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So I'm really sorry to do this but life is basically kicking my ass right now. These damn health problems are killing me (not literally) and I'm so sick and tired of it (literally). So many tests with no answer for what's causing my pain. A pain which makes sleeping and eating difficult. And of course the pill that was working for my nausea and vomiting isn't working as well as it was at first. I can not get a win right now.

We've done bloodwork, an ultrasound, an endoscopy, and now a FibroScan of my liver and an upcoming CT scan of my abdomen. The first three have yielded nothing and now we wait for the results of the FibroScan and then I see my specialist on the 3rd of March to discuss them. The only thing all these test have told us so far is that I have some nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, but that doesn't cause the problems I have. And what makes it difficult is that I only have two problems. Nausea/vomiting and severe abdominal pain. They thought acid reflux but the medicine for that only helps my nausea/vomiting and not the pain. And the pain I have doesn't match the pain that's common in acid reflux. It's extremely frustrating because I've been dealing with this for almost a year now if you wanna get real technical, but it's been really bad for the last 4 months.

And on top of all that I'm now trying to hire a copy editor so I can finish my book and get it ready for publication. This is shooting my anxiety through the roof which fucking sucks iykyk. So now I'm having trouble getting motivated to really sit down and write which of course raises my depression because why fucking not, am I right?

I'm sorry for ranting and I bet a lot of you don't really care, but this was a good way for me to get this off my chest since none of you know me. I can't exactly tell my family or friends how much I want to just die right now so the pain stops and I can finally rest. Funny, when I used to want to die for the pain to stop the pain was emotional. Now it's physical. I actually hate it here.

Anyway, the point of all this is that I'm still going to write but the updates might be considerably slower. Not everyday and probably not every other day either. I don't really know what the new schedule will look like and I'm sorry to all my avid readers who want to know what happens next. I promise I'm not abandoning this book. The updates will just be slower.

I know a few of you are going to tell me it's okay and to put myself first like you did last time, but I've never been good at that. I apologize for everything and feel bad for all of it. So I'm sorry that I won't be updating as quickly anymore and I'm sorry for ranting about my problems that don't concern you. I'm just sorry. Because if you can't tell I'm writing this out in not a great head space right now. So I'm sorry. You can just ignore me.

Thanks for all your support and understanding throughout this book. Sorry again.

If You Woe Her || Wednesday Addams & Enid SinclairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora