Dealing With A Hangover And Confronting A Homicidal Maniac

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Aloria was not having a good time. First she woke up to the world's worst hangover, then she learned that Wednesday did, in fact, get expelled, and then she had to sit and watch said girlfriend pack up all her stuff with the help of her other girlfriend while she clutched her giant shark like it was her lifeline. She was not having a good time.

And she wasn't the only one. Enid was the verge of tears as she folded Wednesday's clothes. She didn't want to say goodbye to Wednesday. What was it the shorter girl had said the night of the stabbing? 'I want more than one day with you'? Well, in their case they had two, but that definitely wasn't enough either. Enid wanted more time with all three of them.

And Wednesday did too, but she forced back her tears as she closed her typewriter. One of them needed to stay strong and she knew it had to be her. But holy hell was her heart physically causing her pain. The ol' Addams Family love curse. To be separated from her loves would be downright torture. And not the good kind. But what could she possibly do? Xavier was right. She needed to go. For them. They'll be safe if she's gone.

Aloria forced herself to stand up, head throbbing as she did. She was currently wearing a pair of Yoko's sunglasses she had stolen back when Enid was staying in her room. The vampire never did notice. But it was still too bright.

"Cara mia, please rest," Wednesday pleaded.

But the siren shook her head. "No, I don't want you to leave. It's not fair, we barely got any time for all of us to be together. What if you leave and we never see you again and you forget about us?"

"Aloria, Enid . . . the marks you have left on me are indelible," Wednesday assured. "Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow or hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed, I'll think of you both.

Aloria wiped the tears from her eyes as Enid nodded trying to hold hers back. "Thanks," the werewolf said softly. They knew Wednesday meant it as a compliment. "But what about talking? You don't have a phone."

"You could always write a letter. Here." She grabbed a pen and paper from Enid's desk and scribbled down her address before handing it to the two girls. "Maybe you can even come to visit."

Aloria looked up with a smile and glossy eyes. "Really?"

"Of course." Wednesday paused, picking her words carefully. "Just because I won't be at school anymore, doesn't mean we can't work." She began to blush a little. "As long as that's what you wish."

They both smiled and tackled her in a hug, squeezing tightly. She returned it with just as much strength. She didn't know how long it would be until she got a hug like this again. They stayed like that for a minute before pulling away, all having to wipe away some stray tears.

Wednesday started grabbing her books, continuing to pack as she decided to let her insecurities out into the open. "You know, I always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness." She walked back to her trunk. "That inevitably they would lead me to disappointment." She began putting the books away. "Turns out I've been the disappointment."

"Are you kidding me?" Enid asked incredulously as she stepped forward.

"We love you so much," Aloria reminded her as she also stepped closer, stumbling a little. "You've always helped us when we needed it."

"And even outside relationship stuff, I've learned so much from you," Enid went on with a smile. "Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior, but . . . most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give."

"So any chance you have a plan to elude Weems?" Aloria asked. She really didn't want her girlfriend to leave.

Wednesday shook her head. "Xavier's right." She took out the drawing and handed it to them. "This prophecy cannot come true if I'm not here. But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free."

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