Kismet ⤖ Sirius Black

By TaffyTides

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WARNING: CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN - Old version will be removed when it is caught up KISMET /ˈkɪzmɛt/ ???? ... More



167 8 1
By TaffyTides

𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶𝚝𝚑 𝟷𝟿𝟽𝟽

"LILY, I'LL MEET YOU DOWNSTAIRS." Aurora called to the witch as she made her way to the door. They had been in their dorm getting ready for Slughorn's dinner. Aurora had finished a while ago and had been lounging on her bed waiting for Lily to finish up.

"Okay, I won't be long." Lily replied back.

With a nod, Aurora left the room and walked down the stairs. A smile appeared on her face as she caught sight of the boys sat on the sofa. She took a seat on the coffee table in front of them.

James frowned at her attire. "Why are you so dressed up for dinner?"

Her head tilted and she sent him a look. A specific 'are you dumb' look.

"It's not just any dinner, Prongs, it's the Slug Dinner." Sirius waggled his eyebrows.

"Oh, that bloody thing. I do not envy you at all."

Sirius faced Aurora. "Tell my brother he's a git, will you?"

"No, I will not!" She whacked his shoulder. "You should be nicer to him."

He let out a bark of laughter. "Be nicer to Regulus? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard."

"To get Padfoot to be nice to Regulus is like trying to get Prongs to neatly style his hair." Remus glared at the wizard. "It's impossible."

"My hair is intentionally neatly messy." Potter ran his hand through his hair; messing it up even further.

"Oh look, there's Lily." Aurora pointed at the witch and stood up from her perch.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, James twisted his body on the sofa and didn't dare remove his eyes from the redhead. She looked absolutely gorgeous in a pale-yellow collared dress that fell just above her knees.

It was for this exact reason that Aurora had made her announcement; just seeing James' reaction was worth it.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies, Potter." Lily quipped as she passed by them.

"And...that's my cue." Aurora stood up and caught up to Lily by the exit of the common room. she noticed the hidden smile on Lily's face at having stunned James Potter.


She turned at hearing Sirius call her name.

"You look good. Really good." He complimented her outfit, which consisted of a long white sleeve top and a baby blue dress with a small slit on her thigh.

"Thanks Black." She sent him a wink as they climbed out of the portrait.

"You look good, Rory. Really good." James mimicked Sirius; terribly. "Was that really the best you had?"

"I'm sorry, Mr I've been pining over Lily Evans since second year."

"Just tell her you like her." Peter voiced, looking up from his spot on the floor where he'd been writing his essay for Herbology.

"It's not that easy. It's Rory."

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

Aurora sat at the round table in Slughorn's office next to Lily. There wasn't many of them, only seven. Every house had two members apart from Hufflepuff who had one – Aurora couldn't even recall the name of the boy who was sat next to her. Unfortunately for her, she was also sat opposite Sebastian and Regulus. Sebastian's glares were starting to become old news.

They had a rich steak for dinner will all the trimmings. There may have been a few side eyes as she requested for it to be rare. It was exactly how she liked it – thanks to being a werewolf.

"So, Regulus, do you think you'll follow in your father's footsteps and join the Wizenagamot?"

All eyes fell to the young Black as Slughorn directed the conversation to future careers. Aurora had helped herself to seconds of the profiteroles as soon as she had finished her first portion.

"I'm still exploring my options, but I am contemplating going into the regulation and control of magical creatures." Regulus replied.

He sounded nervous as he voiced his career choice. Everyone else would probably disagree and steer Regulus to a much more respectable career for someone like him. But she could see it. From what Aurora had heard from Kreacher, Regulus loved magical creatures, especially house elves. She could definitely see him joining S.P.E.W.

It brought a smile to her face just thinking about it. But he dies.

Regulus dies trying to stop Voldemort because he knew the secret first.

"Ah, yes. I've heard you're the top of your year in Care of Magical Creatures, Kettleburn speaks very highly of you. What about you Sebastian? Am I sitting with a future Quidditch player?"

Sebastian shuffled in his seat. "As much as I'd love to play Quidditch professionally, I think I'd be murdered." He joked.

Or was he? Aurora couldn't exactly tell.

Slughorn laughed. "Of course, hit wizard like your old man?"

"Yes, sir."

Aurora's eyebrow raised. She couldn't imagine her father in any of those occupations. She knew him as closed off and jumpy. But then, that was all because he had been in hiding. She was meeting him in his prime – of course he'd be different. And she hadn't seen him play yet, but she knew he's a chaser like James.

No wonder she could fly so well on a broom, she had it in her blood from both of her parents. The only thing holding her back from ever playing is her Lycanthropy.

"And how about you, Miss King, our newest member?"

All eyes fell on her, and she was snapped out of her daydreaming.

"Me? Oh, I've never really thought about it before." She was being completely honest. There wasn't much she could do anyway. She'd seen Remus struggle trying to find jobs in order to support them. He only just about managed, and she knew that was the life she would fall into as well. She'd already accepted defeat.

But thinking about it now? She knew exactly what she wanted to do. Her arms rested on the table as she leant forward. "I wouldn't mind being an Unspeakable. I heard they get free reign to study what they want, and you know what they hold under lock and key at the Ministry? Time Turners. Imagine getting the opportunity to study how they work, travel to the past, so many many things you could change." Aurora smirked.

Saying it out loud only made it more real. She wanted to do this. And there would be no-one better than herself who is currently experiencing it.

If she fixed this mess, she'd do it. Aurora would study time at the Ministry.

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

Word had spread like Fiendfyre that the Marauders were throwing a Halloween party. Because Halloween fell on a Monday, they had decided to host it the Saturday before so that they could all get smashed.

Location: Room of Requirement. 
Dress Code: Fancy Dress

It had been tough for Aurora to explain how she found the room; the boys were gobsmacked that they hadn't discovered it themselves when they had made the map. She had made up some stupid excuse that she was bursting for the toilet and a door suddenly appeared in front of her. It had piqued her curiosity and she tested out what else she could make appear.

And they couldn't agree more that it was the perfect place for a party. When she had requested the room, she had included stipulations that it could only open to fifth years and above who were dressed up. If they weren't dressed up for the occasion, they'd have to find another party. 

The day of the party they had snuck into Hogsmeade to buy the alcohol and hid it straight away in the room. Aurora may have even stashed away a few bottles for her own collection. 

Even though the full moon had only just been the Wednesday prior, Remus and Aurora had managed to recover quite promptly. They had stayed in the shack and had survived the night with a lot less fighting – Moony still wasn't comfortable with another wolf present. But they were bonding.

Aurora King arrived in the room early – as promised – and found all the boys dressed up just as she was. She grinned at their outfit choices.

Remus was in complete white, white trousers, white shirt and a white robe. Sirius had taken the liberty to paint any skin that was seen on Remus white as well. Naturally, he was a ghost. Peter had taken on the iconic clothes of Peeves. Yet, it was so awful that every time Aurora looked at him, she struggled to hold in her laugh. 

James had chosen to wear all red and had transfigured some small horns in his messed-up hair. A small trident was poking out of his pocket; the devil. 

But Sirius? Aurora couldn't figure out what Sirius was meant to be. 

"What the fuck are you meant to be?" She asked as she stared at his outfit. His outfit of choice was all black with a hooded cloak and his face was painted grey. 

"I'm a dementor, obviously." Sirius responded, pulling up the hood of his cloak and hiding his face.

"Oh." She didn't know what to say. He'd gone as the creature that kept him trapped for 12 years. The creature that had tormented him for 12 years. The creature that had practically killed him had it not been for Harry and Hermione going back in time. Her heart cracked a little. "I like it." She swallowed down the scream that wanted to claw its way out. 

"Thanks, Rory." Sirius wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "I thought you were supposed to be a vampire; they certainly don't look like that." His eyes looked her up and down in appreciation.

She had also gone for all black; leather trousers, heeled boots and a lace bodysuit. Her makeup included red lipstick and eyeshadow, and she had topped the look off with fake blood around her lips.  She was sin incarnated. 

Aurora grinned, showing off the fangs she had transfigured. "They do in my world."

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

The room of requirement was full to the brim with dancing and drunk students, Aurora included. She had started drinking long before the other students arrived, so it was no surprise that she was stumbling around the room.

She spent most of the night dancing beside Sirius, but they had separated when a pretty Ravenclaw had begun dancing a bit too close to him. Aurora walked away, beelining straight for the alcohol table to get a refill on her Whiskey. 

Though she spotted a familiar face first. 

"Regulus!" She exclaimed, darting over to him. He was alone with his arms crossed over his chest as he leant agaisnt a table, bottle in hand. 

"Aurora..." He cheered in fake excitement. 

"I have something VERY important to tell you." She braced her hands on his shoulders and took a deep breath. "I did it." She whispered far too loudly. "Kreacher is really sorry that he wasn't able to follow your order and destroy the locket, but I did it. Well, Ron did it really. But we did it!" She punched the air in achievement but lost her balance and fell into Regulus. 

He caught her arm before she could fall. "What locket? How do you know Kreacher?"

"It's okay, Reggie." Aurora patted his shoulder affectionately. "I'll keep your secret that you hate Voldums. I hate him too; he ruined my life." Her eyes drifted onto Sebastian and Marlene. She sighed, "Aren't they so cute? Who do you think I look like more? I reckon Marlene cause she's waaay nicer. Seb's such a party pooper."

"Anyway." Aurora straightened up and took a step back from Regulus. "You're a hero, Reggie. Down with mouldy voldy!" With that being said, Aurora left a bewildered Regulus standing behind her as she stumbled like a baby deer back into the dancing crowd. 

"Wait, King!" Regulus called out, but she was already long gone, her head bopping to the beat of the music.

Her eyebrows waggled as she passed by James speaking extremely close to Lily. They had unintendedly matched as a devil and angel. 

"Rory! I've been looking everywhere for you" Sirius held onto Aurora's waist and pulled her into him rather than letting her continue on. 

"I thought you were with that pretty Ravenclaw." She frowned

"Why would I be with her, when I already have the pretty Gryffindor?" A hopeful glint appeared in his eye. 

"You think I'm pretty?" The corners of her lips curved upwards.

"The prettiest." He whispered. Sirius lightly guided Rory's hands until they were wrapped around his neck, whilst he settled his on her waist. 

She could feel the warmth from his fingertips seeping through her bodysuit. A shiver ran through her body. Their lips were millimeters from each other. If he leant forward just slightly, Sirius' lips would be on hers. 

Maybe it was all the alcohol in their systems, but when Aurora stumbled over nothing, Sirius took his chance. 

He pressed his lips onto hers, his fingers digging into her waist. If it was possible, he pulled her even closer. Rory's hands gripped the loose ends of his hair at the back of his neck. She was lost in the moment, lost in the feel of Sirius against her. They were completely oblivious to everyone around them as the kiss heated up. 

She was lost in the kiss of the dementor.

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

Sirius Black woke up with biggest shit eating grin on his face. He had kissed Aurora last night. And she had kissed him back with just as much ferocity. If it wasn't for someone spilling a drink on them, they might have ended up leaving the party conspicuously. Sirius was relieved they hadn't gone any further, he didn't want to be pissed off his arse when he would be given the opportunity to have his way with Aurora. 

He barely registered his pounding headache. Nothing could knock down his mood. He couldn't wait to kiss her again. 

Peter was gone from the room (who knows where), James was sat on his bed going through plays for Quidditch whilst Remus was still asleep. 

Only then it was Rory barging into the room, slamming the door open so loud that it awoke the wolf. 

Sirius' eyes instantly went to her bare legs on display because of her short pyjama shorts. She picked up the black jumper that sat on Sirius' trunk.

"This yours?" She held it up.

Sirius nodded, his eyes still not having moved from her legs. He had assumed she was going to pass it to him, but instead she stuck her arms through it and put it on.

"I need your help. What's the best way for me to go? Jump off the owlery, brew some poison, the killing curse?" Rory asked as she pushed Sirius over in his bed so that she could sit next to him. She pulled the duvet up until her legs were covered.

"What?" James spluttered, staring at the witch in disbelief.

"I've gotta go. I did the worst thing possible last night and it's the only way to end this suffering."

"What did you do?" Sirius asked her worriedly. It wasn't what he thought it was, was it? Surely, she couldn't be embarrassed by what they had done. 

"Nope! I can't say." She buried her head in his shoulder. "It's bad enough already."

"It can't be that bad, Rory." Remus tried.

"It's life or death! Preferably death!" She stressed out.

"You know you can tell us; we promise we won't laugh." Sirius pried. It better not be their kiss. He wasn't that bad, was he?

She looked up until her eyes were on his. She flinched and buried herself under the covers. "Kill me now."

James and Remus eyed Sirius, but he shrugged in response. He lifted himself out of the bed, only to halt as Rory grabbed his arm. Sirius lifted the covers just enough to see her head.

"Where are you going?" Rory whispered, a look of apprehension on her face.


"Can you also get me some food whilst your up?" The puppy dog eyes were his downfall. Those cute eyes on her face, he couldn't resist. 

"Sure thing, Rory." Sirius pulled the covers back over face.

James left with Sirius to go and obtain some food, leaving Remus and Aurora in the dorm. 

As soon as the door was closed, Remus sat up in his bed and faced Rory's form. "Alright, they're gone. What happened?"

Aurora poked her head out from under the covers. "I, uh, may have told Regulus that I think he's a hero for defying Voldemort."

"Are you mad? Regulus would never do that, he believes in everything he says."

"Because he changes his mind and finds out how to kill him." She sighed and stared up at the ceiling. "I can't believe I did that. And that's not even the worst part."


"I pointed out to him that my parents are Sebastian and Marlene."

"Marlene's your mum?" Remus exclaimed, surprised. 

"Did I forget to mention that?" Rory nervously laughed, 

"Yes. Yes, you did. But you know what, it makes sense, your both very similar."

"Really?" Her face lifted into a smile as Remus nodded. "Anyway! My crisis is not over! Regulus is gonna come after me until he gets his answers. He won't stop, knowing him. What the fuck am I going to do?"

He looked lost for words as he thought for a moment. There wasn't much she really could do. "You try and avoid him. Don't think about it too much, it will only stress you out more."

"Okay. I'll try but no promises.".

⋄ ⧫ ⟡ ⧫ ⋄

When Sirius and James returned, Aurora ventured out from beneath the duvet, only to barely speak as they ate the food. Her mind had drifted off and she couldn't pay attention to whatever the boys were discussing. The more she thought about it, the more she spiralled. Remus's words had not helped. 

What she needed was to be alone. She didn't even say goodbye when she stood up and left. 

But as soon as she had left, the interrogation began.

"Did she say anything when we were gone?"

"What is she so embarrassed about?"

"Did she mention me at all?"

"It's not really life or death, is it?"

Remus was confused at all the questions being thrown his way. But one stuck out. "Why would she mention you, Pads?"

The wizard froze as if he was a child being caught up to no good by his parents. "Uh, something possibly, maybe, may have happened between us?"

"What happened?"

"We...kissed?" He answered as a question.

"Bloody hell, mate! You finally made a move, good on ya!" James cheered. 

"Yeah, except what if that's what she's freaking out about?"

"I don't think it is. She may have also told me that she doesnt exactly remember much from last night. She blacked out."

"Do you know when she stops remembering from?" 

"The last thing she remembers is getting a new drink after she was dancing with you."

Was that their first dance or the second dance where they had stuck to each other for the rest of the night? They had gotten many more drinks together after their kiss.

"So, her life and death situation might not be because of me..." Sirius voiced his thoughts.

"You still have a chance, mate." James reassured him.

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