Forever My Bambina

By xDani_Stefx

237K 5.4K 910

Carina has finally moved back in but Maya is still trying to heal . Diane suggests a coping mechanism that Ca... More



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By xDani_Stefx

The next morning Carina woke up to a still fast asleep Maya . She softly unlatched Maya from her neck waiting to see if the blonde would stir but fortunately she just huffed a little before bringing her thumb to her mouth.

Carina walked out to the kitchen and got started on the dishes getting lost in her own world but keeping an ear out in case Maya woke up little .

Instead about a half hour later a sleepy Maya walked out dragging the throw blanket from the end of their bed behind her .

"Good morning Bambina, how are you feeling" Carina said as Maya came over and great fully excepted Carina's side hug .

"Good, but you weren't there when I woke up" Maya said, frowning.

"I know Baby, I'm sorry but I had dishes to do, can you forgive me" Carina said smiling down at the blonde who was tucked against her chest as she dried her hands.

Carina realized Maya was feeling big and clearly was not in her little headspace just from the way she spoke, so she decided that now was a good time to talk to Maya about going shopping.

"But why don't we go back to bed for some cuddles bambina since we have the day off" Carina said hoping the comfort off their bed and some cuddles would help the conversation from ending in upset. It is not that she thought Maya would not want to go shopping or anything, Carina's worry Is more about the things they were going to buy and wanting to know what Maya was comfortable with getting.

They made their way back to the bedroom and settled into the now cool sheets, with Maya coming to sit on Carina's lap as she sat against the headboard.

"So, bambina I just wanted to know if you were up to going shopping today" Carina approached while Maya sat up slowly to acknowledge the question.

"Yeah, I don't mind, we have today off, and we are both working most of next week so today is probably a good time" Maya stated, before twirling a piece of Carinas long brown hair between her fingers. Liking the idea of shopping for her little self.

"okay Bambina well I messaged Diane and she gave me a name of shop that will probably have everything we need" Carina said leaving out the part where Diane also gave her the name and number of a woman who could make custom furniture if Carina ever needed and obviously the thought excited Carina, but she did not want to overwhelm the blonde.

"okay" was all Maya replied just staring at Carina.

"Bambina what do you think little Maya might want or is there anything you want" Carina said rubbing Mayas back.

"I I don't know can't you, I mean can you decide cause-" Maya started a little panic rising in her voice. The thought of having to make those decisions made her panic. Could Carina not decide what she needed?

"hey bambina listen to me, of course I can make those decisions, like you need pacifiers, some sippy cups and lots of other things for me to worry about but what I was asking was if there is anything you want to have like some toys or some stuffed animals" Carina said, pushing Mayas untamable hair out of her face.

"But I wasn't allowed toys I don't even know what- C-Carina-" Maya whimpered starting to get upset. Even though she was feeling big she couldn't understand why Carina would want to buy her toys when she hadnt even done anything to deserve them.

"Shh Babygirl listen to me, you are 100 percent allowed toys I will be getting you toys because you are allowed to play baby, that is why we are doing this, to give you your childhood back that 'that' man took away from you. Do you like the sound of having some toys baby, maybe some cars or some dolls, whatever you want. We can get some ducks for the bath and some teddy bears for bed" Carina said, seeing the little smile on the blonde's face.

"I'm allowed toys?" she questioned once more just to be sure, but really likeing the idea of getting to play with some dolls, maybe she could even get a toy fire truck.

"Always baby, little Maya deserves them for being so stinkin cute" Carina laughs tickling Maya.

"Hey big Maya is cute as well" Maya pouted crossing her arms.

"Oh, big Maya Is adorable and I'm so proud of her and so happy to be the one to love and care for her" Carina smiles seeing the blush rise to Maya's cheeks.

"Thank you" was all Maya whispered before leaning into Carina's chest for a hug.

"Car, can I be little for the shopping trip, it's just I think it will be easier if I am little because I will be more relaxed to pick out toys and stuff" Maya questions with her head still buried in Carina's chest.

"of course, you can Bambina I think that would be a great idea are you happy for Rina to take care of all the boring stuff then" Carina said already sensing the start of Mayas drop as she began pulling at the hem of Carinas shirt to find skin to suckle.

"Ye I'm happy with that" Maya mumbles before latching onto Carina's collarbone.

Carina did not answer, instead decided to settle for soothing her hands over and back Maya's thighs that were on either side of her body as Maya relaxed into her headspace.

"Rina we gowing shwopping" Maya said excitedly sitting up from her position on Carina's chest clapping her hands together.

"Yes, we are baby, but we have got to get ready now" Carina said as Maya jumped off the bed and waited impatiently for Carina.

They had a quick breakfast of cereal and milk. Well Maya did anyway, Carina fed Maya as to avoid any spillages whilst sipping on an espresso.

"Maya twy" Maya said pointing to Carinas espresso.

"No baby that's Rina's" Carina laughed, Big maya absolutely hated how strong Carina took her espresso and although Mayas physical body was still an adults she was not about to give her baby an espresso .

Maya though really didn't like that answer as her lip wobbled. She couldn't understand why Rina wouldn't share her drink with her.

"B-but wana twy, Rina you can twy sum'f Maya ceweal" Maya said her voice wobbling as she reached into her bowl and grabbed a piece of cereal with her hand . Carina internally cringed at the milk now running down her babies arm.

"Thank you so much for the offer baby but Rina's drink is only for big people and would hurt your little tummy that's why Maya can't try cause it would hurt you" Carina lied.

"Dwink huwt Maya" She said sounding absolutely disgusted "huwt ma tummy" she questioned further as she patted her belly.

"Ya baby and that's why Rina can't let you try" Carina said trying so hard not to laugh at how cute this whole interaction was because even as a two year old maya was so curious .

"You stwill have sum ceweal Rina open idee" Maya said bringing her hand up to Carinas mouth just like Carina does with her . Though the only difference is Carina uses a spoon.

Carina excepts the piece of cereal in her mouth and tries not to frown in disgust at the soggy piece of pure sugar . Carina detests American cereal.

"Rina wike it" Maya smiles, before deciding to hand feed herself some more cereal.

"Mmhmm yummy baby, but I think you had enough cereal now I think it's time to get dressed" Carina says as Maya finishes her cereal with milk dripping down her arm and onto the the table .

They make quick work of getting dressed avoiding a lot of tantrums by going for comfy clothes .

"Baby how old are you feeling" Carina questions as she finishes up Maya's hair.

"I dis many" Maya says holding up 3 fingers.

Carina had kind off figured out even just from yesterday that when Maya was upset or stressed she felt a lot younger more like 2 and if she was really tired paired with stress she dropped down to more of a newborn headspace like last night . But when Maya was 3 she was the most care free and relaxed .

"Okay baby why don't we use the potty before we go in the car" Carina said lifting Maya up onto her hip before playfully bouncing her around the room ending in a fit of giggles from the blonde .

Carina made sure she packed Maya a spare pair of leggings and panties just in case before they headed out the door .


The drive wasn't that long to the shop . Maya spoke animatedly to Carina the whole way from the backseat. When they pulled up Carina noticed Maya had gone quiet. She walked around to her door before opening it and unbuckling Maya.

"Rina tay wif Maya" She said anxiously gripping onto Carinas hand .

"Of course Bambina I'm not going to leave you" Carina said opening the door to the large store .

Once inside, they were greeted by a preppy blonde at the entrance of the shop.

"Hi my name is Kara what can I do for you" She said in a soft tone probably noticing how Maya cowered behind Carina whimpering a little.

"Hi I'm Carina , Dr.Diane Lewis gave me the name of this shop and said I could find what I was looking for here" Carina said .

"Oh ya Diane is great. So we are a therapy shop we have loads of different things and sections here, do you know what you are looking for?" Kara questioned .

"Yep we are looking for age regression stuff if you have it" Carina asked softly turning to Maya and brining her around to her front and hugging her to her chest.

"Ah yes of course to if you walk down that way aisle 22,23 and 24 should have everything you need but just shout for me if you want me. Also if you are looking for furniture we have a girl that custom makes them obviously for size so I can give you her number if you want" Kara kindly tells Carina .

"I think Diane already gave me her name and number thank you though" Carina said .

"Oh no bother than I will leave ye too it" she says before walking away leaveing Carina and her bambina to wander the store .

Once they are alone Maya seemed to relax a little bit .

"Wha we gettin Rina" She said her hand still firmly gripped in Carinas but she had a little skip in her step .

"Well look here the first thing on my list and it's the first thing in the aisle , pacifiers" Carina laughed .

"Paci ?" Maya said struggling to say the full word .

"Yeah bambina so you can suckle on them then instead of my neck and your little thumb" Carina said .

Maya didn't really like the idea of not getting to suck on Carinas skin as it brought her so much comfort but she also really liked the look of the Pacifiers .

"What colors do you want" Carina asked as she found a brand that looked good .

"Mmm wed an puwple" Maya said after a Moment  of thought . "Rina wook wook dis one has a doggy" Maya giggles picking up a light blue and pink pacifier set with dog prints all over it.

"It does baby you are so clever, why don't you put those in the trolley" Carina said gesturing to the trolley as Maya happily placed her pacifiers in the trolley.

Carina then picked up a four pack of the red and purple pacifiers with some pacifier clips so as to minimize the chances of losing them. She also noticed a chewing necklace and decided to pick that up aswell because Maya had a habit of putting the neckline of her shirt in her mouth.

They moved on swiftly Carina picking up some cutlery for the kitchen like plastic plates, bowls, spoons and sippy cups for Maya. She then moved onto bath stuff like towels and baby shampoo and let maya pick out some ducks for the bath along with a little boat which seemed to make the little girl really excited.

"Rina I hab baba" Maya said pulling on Carina's arm.

"What baby" Carina asked not knowing what Maya was referring to.

"Baba" Maya said getting frustrated, why didn't carina understand .

"Show me where Bambina , Rina doesn't know what your talking about"

"Baba" Maya said pointing to the bottles that were behind carina .

"Oh bottles , you want a bottle baby" Carina asked , a smile coming to her face at the thought of cradling a sleepy maya and feeding her a bottle.

"Mmm milky Rina" Maya said a yawn overcoming her body, kind of exhausted after her busy day shopping.

"Of course we can get bottles to have milky baby are you feeling a bit tired" Carina asked soothing her hand over Mayas head .

"Es wina uppie pease" Maya said holding her hands out for Carina . Carina gladly picked maya up holding her on her hip as she picked up some 6 ounce and 8 ounce bottles blushing slightly at the breastfeeding products right beside them but choosing to ignore them for now.

Carina moved on with a sleepy baby in her arms . She managed to get some comfy , child friendly underwear and socks for Maya as well as some clothes and sleepers . Without Maya noticing she also picked up a packet of pull ups and diapers which she was certain they would start using she just had to talked to Maya about it .

Once they got to the toy section Maya wanted to be put down, Carina helped her pick out a few nice toys to play with including some building blocks, a dolly and a toy fire truck .

"Baby do you want a stuffed animal" Carina asked pointing to the teddy bear section.

Maya nodded her head eagerly and ran to the shelves . Carina got distracted picking Maya out a soft purple blanket that she couldn't wait to swaddle Maya in and a diaper bag that she wanted to get embroidered with Mayas name on it . She also picked up a changing mat she could use in her room instead of the bed.Once she was done also picking out a little lunch bag she could see Maya was still staring at the teddy bear shelf .

"Whats wrong Bambina" Carina said coming over to softly rub Mayas back .

"Dunno who a get Rina". Maya said whining rubbing her eyes clearly feeling tired.

"What do you mean baby" Carina asked crouching down .

"I tant choose cause-cause da doggy say he wan a come wit Maya and and da horsey say that too" Maya said holding her hands up in a shrug as if she didn't know what to do.

"Well baby if they both want to come home with you then they can" Carina said .

"Weally" Maya said in disbelief . "But I only loud one" she said holding up one finger and quirking her eyebrow.

"No Bambina you can have as many as you want" Maya let out a little giggle at that before running up to the shelf and picking up the dog stuffie and the horse .

"What does a doggy say Maya" Carina said trying to keep Maya awake after they have loaded the car and they made their way home.

"He say woof woof" Maya said yawning and rubbing the fur of the dog stuffie over her face . Carina was glad the dog stuffie was liked by the blonde but knew it would be attached to her as the stuffed animal had a little hook on its neck for a pacifier clip so Carina realized the animal would probably live permanently in Mayas arms .

By the time the pair got home Maya was asleep so Carina lifter her upstairs and into bed as she unloaded the car .

She put all Mayas toys in the living room and washed all her new cutlery and bottles before doing the same with her pacifiers . She got everything else in their respective places and had also set up the baby monitor she had purchased so she could hear Maya if she woke .

Not even an hour later, Carina was folding the new clothes and underwear she got maya that she had washed when she heard a loud cry through the monitor.

"Bambina what's wrong shh" Carina said running into the bedroom .

"Wet , Rina" was all Maya cried out and Carina knew exactly what she was talking about by the faint smell in the room .

"Okay baby, your okay it was just an accident" Carina said lifting Maya out of the bed and into the bathroom .

"Bad giwl" Maya asked still sobbing her little heart out.

"Not at all baby, accidents happen and that's ok" Carina said trying to reassure the little blonde .

"No ike be wet in bed" Maya cried reaching for Carina.

"I know bambina, Rina might be able to help with that but first let's get you cleaned up"

Carina said before giving maya a quick little shower with the hand held shower  before wrapping her up in her knew fluffy towel .

Carina walked Maya out before bringing out her new change mat and lying Maya on it . Maya wriggled around before crying for her doggy . Carina got up and got the teddy before attaching a pacifier clip and a pacifier to it .

"Here baby, why don't you try this hmm" Carina said lightly brushing the the tip of the pacifier off Mayas lips . She nervously wrapped her lips around it before letting out a happy hum and continuing to suckle.

While Maya was occupied, Carina slipped a pull up on Maya because she was worried about another accident upsetting the blonde when she was feeling so little . She will just have to talk to Maya in the morning .

She then put one of Mayas new sleepers on before bringing her out to the couch.

There night moved by quickly , some tv for Maya while Carina sorted out their bed sheets . Maya was feeling really little and just wanted to cling to Carina .

Maya went non- verbal at around half seven just after Carina fed her some cut up rice and chicken and veg for dinner .

Maya was too young to play with her toys so Carina called it a night around nine when Maya had gotten tired of being tickled by Carina .

Carina picked Maya up and held her tightly as she moved to the kitchen to make Maya a bottle as she hadn't really eaten much of her dinner , most of it ending up on the floor.

Once Mayas bottle had been heated the pair made there way into the bedroom where carina had settled maya against her chest. She did a quick check to Mayas pull up and once seeing she was dry she softly pulled the pacifier out that had been in Mayas mouth since Carina put it in aside from taking it out for dinner which ended in tears .

Before the tears could start Carina quickly replaced the pacifier with her bottle which Maya began to eagerly suckle on letting out the cutest little gurgles as Carina spoke soft Italian words to lull her to sleep .

Maya fell asleep pretty soon after that after her exhausting day . She felt so relaxed and safe and loved in Carinas arms .

Carina and Maya both had work tomorrow but neither of their shifts started till after lunch time so they would see how the morning would go but for now they were both content to sleep soundly together the only sounds in the room were the light suckles from Maya on her pacifier every once and awhile .


So once again didn't intend it to be this long and it's now half quarte past twelve and I'm wrecked but hope you enjoyed this chapter . Let me know what you thought x

We might get Maya's first Mama next chapter lol

I plan to update every second day if I can xx


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