1: Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe

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Aloria sat in front of Principal Weems next to her social worker. The tall women had a tight lipped smile as she held eye contact with the silent siren. Their staring contest was interrupted by the social worker clearing her throat awkwardly.

"We thank you for taking Aloria into the school," she spoke to Weems. "I'm sure you can imagine how hard it is to place an outcast in the foster system."

"Yes well, we don't usually accept students midterm but seeing your—" she looked at Aloria again— "unique situation, we elected to make an exception. One we have now made twice in the last twenty four hours." She chuckled.

"And we greatly appreciate it. I'll leave her in your capable hands." The social worker got up and left without another word.

Aloria and Weems went back to their staring contest.  The siren wasn't sure what to do. She didn't want to be at this school. She wanted to be home. Too bad she had no home anymore. All thanks to her bastard of a father. Now she was stuck at this school and couldn't do anything about it.

Weems took a deep breath and broke the silence. "Well, there are a few things we should go over. You know you have your court mandated therapy sessions once a week to help process your trauma, correct?" Aloria nodded. "Perfect. Now as for your rooming situation, it'll be a little different than the rest. There are currently no open dorms and so you'll be rooming with two people instead of the usual one. I trust this will be fine?" The siren nodded again. "Fantastic. Let's go meet your roommates shall we."

Weems stood up prompting Aloria to follow. They walked out of her office and towards her new dorm, following the twists and turns of the hallway and upstairs. "Now, one of your roommates has also just arrived today. Her name is Wednesday Addams. You might actually get along. Your other roommate is Enid Sinclair, and full disclosure, she is a werewolf."

Aloria assumed since Weems didn't specify Wednesday's species like Enid's that she's probably human. Though she couldn't help but wonder what powers she must have if she's at a school for outcasts. They reached the door and Weems opened it, ushering her in. She took in the room. On the left was an abundance of colors and on the right was a complete lack thereof.  Great, so her roommates are polar opposites. That shouldn't cause any problems at all, she thought sarcastically. In the middle of the room, its side pushed against the huge circular window was an empty bed. Hers. No bed frame, just a thick mattress, not that she cared. At both ends of the bed were two small drawers giving her four in total. Her single suitcase was laid on the bed for her.

At the sound of the door opening, the two girls from their respective sides came to the middle to greet their new roommate.

Weems smiled. "Aloria Yaldon, meet Enid Sinclair," she gestured to the girl who was a walking lesbian pride flag, "and Wednesday Addams," she gestured to the girl only wearing black and white.

Enid smiled wide. "Howdy roomie!" She approached with wide arms ready for a hug.

But a hug isn't what Aloria saw coming. In her mind flashed her father, gun in hand, blood staining his white shirt, arms open wide, and a sadistic grin on his face. Her breathing picked up as she jumped back, flinching away and taking a defensive stance.

Enid froze in her tracks with a confused and worried look. Her reaction was clearly more than not just being a hugger. Wednesday, who's face had been stoic the whole time, finally looked on with curiosity and interest by tilting her head up ever so slightly.

"Aloria is recovering from a trauma," Weems used the awkward silence as a chance to roughly explain. "It might be best to refrain from physical interactions for a while." Enid brought her hands behind her back and nodded solemnly, clearly feeling bad.

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