From Rags To Riches

By LouiseAuthor

167K 6.3K 302

You've nothing left to lose when you pack up and move from New York to Texas with your college best friend. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten - Trigger Warning
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen - Trigger Warning
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven

Chapter Sixty Four

449 15 3
By LouiseAuthor

* Pippa's POV *

Three months have passed and the clubhouse is starting to look like a shopping mall.

We have elevators. Who do we think we are?

I mean I get it, the house is big, three stories to be exact and to be honest, its starting to look like the president might be moving in with the new wings to the original clubhouse.

Its huge. Pretentious but fucking gorgeous. Moose and Miles have already moved into there ground floor apartments (as they call them).

We have bulletproof floor to ceiling windows. I didnt even know there was such thing. The views are amazing at the back of the house as they look out on the lake. So much natural light fills the living space. Its breathtaking walking into these new additions, its probably everything I could ever ask for.

Georgie and I have been so busy with organising the layout, what we want where, shopping for kitchens for each place and furniture for the remaining rooms. Its been chaotic on top of raising my two boys and of course Georgie has Noah too.

They have all got so big, both my boys are the spit of Harry, Brody still has his squishy nose and Leo has these big glassy blue eyes, deeper blue than Brody so thats how we can tell them apart now. Brody's eyes are just like Daddy's, blue eyes with a hint of green. When he cries or gets fussy, the green is so prominent, I cant get over how beautiful they both are.

"Six weeks apart and I cant believe the difference in them, Brody and Leo seem so small" Georgie says as she holds on to Noah, a chunky monkey who only really settles when latched on to Georgie's boob.

"How are they so quiet? How did I end up with the bold child" she pouts as Noah sucks away on her breast, happy and content.

"These two are not angels, Harry and I have barely slept because when one cries it sets the other off. Its like they know when Daddy has his dick out and they both get hungry at the same time so Ive had to start using formula plus pumping for breast milk because its never enough". I stare at them both laying happily on a play mat, cooing at the little animals above them.

"This parenting shit is no joke, Hunter is already on about baby number two. Once my hormones settle Im going back on birth control. Im not ready yet, Im still getting used to Noah" Georgie sighs as she takes a seat in the lonely armchair in the corner of her living room. We are selecting colors for her house, she has gone for an ivory country style kitchen with a large kitchen island and a black marble kitchen counter. She has this beautiful 8 seater oak dining table with black leather chairs. Her flooring is also black marble and once it reaches the living area it changes to a shiny wallnut color that accentuates the colour scheme she is going for.

For her living room she has gone with a black leather U couch that will face a feature wall of wood panelling that her seventy five inch TV will sit into and a beam located under it. She is still on the fence about an electric fire to sit under the beam, she has made the space for it but cant make up her damn mind. I think it will look nice if you buy the glass one that looks like a real fire but what do I know. (Insert shrugging shoulders here).

"I hear you, Harry and I havent even spoken about more kids. These two are a handful but yeah id like to think that we see maybe 3 years of age with these two before we even consider. Anyway, less chit chat, these lot are quiet so what are we thinking -"

"Hey sexy ladies" Moose calls as he enters Georgie's home, no tshirt on and his shorts hanging low on his hips.

Moose is fucking ripped. All the boys are goodlooking but if I could pick a sloppy seconds to Harry it would definitely be Moose.

Big K is next holding two boxes, one on top of the other as he shuffles in through the door. "Where do you want these G?"

"Noah's bedroom please K" he shuffles on in as Moose bends down to play with Brody and Leo.

"You couldnt carry boxes Moose?" Georgie asks in a teasing tone. "No Im just here to get out of the boss mans way, he went off on the builder over the brick work in your house, he is feisty today"

"He also lost it on the phone with these new guys from Mexico. He seems so testy" Big K looks at me with a questioning brow.

I shrug my shoulders "I havent seen him since this morning and that was only a brief second when we woke up. He is feeling the pressure with lack of sleep and all of this going on with the apartments. Its probably just stress thats getting the better of him" the two boys look at eachother and then back at me.

"You wanna uh - well - he.. you could.." Moose scratches his pec as he stares at me awkwardly "I can mind the babies" he gives me a sheepish grin.

"Ill assist" Big K smiles at me and then goes to pick up Leo.

"You think sex will help?" 

"Its Harry" Georgie says whilst rolling her eyes.

"It hasnt been as frequent I suppose because well, these two" I point to the boys.

"Why dont you two go out tonight for dinner, our treat and then we can all pitch in with the babies"

"Eh, I have a baby too" Georgie says pointing to a sleeping Noah, still latched on to her boob.

"Hunter isnt angry, boss is borderline losing it" Big K says as he bounces Leo in his arms.

"But yeah sure why not, we can take Noah too" Moose says and Georgie's eyes light up. "You dont have tits though" her face falls.

"Well I cant do much about that but maybe you could just leave some milk or some shit, squirt it right in there" Moose points to the bottle in the babies diaper bag.

"I guess I could, we should go get ready Pip" her excitement is evident but I feel a little apprehensive leaving the boys.

"Josie will be here right?"

"Yep, we already cleared it with her. She said to get it sorted before she hurts Harry"

"Okay. Thats that then. We are going out tonight" A smile that doesnt quite reach my eyes plasters my face.

Why do I feel so nervous about this?


"Fucking hell baby, do you want me to bust my load before we even leave the house" Harry says to me as I walk down the stairs.

Ive been feeling a little insecure lately. I still had some baby weight to lose and the moment I was able to start working out again I was back at it but I still dont feel myself.

I dont feel like Pippa anymore. I feel like Im just mommy now. I kinda feel like Ive lost my identity because its been all about the boys for the past three months.

"You like?" I do a twirl when I reach the bottom. Im wearing a deep plunge black velvet dress, its backless with a low drop just over my bum. Its lose enough around my hips that its comfortable. My boobs since having the twins are insane, so perky and definitely more of a handfull than what I originally had. The low cut showcases those babies well and my quickly applied tan made me feel a bit more like my old self. My red heels and red lip just finish off the look making it sexy but classy.

"I wanna tear it off with my fucking teeth" Harry says as he wraps his arms around me and grabs my ass pulling it up into his hands and growling into my ear. He kisses my neck and I melt like a puddle in his arms.

When he pulls back he takes my hand, as I look around I spot Brody with Miles and Leo with Pete. Noah is with Josie as Hunter and Georgie wait for us by the door.

"Okay, so we go now" my voice sounds kind of wobbly. "Lets say goodbye to the boys first. If you dont feel comfortable leaving them we can stay home" Harry says quietly so only I can hear, he obviously senses my apprehension.

I look at my babies and they are content. Everyone here adores them and they are in safe hands. I trust them all with my life so I trust them with my boys. "No we should go out. It would be nice to go out"

Harry squeezes my hand and we say our goodbyes before we head to the restaurant. As we cuddle in the back of the G wagon, Hunter driving my car so we can relax, I take a look at Harry.

He is wearing a black shirt, black jeans and some black Timberland boots. He is wearing the cologne I love so much and I can feel myself squeezing my thighs together already.

Sex hasnt been as often as we would like so I can really feel the temperture amping up tonight with the possibility of having Harry between my thighs later.

"You okay" he whispers in my ear and Im almost ready to mount the man.

"Uh huh" Jesus christ I need him.

"We should have travelled on our own shouldnt we?" He sighs and I nod biting down on my lip. Fucking hell I feel like my vagina is on fire with need right now.

"Hey, we might actually just drop you off and go back home, Georgie isnt feeling well" Hunter says as he shifts in his seat.

"You're going to fuck my sister dont even fucking lie to me. Dont do it in the jeep and get someone to come back and get us at nine o clock" Harry looks to me for agreement and I nod. We can kiss the boys goodnight then.

"Im gonna wine and dine my lady" Harry smiles as he kisses my head.

When we pull up Harry helps me out and we say our goodbyes to Hunter and Georgie. He speeds off like he is in a high speed car chase and Harry just shrugs and tugs on my hand to start walking inside.

Harry organised for us to dine in a fancy steakhouse thats just downtown, a short 15 minute drive.

When we take our seat on a plush leather round table with no one else around I feel grateful for the privacy.

"You smell and look delicious" Harry says as he eyes me over his menu. He looks at me like Im going to be his favourite meal every day of the week and it will never get old seeing that look in his eyes.

"You look sexy too, Im struggling keeping my hands to myself" Im sat on them as I say that. He gives me a cheeky smile and I swear my panties are melting off me.

All we do is look at one another like we are starved animals for the next ten minutes, once we place our order Harry moves closer and wraps his arm around the back of the plush sofa that his fingers tickle my left shoulder. His other hand slips to my thigh rubbling slow circles.

He is... the fucking devil. Im turning into a panting mess.

"Its nice to be alone, not that being with the boys isnt nice but its been crazy baby" he says to me as he looks into my eyes, a smile on his face.

"I know, it has been a whirlwind, so special but chaotic at the same time. I miss feeling close to you, I know its kind of quick recently and whenever we can fit it in" Harry chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"Its not the end of the world. I get to wake up to you and our babies, I can go without all the physical knowing I have you three". He rubs up and down my thigh. "I mean it, I dont want you to think because sex isnt at the forefront right now that something is wrong. Its not. We are busy but that doesnt change how I feel about you or..." he lifts my chin so Im looking at him "how I see you. You're still my Pippa, the sexy temptress that stole my heart, the sass queen of Dallas" he kisses my lips and Im putty in this mans hands.

"Thank you, I needed to hear that" I kiss him again because I cant get enough.

Our starters arrive and we dig in, we both got the goats cheese salad, we tuck in and make small talk, Harry tells me he was grumpy today because the stone we had ordered for our feature wall was two different stones and not what we ordered. He admitted to getting worked up because he just wants us to move in so we have more space. The bedroom is getting tight now that the boys are in cribs.

"Moose and Miles seem to like having there own space. Even if its not completely finished yet" Harry says continuing the conversation. His hand hasnt left my thigh and when I look down its funny to look at because his hand swallows up my narrow thigh.

When he catches me staring he glances down and starts laughing too, he pushes his hand up and I gasp "Harry" I say breathlessly. He pinched my clit without even a second thought of who might see or how I would react.

"Serves you right for laughing" he winks at me before he brings his thumb and forefinger to his mouth and licks "you're drenched" he whispers when he sets his hand back down on my thigh.

Fucking hell. Im struggling.

Our starter dishes are collected interrupting us and our main course is only moments later.

I ordered a fillet of steak and Harry got the cowboy steak. Each of us got chips and pepper sauce. Harry ordered a side of onion rights and we both dig in. We kept the conversation light, I was glad of the reprieve.

Once we both finish, Harry pulls my legs up on to his lap as he rubs up and down slowly teasing me. "Im pretty sure my ass could be hanging out with the way I am sitting" I chuckle and Harry grabs a handful of my asscheek before he pulls my dress down.

"God you're so sexy" he says as his hand rests back on my legs. Inching closer to my thighs.

Harry has had three glasses of whiskey, on the last one he ordered it with ice and once the whiskey was put on the table and waiter walked away he dipped his fingers and pulled out a cube of ice.

He gradually started rubbing it up my thighs with a sexy smile and I knew his intentions, even in this public place, I didnt want to stop him.

"Should I go further Pippa" even with the opportunity to say no, I wasnt going to take it. I nodded and his grin grew wide.

I didnt feel the chill as he inched closer to my core.

"Kiss me baby" I latched on to his lips and as his tongue swiped into my mouth the ice cup was set against my clit and I moaned into Harry's mouth.

His fingers swiped along my slit "Pippa, fucking hell", he pulled away from me, pecking my lips and removed the ice cube before he sucked on it.

I was gone. I was ready to combust.

"Take me home" my breathing was erratic, my skin was tingling. I needed this man right now.

He dropped the cube back into his whiskey and downed the contents.

"Move closer" he ushers me with his finger.

"Harry, come on" I look around, one glance at me and you would know exactly what this man is doing to me. My skin felt hot with desire.

"" the minute I shuffled forward, his mouth was on mine and his fingers were rubbing me slowly teasing my clit, I could hear my lace panties being torn and felt the burn against my skin as they were pulled off me.

My right leg was bent and resting against Harry's left hip and my right leg was over Harry's legs, his left hand was doing all the work and I was close to falling apart by just a single touch. His body barely had to move for him to access me so it didnt look suspicious..yet.

"You're gonna come all over my tongue and then on my dick when we get home, but I couldnt wait" he whispers against my lips before he inserts two fingers inside me and I moan into his mouth.

His fingers are long and thick as they push in and out of me, his tongue ravishing my mouth. Once his thumb starts to draw slow circles around my clit I feel like Im going to explode.

"Mm baby... fuck.. stop..stop" Its building and the fact that we are in a public place and I cant scream like I want to makes me want to claw his eyes out.

"Are we all done here? Would you like the dessert menu?"

My eyes fly towards the waitress in utter shock and Harry stays pumping away with his fingers "No thanks, Ive dessert at home for us"

"Tea or coffee?" She says politely doing her job. "Motherfudger" I whisper yell and she raises a brow at me, my chest is heaving and Im pretty sure I look deranged as my orgasm climbs to the top.

"All good, thanks" Harry says as the fucker adds a third finger and presses down on my clit.

This is where I lost all self control. This is where the whole restuarant knew what was happening.

"Oh fuck..jesus..Harry" I grab his hair and pull because I want to kill him but also sit on his face "Ow fuck Pippa, thats -"

The waitress just walks away, no she runs, she doesnt walk.

"Dont stop, Harry - fuck yes" I explode around Harry's fingers as I yank at his hair. He uses his free hand to try retract my grip on his hair as his left hand stays pumping, my orgasm absolutely destroying me.

Once I come down from my high, a few moments later is when Harry looks at me whilst rubbing his head.

"I was doing something nice to you and you decided to remove my hair from the fucking hair follicle" he grunts at me before he waves his hand that is wet from my orgasm at the waiter "Can we get the bill please".

I laugh because as I glance around the room the atmosphere has drastically changed, everyone looks horrified but I feel fucking great. Harry licks his fingers as the waitress drops the bill booklet on the table and runs back to her station.

Harry slaps loads of money into the booklet and stands up to adjust his erection in his jeans.

"Lets go home to the boys, you owe me after nearly ripping my head off" he laughs at me as he takes my hand and we walk outside into the waiting G wagon. Pete is driving and we slip in the back like two naughty teenagers.  

"You can wait the fifteen minutes it takes to get home surely" Pete says as he looks at us in the mirror.

"We could, but we wont" Harry says laughing "Sorry Daddy" he bursts out laughing before he grabs me and places me on his lap.

Sorry Pete, duty calls.

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