Moonlight Glow

By DiamondStarz99

15.3K 259 3

Fanfiction of The Twilight Saga. I DO NOT OWN CHARACTERS. 'I could feel the black but I couldn't push it away... More

1. Normal... For Vampires
2. Stranger
3. Fear
4. Carlisle
4. Shannon
5. Meeting the Cullens
6. Talented
7. Less than Vampire, More than Human
8. Family
9. Forks
10. Being Family
11. The Volturi
12. Preparation
13. Scarred
14. Bonds
15. Vision
16. Training
17. One Night
19. Aro
20. Secret
21. Travelling
22. The Hotel
23. The Truth
24. The Memorial
25. Mom
26. My Family
27. Virginia
28. The Cullens-Hales-Whitlocks-Blacks
30. Night Watch
31. Grounded
32. Prison
33. Prison Break
34. Meet
35. Pissed
36. Nightmare
37. Sick
38. Sick of Being Sick
39. Back to School
40. Cousins
41. Spring Break
42. Betrayal
43. Runaway
44. Hurt
45. The Need for Love
46. Uncle Emmett
47. Afterwards
48. Back For More
49. Vow
50. Problem
51. The Destroyers
52. Cornered
53. Denali
54. One Last Night
55. Waiting
56. Busted
57. Bitemarks
1. Not All Is How It Seems
2. Family of Fourteen
3. Ithaca
4. Home Schooled
5. Routine
6. Talent Control Class
8. Weakness
9. Secretive
10. Summer
11. Living Life
12. Future Danger
13. The Search
14. Allies
15. The Elemental Weather
16. The Coupled Pairs
17. Practice
18. Loving Him
19. Mine
20. One More Day
21. Talent-Napper
22. The Fight For Our Life
23. Full Circle
24. Hybrid
Five Years Later

29. Escape

101 2 0
By DiamondStarz99

"Night..." I heard Jasper whisper. He kissed my forehead and got off my bed. I tried to keep my mind blank so Uncle Edward wouldn't suspect.

"She asleep?" Jasper whispered.

"Yes." I heard a soft creak of bed springs as Aunt Bella got of Nessie's bed. They must have walked out of the room because I heard the door shut. I counted to ten then opened my eyes.

Renesmee was fast asleep in bed.

I tiptoed to the window and opened it. I then crouched on the window sill and pounced into the nearby tree.

Breathless, I jumped up and started leaping through the branches of the trees. I kept that up until I was nearing the main road outside of the area to the house. I then jumped down and skipped over to Danny, leaning against a tree.

"Am I far enough?" He asked, hugging me.

"Yes I think so. However let's play safe." I pulled him across the road.

We ran to the nearby park. Nobody was there. We went to sit on the swings.

"I missed you." I told him.

"I missed you too." He said. I reached over and took his hand.

"What have you been up to?"

"You know... Stuff," Danny Looked up then sighed. "Shannon, I have an apology to make."

"What do you mean?"

"I pushed you into the headstone. You could have DIED... I'm so sorry..."

"Danny, it wasn't your fault. You were trying to protect me."

"Yeah well it didn't quite work out, did it?" Danny looked down at the floor. He looked so downcast that it made my heart sink.

I got off my swing and stopped his then stood in front of him. He looked up at me, placing one of his hands on my waist.

I cupped his face in my hands.

"I would be dead if you hadn't pushed me out of the way. Thank you."

"I love you." Danny whispered, pulling me onto his lap.

"As I love you." We kissed then I pulled away.

"How long have I been gone?"

"Long enough. You should go back now. Especially with your family around." I nodded and stood up.

"I'll see you." We kissed once more than I ran off back home.

I jumped into the trees and leapt from branch to branch. I didn't hesitate as I pounced onto my outside window sill and inside.

I almost had a heart attack when I spotted Jasper and Carlisle on my bed.

"Where have you been?" Jasper asked.

"I went for a walk." I stood up and walked over to them, attempting to get into bed. Jasper placed his hand on my wait. On the exact same place that Danny had. It made my heart jolt at the memory. And I had a good idea that Jasper felt my emotions and heard my heartbeats which was probably why his hand dropped away from me.

"Who were you with?"

"No one! Let me go to bed!"

"Not until you tell me."

"It's a school night!" I hissed.

"Yeah well why were you sneaking out then?"

"Never you mind!"

"You're grounded if you do this again."

"You can't ground me. I'm a free agent."

"Not until you're eighteen." Carlisle said, sternly. I snorted in response.

"That's funny. Not like I age really slowly."

"Still applies." Jasper told me.

"That's not FAIR."

"I don't care. You're grounded if you do this again." Jasper said.

I saw red. I clenched my fist but before I could even TOUCH him, Uncle Edward had both my hands.

"Not today, kiddo." He whispered.

"Get into bed and go to sleep." Carlisle ordered.

I scowled at him, pulling my hands away from Uncle Edward. I then got into bed.

I didn't hear them leave so I presumed they stayed the whole night.

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