Well Fu-

By TheBubbleBoy124

280K 12.5K 4.1K

'Gotham.....I'm in Gotham.......I'M IN GOTHAM' Yes, yes you were 'What, what the actual hell is happening, is... More

The Stranger
A New Reality
Well, I'm Screwed
Doctor? Doctors?
Next Level BULLSH-
Ok Sooooooooooo (auTHoRs nOTe)
Totally Perfect Escape Plan.....Who Am I Kidding
Royally ******
Just A Simple Game
No More Running
To Hell With It All
More Questions Than Answers
Just My Imagination.....Right?
The Outskirts
He's Here
Things Just Went From Bad To F*****
A Murderer
Behind The Scenes
Thinking Things Through
A Much Needed Explanation
Unattainable Goals
Mock Battle
Everything Goes According To Plan
Everything Has Not Gone According To Plan
A Gift
The Showman And Her Noisy Assistant
Under No Circumstances
A Bird. A Magician. A Shock. And A Maniac
I Can't Believe I Forgot To Give This A Title
How Much Until A Mind Breaks?
So Many Things To Talk About
How The Hell Did It Come To This?
It Begins........NOW
Old And New Encounters
Authors Note Edit: We Good Now
A Proposal
I Hate Rich People
Multiple Concussions Were Given On This Day
Why Are You Here?
You Play Baseball?
Cassandra = Trauma To Outlet Man
The True Protagonist Has Arrived
Divine Intervention
Good Luck
Authors Note - Thank You
Not Ready
A Mugging
Damn. That's Cold
Old Habits Die Hard
Déjà Vu
The Court's Claws
One. Two. Three. Four.
The Final Minute
Playing God
Shadows and Stars
Masks Upon Masks
A Doctor Who Can't Heal
Not A Murderer?
First Name Basis
A Week In Arkham Asylum
Stick To The Script
Authors Note - I'm Sick
In And Out
Plans for Plans
The Things I'd Do For Love
First Step
Start of an Era
Chapter 1 End, The Birth Of An Uprising
Without A Body
Safe Place
Night On The Town
Guides For Better And For Worse
Confront It
Ride On The Rumour Train *WHOOP* (And Trauma)
A Performace With Unwilling Actors
Cat And Mouse
If I'm A Mask, What's Underneath?

Run-ing Run-ing

5.6K 249 57
By TheBubbleBoy124

You felt your body being forced against the ledge, cracks even began to form in the cement behind you. You could faintly hear it behind you, but that didn't really matter at the moment. That wasn't what you were really focussing on after all.

You held your swords in an X position, directly blocking Katanas blade. Yet she kept on pushing. A grunt escaped your lips as another explosion in her strength set off a chain of even more cracks to form. Each one seemed to be louder and more intense, really not helping the situation.

'She's gonna push me off the ledge'

Remembering what happened earlier, that was the last thing you wanted to happen. That feeling of disorientation, coupled with the fact you would definitely be knocked out for at least enough time to be transported to whatever place Waller has in mind. But what could you d-

"Do you use your sword as a sex toy?"

Her grip weakened for just a split second, but that was all you needed.

You dropped your X formation, and without resistance the katana began to go in its original trajectory. Yet just as the sword was about to pierce your chest you gave her a front kick to her stomach, sending her sprawling across the rooftop. The sound of her body hitting the rooftops pedge form the opposite side of the roof brought a strange sense of satisfaction. 'Comeuppance?'

A flash of pain from your shoulder stopped you from immediately getting up and sprinting, and you fell back down to your original position. It ached and was burning at the same time, and it stoped you from attempting a second time.


You forced your body to move through the pain, and sent it rolling to your right. Mere seconds later the sound of metal hitting cement alerted you that you moved out of the way in time. You dodge it by the skin of your teeth.

Looking over from your place on the ground, you managed to see Katana holding her blade to her side, while the ledge which you were leaning on previously crumbled and fell to the ground below. The sound of it hitting the pavement did not make you feel any better that before.

"Who are you?"

Her words rang throughout your mind. A hint of curiosity and a slight undertone that made it seem like this wasn't a question, but an interrogation.

Next thing you knew she was in front of you, swinging her weapon in a wide ark. You sat on the ground, avoiding the strike while keeping a cool composure or at least that's what you hoped you were doing.

"Who am I? Are you su"-

Bringing her katana down in a vertical slash, you managed to roll out of the way just in time. "YOU'RE RIGHT YOU'RE RIGHT, I NEED A BETTER PICK UP LINE"

To be honest, you were joking around not only for the fun of it, but to hopefully distract Katana from noticing your bodies state. To say you were messed up would be an understatement.

Your left side began to ache even more.

Due to this, you began using your katana(Robins) to nimbly attack in your right hand while using your sword(Roses) to block the incoming strikes when it was absolutely necessary, otherwise you would simply dodge. It was the best you could do in your current state, a quite pathetic state may I add.

The issue was-
'I feel like I'm going to die'

Everything was hurting. When you went to go withdraw the money from your account, the thing that started this whole fiasco, you weren't expecting all of these events to happen.

You were shot multiple times, fought Manta, had a battle with a literal alien, somehow survived that epic car chase, got slammed into by a different car, got shot again, fought Harley, and now you're dealing with someone named after a blade.

'What a fucking night'

You hadn't even fully recovered from your fight with Jack, Robin, and Ravager. The only reason you could still swing your blade was simple.
Adrenaline. The fact you were even alive or had t been captured yet was a mix of skill and luck, but mainly luck seeing as the Characters don't know much about you but you know everything about them.

'For now, I just need to hold off until Strange finds a way to get me out of this or I manage to create an opening to escape.

I really am pathetic am I?'

You caught a side kick to your body, but the sword-weirder used that threshold to boost herself up, and instead deliver a showtime kick to your face. You let go of her foot on reflex, and she immediately dropped to the ground and swept your leg. By the time your vision recovered from the kick, you were falling towards the ground. Right into another kick. Your katana had somehow not fallen out of your right hand on the impact of the first kick, but after the impact of the second it went flying across the rooftop.

You felt your ears begin to ring again, as once more your brain rattled in your skull. The only reason you didn't die in those moments was because the moon reflected off of her raised blade, which snapped you out of your daze just in time to roll out of the way of an incoming stab to the chest.

You ducked out of the way of a horizontal slash, before instinctively bring ing your fist up and uppercutting the black-haired girl in the chin, sending her back a few feet. You went for a straight punch, but she moved her head slightly to the side, dodging it by a hair.

With the opening of your arm being outstretched, but her also being blocked off due to the arm, she instantly used her head.


She attempted a headbutt, lunging in and not giving you any time to react. It was a good thing you already predicted what she was going to do.

Instead of her head meeting yours, her chin smashed against your phorearm. You instantly grabbed her arm while she was in a daze, and flipped her over your shoulder. Her katana and the floor of the rooftop made a clanging sound as they met. Her head was by your feet and you stood hunched over, trying to get back some of the air you lost.

'I finally have someone I trust, and here I am relying on them to get me out of the mess I created for myself'

She however, the second upon reach the ground, lifted both legs up so that one was on each side of your head. You felt an immense pressure on either side of your head, just before gravity seemed to flip upside down. As you soared through the air, you came to a realization.

'Oh, it appears I'm the one upside down'

You crashed down onto your back, and gravity turned back to normal. A gasp escaped you, as all the air residing in your lungs were crushed out. No matter how hard you breathed, nothing came. But that sensation only lasted for just a second, as air slowly and shakily made its way back into your body.

A weird feeling of something......soft? wrapped around your neck. You laid there in confusion for a moment, before remembering how you ended up on your back. 'Shit'

The soft sensation suddenly turned solid, as you felt and immense pressure on your neck. Katana had both legs wrapped around your neck, and was choking the life out of you. She used one to wrap around you, while the other held it in place.

"Y-You bi-bitch"

You felt your vision slowly begin to get darker. You kept thrashing around, punching and kicking yet her grip never wavered. With every passing second your movements began to slur. Eventually, your arm went limp.

Finally, your body stopped struggling. You laid there, unmoving as Katana held the hold for another 30 seconds to make sure. Once she was satisfied, she released you.

Your head bumped onto the floor with no give.

Katana got to her feet, wiping the blood trickling down her lip from the forearm you gave her earlier. Her heavy breaths were drowned out by the ringing in her ear, you did after all deliver a solid uppercut. She turned and faced the moon as she brought up two fingers towards her ear. She calmed herself, and her monotone voice returned.

"Target secur"-
The last thing Katana saw before everything went dark, was a shoe right in front of her face.

"He said he can't even though he owes me a favour....that bastard"

Rose sat there, tapping her foot urgently as her eyes narrowed. A look of rage and humiliation were present on her face, and with every passing second the emotions just became more and more visible.

"Who?" This time it was Speedy who intervened, asking the question everyone wanted to ask.

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter now"
"Fine, we won't pry. But Virgil needs us right now and I'm sure as hell going to at least try and find him"

Robin, as the leader and still a bit of a hot-head wasn't just going to sit still while Y/N took one of his men and one of his best friends. He couldn't, not when-
'Not when I finally found a place where I feel like I belong'

"Cyborg, take Kid-Flash and get back to our current base in Gotham, since Static won't answer his Titans Communicator see if you can track it. Meanwhile, try and patch him up. You're our best technician right now so we need you for this"

"Got it, just make sure to bring Static back home"

With that, Cyborg picked up the unconscious body of Kid-Flash, and activated his rockets. His body began to ascend at a faster and faster pace, while the fire and smoke being released form his back increased until.

Next thing the Titans knew Cyborg was zipping down the roads of Gotham at extremely high speeds, all while not having to worry about Kid-Flash since if the guy can run at speeds as high as he's gone before this is probably nothing for his body to withstand.

"The rest of us will go as a group. I understand it would be faster if we split up to cover more ground, but the last thing I want is another one of us to go missing. But before that"

Damian turned to Raven.

"Escort Speedy back"

A look of shock was visible on the bow-and-arrow users face as he heard these words. His face scrunched up slightly as his eyes held the glint of betrayal. "Why do I"-

He stumbled to the ground. His vision was blurry and he could barely hear the others voices around him at this point. Everything just felt....loose. Like nothing mattered, yet everything was in the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, just as quickly as it all happened, he returned back to normal.

"Speedy, Harley beat you to near death. I was watching your fight, and the last thing I want right now is you dead. In the state Gothams in now....you would get teared apart"

He could hear it in his own voice. The coldness, the silent threat, everything. All thanks to the people he once called family. It wasn't his fault, or at least that's what the others told him. It was the most effective way to get someone to do what you want them to do, and he was raised to be effective.

"F-....fine.....I'll go, but only if you take this"

Speedy's hand met Robins, and Damian looked down. His mask showed his expression of surprise and worry.

"Are you sure?"
"Just in case"

With that, Raven held out her hand. A dark energy swirled and materialize around the red costumed Hero, and the next thing he knew him and Raven were floating through the air.

"Hey Starfire" The pink headed woman looked at he rose friend, who's eyes were cold and unforgiving. "Don't think I forgot, I'm going to have to thoroughly interrogate you later. I want all the details. Understood"

And with that, she entered through a portal with the mini-arrow floating next to her. Leaving a stunned Starfire.


Her cries echoed across the broken city.

In your life, you came up with a bunch of weird names for things. An example of this would be the DD.

Now, what does the DD stand for?

'Distract, and

Due to past experiences, and your life in your previous universe, you learned many tricks. One of the most vitals and important ones you learned, was in fact DD.

You could perfectly fake being knocked out. I mean, it wasn't like letting your head hit the ground with no give was worse than getting the crap beat out of you or a "punishment".

So you learned. Learned how to make your eyes go into the back of your head. Learned to perfectly act like someone who's consciousness was dwindling. Learned how to make your body go perfectly limp. Learned how to let your body fall with no give. And learned when to strike.

Your foot was mere centimetres away from Katanas face. Due to the fact she was caught completely off guard, and is not prepared for the strike would already be bad enough. But you even had time to prepare and plan where to land the strike. The result was simple, she would be knocked out. A fade to black if you will. And yet......

At the last moment, you changed the trajectory of your kick. Her earpiece went flying off the edge of the building.

Before she could utter a word, you spun your body and planted your leg so that with your other foot you hit her in the head with a spinning heel kick.

Her body fell to the ground, and before she lost consciousness completely, she saw your mouth move. With a smile, you uttered a few words.

Then all she could see was black.

"Constantine I think you had eno"-

Constantine smashed his glass cup onto the bar, breaking another cup.

"Just one more...I'm-....I'm just so close to forgetting"
"You know this isn't the right way to do this"
"But it's the fastest, and right now I need to get it out of my mind"

The bartender looked at the usually smug and confident man in front of him. His had was on his forehead, massaging it with his fingers. Both his eyes were closed as he stood hunched over the bar on his stool, his feet tapping against the wooden chair impatiently.

"Fine, I'll give you the lightest liquor we got, and only one shot"
"I'll take whatever I can get"

You immediately collapsed onto the ground. Your breathing was rough and hoarse as you clutched your head. Everything just hurt too much.

'But I have to get up'

You got into one knee, blood covering a side of your face from the bat strikes.


You pushed yourself to your feet, ignoring the sensation of nauseousness and dizziness as you tried to jump onto another rooftop.

You didn't have time to attempt to kill Katana, and due to your thought process and the information you gathered on this world while staying here you came to a conclusion.
'The worlds laws would stop me'

You continued to run and jump across the rooftops. Ignoring the searing, aching, yet sharp pain that engulfed your body and would t let go. You had to ignore it. You couldn't get caught, not now.

'Just make it to Strange's. Just make it to Strange's. Just make it Strange's'

You kept repeating that sentence in your head as you ran. Pushing through everything you felt with a simple goal in mind.

You landed on the roof of another building and rolled with the momentum. You rolled onto your feet and continued to run without stopping.

As you ran you suddenly fell into your knees and slid across the rooftop.You lifted your chin to the sky and leaned your chest back as far as possible at the same time. A bat swung over your head, narrowing missing you as you slide past its owner.

You twisted your body mid slide, so that by the time you stopped, your body was half facing the direction of the wielded of the weapon.

Harley stood there, a shadow covering her face and a bit of dry blood in a trickle below her nose. Her arms and bat were still outstretched, yet she slowly brought them back.

"You're going to die"

Her red lips spoke those 4, simple words. Yet the almost overwhelming malicious intent behind them would make almost anyone cower in fear before them.

But you've been through worse.

"Nah I'm good" you spoke in a carefree way, one that held no concern or worry over what was just said. "We both know ya won't last long against us, in a fight or if ya run. Your body must be in intense pain, although you do have a good poker face don't ya?But, after that little stunt you pulled back there"-

She slammed the bat into her hand, wrapping her fingers around its nerve as she did so.

"I'm not gonna let ya live"
You let out a long, almost tired sounding sigh. You made your way to your feet from your knees and stood up straight. You tried your best to block out the pain that your body felt, it was so overwhelming that you felt like you were gonna pass out.

You suddenly turned around and jumped off of the rooftops ledge.
"You underestimate my stupidity"

A few things I wanted to say. 1. Is this.

Thank you for 10k, I honestly never thought I'd get even 100 reads. I'm happy others enjoy my book, when I myself don't consider it that good.

2. Is yes I am planning to start at least 2 more books this year, and it will connect it this one. I they will all be connected you could say.



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