Searching For An Answer

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Wednesday was woken up to a thud and groan. Her eyes fluttered open as Enid whined in her sleep. It was the morning but their alarm hadn't gone off yet. She looked around and noticed Aloria's spot next to her was empty. Then she heard whispered curses. She leaned over the bed and saw the siren on the floor clutching what was left of her right leg.

"You okay?" She whispered groggily.

"Just peachy," Aloria groaned.

"What happened?"

She sighed. "Had a bad dream and wanted to get up to cool down. Forgot I only had one leg."

Wednesday chuckled. "When are you gonna stop forgetting?"

"Honestly . . . probably never."


Enid groaned at the sound of the alarm. "Turn it off."

Wednesday kissed Enid's head. "Then get up." She sat up and went to help Aloria to her foot.

But as soon as her hands grabbed the sirens, her head jolted back with wide eyes and she was pulled into a vision (something she hadn't had in a long time).

Wednesday found herself in the woods near Jericho. In front of her, on her knees, a tear stained face, desperation clouding every corner of her eyes, clutching her throat with her right hand and gripping her right wrist with her left was . . . Aloria? Why was she in that position?

Wednesday tried to move but she couldn't. She found she was stuck in place, unable to do anything but stare at the broken girl before her. Aloria was saying something, yelling something. But Wednesday couldn't hear her over the squawking of what felt like dozens of crows surrounding her. She looked up, not even of her own will and saw a single crow flying in circle overhead. Dread filled her soul. It reminded her of her favorite nursery rhyme growing up, and she didn't like the implication of what that one crow meant.

Wednesday came back with a gasp. She was laying on the bed with Enid and Aloria sitting next to her staring at her with furrowed brows and frowns. But at least the alarm was off.

"What did you see?" Aloria asked.

Enid helped her sit up and Wednesday stared at Aloria with a mixture of fear and confusion. She didn't understand what she saw. And she knew telling her girlfriends would only make them freak out. So she bit her lip and swallowed the words dying to spill on her tongue.

She gave a small forced smile. "Nothing important. I just know what Enid is going to give you for Christmas."

Enid's jaw dropped. "But I don't even know what I'm getting her for Christmas! It's months away! That is so unfair!" She stood up and grabbed her towel before going to the bathroom and turning on the shower.

Aloria giggled at Enid while Wednesday just admired her smile. That smile. That's what she's trying to protect. "So what are you gonna do after classes?"

Aloria shrugged and leaned back on her hands. "Just visit my dad, I guess. Wait for him to wake up."

"Ooh, I'll go with you," Enid said as she walked out of the bathroom with nothing on making Aloria blush as she stared for a second which in turn made Enid smirk.

"You don't have to," the siren shook her head after a moment. "I'll just be sitting there. It's not like it's gonna be any fun."

"Which is exactly why I should go. You'll need the company and you're not allowed to be alone anyway. Plus then we can also check on Skye." The mood dampened at the vampires name.

"Enid," Wednesday broke their few seconds of silence, "I can hear water running. Go take your shower."

"I'm going, I'm going." Enid grabbed a new bottle of conditioner before returning to the bathroom.

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