Would've Been Nice To Know That You Suck At Teleporting

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Two and a half weeks after Aloria's birthday, she was woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call. She groaned as she rolled in her bed to reach her phone on her nightstand. Once she did she unplugged it and winced when she looked at the screen. She was too tired and blind from the light to make out the name, but it wasn't an unknown number so that was enough for her to answer it.

"Hello?" she spoke groggily, voice lower than usual.

"Lori, I know it's late, I'm sorry, but is there anyway you can come get me?"

Aloria sat up, immediately awake. "Bianca? What's wrong?"

"I held up my end of the deal with my mom, so her and her cult are out of my life forever. But I don't have anywhere else to go but there's no way in hell I'm staying here till school starts."

"Completely understandable," Aloria nodded to herself. "Okay, I'll try to teleport to you."

"Thanks, you're the best."

Aloria closed her eyes. She hasn't actually teleported since the first time she did it, so she tried to remember what she did. All she did was focus on Wednesday so hard until she was next to her. Now she just needed to focus on Bianca. She imagined Bianca's face and thought of nothing else and soon enough teal smoke engulfed her.

She reappeared next to Bianca and found herself falling. She hadn't thought to put on her prosthetic leg and was caught off guard. Thankfully Bianca caught her.

"Thanks for coming," she smiled and helped her stand up straight.

"Of course, can't leave my girl hanging." Aloria hung up their phone call. "Now let's see if I can get us back."

Bianca's eyes widened. "You don't know how to get back?"

"Well, I've never teleported to a location before," Aloria shrugged. "I'll just teleport us to Divina. Hopefully we won't wake her up." She tightened her arm around Bianca's shoulders. "Hold on tight, I've never teleported someone else either."

Bianca closed her eyes. "Oh my god, you're gonna kill us, aren't you?"

"Unfair! I've seen my dad do this . . . like four times."


Teal smoke engulfed them and when they reappeared they were laying in Divina's bed. Thankfully she was still asleep.

"Oh my god," Bianca whisper yelled, "Aloria!"

"It's fine," Aloria stretched the word. "Just move very slowly." The two girls slowly sat up and crawled over Divina to get of the bed. But every movement caused the bed to squeak. "Shhh," Aloria shushed the bed as if that would help.

Divina began to roll over and mumble in her sleep causing the two girls to freeze. Once she stopped they continued. They made it out of her bed and began to tiptoe to the door, Aloria leaning against Bianca so she doesn't have to hop and make a lot of noise. But Aloria hit her toe on something making her hiss and try to stay quiet as she whispered curses. She went to hop on one leg as she held her foot as one does when they stub their toe, but unfortunately for her, she only had one leg. So when she jumped up and grabbed her foot she became dead weight to Bianca and the two fell to the floor with a loud crash as they cursed.

Divina startled awake. "What the fuck!" She rushed to the light switch and turned it on only to see her sister and best friend groaning on her floor. "What are you doing in my room? And how is Bianca here? What the hell is going on?"

With Aloria still clutching her toe and cursing quietly to herself, Bianca took the liberty to answer. "I needed somewhere to stay so Aloria teleported to pick me up, but she only knows how to teleport to people not locations so she chose you in order for us to get back." She shook her head. "We almost made it the door but dumbass over here stubbed her toe and forgot she only has one leg."

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