Enemies to lovers (Bucky x re...

By BlueEyedGirl83xo

813K 25.1K 2.5K

Y/N, a telepath with animals and fire user, harbours a terrible secret. She's been working with the Avengers... More

Secrets Part 2
Another Attack
Nat Finds Out
Moving In
Almost civil conversation
Wanda and tea
Working on defense
Nightmare pill
Waking Up
A walk in the woods
Clouds origin
Bubble bath
Movie night
The whole truth to mama
Leash training
The truth comes out
Sparring with super soldiers
Keep guard
Mission 2
Second base
A brotherly Steve
Unspoken feelings
A walk with Sam
Getting closer
Mama arrives
Embarrassing revelations
A homemade supper
Back home
A night to remember
A day out with mama
Bucky's nightmare
Thank you Pies
Failed kiss
Nightmares again
First date
A moment of weakness
Admittance of feelings
Babysitting Peppers Pup
Wanda's pup
A kind surprise
Third date
Pack leash training
Catching up with mama
The helmet
Knife training
Back to visiting the boys
Letter from uncle Brad
Botched mission
Clouds report
His Girl
Before the visit
Getting to Uncle Brads
Bad news
Additional training
Gun practice
A run into town
Message received
Shawn's last stand
The start of Bucky's mini vacation
Guy talk
Grocery shopping
BBQ and swimming
Getting ready to leave
Getting home
Good things that don't change
Bubble bath*
Hearing the pups again*
Interrupted laundry time
The Hot tub
Innermost thoughts
A talk with Wanda
The start of a fever
Sick in bed
Booster shot
New furniture
Breakfast in bed
The talk
The need for snuggles
Feeling better
Afternoon kisses
Catching up and nerves
A visit with Clint's family
First time together
The morning after
Shopping trip
After the shopping trip
Completely his
Sunday morning date
Cabin is finished
Is it love?
Its love
Awaiting on the return
Arriving at the cabin
Friday at the cabin
Saturday morning love
Blue's first outing
Milky way
Heat part 2
Lustful days
Mark my words
A heated jet
Shadow pack
Regeneration machine
Back to the bedroom
Pitter patter
A possible visit
Her Alpha, His Luna
Tony's surprise
A night with Wanda
A little more freedoms
A full pack outing
Grumpy mornings
Strike two
Blue's demands
Medium sized base
John's departure
Lab assignment
Day one back in the lab
Back to Clint's
Apple pies with Laura
Snow's labor
Needy moments
Just a bug
Morning sickness
Mama and Uncle Brad Arrive
The burning question
Breaking the news
Bucky's reaction
Exhausting mornings
An afternoon drive
The burning question
A pleasant outcome
Steve finds out
Nat's intuition
Mama and Uncle Brad go home

Clingy Blue

2.7K 100 2
By BlueEyedGirl83xo

Bucky carried you into the bedroom and brought you straight to the bathroom and he turned on the shower for you.
"Are you joining me?" you turned and looked at him hungrily.
"No, I'm watching" he chuckled, taking Blue back from you who started barking loudly.
"You like to watch?" you raised your eyebrows.
"Blue's with me, none of that. You need to wash the blood off" he gestured to the shower. You pulled off the hospital gown and turned on the cold water only, getting back into the shower. You turned and locked eyes with Bucky while you slowly started washing. You had to pay special attention to your body to get rid of the caked on blood. You noticed his eyes never left you the entire time you were washing. You took a moment to wash and condition your hair, and he still hadn't moved. Blue kept calling for you, and you felt badly. You knew he had a bit of a scare today. You felt a little sore, but nothing compared to the pain you were in when you were originally stabbed, once the adrenaline wore off. You finished rinsing off, and when you went to open up the shower Bucky was standing there with a towel waiting for you. You quickly dried off and put the towel to the side to dry before wrapping your arms around both Bucky and Blue.
"I'll take a shower, please stay here" he instructed, and handed you Blue. He gave you a hard kiss on the lips, that promised so much more for later.
He took off his blood caked tactical outfit and threw it carelessly to the side, and got completely undressed. You sat on the counter and gazed at him lovingly, trying not to wince at the pain in your side.
"Come here" he held out his hand to you as he got in the shower. You walked over and he just took your hand and held it, humming one of your favorite love songs while he started showering. His gaze barely left you and Blue. When he needed his hand, he would pull away for a moment, then put his hand back out to you as soon as he was done with it. He continued humming to some of your favorite songs until he was done, and you pulled away to grab him a towel. He took it with a small whisper of thanks and dried off quickly, and hung up his towel to dry. He took your hand again and led you out of the bathroom and into the closet where you frowned. You didn't want to get dressed, but knew you had to go eat with the team. Clint seemed very worried about you, and admittedly, so did Tony. You had gotten away without seeing the others or even the pack yet. You pulled down your moss green dress, putting on a white bra and satin panties with it, while Bucky picked out a pair of black jogging pants, boxers, and a white t-shirt getting dressed quickly.
"We are only going out for the meal, and coming right back to the bedroom" he warned you.
"I'm not hungry for food" you pouted. "I do want to see my pack though"
"Are you still hurting?" he asked, seeing you wince as Blue moved in your arms. You gave a soft nod and he quickly picked you up from under your arms and under your knees to carry you. You didn't even argue it, you just nuzzled into him, and pulled Blue in tighter. He seemed to be content to be held for now, every once in a while saying mama or papa while you both had showered. You felt the heat coming off of you in droves, and just like Jasper and Snow had warned you, the longer you and Bucky weren't mating, the more painful it was getting. You knew you had the night, but silently wondered if Blue would be okay being away from you. The pack was more understanding with the situation, but Blue is still your baby.

When Bucky got to the kitchen, he set you on your feet and you set Blue down on the floor getting suddenly attacked with love and affection from the pack.
"We were so worried" Cloud came over and jumped up to lick your cheek.
"Don't do that again" Melody added in jumping up as well. You finally got down on your knees and pulled all four of them close. Jasper was still caked in blood, and you knew it was time to call the groomers again, a conversation best had at supper time.
"We can still feel the wound" Jasper nuzzled into your neck.
"I know, I'm sorry" you kissed all of them on the muzzles.
"No more working for you, young lady. You need to be more careful when in your heats" Snow sassed you.
"It's technically not my heat" you reminded her softly.
"It is still a heat, and you shouldn't take them lightly" she reminded you.
"I won't ever again" you promised.
"Mama" Blue barked, wanting back up again, jumping at your lap.
"You need to eat your supper, all five of you" you stood up, and winced again. You could feel the dampness between your legs already and frowned a bit.
"Come on doll" Bucky picked you up again, keeping his head up proudly. You nuzzled into his chest again as he walked into the dining room where everyone was already seated.
"We heard you got hurt on a mission again Princessa, are you okay?" Pietro asked quickly.
"I'm okay, they fixed me up good as new again. I'm just a little sore" you admitted.
"You might be for a few days, you lost a lot of blood too" Bruce spoke softly. "How is the heat Sunshine?"
"It's getting more painful" you whispered. "I don't want to eat" you admitted.
"You need to eat, kid, come on. I already put both plates at your seat" Clint called Bucky over and he gave a grateful smile and came to take your normal seat, and you got more comfortable on his lap.
"You know, eight months ago, I would have sworn you two wouldn't even be able to have a meal together without fighting. Now you can't even be apart for five minutes" Scott gave a smile.
"Love works in mysterious ways, Scott" Bucky shrugged. "I wasted too much time as it is"
"Tony" you spoke softly, and saw he looked at you expectantly. "Can I call the groomers to come tomorrow? Poor Jasper got covered in blood during the mission. Most of it is Hydra, but I think some of it is mine" you flushed a bit.
"I already called them, they are coming in the morning. The pups are getting their first grooming while they are at it. You aren't expected to be around for it, but it might help if you are" Tony spoke gently. "I read up on wolves a bit this afternoon, and on the heat. I'm sorry, I misjudged sending you out on a mission"
"You already apologized" you shook your head while Bucky filled both of your plates, and handed it down to Peter.
"I should have listened to the team, I really thought you just needed to get back out there and you would be okay" he admitted. "Are you in a lot of pain?" he asked curiously.
"The stab wound still hurts a little, but the heat is taking over and that's making me uncomfortable. The cold shower helped subside the effects a little bit" you answered shyly.
"After Melody's heat is over, we should document the effects so we know going forward" Tony nodded.
"You would be interested in the dagger, it had these little barbs that were ripping into your muscle tissue and organs. It was made to be very lethal" Bruce looked at you. "I was looking at it, you are very lucky it didn't go any higher"
"I was honestly just worried about my mate" you shrugged, taking a bite of your food, finding it almost tasteless. You felt the heat pooling in your panties again, and wiggled slightly on Bucky's lap. You could feel his erection coming up through his pants and rubbing against you. He let out an audible groan, and he kissed the back of your shoulder. You both were trying to eat, but you had a feeling he was struggling as much as you were.
"Would you mind if I took Blue for tonight?" Clint looked at you with a smirk.
"If you can get him to come, sure" you nodded. "He's been pretty upset"
"I can handle it" Clint promised.
"I'd like to keep the pack in my room, if that's okay" Steve spoke up.
"We were going to ask if we could have them tonight" Peter pouted a little bit.
"Melody and Cloud might rather be outside" you bit your bottom lip. "Oh, there's a new pack on the land. They are the shadow wolf pack, there's six of them. They know of the pack and the pups"
"Clint warned me about them, they are free to stay as long as they don't hurt the pack or the pups" Tony nodded.
"Hydra just took their lands like it was nothing. They are so disrespectful" you growled a bit. "I hate them" you added for good measure.
"We got them somewhere safe, doll" Bucky kissed the back of your shoulder again. "They might come out to see you, they seemed interested even though you were wounded"
"Maybe" you sighed, pushing back on your plate. You felt another wave of heat come through your body, and saw Melody and Cloud dart towards the living room where the balcony door was still open. You sagged back against Bucky knowing exactly what was coming again.
"Don't you like the food?" Happy asked gently.
"I'm really not hungry" you admitted. "I tried to eat a bit"
"Mama" you heard Blue, and saw him come from under the table and he was pawing at Bucky's leg to come up. Bucky was still eating. Clint chuckled and put his fork down and reached down for him. He picked him up and held him and Blue seemed to calm down now that he could see both you and Bucky. He nuzzled into Clint, and Clint went back to eating again. Bucky was just finishing his food when you felt another orgasm starting again and you let out a moan against your own will. You rolled your hips against Bucky and stretched your back against his chest, putting your head on his shoulder. You could feel your nipples straining against the fabric of your satin bra and Sam looked over and looked away quickly. You saw Steve was blushing, but you couldn't help yourself.
"Dessert?" Pepper gave a knowing smile while you panted softly as your face went red with a full blush.
"I think we are done" Bucky pulled at your hips to turn around and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. He quickly stood up and you wrapped your legs around him still moaning softly.
"You barely ate Princessa" Pietro pointed out as Bucky started to stride by him, he was trying to make a hasty retreat.
"She won't for a few more days" Clint gave him a small smile. Blue saw that Bucky was walking away with you and started barking and yelling for his mama and papa. "It's okay, I've got him" he called to you as Bucky started making his way past the dining room and heading as quickly as he could to the bedroom. You rolled your hips against him, and started kissing down the side of his neck again. He was trying to make the walk as smooth as possible, but you kept distracting him and he jostled you a few times making you wince in pain. He got to the bedroom door and his lips found yours as he kicked the door open. You felt like electricity was flowing through you as his lips caressed yours, and his tongue finally pushed past your lips. You mewed softly against him, rolling your hips again and he let out a groan.
"Just hold on for another few minutes doll" he pulled back from the kiss, his eyes hooded in lust. You could tell he wanted this as much as you did. "We need to be careful" he warned you. "I don't want to hurt ya"
"You're hurting me, I need you" you whimpered.
"Baby doll, I need you too" his voice went down a few octaves as he looked at the bed and strode towards it. "I just need to close the door" he sat you on the side of the bed. You groaned when he took a step away, and you flopped back on the bed, keeping your eyes on him not wanting him out of your sight.

AN: Thank you G.S. for the assist and edits!  

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