If You Woe Her || Wednesday A...

By epicninja20343

278K 10.1K 4.9K

Aloria Yaldon was an enigma. She came to Nevermore Academy the same time Wednesday did. And though she's a si... More

1: Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe
Fencing Isn't Supposed To Involve Flashbacks
Attempted Murder, Resesrch, And A Date, Oh My!
Therapy? Beating Up Pilgrims? Same Thing
Bullies Or Murder? Murder It Is
2: Woe Is The Loneliest Number
Sleep? Don't Know Her
Cuddles, Curses, And White Boys
Ohana Means Family-Wait, Wrong Show
3: Friend Or Woe
Punching Asshats And Chasing Butterflies
4: Woe What A Night
Date? Date Me
Dancing Queen, Young And Sweet, Very Bloody (But It's Paint)
The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth
5: You Reap What You Woe
Everybody Has Parent Drama Except For Us, We're Perfect
6: Quid Pro Woe
Don't Tease Me With A Good Time
7: If You Don't Woe Me By Now
Panic At The Dorm
Teasing, Kissing, And Some More Trauma
The Promised Date With A Side Of Murder
8: A Murder Of Woes
Dealing With A Hangover And Confronting A Homicidal Maniac
Kill Me Once, Shame On Me, Kill Me Twice, Shame On You
It's Your Birthday?! And You didn't Say Anything?!
Sex On The Beach-Er, Handsy On The Surf Board
Would've Been Nice To Know That You Suck At Teleporting
Not Even If You Paid Me-Wait, That Much? Really? Count Me In!
Popping Off In A Coffee Shop
A Flower Can Be A Surprisingly Effective Threat
Just Hold Me Till The Fear Leaves
You've Got A Friend In Me
Well This Wasn't The Plan
We're In It Together And That's Final
Sometimes You're A Koala And Sometimes You're Unconscious
Who The Fuck Are You? Who You Is? Who You Be? I Don't Even Know Your Ass
How To Spy On Your Best Friend
So Close Yet So Far
Running Out Of Time
Where's Ronnie?
Okay, That Ain't Normal
So Many Questions And No Answers
Searching For An Answer
The Answers
Finding A Way To Kick A Bitch Out
Could You Maybe See Something Else
You Can Run But You Can't Hyde
That's The Beauty Of Having People
If You Woe Her
New Fic For The Show?
New Fic Announcement
New Fic Announcement
New Fic Announcement
New Fic Announcement
IM BACK (sort of)
IM BACK (for real this time)

Maybe Don't Confront The Guy With Telekinesis All By Yourself

2.2K 101 57
By epicninja20343

First Enid, Aloria, and Wednesday all went to Principal Weems. When the three walked into her office together the older woman sighed and put down her pen. "What have you three done now?"

"It's not what we've done but what we need you to do," Wednesday answered. "You've always wanted trust and communication to be the hallmarks of our relationship so here we are."

"You've somehow made me even more concerned."

Wednesday ignored the comment. "Someone's been stalking me for the last three months and we know for a fact that they are at this school and are targeting Aloria for whatever reason. We need you to transfer her into a few different classes so she's always in class with either myself, Enid, or one of our friends. This way she won't ever be alone. Can you do that?"

"I can, yes." Weems leaned forward with her arms on her desk. "I assume you already have people you suspect?"

"Xavier Thorpe, Luke Sanders, and Ronald O'Hare. Though I will stretch that we aren't sure of anything yet."

Weems nodded and looked at Aloria. "I'll also make sure you share no classes with them. Just to be safe. Now how are you both dealing with this?"

"I thought my court mandated therapy was over," Wednesday remarked.

Aloria gave a small smile. "I think we're okay, for the most part."

"Okay then, do keep me updated. My door is always open." She started typing on her computer. "I'll get right on the class transfers and you'll be able to pick up your new schedule in the morning before first period."

"Thanks Principal Weems," Enid smiled and the three girlfriends left. Once a bit away she turned to them, "So what now?"

"You both should go talk to Addi, Fajr, and Skye," Wednesday told them. "You can fill them in on the recent developments and they can show you how we've been working and fill you in on anything I haven't elaborated on."

"And what will you be doing?" Aloria asked.

"Having a talk with Ronald." Wednesday turned down a hallway by herself while Aloria and Enid shared worried looks.


When Ronnie opened his dorm room door and turned on the lights he was greeted with Wednesday Addams sitting on his bed and fiddling with a butterfly knife. "Hello, Ronald."

He glared harshly. "What's the knife for? Here to cut off the rest of my fingers?" He used his right hand to slowly close the door behind him. His pinky, index, and middle fingers were missing, replaced by a black and white prosthetic that wrapped around his palm and connected to his wrist like a bracelet.

Wednesday flipped the knife close. "Not if you keep your hands to yourself this time." She stood up and held her hands behind her back. "Tell me, Ronald—"

"Ronnie," he corrected with a growl.

She ignored him. "Do you hate me?"

He chuckled bitterly. "Do you even have to ask? You cut off three of my fingers, what do you think?"

Wednesday turned around and started doing tricks with the butterfly knife. "Still playing the victim I see."

He scoffed. "You cut three of my fingers off!"

She stopped playing with the knife and faced him again with a stoic expression as she held her pointer finger to the tip of the blade. "To teach you what the word "no" meant. You should've stopped when I said it the first time."

He crossed his arms and licked his lips as he seemed to hesitate. "Yeah, well, you shouldn't have led me on."

Wednesday rolled her eyes and flipped the knife closed. "Why is it that boys always confuse niceness with I want you in my pants? They're not equivalent. You were the only other outcast in 7th grade and mother insisted I make friends with you out of pity. Your mother dead, father abusive, and me being the loner I was. My mother thought we could help each other. I was never interested in you romantically and I was barley interested in you platonically until you set that toilet on fire."

Ronnie gritted his teeth as he glared. "What do you want? You never seemed to care about me last year."

"I didn't even know you were here last year. I was a little busy."

He smirked. "Busy putting your girlfriends in danger you mean?"

Wednesday flipped her knife open and pointed it  at him threateningly though they were on opposite sides of the room. She glared and growled, "Do not mention them. Or I'll be cutting off your tongue this time."

The door suddenly opened and Luke froze in the doorway when he saw Wednesday with a knife pointed at his roommate. Color drained from his face as his eyes widened. He immediately closed the door and ran off. Yeah, Wednesday could probably take Luke off the suspect list by now.

"You still didn't answer my question; what do you want?" Ronnie reiterated.

Wednesday still didn't lower her knife. "To ask a question of my own. And when you answer it I better believe whatever it is you say."

He scoffed. "What makes you think I'll even answer your stupid question?"

It was Wednesday's turn to smirk. "Because I'm the one holding a knife."

But Ronnie smirked as well and suddenly Wednesday was pushed back against the wall, knife knocked out of her hand and unable to move. All without Ronnie having to move a muscle. "And I'm the one with telekinesis."

Wednesday struggled to no avail. This felt a little too similar to what happened with Rowan last year. Only she knew Aloria wouldn't be come running to help this time. "Go ahead then. Kill me. It's what you want, right?"

He hummed as he tilted his head back and forth like he was thinking about it. "I would . . . but I don't really feel like getting expelled." He released his telekinetic hold. Wednesday went to pick up her fallen knife but Ronnie pulled it to his hand. He looked down at it and began doing tricks with it. "Nice knife you got here. I think I'll keep it for now."

"Like hell you will," Wednesday growled.

Ronnie raised an eyebrow as he flipped the knife closed. "Oh, don't tell me it's your favorite one. Now I want to keep it forever."

"It was a gift, give it back."

"A gift? From who?" Wednesday stayed silent. "Oh, a gift from your girlfriends."

She glared. "I said not to mention them."

But Ronnie was right. Aloria and Enid had gotten it for her over summer, it was custom made too to symbolize them. It was black (Wednesday) with pink (Enid) and purple (Aloria) accents and even had her initials engraved into one of the handles. She still didn't really understand why they got it for her, there had been no special occasion. But the butterfly knife was easily her most prized possession at the moment.

"Since I'm feeling generous I'll make you deal," Ronnie held up the knife, "I'll give you your precious knife back if you stay the hell away from me. That means no more room visits. Got it?"

Wednesday bit her lip in frustration. This definitely wasn't how this confrontation was supposed to go. "Fine."

Ronnie tossed her the knife which she caught effortlessly. "Now get the hell out."

Wednesday stormed out of the room. Damn it, that whole thing was a disaster. He definitely has full control over his telekinesis now unlike in 7th grade. She didn't even get to learn anything. Well, that's not entirely true. She was sure Luke wasn't the stalker, he's too much of a coward, but there were two things not adding up about Ronnie. For one, the stalker probably would've just killed her. They wouldn't have cared about expulsion, they just would've done it. Unless they really did just want to prolong her suffering as long as possible. Which brings her to two. The stalker, upon seeing her attachment to the knife, would've kept it. But Ronnie gave it back and simply made her promise to stay away. Though maybe that just goes to show how close she's getting to unraveling everything since he just wanted her to leave. She couldn't be sure the stalker was Ronnie, but she couldn't be sure that he wasn't either.

Wednesday went to meet Addi and the others since she figured Enid and Aloria were still with them. When she opened the door she was met with absolute chaos.

Addi and Enid were literally jumping off the walls as Enid chased the other girl as they both yelled and laughed. There was a bat flying around the room which Wednesday realized had to be Skye. Fajr was in a corner hugging her knees and Aloria was laying like starfish on the floor.

"What the hell?" Wednesday mumbled to herself. She shook her head. "Nope." She closed the door and left with none the wiser.


Wednesday was at the bee shed with Eugene. It's been a week since her confronting Ronnie and everything has been alright for the most part. True to Weems word, Aloria now had every class with at least one of her friends. This was good to deal with the stalkers taunting "where's Aloria" messages. Now whenever she got one all she had to do was text the group chat they made asking where the siren was. She would always receive a selfie of Aloria and whoever she was with. Wednesday would complain about the selfies but she secretly liked them. It did two things for her; ease her worry and give her lots of pictures of Aloria (and Enid since the two now had the most classes together). So everything on that front was fine.

But when it came to stalker leads the group was running on fumes. They had crossed Luke off the list and Fajr joined Skye in keeping an eye on Ronnie. But even with both of them they couldn't seem to keep track of him. He continued to disappear from rooms and reappear somewhere else sometime later. It was almost like he was teleporting, but that's not possible.

As for Xavier, Addi was watching him with the help of Bianca. The siren offered her help since she knew him best out of everyone. Though she told them she was only helping watch him so she could prove to them it wasn't him. And it was becoming more likely that it wasn't. Especially when Wednesday received a message from the stalker while Addi and Bianca were watching him paint, phone in his pocket. So yeah, Xavier was crossed off the list too.

Ronnie was their only suspect now and they had no idea if it was him or not. It was starting to become frustrating.

"Are you okay, Wednesday?" Eugene asked. "I know the stalker stuff's got you distracted, but you've already harvested that hive."

"Oh." She stopped what she was doing.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Eugene." She went back inside the shed and he followed. They started taking off their bee keeping suits.

"You could talk about your feelings," he shrugged. "My moms say it's important not to bottle things in."

Wednesday looked at him stoically. "I have no feelings."

He chuckled. "We both know that's not true, but okay then." Wednesday grabbed her backpack and went to leave. "Uh wait." She turned back to him. "Umm I was gonna go look for bugs in the woods later tonight, and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?" He looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Do you actually want me there or do you just not want to go alone?" Wednesday was pretty sure it was the latter. Eugene hadn't gone into the woods alone since what happened last year.

He smiled sheepishly. "Can't it be both?"

Wednesday huffed. "Very well. Meet me at my dorm at nine."

"Awesome! Can't wait!"

She left and headed to the gym to meet Aloria who ended up joining the Volleyball Club (which Wednesday didn't know they had). She walked into the gym and her ears were immediately filled with the squeaking of shoes and players shouting. Walking over to the bleachers Enid waved her down. She joined her and sat down, turning her attention to the court where a practice game was finishing up between the starters and benchwarmers. Aloria was the libero for the starters and doing extremely well, her prosthetic leg working perfectly.

Wednesday still didn't know much about volleyball, but she knew one thing; Aloria sure was hot when she played. She dived for the ball and was keeping it in the air for her teammates. And the way her muscles flexed in those shorts and tank top . . . Wednesday had to take a deep breath.

Enid noticed this and leaned into her ear to whisper, "Don't worry. We'll have our fun with her later."

One of Aloria's teammates scored and the second set ended which gave her team the match win. The coach dismissed them and Aloria disappeared into the locker rooms. This of course meant that Enid and Wednesday followed since the siren still isn't allowed to be anywhere without someone from the group and no one from the group is in volleyball club. They sat patiently in front of her locker while she took a quick shower and once she was ready they headed back to their dorm.

In their room Aloria immediately flopped onto the bed. "So . . . tired. So . . . sore."

"It's okay baby, I got you." Enid sat next to her and took off her prosthetic for her before starting to massage her.

"Oh my god," Aloria moaned. "Oh I love you so much right now."

Enid giggled while Wednesday watched lovingly from her chair for a moment. "Oh, just so you're aware I'll be going bug hunting with Eugene tonight. You two will be on your own for a few hours."

Enid pouted. "Aww, I guess you'll be missing out on the sex tonight."

Aloria's head snapped up. "Wait what?"

Enid ignored her and continued. "It's okay though, Willa, guess I'll just have to fuck her hard enough for both of us."

"I'm sorry, did I miss something?"

Wednesday ignored her as well. "It would seem so, but I believe you're capable. I'm sure she won't be able to walk afterwards."

"Okay, I did not consent to this!"

The two girls finally looked at her. "Oh," Enid's voice dropped as she leaned into her ear, "did you not want me to fuck your brains out?" Aloria froze. "You forget, love. I'm a werewolf, I can smell you. And right now," she inhaled deeply with her nose, "I can smell how turned on you are."

"Don't worry, Aloria," Wednesday assured, "we're just joking. It wouldn't make sense for Enid to make love to you tonight for both of us . . . Especially when we have five hours before nine o'clock."

Aloria realized Enid's hands were reaching higher up her legs. She gulped. She really was tired, but how was she supposed to rest now? Looks like she'll be showering twice today.


After everyone was cleaned up and Wednesday was getting ready to go out with Eugene, Aloria was groaning on the bed. "I can't believe you guys did this to me."

"Hey, you could've said no," Enid reminded her as she ran her fingers through Aloria's hair.

"You both knew I wouldn't be able to. It was your plan all along."

Wednesday chuckled. "It wasn't anything that devious."

"I don't care," Aloria whined. "It was after practice too, how could you do this to me? Now I'm double sore. And I have practice tomorrow too. Ugh!"

Enid smiled. "And I can't wait to see it."

"Oh my god," Aloria realized and sat up from where her head was in Enid's lap, "watching me play turned you two horndogs on, didn't it?" Enid bit her lip and looked away while Wednesday began to blush lightly as she fixed her sweater in the mirror. "Nope, you two don't get to come to practices anymore."

"What!" Enid exclaimed.

"Someone from the group has to be there," Wednesday reminded as she sat in her desk chair, all ready to go.

"Then Ajax can be there. His club is just a cover up to goof around." Aloria shrugged. "He can miss it."

Wednesday crossed her arms. "Ajax's a boy. He can't go to the locker room with you."

"And he doesn't have to. I highly doubt anything will happen to me while I take a 15 minute shower in the locker room. Plus the stalkers a guy too, right?"

"Technically we don't know that," Enid pointed out. "Ronnie may be our only suspect but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's the stalker."

"How could he not be the stalker? I mean," Aloria began counting on her fingers, "he hates Wednesday, he disappears multiple times a day, and he has telekinesis so he could take any photo he wants. It's gotta be him."

Wednesday's brows furrowed together in thought. "But how would he be able to travel from Jersey to Florida so quickly?"

"I mean, planes exist," Aloria reminded them. "A flight from New Jersey to Florida is just under three hours on average. That stalker sent you a photo of you in your room the previous night. They would've had plenty of time to get to Florida."

"But how would they have known she would be there?" Enid asked. "Wednesday always had her curtains closed when you teleport to her, right? They wouldn't have been able to see her leave. And even if they did, she got that photo of us like an hour or two into the date. Not enough time to have used a plane."

Aloria groaned and laid down. "Ugh, this shit hurts my brain."

Enid rubbed her arm to comfort her. "We'll figure it out. Somehow."

"Indeed we will," Wednesday assured. There was a knock on the door. "That must be Eugene." She stood up. "I'll be back. I love you both." She walked over to the door as they said they loved her too. She opened it to reveal Eugene.

"Are you ready?" He asked excitedly.

Wednesday nodded. "Yes, let's go." The two left and the door closed behind them.

Enid turned to Aloria and her lips slowly broke out into a smirk. "Round 2?"



Hey, I hope I'm pacing this okay since I don't have the show to help me with that anymore. I don't want to rush the stalker stuff but I don't want the story to be moving too slow ya know. Not too much happened in this chapter, but I got big plans for the next one

But hey, we officially met Ronnie. And if it wasn't clear, the story is that he was friends with Wednesday when they were 12 and tried to touch her in a way she did not appreciate even after she said no, and so she taught him to keep his hands to himself by swiftly cutting off three of his fingers. Apparently he blames her and hasn't let it go.

Hope you enjoyed


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