How Can I Break Pregnancy Wit...

By LiannQ

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Title: 怀了队友的崽怎么破 Author: Xishan Yu (西山鱼) Status: Completed Description: The former miracle of the Federation... More

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By LiannQ

    In a blink of an eye, it is almost the day when the opening ceremony will be held again.

    A huge gray-black airship is moored in the mid-air of the college. This huge monster that reflects the metallic luster and shines in the sun is like a huge war machine, and people can't help but feel awe from the bottom of their hearts when they look at it.

    Qiao Yan couldn't help but click his tongue and said: "This time the Marshal really spent his money, and even used the Atlantis to hold a league for the academy. Why didn't we have such good luck this year?

    " It used to be the main ship of the Mayflower Legion, with great military exploits and majesty, and its defense performance is getting better and better in the process of continuous upgrading. It is one of the best in the entire Federation. It has served in the Legion for more than 300 years. The symbol of the first ten years was announced to be decommissioned due to the expiration of the service life, but the equipment on it has been maintained very well, not losing to other main ships of the active expeditionary force.

    "Atlantis." Xia Yi looked up at the familiar battleship in mid-air, a little dazed, and many images flashed in his memory.

    The battle that besieged the Zerg Queen was also Atlantis, and he left Heinz alone on the Atlantis.

    That was the first time it played.

    And now, it's retired.

    Qiao Yan didn't notice the emotion in Xia Yi's heart.

    He excitedly said to Xia Yi: "Fortunately, I am the one who is in charge of the league this time in the military department." After speaking, he smiled gloatingly and said: "Heinz is out of luck, not only can't come to the Atlantis, but also To replace the marshal and lead the Mayflower Corps to participate in the joint military exercise." This is not a good job, the Mayflower Corps has always been the elite of the expeditionary force, it should be the first place, if Heinz makes a mistake It would be a shame to get the first place.

    The marshal finally let him go and let him go to the Atlantis for the sake of watching him grow up.

    Qiao Yan was grateful.

    Xia Yi sighed. Heinz was really busy during this period. Fortunately, the joint military exercise was also near Blue Star. Heinz insisted on coming back every night, but he came back very late every day.

    Of course it didn't matter, anyway, he didn't really miss Heinz.

    Today Xia Yi came to collect the airship pass. Eno was originally going, but Benjamin will also be on the Atlantis. After that day, Benjamin and Eno didn't meet each other. Eno didn't want to meet Benjamin on the spaceship, so he claimed to be sick and stayed in the dormitory, claiming that he would rather be beaten to death by Wu Baldou than go.

    Wu Baldou was almost pissed off by Yinuo's temporary leave. Xia Yi took the opportunity to win this opportunity, and even the originally complicated pass was quickly completed with Qiao Yan's help.

    Qiao Yan came to the school today to give Xia Yi a pass.

    He took out the pass, and asked Xia Yi for credit, "Do you know how difficult it is to get this pass? A few days ago, the Marshal had to personally approve it, that is, the Marshal and Heinz arranged a joint military exercise today. Leave it to me, and I’ll expedite it for you, otherwise, it’s definitely useless for you to submit the application for a pass at this time.” He was really pleased, seeing that it was Xia Yi, he not only finished it urgently, but also directly sent it to Xia Yi Here it comes.

    Xia Yi looked at the passport in his hand and was very satisfied.

    That Awei will also be on the warship, and the warship will go around the blue star. There is a group of meteorites around the blue star. The meteorites are left over from the explosion of the surrounding transition points. Xia Yi is very familiar with the surrounding situation.

    Great for throwing corpses.

    He looked at the flight path of the spaceship, and it would pass by there.


    Xia Yi was thinking so.

    Not far away, Ah Wei walked towards them.

    The black-haired boy in a white shirt walked towards them, Ah Wei glanced at Xia Yi.

    He stopped beside Xia Yi, and even smiled at Xia Yi and said, "Long time no see."

    Qiao Yan didn't know why, but looked at Ah Wei and frowned. Speaking of which, Ah Wei was also his cousin. Played with Ah Wei. It's just that now he doesn't know why he always feels that there is a layer of veil when he looks at Ah Wei.

    Xia Yi raised his eyes and said, "Yes."

    A Wei didn't care, he looked at the pass in Xia Yi's hand, and said thoughtfully,     "You go to the Atlantis too." It took a lot of effort.

    Xia Yi took a deep look at A Wei as if looking at prey, raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes."

    A Wei took a step forward and stretched out his hand towards Xia Yi.

    Xia Yi was about to take a step back vigilantly.

    But at this moment, there was a sharp "meow——"

    Xia Yi hadn't reacted yet, the orange figure leaped across the air and landed firmly on Ah Wei's head, grabbing Ah Wei with his hind paws. With slightly hairy hair, he slapped him several times with his front paws.

    Xia Yi took a closer look—

    his eyes widened in surprise.

    This, is this Didi?

    The long-haired orange cat squatting on Awei's head has a strong body, and the orange cat's hair is long and shiny. The long hair is like armor, the white hair on the neck is like a lion's mane, the amber cat pupils are slightly narrowed, and the thick tail slaps the air vigorously.

    It's literally a different cat.

    After Didi saw the doctor that day, the doctor said that Didi's health had improved. He also went to see Didi the next day. Except for a little baldness, everything was fine.

    But now——

    Didi's few strokes just now were not in the slightest, if it wasn't for the nails that Didi didn't have, Ah Wei might be torn to pieces. A Wei quickly reacted, the tyranny flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed Didi in anger.

    He didn't know what's wrong with this broken cat, and it made things hard for him everywhere.

    This time he won't show mercy.

    Although he knew that he had just reached out his hand, Didi twisted his body at a strange angle, fell to the ground, rolled, and squatted at Xia Yi's feet, licking his paws innocently.

    Dr. He's panting voice came from behind: "Didi, slow down."

    He Qing helped Dr. He walk over quickly and saw Ah Wei's miserable appearance, hesitantly set his eyes on Didi. He didn't know why Didi didn't seem to have anything to do with Ah Wei at all.

    He Qing walked up to A Wei with distress, stretched out his hand to look at the white scratch on A Wei's forehead, took out a handkerchief in pain, wiped A Wei's wound lightly, and asked gently and concernedly: "What's wrong. "

    Ah Wei paused, and the tyranny in his eyes gradually dissipated. He didn't look at He Qing, turned his head to look aside, took a step back and said: "I'm fine.

    " , are you embarrassed? Silly boy, I am your mother."

    Ah Wei narrowed her eyes slightly, her mood a little complicated.

    mother? His heart melted for a moment.

    But soon it became cold and hard again. He cannot be swayed by such useless things.

    He Qing couldn't help coughing a few times.

    Qiao Yan quickly asked: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

    He Qing smiled wryly and said, "I don't know why I'm not in good health these days. I was going to go to the airship with Berent, but I can't go now. But , Qiao Yan, why don't you come to aunt's house these days, I made muffins, you don't know, Ah Wei's craftsmanship is also very good, and he makes tea for me every day." He Qing was full of

    joy Looking at Ah Wei.

    Ah Wei clenched her hands, for some reason she could only force a smile and said, "Mom, as long as you like it." I don't know when it started. The unfamiliar word mother can be said without hindrance to the human woman in front of her.

    It's just——

    Ah Wei's eyes turned cold.

    He still has things to do.

    That cup of tea every afternoon is the only thing he can do.

    With a cold heart, he looked at Didi who was squatting at Xia Yi's feet.

    Xia Yi saw that Didi was about to be picked up, and Didi, who knew him very well, refused to move no matter what, and squatted firmly on the ground, only meowing at Xia Yi innocently.

    Xia Yi sharp-eyed saw the empty area under Didi's stomach, and instantly understood, feeling a little speechless.

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