The Arrangement Factor (ARRAN...

By author_zenia

49.6K 1.8K 86

Meet Sarah, 20 years, a sweet and tender-hearted young girl, who, despite facing the harshness of life, alway... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epilogue 2

Chapter 93

470 15 0
By author_zenia

Alex's POV

Since the announcement, I've become extraordinarily possessive of her. I constantly feel the need to see her, be around her, and touch her to ensure she's there and near me. I haven't left Sarah's side for even a minute, except when she locks herself in the bathroom. Sarah has grown annoyed with me and has repeatedly asked for space to breathe, but I can't help it; I need to be with her.

It's been two weeks since she first shared the news of her pregnancy. I've been working from my home office ever since. I had my personal assistant bring everything here so that I wouldn't have to go to the office, except for important meetings, which are usually delegated to others.

Daniel and Mia had returned from their honeymoon, and since Mia wanted to see Sarah right away, they came straight from the airport. Mom hasn't left their side either. To my and Daniel's dismay, both of us were sent out of my room and away from our girls.

Why? Because they needed their 'quality girl time.' Like, is that even a thing? And why can't they have their gossip and 'quality time' with us around?

I was working on my laptop, and Dan was tired, resting on the sofa when we heard a scream. We both jerked our heads toward the door and then at each other. In no time, we were rushing to my room.

"What happened? Are you okay?" we both exclaimed simultaneously as soon as we entered the room, huffing for air.

The three of them were looking at us as if we were from another planet.

Sarah was standing by the bed, clapping and smiling, but tears were also flowing from her eyes. The same went for Mom and Mia – smiling, crying, and hugging each other.

Why are these girls so confusing? Why are they crying and laughing at the same time?

"What brings you guys here?" Mom inquired.

"We heard a scream, so we thought maybe something happened, and we wanted to make sure you're okay," I explained. Dan and I walked over to Sarah and Mia, checking for any signs of injury or distress.

"Oh, that? Sorry about that," Mia apologised sheepishly.

"Why are you all crying and smiling simultaneously?" Dan voiced the question that was on my mind.

"Maa asked Mia to stop calling her," Sarah exclaimed excitedly.

"That's why you screamed?" I asked, still a bit confused.

"No, silly, that was Mia," Sarah said, laughing as if I had said something absurd.

"Why did you scream, Mia?" Dan asked, expressing concern.

"Because Sarah told me she's also pregnant. We're now pregnant besties," Mia declared enthusiastically.

Dan smiled at me and congratulated us both, and we reciprocated.

"But why didn't Eli want you to call her?" Dan asked, still puzzled.

Mia laughed at him and explained, "She didn't say not to call her; she asked me to call her Mom as well. So, she'll be my Maa, just like Sarah's." She said this with a smile.

Dan looked at Mom, and when she smiled at him, he hugged her, expressing his gratitude. Mom had been there for him after his mother's death, and this meant a lot to Dan. Mia calling her Mom was a significant gesture.

"So, you both are okay?" I asked again, just to be sure.

"Yes," they both responded, seeming a bit irritated by my question.

"Now you both can go; we need to discuss so many things," Mia said, stepping away from Dan's embrace and shooing us away.

"Why can't you both talk with us around?" Dan asked, echoing the same question I had in mind.

"Because..." Mia coughed to halt Sarah from speaking. "We just need some alone girl time," Sarah sweetly explained, and how could I not comply with anything she says? She either doesn't realise the effect she has on me or if she does, she's using it quite effectively.


It's been three months since Sarah shared the exciting news of her pregnancy. Currently, she's over four months pregnant, displaying a small but visible bump, while Mia is nearing six months into her pregnancy.

Since the pregnancy revelation, our intimate moments have been nothing short of incredible. I had the blast of sex with my naughty little Dove. She is always horny and no longer my shy little Dove. She makes these cute doe eyes using her enchanting hazel eyes and that is all she needs to do for me to comply with every wish of hers.

However, the challenge lies in dealing with her unpredictable hormones. One moment, she's cheerful and playful, and the next, she's upset or engaged in a senseless argument. Currently, she's giving me the silent treatment because I used handcuffs to tie her to bed so that she would not leave, to ensure she rests. Oh, the things I wanted to do to her seeing her cuffed to bed but I controlled them as she needed to rest.

Despite my intentions to care for her, she's upset. Sarah tends to overexert herself, either in the kitchen or with household chores, and convincing her to rest proves to be a difficult task. At times, I've had to physically carry her back to bed to ensure she gets the rest she needs because she has been standing or walking for hours.

What else is better than to rest all day and do no work, but this girl never listens?

Today, she teamed up with Mom to practically throw me out of my own house. It's unbelievable—my wife and mother joined forces to kick me out of my own house, all because I was taking care of my pregnant wife.

How is that even logical?

Here I am in my office, attempting to focus but constantly checking security cameras to ensure they don't leave the house alone. Along with resisting the urge to call Sarah every fucking minute or rush back home.

I never wanted to return to the office. I had set up everything in my home office, where I could keep an eye on my little Dove. However, she sweetly forced or actually threatened me, looking cute and irresistibly sexy with her scrunched-up nose and an attempt at an intimidating pose.

I wanted to kiss her so bad right then and there. But she warned, "If you don't go to the office starting today and give me some space to breathe, I swear I'll move to another room and never let you in." I knew she couldn't stay away from me. But faced with the seriousness in her eyes and not wanting to challenge her pregnancy hormones, I had no choice but to comply with her wishes. Mom's support only strengthened her position, and we all know that no one can say no to Mom. It's simply impossible.

Daniel slumped into the chair across my desk, letting out a heavy sigh. "When can we go home, Alexie?"

I mirrored his sigh. "Not until evening."

"Evening?" he exclaimed, rising from the chair. "That's in six freaking hours!"

"Six hours, 15 minutes, and 30 seconds to be exact," I replied in a somber tone.

"I can't wait that long, Alexie. I need to talk to her and see her. What if she needs me? What if she wants something to eat and I'm not there, and she decides to go out? I can't sit here all day worrying, Alexie," he ranted.

Indeed, he too had been ousted from his home because Mia spent almost all her time with Sarah and Mom. Mom was vigilant, ensuring the two were never left alone—a good thing, but it felt like they were stolen from us. Today, even Daniel was kicked out and compelled to return to the office.

"That's why I'm keeping an eye on the cameras to ensure those vixens don't get any stupid ideas to go out shopping. I've even warned all the drivers not to take them anywhere," I assured Dan.

"But I still need to be with her," he whined.

I shared his sentiment, longing to be with my little Dove. However, she had warned me that returning home before evening or finishing my work would result in either eviction from my room or her shifting elsewhere. I couldn't bear the thought of being apart, especially at night. Her warm and comforting embrace was essential for my sleep and peace.

"Me too, but we can't—at least not before evening," I sighed.

"Can't we come up with something and go back early?" he suggested.

A brilliant idea struck me.

"Oh no, Alexie, after this you know Eli would never let me be near Mia. She already has her most of the time," Dan whined like a child.

"Think about it, Dan. With this, you can have more time with Mia, and it would save us both the effort of convincing them to let us stay home," I pointed out, highlighting the benefits of the plan.

The plan involved getting Daniel and Mia an estate near to ours, making them our neighbours. We could then claim to be setting things up at Daniel's new home and decorating, providing a legitimate reason for our early return.

After making all the arrangements and ensuring Daniel liked the chosen estate according to Mia's preference, we headed back home. He chose the estate just next to ours and became neighbors with shared boundaries.

Upon arriving home, we were both taken aback by the scene unfolding before us. The trio had ordered pizza and were seated at the dining table, indulging in their peculiar toppings. Sarah, in particular, had taken pizza innovation to a whole new level—she was topping hers with ice cream. Not one bite of pizza and one ice cream she literally has ice cream upon her pizza as a topping. Mia, on the other hand, was pairing her pizza with pickles and pineapple, despite not being a fan of either.

Their unconventional pizza choices left Dan and me in shock, and our pizza experiences were forever ruined. Mom, thankfully, maintained the sanctity of a traditional pizza.

"Why are you both home early?" Mom inquired, snapping Dan and me out of our pizza-murder trance.

"Is it even healthy for you to eat pizza with all this?" I questioned Sarah, pointing at the array of toppings on her pizza, including the ice cream.

She shot me her signature 'Don't mess with me right now' look, a skill she had mastered during her pregnancy. Whenever I questioned her about unusual things or anything in particular, that look appeared she didn't like being questioned. She would either give me her signature look or cry saying I don't love her anymore.

"Yes," Mia chimed in cheerfully, offering Dan a bite of her unconventional pizza. He polity tries to decline because he hates pineapple on pizza. Despite his aversion to pineapple on pizza, Mia's sad pout and teary eyes coerced him into taking a bite. I stifled a laugh at his predicament. However, my amusement faded when Sarah extended the same offer to me, and now it was Dan who sported a smirk.

Oh, fuck me.

"No, baby, I want you to eat all your pizza so that neither you nor the baby is hungry. Besides, I've already had my lunch at the office," I tried to decline gracefully, not wanting to upset her. An upset pregnant Sarah was not a pleasant scenario for me. Thankfully, she agreed and didn't press me to partake in her... unique pizza creation.

"Why are you here? Didn't I warn you, or do you want me to shift?" Sarah questioned me without diverting her attention from her pizza thingy.

"Actually, we have a surprise for you all," I said, gesturing for Dan to explain.

When Dan shared the news about the new house, making us all neighbours, Mia burst into tears of joy while Mom and Sarah radiated happiness.

We visited Dan's new place to showcase it to everyone, and it received unanimous approval. We explained that some decorating was in order before Dan and Mia could move in, and we intended to work from home again to assist with the preparations.

However, they opposed our idea, insisting that they handle the decoration while we focused on work. We argued that we couldn't let them tire themselves with shopping and decorating in their current condition, but our concerns fell on deaf ears.

Seemingly aware of our plan, the vixens deployed their irresistible puppy dog eyes, a tactic we were defenceless against. They persuaded us to agree that, if we had to work from home, they would take charge of decorating the house while we could accompany them to the mall for assistance.

Reluctantly, we consented, as that was the only way to stay home and spend more time with them. Little did we know that this decision would lead us to regret.

The entire day has been a series of delays at the mall, and Dan and I are now carrying about a hundred bags. Yet, the girls remain unsatisfied, constantly adding more to their collection. It's a house, not a fucking storage unit they are buying all the stuff they see and want.

But can we complain?


Any attempt to voice our concerns has resulted in a final warning: comply or head back to the office.

So here we are, carrying their bags and ensuring they don't tire themselves out—though, in truth, these girls seem to have boundless energy, at least when it comes to shopping.

I swear, there will be consequences for all of this. I am so going to punish her tonight for all that she is doing.

This is our current predicament. Why on earth did we agree to this? Ughhh!!


Hope you liked the chapter.

Please do Vote, Comment and Share.

(A/N: As promised a second chapter for Christmas Eve.

The story has come to a close, and I'll be sharing the epilogue shortly. Writing this tale was a challenging journey, but your unwavering support made it truly wonderful. A heartfelt thank you to each one of you. While I acknowledge that I might have made mistakes throughout the story, please understand that it was my first time writing, and we evolved together in this process. I welcome all constructive criticism, but I won't entertain any negativity.

Much love to all of you. Thank you for your support and for standing by me and the story.)

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