3. Ithaca

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Ithaca was a beautiful place. We were to live in a three-storey house. Esme had spent a week alone beforehand to renovate. Carlisle was joyful to see her again. He wouldn't let her go.

The rest of us ran all over the house looking around.

On the ground floor was the kitchen and living room. The first floor had Emmett and Rosalie's room, Edward and Bella's room and Carlisle and Esme's room. On the second floor was Alice and Jasper's room, mine and Renesmee's room and Jacob's room. There was one more spare room which Daniel, Tomy and Lavender shared. All of the adults had their own ensuite bathrooms. Jacob, Renesmee and I shared a single adjoining ensuite.

Carlisle immediately left to get a job at the local hospital. Esme helped us all to decide who wanted to go where. Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella planned to go to Cornell university. Uncle Emmett was in two minds as Aunt Rosalie wanted to go to Cornell too.

Jasper and Alice wanted to go to the local high school so they could keep an eye on myself, Tomy, Renesmee, Jacob and Lavender. Daniel couldn't decide whether or not to stay with me at high school or go to Cornell like the others.

"Esme... I don't know if I want to go back to high school..." I murmured. Esme put her arm around my shoulders.

"Why not?"

"I don't know... I would just rather be home schooled." Esme frowned in thought.

"I would teach you myself but I don't know... You should ask your parents." I looked at Jasper and Alice.

"You think you can do that, Mom?" Jasper asked her.

"I was a school teacher at one point." Esme reminded him.

"Yes but high school?"

"Yes. Then she can go to Cornell for the diploma."

"You can do it?" Alice asked.

"Maybe. Better with the help of Jasper, Edward and Carlisle." Esme eyes sparkled at the opportunity.

"Well... Truthfully... You could use all of our help." Alice beamed.

"I could teach music..." Aunt Rosalie said.

"Okay so that sorts it then." Esme finished, smiling at me.

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