You've Got A Friend In Me

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The stalker must've seen or heard about Wednesday's breakdown, because since then everyday she would get a taunting message (sometimes with a picture, most times without) of "where's Aloria?" or "when's the last time you've seen Aloria?" And every time Wednesday would run to find her and every time Aloria would be perfectly fine. It was driving her insane and it's only been four days. During that time she's been keeping an eye on her suspects with the help of Addi, Fajr, and Skye.

Xavier hasn't been doing anything suspicious. He kept to himself like normal, drawing or painting. He spent his time in his room or at his shed. He sat by himself in class and didn't talk to anyone. He would be on his phone a lot but as a loner with no friends that's to be expected. Wednesday wasn't sure if he was the stalker but she couldn't rule it out yet. After all, his loner tendencies would also give him plenty of time for stalking the girl who screwed him over. Addi had the most classes with him so she was the one watching him.

Luke Sanders was his normal bully self though never mentioning Aloria, Wednesday, or Enid. He picked on younger kids with his friends and was always on his phone in class. But according to Fajr who was keeping an eye on him, whenever Wednesday or Aloria seemed to be near him he went the other direction. It was starting to seem like Luke wasn't the stalker. He was a coward who only messed with those weaker than him. Wednesday didn't match that description and he knew it. The only thing that made Wednesday still consider him just a little bit was the stalker's apparent fixation on Aloria lately. He's the only one of the three boys who has a grudge more so with Aloria rather than Wednesday herself. That could explain why the stalker is targeting her now. But it could also be simply because of how she reacted to it the first time and the stalker wants her to breakdown again. Either way Luke Sanders was close to being ruled out, but not quite yet.

Ronald O'Hare was much like Xavier in the sense that he kept to himself. Apparently Skye's joke on Monday had missed the mark because he never seemed to hangout with Luke. In fact, he kept his distance. He was always on his phone though he used his telekinesis so his hands were free. That would definitely make it easy to take all types of photos from all types of angles if he so chose. The biggest thing though was that according to Skye he had a tendency to just disappear. She would lose him in a crowd or he would go down a hallway or into a classroom and when she caught up he was just gone.

It was safe to say that as of right now Ronnie was their prime suspect. But they needed to be careful. They couldn't do anything without proof. Skye suggested they bug his phone and so that's what her and Addi were currently working on. Wednesday didn't have any classes with him and even if she did it was probably best she stay away from him for now.

And while Wednesday was busy watching her suspects, Enid and Aloria were busy watching her. Over the last four days they had tried to get Wednesday to talk to them about what has been going on with her. On top of the panic attack on Monday, Aloria had noticed that once a day Wednesday would come running to her with a glimmer of fear in her eyes that would quickly be covered up by a lie of why she came to her in the first place. And it was always a bad lie which was very unlike the goth girl. Yet Wednesday always just insisted she was fine and that nothing was going on, so they kept an eye on her.

They had noticed one major thing; she spends a lot of time with Skye, Addi, and Fajr for someone who claims not to like them. They didn't even seem to actually hangout. They would meet up, talk for a bit, and then go their separate ways. What were they up to?


A few days later, Wednesday, Addi, Fajr, and Skye were gathered in the closet. Addi and Skye had successfully bugged Ronnie's phone and Skye's been monitoring it for the last few days. Today before their first class on Monday, she was giving them the report.

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