28. The Cullens-Hales-Whitlocks-Blacks

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It was impossible for people to NOT feel intimidated by us. We were such a huge family for a start. Plus after the first and second times of one of us being grabbed and someone else from our family appearing out of thin air to rescue the captive, the boys started to leave us alone.

Humans started to learn that we weren't to be crossed. And no one dared try either. Edward told us that our 'story' had no spread around the school. Everyone now knew a false story but believed it.

Everyday was the same. English, Calculus, History, Geography. Our geography class was rather small which meant that some of the other grades were among us. Renesmee and Jacob (grade above) sat together in Geography. One table at the back. Jacob, Renesmee and I got our own food trays. It was usually the same sort of thing. A bacon burger with an apple and a soda.

Then Uncle Emmett or Alice would get a tray for everyone else to share. They put drops of animal blood on everything for more appealing flavour, which naturally made Nessie and I jealous.

Meanwhile, Carlisle had got a job at a hospital. Within a matter of days, he was promoted to head doctor in his department.

Esme would be busy while we were at school. She would clean the house from top to bottom, give old clothes to goodwill or be getting friendly with the community. Everyday, we would get home and Esme would have a plate of some treat for myself, Nessie and Jake. A fruit salad, chocolate chip cookies, strawberries and cream. There would always be enough for Jake's huge appetite.

Carlisle would come home at five. We would watch T.V or do activities. At six, Esme would cook for us. We would have dinner then have a bath then have a hot drink before bed. It would be nine by this point so Jasper, Uncle Edward, Aunt Bella or Aunt Rose would take Nessie and I up to bed. We would then go straight to sleep.

On Wednesdays, we would stay up until half nine so we could do our homework. All of us would be in the Games Room to complete homework. Uncle Edward would help me when I was stuck.

On Saturday, we would spend the day together. Sometimes we played games or just simply read a book.

On Sunday, we all hunted. We would hunt as far away as possible. We had a story but... The truth could never be revealed.

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