That's The Beauty Of Having People

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It was time.

Nothing happened the rest of Saturday and nothing happened all Sunday morning and afternoon. But now it was Sunday night and the blood moon was steadily rising to its place in the sky. The air was cold as it nipped at their skin, turning their noses red. With every exhale their breath was visible. What they would give to not be outside right now.

Bianca, Kent, and Divina were down in the basement with Mary while the others got everything ready. Enid and Addi were off the side as they went through a particularly painful shift thanks to the blood moon. The others could hear the bones snap and crack under their long groans. They did their best to block it out as Joseph, Sasha, and Ronnie were setting the three items down in a triangle shape ten feet apart; the holy water, the balm of Gilead, and Oinky. Wednesday then used her white spray paint to draw circles around the items. Then she drew curved lines to connect the smaller circles into a bigger one. After that she wrote out the cleansing rune in the middle of the large circle where Aloria/Mary would need to stay.

Everything was ready.

Wednesday pulled out her book so she could review the chant one more time just to be sure even though she knew she had it memorized. One could never be too careful. Once she did that she tossed the book to the side, it landing on the ground and snapping shut. She bent down and picked up the tray that was holding multiple incense sticks upright. She turned to Sasha and nodded, silently telling her to grab Mary and the others.

She disappeared into the mansion, and a few minutes later she returned with Mary walking behind her, Bianca and Divina with their hands on her shoulder to guide her while Kent walked a few feet behind them.

Mary looked at their set up and scoffed. "An exorcism? Like that'll work."

"Maybe not a normal one," Divina admitted.

"But how about one under the blood moon?" Bianca smirked.

Mary's eyes widened as she looked up for the first time to find the red moon hanging in the sky. It was unmistakable fear that clouded her eyes. She growled as she shoved against the two sirens who tightened their grip and shoved her into the ritual circle. Mary stumbled in but regained her balance before immediately trying to run out (she was getting good with the prosthetic). However, everyone else had surrounded the circle and raised their weapons at her while Ronnie used his telekinesis to hold her still.

Mary wasn't going anywhere.

Wednesday and Bianca made eye contact before the siren nodded. Everyone but the three sirens had their earplugs in, so they couldn't really talk.

Wednesday used her lighter to light the incense sticks, their smoke rising to the night sky. She followed its trail and looked up. There were no clouds and the blood moon was shining above them, giving a faint red hue to everything. She looked back down at Mary whose body was locked up thanks to Ronnie as she glared at Wednesday helplessly. A part of the goth girl wanted to mock her, tell her how she's lost. How the second she messed with Aloria she had signed her own death warrant. But Wednesday knew those words would be pointless.

So instead she began the chant that would finally finish all of this. "Aufer hanc animam quae non est, avelle corpus quod infecit. Libera laqueum intus et intrusorem ad infernum damnandum. Salvum fac sanctum, et interfice peccatorem."
(Rip away this soul that does not belong, tear it away from the body that it has infected. Liberate the one trapped within and damn the intruder back to hell. Save the saint and kill the sinner.)

As she said it all for the first time the circle around the holy water began to glow. She repeated it all and the circle around the balm of Gilead flower next. After she said it a third time the circle around Oinky glowed. She said it a fourth time and the lines connecting the small circles as well as the cleansing rune began to glow as well. As the rune lit up, Mary screamed in pain and the light grew into beams stretching to the sky. Some of them squinted their eyes so they wouldn't look away.

If You Woe Her || Wednesday Addams & Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now