Marriage Trials {Sequal}

Oleh expnsvv

14.3K 430 14

Sequel to StepFather Before reading this go check out StepFather Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 ~Part 1~
Chapter 10 ~Part 2~
Chapter 10 ~Part 3~
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 ~Part 1~
Chapter 20 ~Part 2~
Chapter 20 ~Part 3~
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
New Book Out

Chapter 5

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Oleh expnsvv


Caelyn and I were the only inhabitants in the house today. Chris took Paris to school then went straight to some studio after he dropped her off. He said that he will be back by one the latest but I didn't really care. I was glad I allowed Cae to stay home today because we were now fake cupcakin' in the living room. Cuddled up and all.

"I want to be a teacher. No, a princess! Yeah. Like Cinderella, mommy. Can I be a princess when I grow up?" She stopped gazing at the television long enough to look up at me with this cute ass little smile on her face. "You can be anything you want to be, baby. You would make a beautiful princess. Just know who the queen is at the end of the day." I smirked at her before wrapping my arms around her torso.

I was sprawled out across the couch on my back and she was laying on top of my stomach. We were supposed to be watching the movie 'Enough' with Jennifer Lopez, but right as I was about to hit the 'play' button Caelyn changed her mind and said she wanted to watch 'Mulan.' I think I'm going to be Mulan for Halloween next year. This year I was Princess Jasmine and Chris thought he was cute by throwing on a cream colored sheet and calling himself Aladdin. We did win best costume at the party that the center was throwing though, so I was okay with him walking around in a sheet.

"You make a pretty queen, mommy." She smiled pleasantly at me before resting her head back on my chest and focusing back on the movie. I was about to call her out for deeming me with 'pretty' when I did the most to call her 'beautiful.' I decided against it though and only ran my hand through her soft hair as I tuned into the movie also.


It was Thursday and Chris had to be down at the studio. AGAIN. Now, I'm not even about to state my real thoughts about what he's doing down there at that studio 'supposedly', only because I love and trust him. Yeah, sure. Since when did he need to be down at the studio every damn day of the week to make some fucking beats?

He has a mac laptop with this 'Garage Band' program that lets him create beats and send them off to potential clients. So why is he down at the studio right now and not home with the girls and I? Today was my day off until Saturday and I know he's going to bitch about us not bonding and shit when he gets home.

I looked from Paris' half empty bowl of Cookie Dough ice-cream and over to Caelyn's plate filled with bacon and pancakes. She wanted breakfast for dinner today while Paris only wanted ice-cream. I don't know where they get these weird ass cravings from. "Here." I looked up from responding to Chris' one word reply when I felt Caelyn tug at a strand of my now straight hair. I was about to tickle her for touching my hair with her greasy ass bacon hands, but when I saw that she was trying to feed me a forkful of pancakes I immediately squirmed in my seat.

"Thank you, baby. Now give me kiss." I chewed what I had in my mouth before leaning in and pecking her poked out lips. She squealed when I kissed her nose but I only laughed before looking back down at my now dimly lit phone screen. Oh yeah, I was replying to Chris' rude ass one word reply. I asked him what time will he be home because he's been gone from eight this morning and it was almost eight pm now.

From Hubby: later.

To Hubby: When is later, though? You been gone for half the day.

I wasn't even bitching because he was gone for half the day... it pains me to say this but Chris was bringing in most of our income so I could rock with him being out doing what he has to do to provide.The reason why I am bitching and blowing his phone up is because I have this gut feeling inside of me that he's out doing something that he has no damn business doing.

From Hubby: Damn. I said I'll be home soon.

To Hubby: No tf you did not. You said you'll be home 'later'. It's all good though, Chris. Do you. Just glance at that ring on your finger before you do the dumb ass shit I know you out there doing.

I rolled my eyes once he started calling. I excused myself from the room after checking that Caelyn had enough juice in her cup. As soon as I entered the living room and hit 'answer' he was barking at me.

"What, Chris?"

"Where all this insecurity shit coming from? I'm working, Lana. W-o-r-k-i-n-g. I'm out here doing my job and you blowing up my phone with some next shit. You think I'm cheating on you?"

"Look who learned to identify context clues. I'm proud of you, baby." I smirked a little to myself as I plopped down into the couch and picked up the remote from beside me. He whispered something to someone in the background before speaking into the phone again.

"I'm not cheating on you. I actually meant my vows when I said them on July third. Did you mean yours?" I sat up straight in the couch after he asked that question. What the fuck was he getting at?

"What are-"

"In your vows you said that you would trust me. Why you not trusting me right now, Lana? Oh okay. You quiet now." I only shook my head before ending the call. I wasn't trusting you because I know you, motherfucker. Known you for nine, almost ten years now and for more than half of those ten years I've known you to be a dog.

Shit. I should of told him that before I hung up.


It wasn't until eleven when Mr.Trust-In-me-please came bustling through the front doors like he had no damn sense. I had to throw my phone down onto the coffee table and sprint to the front door because he was making too much damn noise and it the girls were sleeping upstairs.

"Chris! What's wrong with you?!" I was half whispering half yelling at him because I couldn't really raise my voice. He only smirked at me before walking around me, tripping over his own damn feet and falling knee first onto the carpet.

"Shit! Fuck this carpet doing here? Shit hurts my knees! Where's my tiles, Lana?! Fuck I told you bout touching my tile floors?!" He threw up a few random ass gang signs before burping loudly and then laughing loudly.

"Are you drunk, Chris?"



"Drunk not am I" He smirked at me once more before falling back onto the staircase and laughing his ass off. As his laughter grew in volume the more I could smell the heavy scent of liquor emitting off him, and the more my patience level wore out. This nigga was drunk as a dirty ass skunk.

"Yo, Lana! Look, Lana! Lana, look! Look, Lana! Haaaa, she ain't look! Dumb ass trick ain't look!" He burped one more time before falling back onto the stairs and inhaling deeply. "Lemme tell you bout this bad ass bitch that came into the studio tonight, bae. I mean you bad, you know you bad. But DAMN! This bitch had ass for days! You don't- you... don't... you don't know how bad I wanted that bitch to give me a lap dance. But then ya punk ass words came into my head and I looked down at my small ass ring. Bum ass ring. Fuck I get married for? I WANT TO BE FREE!!" He suddenly jumped up from his sitting position on the stairs and started doing jumping jacks.

I wasn't in the mood to shout at him and I didn't have the energy for slapping the shit out of him for telling me what he just told me. I only went into the living room to collect my phone and pillow and walked past the idiot who was still doing jumping jacks. "You're sleeping down here tonight."



"What the fuck, yo?" I huffed loudly, trying to let whoever the fuck it was messing with me know to get the fuck out. My fucking brain was pounding and all I wanted to do was close my eyes for a few minutes but damn. A nigga can't even sleep in his own crib? A feeling of someone pinching my nose caused me to snap both of my eyes open. As soon as I did, I groaned and had to cover my face with my hands. WHO THE FUCK GOT THE LIGHTS ON SO EARLY?!

"Wake up, daddy. It's morning." It was Caelyn fucking with me. I pushed her back a little bit when I felt her squeezing at my cheeks. I really didn't want to blow up on her right now so I was hoping that she could take the hint and bounce. She kept pinching away at my cheeks and would giggle each time I kissed my teeth.

"Caelyn. Stop." I found the strength to sit up right in the couch without letting a whole bunch of expletives flow from my mouth. Now my back fucked up and my head fucked up. Why was I even on the couch?

"Why you sleep late, daddy? It's morning and-"

"Go to your mom, Cae. Please... my head is really hurting me and you're annoying me so much right now." I hadn't even realized what I said until I heard her little footsteps running out of the room. Shit. Now Lana was about to be on my dick.

I sighed before closing my eyes and laying my head back against the couch. Right when I could feel myself losing consciousness somebody just HAD to fuck it up. "Damn?! I can't rest in my own house?!"

"Who the fuck you think you talking to like that?!" I rolled my eyes but continued to keep them closed as Lana chatted her life away. I ain't even want to hear her voice right now to be honest. A nigga just wanted some sleep... and an Advil or two.

"Chris! Are you even listening to me?"

"Not even, babe. Can you get me two Advils and some water from the fridge please? A nigga head is killing him... shit." I hissed when I felt my brain do a cartwheel. This the last time I stay out late and drink. Lol, who am I kidding?

"Look at me!" This time, my eyes snapped open on their own. I didn't even want to look at her, these eyelids just separated by themselves. "Whatttttt?" I whined while shielding my eyes a bit. Who the fuck got the lights on though?

"You're so lucky that I didn't beat your ass last night. Why the fuck are you talking to Cae like she's your age? Just because her name isn't Paris you think you can bark at her and dismiss her? She has feelings dumb nigga!" Truth be told, I wasn't listening to one thing that Lana was bitchin' about right now. I was just waiting for that pill.

"Alright. I'm sorry. Can I get my stuff now?" I must of been waiting for her reply for three seconds when I felt something hard connect with the left side of my face. That shit woke me the fuck up and had me standing on my two feet.


"I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOU SOMETIMES! YOU COME HOME DRUNK AS FUCK LAST NIGHT AND NOW YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO ORDER NIGGAS AROUND LIKE I'M THE ONE WHO CAUSED YOUR FUCKING HEADACHE! YOU KNOW WHAT?" She stopped there then stepped back to take a deep breath. I narrowed my eyes on her and kept a hand to my stinging cheek.

She really just slapped the shit out of me like I'm playing with her. "Why the fuck you slapping me though?"

"Why did I marry you?" She spoke so clearly that I was hoping that my ears were playing tricks on me and she didn't just ask me that. Nah, she couldn't have.

"Wait, what?"

"Why did I marry you, Chris? You don't got an answer for it, huh?" Alright. Now I was heated.

"Why would you ask me some shit like that, Lana?! You married me because you love me!"

"Oh, really now?" She smirked at me then shook her head like this shit was a joke. I don't play around when it comes to serious shit like this so I don't know why she was grinning like we were at a Kevin Hart show.

"Lana. Stop fucking playing-"

"Nah, Chris. You stop fucking playing. You come in here white girl wasted last night asking me that same fucking question. Your memory back now?" Wait, what?

"Huh? What question-"

"Oh, I see you still lost. See if you can remember this. There was a bad ass bitch at the studio last night, she had ass for DAYS! You couldn't wait to get a lap dance from her... but you looked down at your hand and saw the small ass ring I got you. That's what you said right?"


"Naw, naw, naw. Lemme finish. You saw the ring then you asked yourself... why did you marry me? Well guess what, nigga? I'm asking myself the same question now. Why did-" I licked my lips before quickly pressing them to hers. Instead of melting in my arms and kissing me back like I expected, she only pushed me away from her then wiped the back of her mouth with her hand.


"Lana.. don't be like-"

"Fuck you, Chris. You're so fucking dumb sometimes. You're like forty, I know you don't need me telling you to grow up." As if the age comment wasn't enough, she rolled her eyes at me AND gave me the finger before walking out of the room.

"Paris! Cae! Come on!" I heard footsteps pounding down the hallway then Paris popped into the living room. I smiled a little when I seen her swaggin' out in her white Cement 3s.

"Daddy!" She literally swerved Lana calling for her and sprinted into the living room to give me a hug. After our little embrace I pulled her away from choking me any longer and told her to go before her mom yelled at her.

We didn't want Lana doing anymore yelling for the morning.

I watched her run out the living room once Lana yelled for her once more. She blew me a kiss then playfully wheeled it back in before running down the hall. I shook my head but still managed to crack a smile at how silly she was being. The sound of light footsteps caused me to walk out of the living room and look down the hall. Cae was dragging her foot against the wooden floors and walking with her head down. I couldn't help but frown at the sight.

"Caelyn..." She didn't even look up as she passed me, only gave a a half-assed wave before continuing her slow trot.

"Caelyn, baby... I'm sorry, okay?" She still gave me no acknowledgement as she reached the front door and Lana took her hand leading her outside. Lana made sure to slam the door too before she left.

I groaned out loud then ran a hand down my face. I really asked Lana why did I marry her? I can't believe it. And I told her about the bad bitch from the studio last night? NAH, NOW I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.

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