54. One Last Night

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I sat on the window seat, looking at the starry sky. It was a beautiful night.

"Nice night to die..." I murmured.

"We were born to die, sis." Tomy came in, shutting the door behind him.

"But like this? In the hands of an enemy?" Tomy touched the small of my back, lightly.

"Maria was our first enemy. And we defeated her."

"How come we're being chased down?" I asked.

"I don't know." I looked at his face.

"We aren't going to win this." Tomy looked back.

"We can try. And Mom will protect us." I sighed.

"She can try. But her visions may not be of much help here." Tomy smiled slightly and hugged me.

"Not Alice. Our Mom." Tomy and I glanced up at the sky, at the stars.

A minute or so later, I heard a howl. Right outside.

Renesmee sat up in her bed. It made Tomy freeze over and me jump.

Her eyes were sparkling in the dim moonlight.

"The wolves have arrived." She whispered.

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