The Boy with Bad Habits

By blackcatbri

441K 15.3K 2.2K

[Warning: this book contains SEXUAL content, crude language, drug use & abusive scenarios. If you aren't matu... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Author's Note

Chapter 1

37.2K 684 176
By blackcatbri

If drug abuse, profanity, or the mention of alcohol offends or is triggering towards you Do Not Read. In no way I am trying to encourage underage drinking or illegal drug abuse. It is ONLY for the purpose of the storyline. There will be MATURE content as the story goes on.

**This Book and the characters, events, incidents, and places are FICTION. Any resemblance to living, dead, or local people in your area is entirely a coincidence. Everything is a product of the author's imagination.**

**All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the publisher.**

**All support is respected and valued by yours truly:)

The Boy With Bad Habits by Brianna Ware

'Everything happens for a reason' had always been my least favorite qoutes.

It's almost like you're saying that because of this event, everything else happened on account of that.

My Nonna (grandmother) always told me that same quote when something unfortunate occurred. Everytime she did, I cringed.

Almost like the times she'd tell me about a little boy whose parents left him when he was only one month old. Also, that they left the infant on an old lady's doorstep.

Saying that his parents were searching for something. Other times it'd be they were 'protecting him from a distance'.

Nonna was never specific. I remember one night I begged her to tell me more. After a while she caved and told me how they met.

"Once there was a girl who wanted to sing to the world. But no one wanted to listen," her melodic voice explained.

"Until she met a boy who played a guitar outside of her window that did. He'd listen and play to her voice all night long. As time went on, they fell in love. The two would see eachother behind their parents' backs.

This went on for awhile until the girl found out she had a little baby in her tummy. Sadly, they were both too young to take care of a little baby. Both of their parents were angry at first but was okay with it later on. When the young woman had the baby, everyone found out it was a handsome baby boy, like you," looking at me with a gentle smile.

Her expression turning melancholy as she continued.

"It wasn't until the next day, that the couple disappeared without a word. When the old woman found the little boy on her doorstep she was confused and concerned. She found a note in the little baby's crib. It read: He deserves the world and we'll give it to him soon."

That was all she'd tell me at that age, I was around 10 years old. Dumb, young, and gullible. At the time, I didn't know that little boy was me. But the story was a little bit different.

Turned out my Mom sang at a small unpopular night club and was payed very little. All the girl wanted was a band and people to cheer her on. Of course Nonna didn't allow my Mother to sing at night clubs in the first place. Let alone be with a bum who always had a guitar in his hand and an unrealistic dream of becoming a rock star. As much as my Mom wanted to deny it, she wanted the same thing he did.

He of course needed a lead singer anyway.

Next thing you know things happened and she's pregnant, Nonna wasn't shocked because she saw it coming. My Dad's Father on the other hand, had mixed emotions about it. My 'Dad' manned up and took responsibility. Shockingly, it was my Mother who wasn't ready, she still had dreams. As much as my Father denied it, he still had those dreams too.

That night, they set out to leave and left me behind for their hopes and dreams. Apparently, my Mother just left me at the doorstep of Nonna's house. Since they had a tiny apartment a few blocks away and needed somewhere to drop me off. It made me laugh at first but my Father was the one who named me Ace, considering the fact that no matter what he always had the card Ace of Spades on him for good luck I was told.

Finding out about my parents leaving me behind, I didn't know how to feel. It was mind-numbing. Confusion and anger were strongly felt. It was a hell of a lot to take in. Nonna said the only thing she found in my cradle as an infant was the name tag that read Ace.

15 learning about this, they cut all ties with Nonna and I the day they left New York. So many different emotions consumed me later on, mostly pain and feeling lost. Growing up, it was never the fact that they left it had always been when they were coming back. Whenever kids asked me, my response was 'soon'.

Never was I positive, but that little tiny piece of doubt ate away at me leading up to the moment of the truth. That's when you realize life is not some fairy tale, people don't just come back for something or someone they meant to leave behind. Revealing everything must have been hard for Nonna, she didn't sugar code any of it. I can't thank her enough for that. Those made up stories about my parents, were just ways of giving me hope as a child. I couldn't get mad at her for telling me what I wanted to here.

Becoming more mature, not having two people I called 'parents' didn't faze me much. Until a certain person took it upon themselves to taunt me with it every single day. She was trouble from the start. Intriguing and agitating me at the same time.

Before her I wasn't the exciting type, my looks helped in that department. I mean it really wasn't much more to it but attending school and going over my former bestfriend Jared's house. I had my casual flings here and there, no love involved. He was the one who told me about her at first. I didn't really want to get to know the ditz but he kept pushing it.

Jared was the one who would bring her up in our conversations more and more often.

Being the usual clueless me, I didn't know why the hell he was trying to talk her up. First meeting, I thought she was related to Jared. Having the same kind of wavy blonde hair but the comparisons ended there. This girl had something about her I knew from the get.

Her icy blue eyes looked like they were looking straight through me. Almost like reading a book. She had on a white crop top that day, and casual navy blue jeans. Easy to forget something like that, but for me it was always ingrained into my memory. Purple hightops got my attention, I had never seen someone pull them off quite like this girl.

"The name's Rachel Dion, please don't stare at my tits," she said and put her hand up for me to shake it. Laughing silently, I knew she was warning me because my eyes never left hers.

Boldness, confidence and humor—always something I commended.

"Ace Valentino, I've heard plenty about you. And don't worry I don't stare at boobs regularly," I said and gestured toward Jared. Shaking her hand without a second thought.

"Judging by your slight accent, dark hair and brown eyes, you must be........," she looked up trying to think.

I looked at her in admiration. No one ever did notice my ethnicity before. "I'm guessing the word your looking for is Italian."

I've always tried to hide my accent, I never knew my background as an Italian so what was the point really? Sure Nonna and I knew the language and all but she never talked about it and I never asked.

Until her.

Snapping out of her gaze, "Yes that's the word!"

I leaned toward her, "Let's keep it between you and me though," I whispered with a grin while looking toward the one person responsible for us meeting; Jared.

She devilishly smiled, "I like you....follow me."

That's when it all started, when those sky blue eyes started sparkling and the wheels in her brain started turning. That day Jared had a party so he didn't really notice we were gone. She brought me to some abandoned warehouse which was where I tried weed for the first time. Coughing like hell at first but once I got in my first few puffs it felt as though I was in Wyoming.

Don't get me wrong, at first things were all fine and dandy but, all she really wanted me to do was talk about myself. I didn't like that at all. People try to find out too much, and use it against you. Besides, I had just met the girl. After we had left the warehouse, questions started and wouldn't stop. I answered a few of them but when I stayed quiet about my parents, she wanted to know more about them.

Until I finally told her, "Look I'm not trying to be rude but you're really pissing me off right now with your probing."

Oh how I regretted saying that. She stuck one eyebrow up and said, "Fine by me....orphan."

I don't know what it was, just the fact that she dared to challenge me, made her all the more interesting to be around. It was war then. I did and didn't care at the same time. She was playing with a touchy-feely topic. Yet playing with her was like playing with fire, unpredictable. As months went on, both of us had developed a pretty strong love-hate relationship.

Not long after, we became friends with benefits. Rachel was definitely a 'freak in the sheets' kind of female. Enjoying BDSM for some reason, never questioned it considering I was down to do anything with or for her. For some reason, I thought I could trust her and slowly opened up while telling what I vowed to keep private.

She didn't freak out surprisingly, I had never told anyone my background/my story. Not even the one friend I had. Although, smoking weed and getting high might have played a big part as to why I did spill.

And ofcourse one of us caught feelings. That 'one of us' was me. You'd never know what she'd be thinking. So I didn't really know if she felt the same way or not. I could never read her as much as she read me. Keeping it private and bottled up sounded way better than exposing how I felt.

Falling in love was never on my mind, but no matter what I always put her on a pedestal. Whether it was the way I loved her long blonde silky hair or tall slim figure. Whether it was her seductive personality or alluring character. She never talked about herself, it really wasn't something I wanted to risk. Rachel wasn't the type you'd see the morning after. Being with the chick seemed almost masochistic in a sense. There were never any limits to the insults or going 'too far'.

Since I had spent every ounce of my time with Rachel it prevented me from seeing Jared a lot. It never bothered him though. School wasn't really a priority either, we kind of hid under the radar. Nonna didn't see her much, thank God. Definitely not the type you want to bring home in that way. I did everything under the sun with her, stealing and trespassing was the least of it. If we got caught she'd use a lot of seduction and the 'puppy dog eyes' effect. Cleavage was only used for difficult situations.

Living in Manhattan was perfect for us, New York is a place of a lot of freedom and that had been all she lived for. Overtime, Rachel grew more distant. I confronted her about it, it didn't change anything.

It wasn't until after I found out, me, Ace Valentino, had been blatantly in love with this girl that she left. And so did Jared. Completely and utterly alone at that moment with my own thoughts the night of recieving the voicemail.

She spoke with pure bliss in her voice:

"Hey Acey baby, I wanted to let you know that there is no longer an us in the picture. I mean we're both young, complete opposites, and your too submissive for my liking. Look we had our good times, but it's not like I was looking for comittment here. I want my freedom and you helped with a big part in that. And hey, maybe this was for the best. You've turned into nothing but your addictions love. Don't you know that famous qoute.....everything happens for a reas-" it cut off early, good thing too, torture to my ears.

Numb. You could say I was numb, and a whole bunch of other things that night. I knew Jared was with her because I heard his voice faintly in the background. Initially, I didn't know what she meant after saying I played a 'big part' in her freedom. Until Nonna screamed at the top of her lungs.

Without a doubt I knew she did it. All of it had been a set up between my best friend and former lover. Rachel as well as Jared had stolen every last dime of my grandmother's retirement money. It all explained why she was trying to find out more and more about me. This inconsiderate hussy finally succeeded into figuring out where my grandmother hid her chest.

It was all cash, with the amount of $300,000. Nonna didn't believe in banks so she had all her money stored with a padlock. That Rachel had picked. I broke down that night, I will admit. Telling Nonna about the girl I loved and had betrayed me with my only friend added to it was one of the most draining and daunting things I had ever done.

Everything, just a whirlwind of emotions.

Nonna refused to call the police, they wouldn't have helped us anyways. The cops don't give a damn about crime in the slums. In the end, the girl I fell in love with had done a lot to me that night. Stole from my grandmother, hurt me, used me, lied to me, left me, walked all over me, and most of all broke me. Making me learn my lesson in the most painful way possible.

Flunked school not too long after, I just couldn't find the time to care anymore. All I did was stay in my room and feed my brand new addiction thanks to Rachel. Rarely sold drugs but when extra money was needed for rent it had been the last alternative. Nonna worked two jobs and we were barely making it, but she still had some fight left in her. The goodness in her was oblivious to all of the drugs and such. Trusting me that I wouldn't do it again. I hated lying to her yet I did anyway.

Weed and alcohol had it's own sensational feel to it. If I ever thought about her, suicidal thoughts always came to mind.

Thankfully I refused to act on it.

Eventually word got around that I did everything under the sun and earned a nickname. Laughing when I heard it.

"The boy with bad habits, well I'll be damned," I muttered under my breath.

It suited me in a strange sense. I'd just be in my room doing only God knows what and ask a simple question.

"Why does everyone in my life have to leave me?"

It puzzled me for a long time. Until sarcastically blurting out loud:

"Everything happens for a reason, right?"


Hey Peeps, it's Brianna here! This story will eventually become a little bit more light hearted later on. I just wanted you to see it in Ace's pessimistic perspective/ background information. It will start out slow, but don't give up on it just yet! Other than that Enjoy<3

By the way, Merry Christmas to a brand new story and year in 2016.


Brianna :)


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