
By weirdorandolmao

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"He definitely wants to sleep with you," he taunts. "Excuse me?" I look at him weirdly, "What are you even ta... More



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By weirdorandolmao

I unlock my front door and everyone finds their seat in the living room like I asked them to. "Sage, can you go get everyone blankets?"

He nods and goes upstairs to the blanket closet.

I go into the kitchen and walk over to the cabinet to grab the hot chocolate packets.

Getting out the milk, I pour the drink into a pot and heat it on the stove. As the liquid bubbles up, I stare off into space. I snap out of it a few moments later and see my sad resting face reflecting on the microwave.

I sigh and open the medicine cabinet. Reaching to the very back where I hid it, I take out the full bottle of anti-depressants. I haven't had one since it's been refilled.

I didn't feel like taking it. I thought it would be better if I went off of it because I believe I could get better on my own if I really tried, I didn't need a stupid pill. And honestly, it could be worse. I've been off it for a few weeks now and I haven't fallen into one of my episodes, yet.

It was an impulsive decision to stop taking it because a small part of me noticed it was making me more distant. I also caught that it was making me gain weight, it's never done that before, I don't understand.

Should I start taking it again? Maybe it'll kick in before Thursday but I doubt it. I pray and beg that I won't get an episode in Paris.

"Hey," a voice is spoken.

I scramble to put the pill bottle back in the cabinet. Harper and Sage don't need to know I haven't taken them and the rest on the couch don't need to know I do take them. In fact, I can't be more grateful that the two people who actually do know I take them haven't noticed.

"What are you doing?" Elijah asks.

"No idea. It is a mystery to me," I reply sarcastically.

"Do you need help?"

"No, thanks. I do not need anything from you," I mumble.

I need him out of the kitchen. I didn't have enough time to hide my pills again. If he opens that cabinet he'll see my name written on that bottle and what type of medication it is. He's literally taking a medical class. Of course, he'll know. Just my freakin' luck.

"Okay." Elijah steps behind me. "Maybe you don't need my help but I want to help you so. Where are your mugs?"

I reluctantly point to the glass cabinet above me.

I don't move out of the way because if he accidentally reaches for the medicine cabinet, I need to have access to shut it. Elijah steps behind me and I watch his every move given the fact it's so close to the medicine cabinet. He reaches above my head to grab mugs as his other hand goes to my waist for a quick second.

I stop stirring the milk and look down at his hand. I am so touched deprived.

Elijah pulls away and goes to the other side of me, lining up the mugs. He opens the hot chocolate packets and pours one into each cup.

I turn the stove off and grab an oven mitt. Grabbing the handle of the pot, I drain the boiled milk into all seven cups.

From the corner of my eye, I notice Elijah watching me. "So what movie are we going to watch?"

"Coraline. Have you seen it?"

"My sister lives off that movie."

I hum in approval before smiling over at him. "Have I mentioned I love your family?"

Elijah's left dimple deepens as he half smiles. Looking down, he stirs the chocolate powder and milk together. I peek over and watch his hands hold the spoon as he mixes.


He has nice hands. That is not weird to say, right?

Reaching to stir my own cup, I accidentally touch the boiling milk inside instead of the handle, making it burn me. "Shit!" I yell.

Elijah immediately gets closer to me and grabs my wrist to get a closer look at my hand. He doesn't hesitate to push me over to the sink and run my hand under cool water.

My fingers sat in the scorching hot milk for at least three seconds before I noticed. Why am I letting myself get so damn distracted?

"Where's your medicine cabinet? I'll look for some burn cream." He lets go of my arm but I use my free hand to grab his shirt.

"We don't have one, I'll find one myself."

"I just saw you—"

I curse under my breath from the pain. "Go to the bathroom and open the mirror."

He nods and rushes to the bathroom. Obviously, it's not in the stupid bathroom so I reach up to the kitchen medicine cabinet, throw my pill bottle in the back and look for the burn cream.

When I realize it's on the top shelf I groan. I'm literally on the verge of tears right now. All because I stared at some freakishly attractive hands.

I turn off the tap water my hand was running under and blow on my fingers. Climbing on the counter, I accidentally lose my balance and catch myself on the handle of the pot that just had the milk in it.

"Ow! Mother f—"

"I couldn't find it, Lavender. I'm s— What the hell are you doing? Get down!"

Elijah hurries over and grips my waist, pulling me off the counter. I shake my hand somehow thinking the pain is going to go away. He holds my wrist. "Stay still. Why did you tell me you didn't have one?"

Before I can answer Elijah turns around and digs through my medicine cabinet. Mine. The one with my pills in it. My anti-depressant pills. The pills I haven't taken.

"Elijah, please don't," I whisper.

This is it. This is the moment I thought I would never have to face.

I play with the locket around my neck with my free hand. What is he going to say? This cannot be happening.

"I found it." Elijah shuts the cabinet and unscrews the lid of the burn gel.

My eyebrows slowly raise in surprise.

He didn't see it?

When he comes over and carefully applies the gel on my hand like it's nothing, I let out a relieved breath.

Oh my gosh.

I watch Elijah for any type of emotion or at least a hint but nothing. And it's not like I can ask him because then he'll be curious.

This is going to stress me the hell out.

"Can you sit on the counter so I can wrap your hand please?"

Suspiciously, I walk backward until my back hits the end of the counter. I put my left hand behind me to push myself up but I discover I can't do it one-handed.

I sigh to myself. "Do you need help?"

"No. I do not need anything from you, Elijah."

He shrugs and crosses his arms on his chest. Mr. Know-It-All watches me as I struggle.

"This is just sad," he mumbles as he grips my hips and lifts me on the counter.

"Excuse me," I argue.

"I just wanna wrap your hand, sweetheart."

I'm going to punch him in the throat.

I glare at Elijah as he gently handles my wrist and wraps my hand with the gauze.

I see the furrow in his brows. The same one he gets when he's focused. It's cute.

Um, no?

"The hot chocolate is no longer hot," I distract.

"They'll live."

He finishes wrapping my hand and places it in my lap. "All done."

I sigh for the millionth time. "Thanks," I grumble.

"What was that?" He teases by cupping his ear and leaning in.

I scoff and push him out of the way with my uninjured hand. "Bye." I jump off the counter and go back to mixing the milk.

"What is taking so long in here?" Sage walks into the kitchen.

"I burned my hand."

"Jeez. You burned your hand, you sprained your foot, this kid drugged you—"

"You drugged me?" I slowly turn to look at Elijah.

"No!" He hesitates. "I just gave you some sleeping medicine by accident...I'm sorry."

I stop stirring the drink and shake my head. "Goodbye."

Walking to the living room, I take my corner spot next to Harper.

Dios mío! What happened to your hand, mama?"

"I burned myself stirring your hot chocolate. Then I lost my balance and grabbed the hot pot." I pull the blanket up to my chest.

Harper tucks my hair behind my ear. "Why don't you go change into something comfier, Lovey."

I take off the blanket and head upstairs to my room.

Untying my corset and slipping off my dress, I slide on an orange tank top and black sweats in honor of Halloween.

I take off my red bandana and fold it in my hair drawer.

Sitting on my bed, I take a moment to myself. I take a deep breath and throw myself back. Staring at the fairy lights again, I zone out.

Those stupid pills. I have so much on my mind right now, I physically can't.

Finding the strength to get up, I walk downstairs and plop right back down in my seat.

"Hot chocolates are finally done," Sage says as he and Elijah walk in with one mug in each hand.

They set the mugs on the coffee table and go back for the rest. I bring back the blanket up to my chest and rest my head on the edge of the couch.

"Can I sit with you?" I hear a soft voice.

"Sure, honey." I smile and lift Giselle up on my lap.

Everyone takes their spot on the couch and floor as Harper pushes play on the movie.

Thirty minutes into the movie, Gigi falls asleep on my lap. "Do you want me to take her?" Elijah asks under me from the floor.

"I'm okay," I shake my head.

He nods and turns back to the TV. I glance over at Harper and she's smiling at me. I furrow my eyebrows at her and she mouths 'obsessed'.

I wave her off and focus on the movie. Though, I can't help but glance down every few minutes. I watch Elijah as he grabs his mug and licks the hot chocolate that spilled on the tip of the glass.

I really like his hair. It looks soft and messy. Would it be weird if I touched it?

Yes, Lavender. What are you doing?

"I need to go to the bathroom," I state to nobody in particular.

"Need me to pause it?" Harper offers.

"No thanks." I gently place Giselle's head on the couch and get up.

Walking to the bathroom, I lock the door behind me and sit on the edge of the tub.

I feel so awkward.

I rise and fix myself in the mirror. My lipstick has rubbed off and my mascara has smeared. I literally just walked around today and I look a mess.


Lavender walks out of the bathroom and heads upstairs. Getting curious, I debate going up to her until I feel and hand on my shoulder. Looking back, I'm faced with Harper and Sage giving each other a knowing look.

"She's just washing her face she'll be back," she explains like she can read my mind.

I put my hands up in a defensive way like I'm completely innocent.

Just as Harper said, minutes later Lavender walks back downstairs with a clean face. She's so beautiful.

She takes her spot back on the couch and places Gigi's head back on her lap. I smile as I turn back to the screen.

The movie is over and it's time for everyone to go home.

I stand and offer to grab Giselle but Lavender waves me off and holds her sleeping body on her hip. "I'll bring her home, she's already on me."

"Let's go, Fifi, it's a school night," Harper explains.

Sofía nods and Finn rises to help her up. She takes his hand and they walk to the door to wait for the rest of us.

"How's your hand?" I ask Lav.

"Ask me again tomorrow?" She protests.

I give her a knowing nod and follow her as she opens the front door.

Harper follows us out and heads to her car. "I'll see you tomorrow, Lovey."

I look around for Finn only to see him by the passenger side next to Sofía. They exchange phones and Sofía leans in to kiss Finn's cheek before hopping in the car.

He makes eye contact with me and I can already see the blush on his cheeks. I hide my smile as he walks over with his head hung high.

Harper gets in the car and Lav starts walking over to my house.

I ruffle Finn's hair as he walks by me. "Someone has a girlfriend," I tease.

"Shut up," he mumbles, pushing me away.

We get to my house and I unlock my door. Finn rushes up to his bedroom and I slowly guide Lavender to Giselle's.

Lav tucks Giselle in her pink bed and brushes her hair out her face as I watch from the doorway. She smiles and turns on the little seashell lamp on the nightstand.

Lavender walks out of the room and shuts the door behind her. "She probably should've taken a shower first," she tells me, leaning back against the door.

"We can wash the sheets." I gently smile.

She subconsciously nods as she studies my face. She interrupts the moment of silence. "Who decorated Giselle's room? It's cute."

"Me and my Mom."

Lavender nods yet again. "Um- good job." She awkwardly pats my shoulder.

I watch her as she strolls past me.

She smells good.

I catch up with her and walk aside her until we get to her house.

"You don't have to walk me home." Lavender insists as she opens her front door.

"I know."

She takes a subtle deep breath as she looks me up and down. "See you tomorrow."

"Be careful with your hand."

Lav nods and shuts the door.


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