My Sassy Luna

By Bluelove357

31.7K 1.7K 531

Sequel of My Luna. It's the story about Chirawon Curse and the love story of a sassy Luna. A/N: This story co... More

Character Introduction
Character Introduction 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Special Chapter - My Luna anthology Reference
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 17

588 33 8
By Bluelove357

Phone Conversation:

Gulf: Hello, yes Dad.

Charong: How are you, Gulf?

Gulf: Good.

Charong: I want to tell you something before making an official statement which is….

Gulf: Yes Dad.

Charong: I am going to organize a debutante ball for Ras.

Gulf: Huh???

Gulf was literally shouted at when speaking with his Dad, while everyone in the table looked at Gulf with concern. Gulf was about to ask permission for Kiet but here his Dad called for Ras.

Charong: Gulf are you there?

Gulf: uhh yes Dad. It's good to hear. Did you get permission from the association of Inmates?

Charong: I talked with them. They agreed eventually because there is no use anymore when the curse was broken already and almost all of the people are destined mates only. Few inmates were the people affected before the curse was broken.

Gulf: Hmmm yes. What about elders?

Charong: …..

Gulf: Dad, are you there?

Charong: Yes, Gulf. I………I am scared

Gulf: What? You?

Charong: Hahahaha I know what you are thinking? I never feared anyone but……Akira is like my nong, she always respects me, thinks of me as an idol, as inspiration, as a brother. I don't know how to initiate the conversation with her. Aang and Ava already gave their permission. I am going to talk with her. I want you and Your husband to be there with me when I am talking. I am going to tell her you two are destined ones.

Gulf: Dad, it's been years you don't have to do that. Please…

Charong: But I decided to tell. I think it's time.

Gulf: ………….

Charong: Tell me when you're free.

Gulf: I will text you Dad.

Charong: Good.
Once he put down the phone he looked at everyone and took a deep sigh.

Gulf: Dad wants to organize a debutante Ball for Ras and he needs permission from Elder Akira. Also he is going to tell her that we are destined ones.

When he said the last words he looked at his Alpha.

Mew: It is not needed anymore why he…..

Gulf: He said it's time. We should talk about this further with My Dad. I have free time after lunch. You?

Mew: After 2pm??

Gulf: Okay. I will text him.

While he was texting everyone thinking about the information which they received just now.

Supanut: So?? Dad, Papa are we still going to organize a Debutante ball from our side?

Gulf: Not needed. He himself is going to take care of all these. We need a platform for finding mates so it's going to be created. Then what's the purpose…

Supanut: Hmm okay Papa.
Blue Hyacinth Pack University:

Kong hugged Ras tightly while Niran stood beside them smiling.

Ras: Haa….haa….. you're going to kill me with your hug.

Kong: You did a very great thing by saving my Alpha. Thank you so much P'.

Ras: Why are you all thanking me when Niran is my best friend whose life is important to me as well as you, Papa and Dad.

Kong: Still I wanted to thank you.

Ras: Okay….accepted.

Niran: Hahaha you two are like kids. Even though you are older than me, sometimes you are like kid P'Rasss.

Ras: Nonggggg

Kong: Okay two stop. I want to ask P'Ras something.

Ras: Tell me Kong.

Kong: About the Debutante ball, where Alpha Charong planned to organize?

Ras: Not in the palace. But the indoor arena which was built by Dad Mew. Well almost every building and construction was done by Dad Mew and his team.

Niran: Also Black Raven People. Their coordination made them do it.

Ras: Yes.

Kong: Why not in the palace itself? I think it's big enough to organize the ball.

Ras: Palace is his comfort place. He doesn't want anyone to roam around in the palace other than his family. There are so many memories in the palace. So….

Kong: Okay I understand….Hmmm….Did you buy the outfit for the Ball?

Ras: I thought you never ask.


Kong: How could I not ask? Tell me.

Ras: I wanted to ask you to come with me to buy the outfit for me. I know you are picky when it comes to outfit and you have absolutely good fashion sense so yeah….. Can you come with me?

Niran: What about me?

Ras: Do you even have to ask the question? You are my best friend. You shouldn't ask this question. You must come with me.

Niran: Okayyyyy…..

Kong: What a silly question Alpha?

Niran: Okay okay. When are we going?

Ras: This weekend.

Niran: Are you planning to go to Ambro Planet?  Or….

Ras: I haven't decided yet, but it's confusing actually. Whether I should buy in Ambro Planet or Red Orchid Pack or Blue Hyacinth Pack. I have a permit card for Vampire's Planet anyway.

Niran: So why thinking? We can go to Ambro Planet then.

Kong: Yes P'.

Ras: Okay then.

Niran: It's been years since I last saw Patrick.

Ras: Good. Then it's the time we should meet him.

Niran: I think it's good to go with Joong and Feng. They always wanted to go to Ambro Planet to see their aunt's family.

Kong: Yeah you are right. He couldn't even come to your 18th birthday. Joong was unhappy.

Niran: Yes.

Ras: Then. Let's do that.
Pearl Beluga Pack:

Akira: P', if you called me I would come visit you in the Black Raven Pack itself.

Charong, Mew, Gulf, Aat and Chet went to meet Akira in Pearl Beluga Pack. Once they reached the Pack they straight away went to the head office. They sat inside the conference room after being welcomed by Akira.

Charong: That's okay. I want to talk with you about…….

Akira: Debutante ball!!

Everyone looked at her with a shocked expression. They never told this announcement to anyone other than the association committee, Aang and Ava.

Charong: How….

Akira: I heard P'Cha went to see the association committee and heard that indoor arena arrangements for something big, so I concluded myself. Also the curse was broken. So yeah…. I guess.

Charong: I forgot how smart my nong is…. My mistake…..Yes you are right. And since almost everything is back to normal other than the past werewolves who were affected by the curse will still be the same. So I think there is nothing to stop the ball from happening.

Akira: You are right P'Cha. The past people didn't do anything like you and me. But we couldn't stop other happiness. Well we said no before because half of the werewolves were in an inmate relationship but now the curse was broken already and very few people were affected by the curse. And it will still be the same. We couldn't be with our mates no matter what because we were affected ones in the past and it remains the same. The curse effect happens only to the new generation when Your Grandson in law Nanon's werewolf transformation. So yeah, we should better remove this ban.

Charong: Thank you so much nong. I am glad you thought before I am telling you.

Mew: Thanks Elder Akira.

Charong: I want to tell you one more thing.

Akira: Ohhh…tell me P'.

Charong: Hmmmm…..haaah ……Mew and Gulf are destined ones.

Akira didn't get shocked but at the same time she looked at them and sighs.

Charong: I am sorry nong. I shouldn't have lied to you. I lied to my pack people and made my son's life miserable by not telling everyone they are destined ones. I know what I did wrong but I couldn't help myself when it came to destined mates. It's been years I am telling myself to accept them. Now I did. I am sorry, Gulf. I am sorry Mew.

Charong lets out all things that keep pressuring his mind and heart. He meant everything he said.

Gulf: Actually after my marriage, step by step people from every pack accepted us. After the incident in the annual meeting I didn't get any insults or bad things for others. They were treated as their Luna besides we lied to them that we are inmates. One thing which I felt bad about was that I lied to my people. That's what still makes me feel bad.

Akira: He's right P'. You might think about me whether I don't like your son being with destined ones. Well, we couldn't be with our destined ones but we don't have the right to break them apart. Well you didn't break them apart but let them say liesell you something and the people in the pack when you don't accept them. But it's not the truth P'. I still accept them if you say they are destined.

Charong: You know it already.

Akira: Hahaha no P'. But I thought sometimes with their behavior that how come these two are inmates when they are like destined ones whose bonding is obvious to everyone. I thought this kind of bonding could happen between inmates??? Now I got the answer because they weren't inmates.

Charong: So….

Akira: P', you are the great Alpha of this Cern. The eldest one. But sometimes you behave like a given year old. Hahaha

Aat: That's what I always say. You know it's difficult to take care of him.

Charong: Aat!!!!

Chet: Well, I agree he did sometimes.

Charong: You too Chet.

Mew: Hahahaha. Oops I am sorry.

Gulf: I wish I could see that side of my Dad.

Aat: Then you should spend some time with your Dad then you will understand what I am saying. And What I have been seeing all these years.

Akira: They say that when we get older we become a kid.

Charong: Can you all please not talk like I am kid. I am 1000+ years old and I am very old. Who knows when my time comes……

Gulf: Dad!!!!!!

Aat: ……

Chet: …..

Mew: Alpha!!!

Akira: P!!!

Everyone stood up from their seats, Gulf walked to him and kneel in front of him with tears filled eyes.

Charong: Gulf…..

Gulf: Dad, don't say that. You and Uncle Aat are the only family from my side. I was glad at least you were there for me when mothers kill themselves. You stayed for me. You were strong enough to not kill yourselves when they died in front of you. I was not in your place but I understand how you felt because I can't think like that happened to my Alpha. Little discomfort for my Alpha makes my heart ache. Even though you didn't accept Mom Wan as your mate, I am sure you didn't treat her bad because she loved you till her last breath. I am sure Mom Hansa loved you so much. Actually, those who know you well can't help but love you. Even though you lied about mother's death, you didn't correct me when Mom Hansa's destined mate told me you killed mom. I don't believe him. I want to confirm with you but you didn't deny or correct me that what he said is wrong. So I believed it but it's 1% because I know how my father treated me all those years. Also I acted like I don't believe you at all because that's my coping mechanism if what Mom's destined mate said was true. So I couldn't decide when I didn't know the truth. I tried to get out of our pack so badly because I wanted to know the truth…….. Pa, please don't say that anymore. I won't let anything happen to you. Okay??

Tears flowing from Charong's eyes, he hugged his son crying in his shoulder and said sorry again and again.

Charong: I won't say that. Love you my baby.

Akira and Aat sat either side of Charong and comforted him by patting on his shoulder.
Two days later:

Official Announcements were made the day Akira approved it. Pluem and Sky approved to use the activator for Ras the next day. So Ras confirmed to go shopping for the debutante ball with NiranKong.

Turquoise Divine Pack:

Three of them went to the Pack to ask permission to let Joong and Feng go along with them for shopping.

Bright: Sure Nong. Actually they will be happy if they go to Ambro Planet to see their Aunt Pat.

Win: It's not easy to get a permit card to go to Ambro Planet. But if we tell them, they will go pack their dresses like they go for vacation.

Niran: I thought they were here so I didn't message them that I am coming here.

Win: Joong has his club activities so he will come late but Feng……

Feng: Papa~~~~~

Win: My baby, come here.

She didn't notice anyone but his Papa so she just hugged his Papa and then only she turned around and saw who were all sitting on the sofa.

Feng: P'Niran~~~~~~~

She hugged Niran and kissed him on his face.

Feng: I missed you so much. When did you come P'? And….

She looked at the two people who sat beside Niran.

Feng: Which one is your mate P'?

Kong: It's me!! I am Kong Thenwong. Your P'Niran's destined mate. Nice to meet you, Nong Feng.

Niran and Ras chuckle at the way Kong responds to the question in a jet speed.

Ras: And I am Ras, P'Niran's best friend. Nice to meet you.

Feng: Nice to meet you P'Kong P'Ras.

Bright: I think I am invisible because my precious daughter couldn't see me.

Feng cackled at her Dad and got down from Niran's lap and went to his Dad.

Feng: Oh my Daddy. See I am here hugging you.

Bright: My baby. How was your Day?

Feng: I was good, Dad.

Bright: Then I will make your day great.

Feng: What is it Dad?

Bright: Three of them go to Ambro Planet for shopping P'Ras dress for the Ball. They want to go with you and Joong. So do you want to go?

Feng: Is this true?

Bright: Yes.

Feng: Yayyyyyyy….. I am going to meet two Pat and Uncle Mike.

Kong: Two Pat?

Feng: Aunt Pat and P'Pat.

Win: Their aunt's name is Patricia Good Williams and his son's name is Patrick Williams. So their nickname is Pat.

Kong: Ohhh….it might be confusing to call when they were in the same place.

Bright: Hahahah yes.

Feng: I prank them a lot by using nicknames. Well I should tell this to P'Joong.

Niran: Wait Feng. We will surprise him when he comes.

Feng: That's a good idea.
The time when Joong reached the mansion was dinner time so he went straight to the room after he greeted three of them. Once he came back to eat dinner Feng told him about everything.

Joong: Oh my Goddess, this is good news, so we are going this weekend. Nong, we should prepare our dresses. Let's go.

Joong was about to get up from his seat but Win stopped him.

Win: Joong, first sit and eat your dinner. And it's just one day…

Joong: No Papa, we want to stay the night there in the palace. We always do na.

Bright: But it's for shopping. After shopping is completed you are all going to visit them and stay for sometime before going back to Cern

Joong: P'Niran please…..can we stay there for one night at least. It will be a good stay I guarantee you.

Niran: I don't mind but…..

He looked at Ras and Kong, whether they want to stay the night or not

Ras: I first thought about shopping and visiting them but since you all excited to stay so…..

Ras looked at Feng whose eyes were shining and lips pouting.

Feng: Please~~~~~~

Ras: So….let's go.

Now everyone looked at Kong who didn't say anything.

Kong: Why are you all looking at me? I am actually thinking about which dress I should pack today for the stay.

Niran: Then it's settled.

Feng: Yayyyyyyy….

Win: So now eat your dinner.
Next day:

Morning after breakfast Niran and Kong packed a few dresses and went downstairs to meet OhmNanon.

Ohm: Here's the permit card.

Niran: Thanks Dad. Where is Uncle?

Ohm: They went to work already. They asked me to give it to you. Take care na.

Non kissed him on his forehead before hugging.

Non: Take care.

They got in the car and traveled to Pack house to travel from Cern to Ambro.

Blue Hyacinth Pack House:

Pack Transportation Executives: PTE (since there will be so many executive here in the pack house so I am going to refer them as PTE)

Pack Minister of Transportation: PMT - He is the head of the transportation services in this pack. His name is Decha, an Alpha.

Niran walked to the pack house and reached the place where the transportation process for one planet to another takes place.

PMT(Decha): Prince Marc. (Niran's name but only family members call him Niran, others call him Marc.)

Niran: Alpha Decha. You are here….is there anything going on in the pack house.

Decha: To send you off.

Niran: It's not needed right. Since the PTE's doing their work.

Decha: It's planet to planet transportation also with these many people I should here to assure everything alright.

Niran: But it's me and My mate Kong. About Ras, Joong and Feng will go from their respective pack house.

Decha: Then......what about the people behind you?

Niran and Kong turned around to look dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.


Will see you all in the next chapter ☺️💙

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