Wish
Russia X Sleepy!Male Reader: Snow Dreams
Sweden X Shy!Male Reader: Snow Days (Lemon)
2pItaly X Shy!Male Reader: Home Alone (Lemon)
England X Aphrodisiacated!Male Reader: Heated Spells (Lemon)
France X Innocent!Shy!Male Reader: Première Fois (Lemon)
Germany X Intimidating!Male Reader: Horror Movies (Lemon)
America X Male Reader X Russia: Sharing (Lemon)
Welcome To Halloween Hetalia~ :3
Hetalia Halloween Seven Minutes in Heaven: Intro
Hetalia Halloween: Captain America Shield - America
Hetalia Halloween: Teacup - England
Hetalia Halloween: Rose - France
Hetalia Halloween: Redstring - China
Hetalia Halloween: Vodka Bottle - Russia
Hetalia Halloween: Maple Leaf - Canada
Hetalia Halloween: White Flag - Italy
Hetalia Halloween: Iron Cross - Germany
Welcome To Halloween Hetalia~ :3 Update
Drunk!Prussia X Drunk!Male Reader: Beer Flavored Kisses
Romano X Male Reader: Morning Tease
Japan X Male Reader: Warmth
Denmark X Male Reader: Nightmares & Scars
Finland X Blind!Male Reader: It's Not Your Fault
Hetalia Christmas: Hetalia X Depressed!Male Reader ~ Mistletoe (Intro)
Hetalia Christmas: Italy X Depressed!Male Reader ~ Mistletoe
Hetalia Christmas: America X Depressed!Male Reader ~ Mistletoe
China X Male Reader: Releasing Tension (Lemon)
Prussia X Dominant!Uke?Male Reader: Sie Beherrschen (Lemon)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Intro)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader : Here's My Number (Germany's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Italy's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Japan's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Prussia's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Romano's Ending)
The Axis X Chubby!Shy!Male Reader: Here's My Number (Berlin's Ending)
Germany X Chubby!Male Reader X Prussia: He's Mine!
Spain X Chubby!Male Reader: Thick Thighs (Lemon)
Prussia x Suicidal!Male Reader: Perfect
Prussia x Suicidal!M!Reader: Perfect (Happy Ending)
Norway x Innocent!M!Reader: Buttermilk and Honey Bath
2pEngland x Anorexic!M!Reader: No More Cupcakes
M!Reader x Oliver: Massage (Lime)
François x M!Reader: That Three Lettered Word
Greece x Neko!Chubby!M!Preg!Reader: Pampered
Intoxicated!Scotland x Intoxicated!Reader: Heat of the Moment (Lime)
Romance/Fluff Request Page
Dark/Depressing Request Page
Sexual/Lime/Lemon Request Page
Intimidating Trio x Short!Male Reader: Friendly Kisses
Prussia x Pregnant!M Reader: Wurst Cravings
Shy!Nerdy!Russia x Blunt!M!Reader: Secret Writer
America x Ghost!M Reader: Love Over Fear
Austria x M!Reader: Unholy Night (Christmas Special Lime)
Iceland x M!Reader: Scared of the Dark
Germanic!M Reader x Italy: Summer Heat (Lemon)
Chibi!Russia x Kind!Loving!M Reader: A Broken Promise
Canada x Popular!M Reader: Heartbeat
Young!France x Older!Injuried!M Reader x Child!England: Together
Soldier!Italy x Soldier!M!Reader: Golden Rings
Hiatus πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
2pCanada x Shy!Pudgy!M Reader: A Night Under the Stars
Uke!Australia x Seme!M Reader: Birthday Sex Surprise (Lemon)
Netherlands x Soulmate!M Reader: At First Sight (Soulmate AU)
Not A One-Shot
Lithuania x Butler!M Reader: At Your Service, Mr. Laurinaitis
After Four Long Years....
2pGermany x Chubby!M Reader: Cream (Lime)
Villian!Turkey x Prince!Reader: Unexpected Hero

Sick!Germany X Male Reader: Love Sick

17.4K 243 112
By SummerBeilschmidt

~ Germany POV ~

I slowly opened my eyes, pain instantly pinging through my head. "Mmmngh..." I placed a hand on my head, my cold fingers feeling my heated head.
I sat up and looked to my right, _____ sleeping shirtless with the (1st & 2nd f/c) blankets covering half his body. Shafts of the morning sun filtered the room, shining brightly on the (nationality's) (s/c) skin.
I slowly reached out my hand and was about to touch his soft (h/c) hair when my stomach churned. I clutched my stomach, nearly falling out of the bed to go to the bathroom. I knew what was going to happen, I was going to be sick to my stomach. And that's exactly what happened.
I sat on the floor, recovering from the awful feeling in my stomach.

The nasty aftertaste in my mouth. I slowly stood up with shaky legs and went to the sink, using it to support myself.
I looked in the mirror to find puffy blue eyes, a red nose, flushed cheeks, and blonde hair matted down by sweat, I looked awful. And felt the same way.
My body felt hot to touch, my stomach felt uneasy, and my throat was uncomfortably sore.
There was a knock on the door, making me jump in surprise.
"Ludwig are you okay?" A husky, sleepy voice asked that I knew only belonged to _____, slightly muffled by the door.
"J-ja _____, everzhing is-achoo!" I sneezed with my voice uneven and shaky, my stuffy nose making it worse.
"Ludwig open the door please." Asked/Ordered the (nationality), a loud groan coming from my stomach.
I slowly opened the bathroom door, the cold air making me gasp as it hit my heated skin. _____'s  usual smile quickly faded and his (s/c) skin seemed to become paler.
"Ludwig are you feeling sick?" He asked as he placed the back of his hand against my cheek, I lifted my hand and placed it in the hand, moving it away.

"I don't... Feel the best..." I said softly, a coughing fit attacked me. When it stopped I struggled to find my breath but eventually finding it, only to sneeze loudly. _____'s eyes widened when I stumbled forward, his arms preventing me from falling.
"!" My feet suddenly left the ground, _____ picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed, gently laying me down and throwing covers over me.
I looked up questioningly into _____ sparkling (e/c) eyes. "Don't move." He bluntly stated, turning on his heels and leaving. I stared at the open door, waiting for the (h/c)nette to come back it seemed like he was taking forever. My eyes became heavy as I laid my head back in the pillows and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


A sudden coolness that rested on my forehead brought a bit a joy to you as it helped you feel a bit better. I opened my eyes as a wash cloth was set on my head and a bowl of cold water was on the night stand. You looked up seeing the shining eyes of my boyfriend.

"I hope I didn’t wake you Germany." He softly said as I smiled.
"Nein, jou didn't _____.” I just barley shook my head. I looked at the clock seeing that I had been sleeping for a couple hours.
"Where did jou go earlier?" I softly asked, softly coughed into my hand.
"I had to go to the store to get some medicine since we had none. When I got back you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you." _____ told me as he moved a piece of my blonde hair that had fallen into my eyes.

"And now that your up, you need to take some medicine."
I grimaced at the word 'medicine'. Although it seemed very childish, I hated medicine. (Who doesn't?!?) _____ helped me sit up as he took a spoon and bottle, pouring the red liquid from the bottle. I looked at him with a small glare as he held the spoon infront of my mouth.
"Open." He said softly, I shook my head. _____ sighed.
"Ludwig take the medicine..." He ordered as he shoved a spoon infront of my mouth, the sticky red liquid threatening to spill at any second.
"Nein!" I shouted before I erupted into a fit of coughs.
"See you are sick, just take the medicine." He said sternly as he tried to shove the spoon in my mouth but I jerked my head to the side.
_____ gave a frustrated sigh before his face lit up, a sly smile on his face. I watched as he took the spoon and placed it in his mouth, taking it out to show it was clean.

"_____ vhat are jo-!" I was stopped abruptly by _____ smashing his lips to mine, making me gasp in surprise. Something bitter and sticky entered my mouth, making me pull away and swallow. "Gahhh! Vhat zhe hell!?" I yelled as I wiped my mouth, _____ grinning like a maniac as he cleaned off his own mouth.
"There, I gave you your medicine. Now get some rest." He laughed before I threw the spoon at him. "Jou're going to get sick now smart one..." I grumbled, watching _____ get up and began to leave. _____ paused at the door and shook his head, looking back at me with laughing (e/c) orbs.
"It was worth it." He smiled before leaving the room, leaving me alone once again.

I sighed after a few moments of silence, laying back down on the bed. "Zhat dummkopf, now he's going to get sick... But I still got to love him..." I said to myself, closing my eyes as I tried to fall asleep.
"Zhen it vill be mein turn to give him his medicine..." I chuckled sleepily as I turned on my side, quickly falling asleep with a wide smile on my face. 


"Ludwig... Wake up..." A soft voice cooed, my shoulders being shook gently. "Hmm?" I slowly opened my eyes to find _____ sitting on the bed, a warm smile on his face as he placed a glass plate on my lap.
It was stacked with wurst, pasta, and baked potatoes. It looked delicious. "I made dinner and I've already ate." _____ commented, picking up a fork and a knife that was on the plate, cutting a wurst that was on my plate.
He stabbed the fork through one-half of the wurst, placing it infront of my mouth. I gave him a questioning look, "Vhat are you doing?" I asked, _____ chuckled heartily.

"I'm feeding you obviously, now open..." The (e/c) male said, placing the wurst infront of my mouth again.
I obeyed and he placed the wurst in my mouth, closing my mouth as he pulled the fork back. I chewed slowly before swallowing, _____ already having more wurst waiting.
I ate that piece as well, ______ giving his bright smile.
"You look so cute Luddy!~" He said teasingly, a bright blush blossoming on my cheeks.
"Halt die Klappe..." I growled before a forkfull of pasta was shoved in my mouth. "Mmph!" My eyes widened in shock, _____ beginning to laugh loudly.
I glared at him as he continued to feed me my dinner.


"There, all done!" _____ chimed happily, setting the plate and silverware on the night stand. "Danke..." I mumbled, a little humiliated that I was being treated like a baby.
_____ must have noticed because he chuckled lightly, covering his mouth to prevent his laughter from escaping his mouth. I huffed and crossed my arms infront of my chest, a scowl present on my face.

"Vhat is so funny?" I asked, _____ grinning like an idiot. ______ scooted closer towards me.
"You got a little pasta sauce right here..." _____ stated, tapping the corner of his mouth to indicate where it was.  "Huh?" I questioned, bringing my hand up to wipe the red paste away.
"Did I get it?" I asked, _____  smirking widely. "No you missed it... Let me get it for you..."
I had no time to think when _____ quickly leaned forward, capturing my lips in a kiss. I froze from shock before it melted away, my eyes sliding shut as I began to return the kiss. Our lips fell in sync and the faint taste of (f/d) stained his lips. I softly moaned when he ran his tongue over my bottom lip, my lips instantly obeying for him to slip inside.
_____'s hands became restless as they began to move up and down his sides, slowly moving to up and down my chest, my breath catching in my throat .

That was when the door to the room burst open and was followed by a blinding flash.
I quickly pulled away from _____, shocked and looked toward the door, Summer standing in the doorway holding a her phone with a smirk.
"Summer!?! Delete zhat photo right now!" I shouted angrily, the brunette laughed and grinned.
"I bet Japan and Hungary are going to enjoy these pictures!" She laughed, snapping another before running off. I began to shout curses in German toward the retreating teen.
I was silenced by _____ placing a hand over my mouth, catching my attention again. "Leave her alone Luddy, she's just having fun. And besides..." He paused and smirked, leaning towards my face. "We have something we need to finish..." He said huskily, placing his lips on mine again.

~ Other POV ~

Summer held Wyllow tightly in her arms, her face  buried in the Norwegian's dirty blonde hair. The taller nation's right arms snaked protectively around Wyllows waist while Summer left clutched her hand.
"Summer are you feeling well?" Wyllow asked, knowing that the Germanic country wasn't clingy unless something was wrong. Summer shrugged her shoulders.
"Not real-achoo!" Summer sneezed violently. Wyllow gave her a questioning look, "Are you sick?"
"I don't think s- wait, dammit bruder!" She shouted before sneezing again. "Why must karma be so cruel..." Summer grumbled as she sneezed again.


Had a reason to write this. I'm finally getting over a cold I got on Friday. Being sick really sucks...

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