Moonlight Glow

By DiamondStarz99

15.3K 259 3

Fanfiction of The Twilight Saga. I DO NOT OWN CHARACTERS. 'I could feel the black but I couldn't push it away... More

1. Normal... For Vampires
2. Stranger
3. Fear
4. Carlisle
4. Shannon
5. Meeting the Cullens
6. Talented
7. Less than Vampire, More than Human
8. Family
9. Forks
10. Being Family
11. The Volturi
12. Preparation
13. Scarred
14. Bonds
15. Vision
16. Training
17. One Night
19. Aro
20. Secret
21. Travelling
22. The Hotel
23. The Truth
24. The Memorial
25. Mom
26. My Family
27. Virginia
28. The Cullens-Hales-Whitlocks-Blacks
29. Escape
30. Night Watch
31. Grounded
32. Prison
33. Prison Break
34. Meet
35. Pissed
36. Nightmare
37. Sick
39. Back to School
40. Cousins
41. Spring Break
42. Betrayal
43. Runaway
44. Hurt
45. The Need for Love
46. Uncle Emmett
47. Afterwards
48. Back For More
49. Vow
50. Problem
51. The Destroyers
52. Cornered
53. Denali
54. One Last Night
55. Waiting
56. Busted
57. Bitemarks
1. Not All Is How It Seems
2. Family of Fourteen
3. Ithaca
4. Home Schooled
5. Routine
6. Talent Control Class
8. Weakness
9. Secretive
10. Summer
11. Living Life
12. Future Danger
13. The Search
14. Allies
15. The Elemental Weather
16. The Coupled Pairs
17. Practice
18. Loving Him
19. Mine
20. One More Day
21. Talent-Napper
22. The Fight For Our Life
23. Full Circle
24. Hybrid
Five Years Later

38. Sick of Being Sick

105 1 0
By DiamondStarz99

For the whole of that week, my family were scared silly by my illness. That Saturday I passed out again and nearly hit my head on the way to the kitchen. Jasper caught me before I could.

That night we decided I wouldn't be able to go to school. Carlisle was to take a week of work. I argued with him to the best of my ability but it was pointless. Then Jasper refused to go to school.

"Not until she's better." I heard him say.

Jasper won his war. He was allowed to stay off school. Tomy wasn't so lucky. He cried, threw tantrums and attempted to get himself grounded. His attempts failed.

On Monday, according to Jasper, Carlisle and Esme, I didn't wake up for six hours. Carlisle had considered turning me because he was that worried that I wasn't waking up. However I had woken up half an hour later.

On Tuesday, I threw up and couldn't anything. Esme had me only on water all day.

Wednesday, I was freezing. Jacob was allowed to stay home. He felt upset at leaving Nessie but he was happy enough to help out. We talked all morning then I slept against him in the afternoon.

On Thursday, I was boiling. Jacob went back to school and Jasper took his place. I slept most of the day.

On Friday, Tomy attempted to pretend to be ill. It was kind of a fail. He was still drove to school. Meanwhile, Jasper took me outside for some fresh air. The chill spring air helped a lot.

Saturday, I spent the whole day in bed. So on Sunday, I was allowed to relax on the couch.

Uncle Emmett grabbed my feet, lifted them and sat down. He placed my feet down in his lap. I looked at him. He smiled and winked at me.

Carlisle then came in and placed his hand on my forehead.

"How're you feeling?"


"Good," He checked my pulse then crouched down so his eyes were on level with mine. "No point in letting you go back to school is there?"


"They break up for Spring Break soon."

"Really?" I felt blank.




"No... I wanna go to school." Carlisle frowned thoughtfully.

"Okay... Well we'll see how you go." He patted my hand and stood up then left.

I closed my eyes, hoping for sleep.

A minute or so later, I felt the weight of a quilt being placed over me. I didn't respond.

"Thanks Mom... My feet were getting cold." Uncle Emmett teased.

"Sshh... Let her sleep." Esme murmured.

I snuggled into the warmth of the quilt and drifted off to sleep.

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