Everything You Wanted Me To B...

By dangerousliasion

56 1 0

Jace is richer than god and built like a god too. Grace is a normal English girl who fell in love with a boy... More

New beginnings.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Part 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 48

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By dangerousliasion

Graces POV

I wake up in a beautiful hotel suite. Jace is sat in the chair looking out of the window at the town below. He can't have been up long his coffee still has steam coming from it.
"Hey." I smile in his direction. He turns and stands and comes over to me. He sits on the side of the bed.
"I was thinking we'd go get some stuff for Banff today? I'm going to go to the bank, take more money out. We will get you some winter clothes." I nods
"It sounds so normal."
"That's the point baby." I smile I love normality. I wish we could just go back to our life.
"Do you think it'll ever go back to normal?" I ask.
"Of course it will. We will have our desks back In Edinburgh in no time."
"I was thinking about that."
"What if we went to New York? Where you are suppose to be." He climbs up the bed and is inches away from my face now.
"I thought you love Edinburgh?"
"I do..did. I just don't feel nice about it anymore. I like the idea of New York."
"I'm happy to move to New York if that's what you want though?" I nod.
"Okay then. Well when life gets back to normal we will go house hunting there. It will make my life easier I'll admit." I knew it would. He's been struggle to keep a hold since being in Edinburgh with me even despite the last week. I climb out of bed.
"Do they have a spa here?"
"They have a pool, some other bits, why?"
"Can we go for a swim?"
"I don't think that's a good idea." I nod realising neither of us are in great shape.
"I forgot."
"Well I'm glad you forgot. Now shall we go shopping? Your coffee is on the side."
I nod and go grab the coffee. On the table by the window is some bags.
"What's this?"
"I thought you'd want your own clothes?" I smile I turn to Jace and run and jump into the bed. I feel my stitches pull though and collapse onto the bed by him. He sees the giddy turn to the pain and rushes to me.
"Stitches." I gasp. He lifts my top up and sighs in relief.
"You've just pulled them a bit. They're okay." He bends down and kisses above my wound far enough away for it to not matter. He kisses up my chest and finds my breast. He looks up at me and creates eye contact and nips my breast.
"Ouch Jace!" He smirks and runs his hand down to my pants. He looks up at me.
"I'm going to fuck you now. But first." He removes his clothes from my lower body, pulls his T-shirt over my head. He leaves me led on the bed and walks away. He takes his too off and his trousers, his boxers too and stands infront of me menacingly.
"This hotel room Grace." I nod.
"It's not just any hotel room." He leans over to me and pulls my right wrist to one side of the bed. He clips my hand into a chain. And locks them with a key. He does the same with my left hand. I giggle and he smirks. And comes down to my ear.
"Something funny Baby?" I nod. I can feel the adrenaline raising in my body. He walks over to the bags on the table he said we're my clothes and pulls a red bag out. As he walks back he closes the curtains. He grabs my legs and clips them into a solid metal bar. I literally couldn't move if I tried.
"You look incredible Baby." I smile his distance is driving me insane. He climbs onto the bed. He wraps his arms around my legs and pulls me down the bed. He grabs something from the side of the bed.
"Do you know what this is?" I shake my head.
"It's a clip." He runs his hands up to my nipple. He places his hand flat on my chest and pinches with his fingers.
"This is really gonna hurt." He puts the clip on my nipple and I jump. It burns. It aches. Oh wow though. He smirks.
"I'm going to fuck you now." He slides down and lifts my hips to his. And thrusts into me I try to sit up. My back arches, fuck. I'm in the most beautiful pain. My body feels like electric. He knows just how to bring to the pain and pleasure together perfectly. He uses his hand to release the clamp which feels amazing. He is thrusting in and out of me. He leans my legs wider and slides himself in deeper. I know I'm close. He leans into my face and kisses me softly. He goes more gently till I feel myself and him climaxing. He kisses me again. "I love you." "I love you." I reply.

He stands and walks to a bag of clothes hanging up.
"Are you forgetting something?" He turns around and smirks.
"Oh shit you're right sorry." He walks over to me and kisses my head, his eyes rake over me and he smirks.
"I fully intended to pretend to get ready and leave you there. You're just so damn beautiful." He leans over and unlocks my arms and feet. I chuckle.
"I fully believe you'd have done it." He laughs.
"I would." I laugh and pad into the bathroom I look into the first mirror I've seen in days. I look really shit. I turn on the shower and jump in I use the hotels body wash and shampoo. I step out and for the first time in ages feel remotely human. I brush my teeth and run my hands through my hair. I walk into the room and almost drop my towel. Jace is stood in a black suit, it's new I've never seen it. His suite is black his shirt white with black buttons and his trousers are skinny and tight. His sliding his shoes on which are black leather.
"Where are you going?" He looks up.
"The bank?" I nod.
"You couldn't dress casually."
"They wouldn't expect me to." I nod it makes me wonder what on earth he's got picked out for me. I pick the bag up and open it. It's a black skater dress that is far shorter than I'd like but it's beautiful. With some tights and small black pumps. The lingerie is beautiful. It's agent provocateur and is stunning. I dig around the bag and grab the toiletries he has got us. I get dressed and put some makeup that's been bought for me. I look nice now. I feel human. I walk into the room and Jace is sat in the chair with another coffee in his hand. I can see his tattoos under his shirt.
"You look really good." I say and he looks up.
"As do you." He laughs and grabs the keys off the side and his wallet. He kisses my lips.
"Let's go baby." I nod and he takes my hand and we walk down to the car. The hotel lobby is beautiful I hadn't seen it properly yesterday I was so tired. He unlocks the car and I climb into the passenger seat. He rests his hand on my thigh like normal and pulls out.
"There's a mall down the road. It has a bank."
"Why do I feel like I'm in a film?" He laughs.
"In what way?"
"None of this feels real. You know? It's all so crazy." He nods.
"It certainly is that. Im going to change our car today."
"For the sake of a day?" He nods.
"It'll just be a rental." I know there's logic in his head somewhere with this. He parks far from the door and gets out the car. He looks dashing. He throws me a big smile, it's the first time I've seen his beautiful white smile in what feels like ages. He holds his hand out and I take it. We walk into the mall.
"Let's do the bank first." I follow him to the bank we walk into the JP Morgan Chase and he approaches the reception the lady stands up. "Good afternoon Mr Atlas. Jenifer will be along any second she's been expecting you."
"Whose Jenifer?" I ask him.
"She's the accountant I use regularly. I asked her to meet us here."
"Isn't that risky?"
"She's the only one who I can talk to about money so yes, but it was a necessity."
"Jace!" She beams and walks over. She's beautiful she has bleach blonde hair that's straight to perfection. Her dress is tight and her body curvy. If i didn't have his last name id be jealous. She pulls Jace into a hug and he kisses her cheat. This is odd.
"Hi Jen, this is my wife Grace."
"Grace! Such a pleasure to meet the new Mrs A!" She laughs.
"Follow me." She says and Jace and I do just that. He wraps his arm around my side and whispers to my ear.
"She's harmless." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. She leads us into a board room style room. Inside of there is Jaces mother and father. I feel him go tense. Did he know about this? Is this why he dressed us up. It must be.
"Mother, Father." Jace takes. Seat at the end of the table. I sit next to him. We are at opposite ends.
"I can see you guys need to get reacquainted. I'll go make some coffee." Jennifer says. She disappears out the door.
"Did you know?" I whisper to Jace.
"You didn't think to say?" He doesn't reply. His eyes find his father's.

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