Ohana Means Family-Wait, Wrong Show

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Enid and Aloria were sitting on a bench waiting for Wednesday, the siren was tapping her foot anxiously.

Enid placed her hand on her knee to get her to stop. "Relax, you're stressing me out." Aloria gave an apologetic smile and Enid drew her hand back.

She had wanted to keep it there, but that was why she couldn't. Her feelings for Aloria was seriously getting out of control. The other day when the siren had put her forehead on hers, she had been within an inch of kissing her. She didn't want to ruin their friendship and so she really needed to find something else to focus her feelings on. She just hasn't found what yet.

Finally Wednesday walked up and the girls stood up to greet her. They all leaned in close to whisper.

"We're all set," Enid told her.

"Good. Thing's in position."

"Wanna tell us what you two were up to?"

"And spoil the surprise?"

Enid grinned. "Speaking of surprises, your costume's in the tent."

Wednesday looked at her with slightly widened eyes. "Costume?"


Wednesday came out of the tent in the skin tight black suit with cat ears on top of her head. Aloria covered her mouth with her hands. The goth girl looked absolutely adorable. The outfit made her think of her plushie.

Enid leaned in and spoke both their thoughts. "OMG, you look purr-fect!" She paused. "Only thing, where are your whiskers?"

Wednesday turned to her. "Ask again and you'll be down to eight lives." 

Enid still smiled and Aloria giggled at the threat. They all knew she wouldn't do anything to either of them. Not really.

A bit later all the boats were on the lake, everyone inside them and ready to row. Aloria was watching in the crowd, but in the boat Enid felt someone's eyes on her coming from her right. She looked over and saw Ajax smiling at her. They were friends, but there was something different about this smile that made Enid kind of uncomfortable. But then she remembered that she needs to get her feelings for Aloria in check, find something else to focus on. Maybe that could be Ajax. They were friends after all. Maybe she could grow to like him like that. Then her friendship with Aloria won't be in constant jeopardy. Yeah, that could work, so despite not really wanting to, Enid smiled back and gave a little wave.

Wednesday watched the interaction confused but not showing it. Since when did the werewolf like that Gorgon boy? Since when did the werewolf like boys? During the forehead touch, she was pretty sure she saw Enid lean in for something more. Aloria didn't notice because her eyes were closed, but Wednesday did. It was why she was glaring at the two before Aloria involved her in it too. Not that she wanted to be involved. Or cared if the two would kiss. It was just an observation. Nothing more.

"Focus," she told Enid.

Back in the crowd Aloria was struggling to decide who she wanted to win. Bianca's team? Or her roommates? Then she figured that since Bianca has already won two times, that it was okay to root against her just this once. So she quietly slipped out of the crowd and headed to the side of the lake where no one would see her. This was her job in Wednesday's plan.

"I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allen Poe Cup," Weems announced. "This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges." She raised the pistol in the air. "Let the Poe Cup Begin!"  She shot the blank and the teams began rowing.

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