Enemies to lovers (Bucky x re...

By BlueEyedGirl83xo

809K 25K 2.5K

Y/N, a telepath with animals and fire user, harbours a terrible secret. She's been working with the Avengers... More

Secrets Part 2
Another Attack
Nat Finds Out
Moving In
Almost civil conversation
Wanda and tea
Working on defense
Nightmare pill
Waking Up
A walk in the woods
Clouds origin
Bubble bath
Movie night
The whole truth to mama
Leash training
The truth comes out
Sparring with super soldiers
Keep guard
Mission 2
Second base
A brotherly Steve
Unspoken feelings
A walk with Sam
Getting closer
Mama arrives
Embarrassing revelations
A homemade supper
Back home
A night to remember
A day out with mama
Bucky's nightmare
Thank you Pies
Failed kiss
Nightmares again
First date
A moment of weakness
Admittance of feelings
Babysitting Peppers Pup
Wanda's pup
A kind surprise
Third date
Pack leash training
Catching up with mama
The helmet
Knife training
Back to visiting the boys
Letter from uncle Brad
Botched mission
Clouds report
His Girl
Before the visit
Getting to Uncle Brads
Bad news
Additional training
Gun practice
A run into town
Message received
Shawn's last stand
The start of Bucky's mini vacation
Guy talk
Grocery shopping
BBQ and swimming
Getting ready to leave
Getting home
Good things that don't change
Bubble bath*
Hearing the pups again*
Interrupted laundry time
The Hot tub
Innermost thoughts
A talk with Wanda
The start of a fever
Sick in bed
Booster shot
New furniture
Breakfast in bed
The talk
The need for snuggles
Feeling better
Afternoon kisses
Catching up and nerves
A visit with Clint's family
First time together
The morning after
Shopping trip
After the shopping trip
Completely his
Sunday morning date
Cabin is finished
Is it love?
Its love
Awaiting on the return
Arriving at the cabin
Friday at the cabin
Saturday morning love
Blue's first outing
Milky way
Heat part 2
Lustful days
Mark my words
A heated jet
Shadow pack
Regeneration machine
Clingy Blue
Back to the bedroom
Pitter patter
A possible visit
Her Alpha, His Luna
Tony's surprise
A night with Wanda
A little more freedoms
A full pack outing
Grumpy mornings
Strike two
Blue's demands
Medium sized base
John's departure
Lab assignment
Day one back in the lab
Back to Clint's
Apple pies with Laura
Snow's labor
Needy moments
Just a bug
Morning sickness
Mama and Uncle Brad Arrive
The burning question
Breaking the news
Bucky's reaction
Exhausting mornings
An afternoon drive
The burning question
A pleasant outcome
Steve finds out
Nat's intuition
Mama and Uncle Brad go home


10.6K 265 38
By BlueEyedGirl83xo

By midnight, you had to call it. Not everything was put away, but you were willing to work on it yourself. You gave both boys a hug, and told them to get some sleep since they had school in the morning. You thanked them several times for coming to help you. You did the same for Nat and Wanda who pouted a little, but you could tell they were exhausted. Cloud was passed out on his new bed already, and you grinned to yourself, loving how relaxed he was. It had been a long time since you seen him go to sleep before you, or relax around people in general. You went into the closet and saw there was still quite a bit to put away, and pulled out one of the black lace nightgowns and grabbed a pair of black lace panties to match before heading for the shower. You used the Japanese cherry blossom soap, shampoo and conditioner and hummed softly to yourself wondering if it would bother anyone if you played music. You remembered the noise cancelling headphones and gave yourself a slight smile as you dried your hair and got dressed for bed. You pulled out the headphones and plugged it into your new phone and turned on some music. You needed a moment to fully relax and opened the balcony door, and left it open while you went to sit on your swing and closed your eyes putting your feet up and gently swinging. You hummed to the music while it played, mainly your sad love songs that you seemed to favor lately. You felt like you were being watched and opened your eyes, but didn't see anyone. You sat up a little more alert and continued to swing softly, listening to the music and watching the way the trees swayed with the wind. If you closed your eyes, you could pretend it was home, your home. You gave a yawn, and finally stood up and went back inside leaving the balcony door open to let the breeze in, and cuddled under the blankets. You took out the headphones and turned on your music really low so you could still hear it and dozed off.

You woke up screaming, the first attack was your nightmare, where he had his hands around your throat. You bolted out of bed and tried to catch your breath as the light switched on and you saw Steve standing there with Bucky behind him looking a little concerned.
"You okay doll?" Steve asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, go back to bed" you shook slightly, still feeling scared. Cloud jumped up and licked your face timidly.
"You're okay, it was just a bad dream. You have a lot of those lately" Cloud spoke to you gently. "Tell the pup I've got you"
You looked over and saw that Steve's cheeks were a little pink but he still hadn't moved. "Cloud has me, I'm okay" you assured him.
"Do you want me to stay again?" he asked gently and you saw Bucky look at him quickly.
"I'm good, just a bad memory" you gave a reassuring smile. Cloud went over to the bed, and pulled back the covers with his teeth.
"You shouldn't leave the door open, the balcony leads to stairs which leads to the grounds" Steve ignored you and went over closing your door.
"The breeze was helping me sleep" you flushed. "I didn't realize it led to the grounds, my apologies" you saw Bucky was still standing at your door. "Please, I'm okay. I'll just go back to bed, you should do the same" you padded back over the bed and crawled under the covers before Cloud jumped up and lay down beside you.
"Is that moon river by Audrey Hepburn?" Steve asked as he started to head to the door.
"Yes, it's a beautiful song. Is my music too loud?" you raised your eyebrow.
"Yes" Bucky answered for him.
"I can barely hear it" Steve shook his head at him.
"I'll turn it down" you grabbed your phone and turned the music as low as it could go.
"Good night Y/N, I'll see you at breakfast" Steve closed your door behind him. You took a moment to realize both of them had been shirtless in almost matching pajama bottoms and wondered if that was on purpose.
"Go to sleep pup" Cloud nuzzled in more.
"The memories terrify me, I'm afraid to go back to sleep" you admitted out loud to him.
"I'll be right here, he can't get to you here" Cloud reassured you, and you tried to go back to sleep. It was hard to relax since you couldn't hear your music very well. You had to strain your ears, but eventually fell back asleep, vowing to charge the blue tooth headphones for tomorrow night.

You woke up with the sun like your normally do, and stretched slightly in bed looking to Cloud who had kept his vigil all night.
"Did you sleep?" you asked him.
"Enough" he grumbled. "You're still safe pup"
"Did you want to go explore the grounds a bit? I think we have time" you smiled softly at him.
"Go get dressed for your day, and we will see if we have time" he offered and you jumped out of bed, rushing into the closet to change. You went with a pair of black leggings and an AC/DC top with a hoodie on top, putting on a pair of black sneakers. You quickly fixed your hair into a braid, and put on some light makeup, brushing your teeth, and making sure you looked presentable before coming out. You looked at your phone to check the time, and from what you remembered, Tony had told you the compound had breakfast at eight, and it was only six thirty.
"Come on Cloud, lets explore the grounds for a little bit" you smiled at him. "We have time"
"Alright, lets go" he walked to the door that led to the hallway, and you followed his lead. You both went out the front door and you hesitated looking at your truck, but didn't see anything wrong with it. Cloud led you past the parking lot and down to the grounds where he automatically veered towards the forest. You quickly followed him and started a good morning hike through. You let your music play softly from your sweater pocket, and just took in the sound of nature around you as you followed him around. You knew his sense of direction was always impeccable. He led you completely around the building through the woods and you ended up back in the parking lot again, and opened the door shyly as you walked back in. You checked the time, and saw it was almost breakfast time and he led you to the dining room. Most people were already seated. Peter and Pietro were waving you over.
"Is there assigned seating?" you asked timidly and Cloud bumped you with his head.
"Everyone seems to take the same spot, but no" Tony answered for everyone.
"This seat is almost always empty Princessa" Pietro pulled out a chair and you sat down before ruffling his hair.
"Good morning boys" you smiled at them.
"We have school today..." Peter started.
"But will you come see us tonight?" Pietro finished for him.
"Of course, I will. I can't let you two starve. Just remember, don't stay out so late" you reminded them.
"We already promised" Peter sighed.
You watched Cloud walk over to the kitchen where there were a few steaks cut up for him already and smiled softly seeing he was relishing his new surroundings already.
"Are you feeling okay this morning?" Steve asked after a brief silence.
"Yes, I'm sorry for the screams" you flushed a bit.
"You ain't as bad as Bucky used to be" Sam offered, trying to extend an olive branch.
"Shut up man" Bucky snapped at him. "She woke me up from a good dream"
"I'm sorry to have ruined your beauty rest" you countered quickly. "I'll try to keep my nightmares to a minimum" you glared at him.
"You know what Barnes, no one complained when you had nightmares" Nat glared at him and Bruce looked at her in surprise.
"Honey?" he asked her gently.
"It's the truth. It's a new environment for her, and after..." she stopped herself. "Give her a break Barnes" she glared at him.
Pietro passed you some food, and you filled your plate and started eating right away. You were dying for a coffee, but figured you would ask Tony after if it would be okay to run out for one. You weren't used to how things were run around here and needed some direction.
"Coffee?" Peter asked you suddenly.
"Yes please" you nodded and he passed you a cup full. You added your cream and sugar and sipped happily trying not to look around too much. Maybe you wouldn't have to leave the compound after all.
"Just so you know, the cook keeps the coffee ready at all hours in the kitchen, you can go get as much as you want" Happy called down the table to you.
"Thank you, that helps" you smiled.
"Did you get to the grounds yet?" Tony asked expectantly.
"Cloud took me for a walk through the woods, it was very nice" you smiled easily at him.
"There's a running track around the lake some of the team uses in the morning if you ever want to, you know, do that" he offered.
"If Cloud doesn't want his walk, I might try it" you nodded.
"How was the bed?" Pepper asked with a smile.
"Very comfortable, it was like sleeping on a cloud" you smiled dreamily. "Thank you for everything"
"We are glad your finally with us" Tony smiled. "We are still working on your abilities this morning, and I'll show you around to where to find everything now that you're here"
"Thank you for that" you gave a small smile. "I'm more worried where the laundry room is, I need to wash my suit for the next mission"
"I'll show you after" he promised. You noticed the conversation was very slight at the table, and everyone seemed to be keeping to themselves. You knew it was because you were there, and it made you uncomfortable. You felt your phone go off and pulled it out of your pocket, thankful you had left it on vibrate. It was a text message and all it said was "I'll find you". It kept going off saying the same thing over and over again. You saw Pietro looked over your shoulder.
"Who's going to find you?" he asked gently. You saw Tony, Steve, Wanda and Nat sit up a little straighter.
"It's probably a wrong number" you flushed, putting your phone back in your pocket. "May I be excused for a moment?" you asked politely and Tony nodded. You grabbed your dishes and put them in the kitchen and Cloud followed you quickly back to your room. You pulled out your phone again and the messages hadn't stopped. You took note of the number and called Morgan.
"Whats wrong, he didn't find you already?" he asked as soon as he answered.
"He got my number again, I just changed it last month" you sighed. "The number he's using is..." you gave it to him and he said he would check to see if they could find it in the system. You grabbed a facecloth and washed Cloud's face trying to calm your nerves. You felt your phone go off again. It said "They'll never find me" and the constant messaging stopped. You sat on the side of your bed for a moment trying to collect your thoughts. You didn't want another verbal sparring match with Bucky. You waited a few minutes and listened intently to the hallway before you were satisfied, and made your way back out again and headed for Tony's lab instead.

"Gimme your phone" Tony held out his hand expectantly when you came in, and you shakily took it out of your pocket and handed it to him. He went over the text messages with his lips pursed and nodded to himself. "They'll find him. Did you give the number to Morgan?" he asked gently.
"Yeah, I went and called him right away. I'm just embarrassed someone saw it" you admitted.
"It wasn't hard to tell you were shaken" Tony plugged your phone into his computer and started tracking the phone number on his own. "Burner phone" he growled.
"I just changed my number last month" you reminded him.
"He's trying to shake you, don't let him get to you" Tony shook his head. "I'd feel better if you brought someone with you when you go visit the boys"
"I do bring someone, I always bring Cloud" you gave a soft smile. "I'll be fine. I'm always watchful for cars following me. I've been at this a long time"
"He still found you at the hotel, he could have hurt you" he reminded you.
"He didn't have the time to try, besides, no one wants to go against Captain America" you gave a giggle.
"I did once" he shrugged. "Sometimes people get bad ideas"
"Its going to be fine Tony. You were right about this, I feel safer here" you admitted.
"Good" he nodded to himself and started putting monitors on you. "Starting tomorrow you'll be working more on your defensive moves with the girls, and Clint as usual". He led you to the testing room and you walked in without complaint. Cloud stood outside the door like he always did and watched as you went to the center of the room.
"Start with just your hands" Tony ordered and you nodded. You knew he liked to start out small, and work his way up. He wanted you to learn to control more of the flames before you started letting it out offensively. You listened to his instructions through the speaker, and worked tirelessly until you worked your way up to having the whole room on fire. He got you to call it back, and you did so slowly.
"Good, come on out" he called, and you came back out and helped him take the monitors off again. "Lets take the tour, shall we?" he grinned to you. "That will bring us to lunch, and then you can have the rest of the day to finish getting settled in"
"I don't know that I should be at the meals" you blushed as he started leading you out. "It felt awkward this morning"
"Its just you" he shrugged. "Most of the team aren't morning people. Barnes especially"
"Barnes hates me" you reminded him.
"He'll warm up to you eventually" he sighed.
"I wont though" you shook your head. "It would take a lot for me to change my mind at this point"
"Miracles happen everyday" he shrugged and continued showing you around.

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