Maybe Don't Confront The Guy With Telekinesis All By Yourself

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First Enid, Aloria, and Wednesday all went to Principal Weems. When the three walked into her office together the older woman sighed and put down her pen. "What have you three done now?"

"It's not what we've done but what we need you to do," Wednesday answered. "You've always wanted trust and communication to be the hallmarks of our relationship so here we are."

"You've somehow made me even more concerned."

Wednesday ignored the comment. "Someone's been stalking me for the last three months and we know for a fact that they are at this school and are targeting Aloria for whatever reason. We need you to transfer her into a few different classes so she's always in class with either myself, Enid, or one of our friends. This way she won't ever be alone. Can you do that?"

"I can, yes." Weems leaned forward with her arms on her desk. "I assume you already have people you suspect?"

"Xavier Thorpe, Luke Sanders, and Ronald O'Hare. Though I will stretch that we aren't sure of anything yet."

Weems nodded and looked at Aloria. "I'll also make sure you share no classes with them. Just to be safe. Now how are you both dealing with this?"

"I thought my court mandated therapy was over," Wednesday remarked.

Aloria gave a small smile. "I think we're okay, for the most part."

"Okay then, do keep me updated. My door is always open." She started typing on her computer. "I'll get right on the class transfers and you'll be able to pick up your new schedule in the morning before first period."

"Thanks Principal Weems," Enid smiled and the three girlfriends left. Once a bit away she turned to them, "So what now?"

"You both should go talk to Addi, Fajr, and Skye," Wednesday told them. "You can fill them in on the recent developments and they can show you how we've been working and fill you in on anything I haven't elaborated on."

"And what will you be doing?" Aloria asked.

"Having a talk with Ronald." Wednesday turned down a hallway by herself while Aloria and Enid shared worried looks.


When Ronnie opened his dorm room door and turned on the lights he was greeted with Wednesday Addams sitting on his bed and fiddling with a butterfly knife. "Hello, Ronald."

He glared harshly. "What's the knife for? Here to cut off the rest of my fingers?" He used his right hand to slowly close the door behind him. His pinky, index, and middle fingers were missing, replaced by a black and white prosthetic that wrapped around his palm and connected to his wrist like a bracelet.

Wednesday flipped the knife close. "Not if you keep your hands to yourself this time." She stood up and held her hands behind her back. "Tell me, Ronald—"

"Ronnie," he corrected with a growl.

She ignored him. "Do you hate me?"

He chuckled bitterly. "Do you even have to ask? You cut off three of my fingers, what do you think?"

Wednesday turned around and started doing tricks with the butterfly knife. "Still playing the victim I see."

He scoffed. "You cut three of my fingers off!"

She stopped playing with the knife and faced him again with a stoic expression as she held her pointer finger to the tip of the blade. "To teach you what the word "no" meant. You should've stopped when I said it the first time."

He crossed his arms and licked his lips as he seemed to hesitate. "Yeah, well, you shouldn't have led me on."

Wednesday rolled her eyes and flipped the knife closed. "Why is it that boys always confuse niceness with I want you in my pants? They're not equivalent. You were the only other outcast in 7th grade and mother insisted I make friends with you out of pity. Your mother dead, father abusive, and me being the loner I was. My mother thought we could help each other. I was never interested in you romantically and I was barley interested in you platonically until you set that toilet on fire."

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