The Arrangement Factor (ARRAN...

author_zenia द्वारा

52.9K 2K 90

Meet Sarah, 20 years, a sweet and tender-hearted young girl, who, despite facing the harshness of life, alway... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Epilogue 2

Chapter 8

743 28 2
author_zenia द्वारा

Alex's POV

I got ready in my black suit. I mostly wear suits to business parties and dinners so I have a lot of options but not in colour as most of them are the basics Black, Blue and Grey.

I came downstairs and my mom has this smile on her face which made me smile at her back. She was too excited to get me married. I have no idea of moms and their obsession of getting their children married.

So we all three were waiting at the dining table for them to arrive as the dinner starts at 8pm and it was already 7.55pm. And the door bell rang and I looked at my watch it was exact 8.

The only thing I liked about this man was that he was always on time. He was a man of time, never early or late he knew too well the importance of time in our lives.

My parents went to the door to receive them and I was still standing near the dining table ready with my speech that I wanted to talk to her about. And they made their way I saw them coming in with my father leading them in and my mother at the back talking to their daughter.

Like I told you mom was overly excited about this thing, and she is such a sweet women who everyone loved and so did she.

But when they entered and I saw who the girl was I was left dumbstruck and my mouth was left open, after a while I came out of my trance of looking at her.

This is the first time we both are meeting and she is more beautiful up close and that blush it will surely kill me. She's so cute...

'Huh cute since when do I find girls cute??' My brain questioned me. I guess only this one girl. Oh I m so gonna marry her, the way her cheeks turned pink when our eyes met.

Then I put myself together and a smile came on my face by just looking at her. And I introduced myself to her.

"Hi, I am Alex Reynolds. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand for her to hold.
I was shaking at the thought of touching her for the first time.

Then she spoke with pink on her cheeks "Hi, I am Sarah Thompson. Nice to meet you too." her voice, that angelic voice I'm surely a dead man now. It is so sweet like all she eats is chocolates and sweets. I can listen to her voice and not listen anything else my entire life if given the choice.

Sarah, I finally know her name. And she is nothing like I imagined Thompon's daughter to be.

Then she took my hand to shake, and the sparks that I felt made me feel like I have touched something electric. And then she looked at me and our eyes met.

Her beautiful hazel eyes I could look at them for all my life and still not look any other way. They are so captivating and held so many emotions. Her face is so descriptive of everything that she is feeling, and I know she is nervous about this.

But what she doesn't know is that now after seeing her I am more nervous than her, I want her to like me. I want my first impression on her to be a good one, one that she remembers always, which she tells her children and grandchildren. Our children and grandchildren.

I know I am planning too ahead but all I want is her.

My mom cleared her throat and I realised I was still holding her hand. So, I let her go and she bit her lower lip to hide her smile and her cheeks turned pink again by my actions. She looked at the ground and made her way to the table.

We all sat for the dinner and our fathers started with their conversations and our moms were also talking amongst them. And all I could do was look at the girl in front of me. It was then when I saw her and what she was wearing.

She was wearing the same dress that she wore the day I first saw her at the college. And there could not be any other perfect dress for this occasion if you ask my opinion. It was the dress when I saw her and decided I wanted her and it will be the same dress in which I will make her mine.

But today she had some makeup on her, it's not like she needed any and I was already in love with her beauty but with the minimal makeup she looked even more beautiful.

She is sitting there in front of me looking down and stealing glances of me and when she sees me staring her cheeks turned pink and she would look down immediately.

Ohh I am so gone for her. I just can't wait to have her all to myself. How did I get so lucky?

I just can't wait to get to talk to her without our parents, and have her all for myself.

Sarah's POV

Yesterday when my father told me about the arrangement he made with his business partner I was devastated. I did not sleep much and was crying because I just started my college and now I was being married off to some stranger and my whole life would be upside down.

Flashback start

At the time of dinner I set the table and called my parents. We all sat at the dining table for dinner.

I was itching to know what the dinner was about and had this weird feeling about this dinner since mom told me about it.

I blurted out "You wanted to talk about something dad? Is everything ok?"

He looked at me and said "Finish your dinner first"

But my mom as always interfered "She has already eaten enough, anyways she is getting fat. And if she gets more fat they may refuse the arrangement."


What arrangement and who are they?

And I did not eat even more than 4 bites of my chicken breast and mashed potatoes. But she said I was getting fat so, I lost my appetite and decided to not eat anymore.

"Fine." my father said.

"We will be having dinner tomorrow and meeting some business partners so behave properly."

Okay. There are business dinners that my parents attend regularly, but why are they inviting me. I am never allowed to do business dinners or parties, as I don't fit in standards as per my mom.

Most of the people working with my father don't even know that I am his daughter. If I did not have the same features as them even I would have doubted that. {I still do something, Anyways}

"But I never go to any business dinners, so why is this special?" I spoke before I could even think.

My father gave a look to my mother and she nodded saying

"Because this is the dinner with your future in-laws and this is an engagement dinner for you and their son."

"So please don't embarrass us and dress properly and behave appropriately." she said

"What??" I shouted "Engagement?? How?? I am only 20 I am not marrying someone I don't even know the name of and I just started my college dad, please let me complete it."

"If you want to complete your college you will be coming to that dinner tomorrow and have engagement and marriage as we say." he said to me in a cold and authoritative voice that made my tears fall from my eyes.

"But dad.."

I was cut by my father "You promised that if I let you attend that stupid college you would be doing anything I ask you. Are you saying you will not?"


"If you don't want me calling your college and cancelling your scholarship and making sure no other college accepts you, You Better Listen to me child." He again said in an even harsher and cold voice

"And anyways you are a waste of space here. Why don't you do us a favour with this deal. Who knows maybe they would have some use of you or you go waste their space as you do here." mom said without emotions

How can they do this to me, yes I promised to do as he says but it doesn't mean he would just marry me off to anyone and that for business. Am I nothing to them?

I am not even worth more than their stupid business deal, aren't I supposed to be their most priced possession as I am their only child?

I couldn't say no or they will never let me go to college and I don't want to marry just now when I was finally happy. Why is all this happening to me.

I just left my food and ran to my room and cried all night till sleep took over.

The next day I woke up later than usual and I had red eyes from all the crying last night.

I was in no mood to go anywhere, but I knew the only place that would take my mind off this mess is college where I smile with my friends.

I wash my face as I can't let them see me like this or they will ask questions which I would be having no answers to.

Today we have the engagement dinner where my life will be changed forever.

Flashback Finish

Nothing will ever be the same anymore!

Today I was not able to concentrate much in college also I didn't go to the cafe after my classes as I was not in a mood and my friends would have know something is wrong especially Mia. She kept asking throughout our common classes that what is the thing that is bothering me.

She knows most of my fears and doubts but she still doesn't know about my family and I can't tell her about this dinner so I l dodged her questions and came back home as soon as possible.

When I returned from college my mother started her berating as I need to get ready for the dinner.

"I told you to start dieting soon, you are getting so fat I just hope they don't drop the arrangement after seeing you."

"Also, wear something good as they are going to be your dads business partners and are very rich so you should look presentable. And apply some makeup on that sad and ugly face of yours. I still don't get it how even after acquiring my features you mange to look this ugly."

I just kept quiet and went to my room to get ready for the dinner. Since I did not have many clothes and even less dresses I choose the one that made my day special once before and the only dress that can give me the confidence to pass this night without crying or loosing myself.

When I got ready, I did a little of makeup, as I don't know much about makeup because I don't wear it regularly and was never comfortable in having makeup on my face.

I kept my look simple and natural, I applied only mascara and lip shade and I left my hair open to flow naturally. 'It would help if I needed to hide myself from anybody' I thought to my self and I went downstairs when I heard my mom calling me.

"Is this you're going to wear today??" She said in a very disappointing voice and an expression of disgust looking me up and down.

"Yes" was all I could say

"Didn't I tell you.." She was about to say more but my dad interrupted her.

"Doesn't matter, it's ok and they are not there to judge your clothes, moreover they need this deal as much as we do. Let's go we are already late. And you both know well how I hate being late."

And we went to their home. The ride was silent as always with my family.

We stopped out a beautiful and big house, big would be a little word for it, the house was HUGE. I thought we had one of biggest houses in the state but there was even bigger than ours. It was so beautiful with a fountain in between the driveway and main entrance.

And we stood at the entrance waiting for them to open their door.

Reynolds Estate


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