Well Fu-

By TheBubbleBoy124

280K 12.5K 4.1K

'Gotham.....I'm in Gotham.......I'M IN GOTHAM' Yes, yes you were 'What, what the actual hell is happening, is... More

The Stranger
A New Reality
Well, I'm Screwed
Doctor? Doctors?
Next Level BULLSH-
Ok Sooooooooooo (auTHoRs nOTe)
Totally Perfect Escape Plan.....Who Am I Kidding
Royally ******
Just A Simple Game
Run-ing Run-ing
No More Running
To Hell With It All
More Questions Than Answers
Just My Imagination.....Right?
The Outskirts
He's Here
Things Just Went From Bad To F*****
A Murderer
Behind The Scenes
Thinking Things Through
A Much Needed Explanation
Unattainable Goals
Mock Battle
Everything Goes According To Plan
Everything Has Not Gone According To Plan
A Gift
The Showman And Her Noisy Assistant
Under No Circumstances
A Bird. A Magician. A Shock. And A Maniac
I Can't Believe I Forgot To Give This A Title
How Much Until A Mind Breaks?
So Many Things To Talk About
How The Hell Did It Come To This?
It Begins........NOW
Old And New Encounters
Authors Note Edit: We Good Now
A Proposal
I Hate Rich People
Multiple Concussions Were Given On This Day
Why Are You Here?
You Play Baseball?
Cassandra = Trauma To Outlet Man
The True Protagonist Has Arrived
Divine Intervention
Good Luck
Authors Note - Thank You
Not Ready
A Mugging
Damn. That's Cold
Old Habits Die Hard
Déjà Vu
The Court's Claws
One. Two. Three. Four.
The Final Minute
Playing God
Shadows and Stars
Masks Upon Masks
A Doctor Who Can't Heal
Not A Murderer?
First Name Basis
A Week In Arkham Asylum
Stick To The Script
Authors Note - I'm Sick
In And Out
Plans for Plans
The Things I'd Do For Love
First Step
Start of an Era
Chapter 1 End, The Birth Of An Uprising
Safe Place
Night On The Town
Guides For Better And For Worse
Confront It
Ride On The Rumour Train *WHOOP* (And Trauma)
A Performace With Unwilling Actors
Cat And Mouse
If I'm A Mask, What's Underneath?

Without A Body

1.1K 57 19
By TheBubbleBoy124

Zatanna had one hand around her side to support her broken ribs, while with the other she held her trademark wand.

"Dnesca" She spoke evenly, and from her position in an alleyway she began to float.

As she proceeded upwards, the air stung the cut on the front of her neck, one deep enough to draw blood but shallow enough to not even be close to lethal. Such preciseness belonged only to those who knew how to use weapons on a godly scale.

There was a certain shakiness in her body, but her expression remained fixed as she fell deeper into thought.


At the command, her body stopped moving upwards, and she landed on the balcony she had come from earlier in the night.

Landing gracefully, the magician looked behind her, her mind a storm as she stared into Gotham. A Gotham that, after tonight, had changed drastically.

"I'm not really the type of girl to follow rules, but you should know better, Zatanna"

Canary, who was leaning against the entrance to the balcony from outside, spoke in a slightly amused tone of voice.

At the lack of comeback or even response, Canary pushed herself off from her spot and looked at her friend with concern.

"Are you"-
"A Lord has fallen"

Those words caused Canary to visibly recoil in shock, while Zatanna simply continued to stare, a hand grasping the mark on her neck.

"Wh-What are you...? Who?!" Urgency made itself known in Canary's question, one that Zatanna responded to in the same tone of voice she'd been using since she arrived.

"Mr. Freeze. And before you ask for proof, I was an audience member, I saw what happened" Turning around, she stared Canary in the eyes.

"Y/N and Static, they took down Mr. Freeze"

A figure sat on a shore, their position being on the sand and their legs outstretched so that faint waves would submerge them, and eventually subside.

It was night, and the stars could be seen in the sky. Similarly, the water in front of the figure was lit up, as if a trail of stars themselves was submerged in the water.

The person continued to stare at that trail, their eyes holding a fogginess that seemed to have grasped over their mind. With each passing wave that came and went, it was as if it were a tick in that person's mind. Until, despite the water going at the same pace it always had, it became too overwhelming and the figure moved themselves backwards before the next wave could reach them.

Gasping, they tried to contain their involuntary breaths and only breathed through their nose, an attempt to calm themselves down as they remained fixated on the starry trail in the water.

"The Maldives are beautiful, aren't they?"

The figure didn't react to the male voice that was spoken behind and slightly to the side of them, and from the corner of their vision they could see the newcomer's legs as they stood on the sand.

"..............Yeah" For the first time, the figure spoke, their voice feminine and quiet.

"It doesn't get boring no matter how many times you see it. I mean, the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower got stale by the second time!" With a bit of a laugh, the man exclaimed his thoughts with a smile on his face.

Despite the fact it was night, he was dressed as if he had come to the beach to swim. A completely unbuttoned tropical shirt which revealed his toned, but also visibly scarred upper body. This was matched with swimming shorts and sandals, even though the man was wearing sandglasses that covered his eyes. It was an odd choice of clothing considering it was night and well, there was no sun.

"......I like the view. Just.....it feels wrong to even touch the water" The girl muttered, her hands around her knees in a huddled up position.

"Nah that's a you thing. I was actually feeling like going for a swim this time" Grinning, the man looked down at the girl, who was in a hoodie with the hood over her head. He himself had his hazel-esc hair pulled back into a bun, a few streaks of it white but seemingly not dyed.

"You say that every year, but you never do"
"That's because he's a fucking coward"

A third voice interjected, also feminine but so rough in contrast to the other girl that the difference was nearly jarring.

The man turned around with a smile, but was met with a gun resting on his forehead.

"It's been a minute!" He exclaimed in a happy manner, his arms open as if to give the newcomer a hug. Which, in all honesty was odd since he did so after the weapon had been shoved into his head.

"Don't fucking speak Four, or should I call you Baransu since that's your alias nowadays" Pressing the gun even harder into the man's head, he didn't flinch and neither did his expression change.

"Oh c'moooooooon, you were interfering in Yakuza business. That's what I'm dabbling in for the next little while. Don't tell me you're still mad about that?" He spoke almost teasingly, but the expression on the woman's face said otherwise.

"I don't know, take a guess" She spat, the pistol on her hand further pressing up against the "Four"s skull.

"Don't be so uptight, I mean we're calling each other by our numbers? Wouldn't you rather be called......" The man, through the faint dropping of his sunglasses eyes were visible to the woman, and there was a certain child-like excitement to them. "Sis"

Before she could shoot, the man grabbed the gun and in a quick maneuver, turned it on her. However, she had already pulled out another one with her free hand, causing a standstill as they both aimed at each other.

"Glad to see you all are still trying to kill each other with the freedom you fought for" Said an amused voice, this one also being that of a male.

The girl still sitting beach flinched, her hands tugging at her hoodie's sleeves.

"You're right, you're right. What am I even doing?" Chuckling, "Four" dropped the gun to his side in an exasperated manner.

"Knives are WAY more fun" He spoke, before throwing one he had slipped into his hand unseen towards his side.

A gloved hand caught it, originating from the newcomer who had stopped it right before it pierced his throat.

"Was that necessary?"
"Just a bit of reflex testing" He shrugged.
"Why would I need that?" The newcomer questioned, his bright blue eyes gazing at his attacker.
"You've been so busy hiding behind others, I think he just wanted to make sure your skills hadn't dried up along with your personality" With a mocking tone, the woman who held the gun spat at him.

"Correctemondo! Still, it's always so nice" Walking forward, "Four" gave the newcomer a gentle hug.

"To see a traitor every now and again" He spoke, his cheery voice not changing yet the way the words left him indicated otherwise.

"You speak as if the life you've been living has been truly worth the circumstances that come with it" Coldly, he didn't move even with the embrace he was given.

"At least we're free. At least we're away from that place" For the first time in a while, the girl in the hoodie gave her opinion, her voice low so that it barely came out as a whisper.

"Free? Free? I'm the only one who's truly free here" -
"Free for me to put a bullet in your head"

Running his hands through his medium length grey hair, the man sighed as he looked at the very much aggressive woman.

"Free enough to hurt each other too, or remind me of who gave you those scars?" Motioning to her, he indicated the rather large scar that went from her chin, across her lips, to over her ear, and another one that intersected it from below her eye to the bottom of her cheek.

This was made even more visible since her ever so lightly purple, nearly white hair was put up in a bun.

"At least we're free to do that much, unlike how the bastards you help want us to live" Like the previous ones, a new voice interjected itself.

Grabbing the grey-haired man from behind and holding a knife to his throat, the newcomer looked at the woman across from him.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill this bitch and you due to the shit you both pulled on me this year"
"Not my fault you started associating with a terrorist group" She spoke evenly.
"We've all worked with terrorist groups at some point, my question is why the fuck you're trying to play hero all of a sudden. Especially since you're still all buddy buddy with that psycho blonde bitch who's a terrorist group on her own"

"Shall I tell you my reason on why I should live?" Said the now hostage, who interrupted casually despite the blood being drawn from the pressure the knife had on his neck.

"I'd rather not hear a fucker like you's voice since it makes me sick. Traitor"
"I'll speak anyways, you can't. I'm afraid you lack to the skill to kill me, so unhand me, Two" A pressure that wasn't there previously began to fill the area, and everyone there could feel it.

"Oh really? We're going by numbers again? Wanna prove that then? Because I've been waiting a long fucking time for you to stop hiding behind her. Grow a pair recently, Mr. Liberator? Isn't it funny how your codename was Rebel yet you're still someone else's bi"-

The man's grasp on his hostage weakened as the "traitor" twisted, his neck getting loosely cut as his hands pushed the knife away, allowing for him to slip out of "Two"s grasp.

Instead of letting go though, he held his grip on his attacker's wrists and pulled, causing them to be face to face and for a standstill to be formed as each held their grip on the other.

"Oh we're really doing this then?!" In a nearly excited tone, "Four" slipped another knife into his hand, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the struggle taking place before him.

"All of you need to stand down" Commandingly, the purple/white-haired woman grabbed her gun, sizing up everyone else present.

"Don't take orders anymore, especially not from you, Sis" Grunting, "Two" didn't take his eyes of the man he was engaged with.
"Funny, reports show you listened the best growing up" The strain in his voice clear, the grey-haired man taunted him.

"Well don't just hog the fun to yourselves! Let's do this" Impatiently, and like a child whining, "Four" complained. Yet, directly contrast to his voice, his muscles visibly tensed as he prepared to launch from his spot.

"Whoever makes the next move is getting shot, I don't care who it is" Moving her gun in front of her, the woman held a seriousness that further added to the pressure exerted by each member there.

"I sincerely hope you aren't expecting to leave here without permanent injuries, Loon" The "traitor"s blue eyes seemingly glowed faintly amongst the darkness of the area, while "Two" smiled at the act of aggression.

"Where's Y/N?"

The single question, that being spoken by the girl still sitting on the beach, caused everyone else to freeze.

A moment of silence filled the previously tense area, as realization set in amongst them.

After a few seconds of this, "Two" let go of his aggressor in a frustrated yank, an angry sigh leaving him.

"He's probably dead" Shrugging his shoulders, "Four" spoke what everyone else was thinking.

"No, he's too stubborn to die. Especially off grid like he's been? That's not his style" The girl with the gun spoke, taking out a cigarette with her free hand and putting it in her mouth.

"Well, who was the last person that saw him in person? Or at least since the last time we gathered here?" Speaking while lighting her cigarette, the woman glanced over at the rest.

Everyone but the girl in the hoodie stared at each other.
"Great. Basically all of you have seen him. Must've been a busy year for him I guess"

"Jealous? You've always been protective of him. Hurt that you were left out?" In a mocking voice, "Two" spoke down on the woman as she exhaled, the smoke rising from her mouth.

"Don't need to protect him. Take off your clothes and show us your burn marks, then tell me who needs my help"
"I can rearrange your face again if you want to, right here and right now"
"You gave me the small one while Y/N gave me the big one, don't talk tough shit if you can't back it up"

"Speaking of scars, saw Seven...what?....six months ago? Gave him a few new ones too. Of course..." Moving his jacket aside slightly, "Four" revealed a large, diagonal slash mark visible from his chest.
"He gave me a good one too"

"Are you telling me you lost to Skyfall?" With an almost arrogant voice, the "traitor" questioned him in disbelief.
"First off, that's not Skyfall, that's Y/N. Big difference depending on the name"

"Secondly" Stepping in front of the man, who was slightly shorter than him, Four looked down on him with a grin that didn't reach his eyes, but instead held a certain sadistic joy at the provocation.

"You think I'd lose?"

Maintaining eye contact, the tense moment was broken just a second later as "Four" let out a laugh, his hand gently patting his instigator's shoulder.

"Sorry sorry, I know you don't think that. You've always been the most wary of me so I couldn't help it. Just, please, please be willing to start something next time you talk like that, I hate letting this thrill go" With a somewhat sad look, the man's shoulders relaxed as he let a deep breath out.

For a few seconds, the blue-eyes man stared at the person who he looked like he was ready to kill him mere seconds before, who simply stared back with a relaxed smile. It was only after holding that expression for a few moments did the other man speak.

"Bit over a month ago, we were on him" Not visibly responding at all to the threat issued, the "traitor" spoke while keeping his eyes on the man in front of him, who perked up with interest at his statement.

Besides the woman who still sat on the shore with her arms around her tucked in legs, the other two also looked his way.

"Things got ugly. He escaped but he shouldn't have gotten far, we hit him hard. He was surprised to see me too so that added to his shock, making him sloppier than usual. Of course, he is the weakest of us all after those promises he spouted to us....." Faintly, the man looked across the star-filled sea, and for a second his impassive face turned slightly somber.
"On that day. But after that he completely disappeared"

"So, you're still going after him? Hasn't that woman got better things to do?" Leaning her head against her gun, "Sis" was sitting down on a nearby rock with a bored expression on her face.

"Don't worry, all of you are top priority. In fact, very soon you might find yourselves back where we belong, but in a better place" At his words, "Two"s hand turned into a fist, and "Sis"s eyes opened with a seriousness behind it that indicated more than a light threat.

"However, she and the rest do hold a special interest in Y/N. I mean, he's the only one of us to still want to be human after all. He became so naive after...anyways, I was hoping he'd be here so I could at least check his status. But he isn't"-

"Which means he's probably dead" Looking down at the sand, "Two" groaned before continuing. "He out of everyone would never miss tonight. This means he's dead or being held in a place that can contain him which, let's be real, there's no place on earth that can do that"

"NO!" An outburst from the cradled girl on the beach startled everyone present, as the one responsible began to rock herself slightly back and forth.

"H-He can't be dead. He can't" Faintly, her voice broke as she couldn't contain her sobs, completely contradicting the silent nature she had displayed throughout the night.

"I won't....I REFUSE!" Whipping her head around, the girl stared with an unrelenting anger at "Two" with piercing gold eyes, which caused "Four" to look at her with a smile, his own amber-eyes lighting up.

"He can't die........he can't" Bringing her hands over her hood to pull it back over, the woman stared at the ground with a gaze that held no trace of life.

"I haven't killed him yet"

"It doesn't matter" Dismissively, the "traitor" interjected before things got worse.

"Even if he did show up, it wouldn't matter. This night, none of what we've done matters, nor who we hate or who we're aligned with" Looking out over the serene sight in front of him, the grey-haired man's eyes softened.

"We're here because of him. Let's at least wait until tonight's over"

No one else spoke, but a silent pact had been formed among them, one not formed that day, but rather two years previous. Currently, like the times before, it was now being honoured.

For the first time since arriving, everyone truly took in the sight. It was as if the sky had taken shape in the sea, it's countless bright stars making it seem as if they were truly floating, closer to the galaxy than anyone had ever been before.

The hostility that had infested the air evaporated all at once, and now it wasn't that they were all here together. Instead, it felt to them that each of them were in their own individual world, worlds that didn't reflect the real one as fantasies crossed through each of their minds.

"I see why he chose this place" Putting out her smoke, "Sis" placed her hands on the rock and leaned slightly backwards, looking from the sea to the sky.

"It fits him. He'd probably cry if he got to see it in person" Chuckling to herself, "Four" laughed along with her, his eyes gazing out at the serene view before him.

"Yeah he definitely would've. Can you believe he wanted to build a house here though? The view would've gotten boring at some point" With a smile, the man didn't care that his expression completely contradicted his words.

"No. He would've treasured it, each and every day. That's just the way he was" Her voice faint, the hood-wearing girl looked at the water with longing.

"Stars. I still can't believed he made that our nicknames" Grunting in disbelief, despite how it was framed "Two" seemed almost happy at his words.

"Oh you hated him for that. Kept throwing fits that it was too childish and girly for you" Teasingly, "Sis" pointed at the man, who looked away slightly embarrassed.

"I do recall that you were worse, no?" Cocking his head to the side, the "traitor" stared at the previously laughing woman with an amused look on his face.

She, in response, froze before slowly turning away while hiding her face.

"I don't remember that"
"Really? I remember you trying to bite him like a rabid dog every time he called you that" Confused, Two stared at the girl who further buried her face in shame.

"Y-Yeah, you bit me when I called you that once" Sulking, the girl on the beach shivered at the memory.

"Enough!" Having quite vocally enough, "Sis" stared at the rest with squinted and distrusting eyes.

"Weren't as bad as Y/N though. He threw a table at me once, we were 11" Shrugging, "Four" brushed off her warning.

"Two" looked at the man beside him confused. "You're the one who wanted to fight though? You usually started it?"
"I have no idea what those words mean"

Signing with exhaustion, "Two" wasn't even going to entertain the grinning man beside for fear of being sucked into one of his games.

At that point, a silence washed over them. One that wasn't forced nor needed to happen, but simply did as they all stared out at a sight that held more than just pretty visuals, but also memories that made each of them forget where they were.

"The sea of stars" The girl on the beach muttered, eyes staring out into it.

"The swing at the end of the world" Without taking his eyes off of the water, "Two" spoke.

Pausing for a moment, the girl continued what he had started.

"Build-A-Bear" She chuckled, her eyes not moving as if she were in a trance, the same as "Two".

"The UN headquarters" Faintly, the "traitor" also spoke, his expression the same as the others.

"The moon" Sighing lightly, "Four" couldn't help but allow a nostalgic smile to cross his face, one different than the ones he'd shown previously.

"Mt. Everest" Her eyes blurry, "Sis"s words held a certain warmness to them.

At that point, everyone present looked towards an empty spot.

It wasn't noticeable to those from outside looking in, but to them, it felt like there was a gaping hole among them that simply felt wrong. A spot that should've been filled tonight, tonight of all nights.

"And for Y/N" Taking it upon herself, "Sis" stared at the spot before looking back over the sea.

"An arcade. An arcade with all of us"

Her mouth shaking slightly, "Sis" but her tongue in order to recompose herself. It was a vain attempt to stop her emotions from leaking out, something that barely ever happened, but "Four" spoke before she fully lost her composure.

"I'd say a year"

Tucking his hands into his short pockets, the amber-eyed man, like the rest of them, kept his gaze facing in front of him.

"If he's not here in a years time, then he's dead. There's no other way he'd miss this twice"

"He's got a year"

Nine days after you felled a Lord of Gotham, you woke up.

Okay so this is a Chapter 1 epilogue. By the way, the entirety of Chapter 1 is named "Body", so do with that information what you will.

I'm ACTUALLY gonna take more than a two week break this time, but an epilogue was needed. Also, been meaning to shed more light on your original world for a while now.

Hope this chapter kept you entertained, and like always if you have any questions ask here. See ya in the next chapter whenever that might be, definitely soon.

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