Harry Potter: Raised By Roses

Από WinterWolf-99

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What would happen if someone rescued Harry from the Dursley's when he was four? What if those people gave him... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1- Guardian Angels
Chapter 2- Life In Greece
Chapter 3- The Giant
Chapter Four: Diagon Alley
Chapter Five: Platform 9 ¾
Chapter Six: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter Seven: Sorting
Chapter Eight: Meeting the Headmaster
Chapter Nine: First Day of Classes
Chapter Ten: Flying Chaos
Chapter Eleven: Of Trolls and Cerberi
Chapter Twelve: First Quidditch Match
Chapter Thirteen: Home For The Holidays
Chapter Fourteen: A Greek Yule
Chapter Fifteen: Heart's Desire
Chapter Sixteen: Idiot Gryffindors
Chapter Seventeen: Two-Faced Professors
Chapter Eighteen: Ministry Idiots
Chapter Nineteen: A Very Odd Elf
Chapter Twenty: Is That A Car?
Chapter Twenty-One: Greeks Hate Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter Twenty-Two: Voices In The Night
Chapter Twenty-Three: Malfoy Opens His Mouth Again
Chapter Twenty-Four: Of All Hallow's Eve And An Odd Girl
Chapter Twenty-Five: Greeks Really Hate Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Odd Elf Returns
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Olivia Is One Angry Witch
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Raise Your Hand If You Love Olivia Gardna
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Court Is In Session
Chapter Thirty: Yule Time Trouble
Chapter Thirty-One: Secrecy
Chapter Thirty-Two: Victim Number Three And Scolding The Harpy
Chapter Thirty-Three: First Real Defense Lesson
Chapter Thirty-Four: Follow The Spiders
Chapter Thirty-Five: Never Anger A Lion
Chapter Thirty-Six: A Bathroom? Seriously?
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Basilisk
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Consequences
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Unexpected Surprise
Chapter Forty: Charlie Draco... Er... Weasley
Chapter Forty-One: Padfoot
Chapter Forty-Two: Soul Takers
Chapter Forty-Three: Chat With A Moon
Chapter Forty-Four: The Boggart
Chapter Forty-Five: Why Is Halloween Bad Luck?
Chapter Forty-Six: Quidditch In The Rain
Chapter Forty-Seven: Secrets Told
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Hard Truth
Chapter Forty-Nine: Protective Siblings
Chapter Fifty: Hunting Down A Rat
Chapter Fifty-One: Ministry Idiots Again
Chapter Fifty-Two: Olivia Gets Angry... Again
Chapter Fifty-Three: Back To Crystal Rose
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ancient Cultures
Chapter Fifty-Five: Fourth Year
Chapter Fifty-Six: Luna Is Right... Again
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The School Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Eight: All Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Worlds Collide
Chapter Sixty: The Goblet Of Fire
Chapter Sixty-One: Not Just No But Hell No
Chapter Sixty-Two: Someone's Trying To Kill Me... Again
Chapter Sixty-Three: Olivia Has Some Fun
Chapter Sixty-Four: A Fire-Breathing Threat
Chapter 65: The First Task
Chapter Sixty-Six: Love In The Air
Chapter Sixty-Seven: An Epic Ask
Chapter Sixty-Eight: It's Going To Be A Night To Remember
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Can I Have This Dance
Chapter Seventy: Back To Business
Chapter Seventy-One: Diving Into A New Problem... Literally
Chapter Seventy-Two: Mount Vesuvius AKA Olivia Gardna
Chapter Seventy-Three: Olivia Loves Throwing People In Jail
Chapter Seventy-Four: Magical Mystic Soul Twins
Chapter Seventy-Five: Final Task
Chapter Seventy-Six: Graveyard Brawl
Chapter Seventy-Seven: The Last Straw
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Right As Rain... For Now
Chapter Eighty: Wizard's First Demon
Chapter Eighty-One: A Warning
Chapter Eighty-Two: Prepare For Trouble
Chapter Eighty-Three: War
Chapter Eighty-Four: Jungle Heart
Chapter Eighty-Five: The Power of Three
Chapter Eighty-Six: It's Finally Over
Chapter Eighty-Seven: We Are Monster High

Chapter Seventy-Eight: Home At Last

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Από WinterWolf-99

Traveling by tree was probably the most unique thing that a lot of the teens had done. They have usually ever traveled by floo, portkey, broom, or side-along apparition. They have never done any type of teleportation that involved mystic soul magic before. And if they were honest with themselves, they were very sick to their stomach once they felt themselves stop moving.

It felt as if their feet had hit the ground by the time that the rest of those in the tree had all said that they had reached Greece. Most of them immediately ran to the magical tree bathrooms in order to empty their stomachs.

But to the mystic souls, the feeling was always unbelievable. To them, it felt as if they were quickly moving through a floral field. Most of them still had the smell of flowers in their noses and they knew it would not go away for several days after being transported using the tree.

Krinos and Lily both collapsed once the teleporting was done.

"That was a lot of people," Krinos said.

"It certainly explains why we are so tired," Lily agreed with her friend.

"How on earth did you transport everyone here by yourself the first time when you all arrived at Hogwarts," Krinos asked her.

"I got a power boost from White since he also uses a form of nature magic," Lily explained.

"That certainly makes a lot of sense," Krinos said.

"You two okay, down there," Harry asked his brother and friend.

"We're good," they both answered.

The two nature mages slowly gained enough strength to at least sit up after making their quick escape. Looking around, everyone seemed fine. The Hogwarts students were still in the bathrooms, but that was to be expected given this was their first time traveling by tree. Luna was the only one still in the main room. But since she is Luna, they did not expect her to really be affected by anything.

Even though she is a mystic soul, they all still believed that she was some type of seer. She had to be with all the stuff she seemed to know before it even happened.

Everyone else was pretty fine given that they were used to all types of teleportation. And even after they had to fight against the corrupt Aurors, none of them were really tired since it's not like the wand-users stood a chance against them. They only left because starting a war when they were in enemy territory was definitely not a good idea. 

"Well, that just happened," Melody said. "But, it is not unexpected for that to have happened."

"I am still very proud of Harry really letting that idiot minister have it," T'challa laughed. "That was the best verbal slapping that I have heard in a long time."

"Glad to entertain," Harry did a playful bow. "I am just so glad that we are finally done with those idiots."

That made a lot of the others groan.

"You just jinxed it, Harry," Abby said.

"If you want a jinx, go and look for Juliet," Harry tells her. "She is the luck mage, after all."

He got a pillow thrown at him for the bad joke, making him and a lot of the others laugh.

Everyone was soon getting up and out of the chairs, couches, and other things that they had been sitting in. A lot of them brushed off the leaves and flower petals that had fallen on them during transportation. But that time, the Hogwarts group had finally all exited the bathrooms and made their way back into the main room of the tree.

"You guys doing okay," Melody asked them.

"Ask me again when my stomach catches up with me," Blaise was still holding his stomach as he leaned against his girlfriend.

"Aw! Poor baby," Melody giggled as she patted his head.

"I would make fun of you, but I do not have the energy for it right now," Daphne says.

Fred and George then took their usual places on either side of Harry. He patted their heads since they also still looked sick as well. They were still just coming into their mystic soul powers, so they were not as resistant to the nauseous effects of the teleportation as all the other mystic souls were.

The mystic souls all looked at each other. There was the obvious elephant in the room. The fact that Fred, George, Neville, Cedric, Luna, Blaise, and Daphne all fought against their own country's law enforcement and minister. And that they all fleed their own home since they openly sided with Crystal Rose. They all left their families behind, which would definitely be an issue given that the ministry would certainly go after them because of what their children did.

"Guys, we..." Krinos was about to say to them.

Cedric took his boyfriend's hand, stopping him from speaking.

"You guys have nothing to apologize for," he tells them. 

"But because of us, you all had to leave your home," Melody said, tears in her eyes. "How can you say that we have nothing to apologize for?"

"Because we made our own choices," Neville says. "The rest of Britain might change their opinions and actions based on what is written in the Daily Prophet and what the ministry says, but we all know better than to just be sheep that follow their shepherd."

"We know that you guys are not monsters or freaks," Daphne tells them. "We sided with you because that was the right choice to make."

"You guys have done nothing to them all year," Fred said.

"But yet they continue to attack you for no reason," George says.

"So, we made the right choice instead of the easy choice," Fred said.

"And it is the best choice that we have ever made," George finished.

Harry held their hands, touched by their words.

"But what about your families," he said, still concerned. "The ministry won't take their own citizens turning against them lightly. They will probably go after them. Wait, scratch that. They will definitely go after them."

"Daddy is currently in Brazil looking for the Crumple Horned Snorkack," Luna says. "I can just send him a letter and tell him what is going on. He will easily be able to transfer all our money to Greece and move here without ever having to return to Britain."

"My parents are also rich," Daphne stated. "They can easily take Astoria and move to Greece as well. They never liked the fact that so many classes from the past were removed by the previous headmasters and ministers, along with how Dumbledore was always blocked from bringing them back. This is the perfect excuse to get Astoria and me into a better school."

"The Delphi school is a very good wand-user school," Mason said. "Even as mystic souls, we still think that it is a really good school."

"My mom was in Italy visiting my late father's family," Blaise says. "So, she can easily come here instead of going back to Britain. It would be nice to actually live in a place where nobody would call her a Black Widow."

Melody patted her boyfriend's head again. She was well aware that Aurora Zabini had a reputation in Britain as a Black Widow. Every single over and husband that she has had have all ended up dying in freak accidents. Most believe that she is killing them all to get their money. The nasty attitude she uses only "proves" their theories. 

But Melody had asked Blaise about it after the two started dating. And he told her about how his mother had actually been cursed by her sister, who was jealous when Aurora got married to a kind-hearted Italian man that loved Aurora with all his heart. It was only after Blaise was born that Aurora's sister really went crazy with her jealousy because of a perfect baby boy. She cursed her sister so that anyone she fell in love with would die. Blaise was safe even though he was loved by his mother because the curse focused on romantic love and not family love. 

But even though Aurora tried to be mean, nasty, and generally repulsive with her attitude, she was naturally beautiful. Men always went out of their way to try and be with her. And those that managed to brave her fake personality and get her to open up, Blaise had said how it was in his mother's soul that it was in her nature to love. But as soon as she fell in love, it was only a matter of time before that man would die. And it was because of the fake personality that she became known as the Black Widow.

"I can get into contact with my parents easily as well," Cedric says. "They like traveling, anyway, so they would love to come to Greece."

"The less said about my grandmother, the better," Neville said, making those that knew about his home life look at their friend with sadness.

Harry looked at the Weasley twins that were on either side of him. Neither of them had spoken up while the others all talked about their British families. He took their hands and lead them to another room in the tree to give the three of them some privacy.

"Are you two okay," Harry asked his boyfriends. "I know that your family is very important to you both. You must be really worried."

But much to his surprise, they both shook their heads.

"Everyone that has ever really cared about us has already left the country," Fred says.

"Percy, Charlie, and Bill were really the ones that took care of us growing up," George said.

"Percy always helped us with classes we struggled with, Charlie stood up to those that tried to bully us because of our eccentric personalities, and Bill was like a combo of a father and brother as we grew up," Fred explained.

"They were our real family," George sighs. "All Ron ever did was complain and try and get us into trouble. But that was mostly Fred once turned his teddy bear into a spider by accidental magic. But he still believes that it was on purpose, so he is always looking for ways to get us in trouble."

"And do we really have to explain Ginny," Fred raised an eyebrow. "The girl is our sister, but she treats us as if we're murderers the way that she kept going after us for 'stealing you from her.' It got so bad that Dumbledore actually grounded her to Gryffindor Tower and did not allow her to come to the final task."

Harry cringed at the mention of the stalker girl. How someone like that would be related to those as amazing as the twins was beyond him. She was creepier than a zombie that acted as if he belonged to her no matter how many times he would tell her that he was gay and that he would never date her no matter what.

"I am sorry," Harry held both their hands. "You two should not have to deal with such horrible excuses for siblings. I could never imagine Krinos or Melody treating me like that. I am not their brother through birth, but their family chose me to join them and those two have always been by my side through everything."

"It is not even just them," George said. "Mum always takes their side. After the Yule Ball, we must have gotten a dozen howlers from her before Mason just started burning them before they could open."

"He would have done it sooner, but we are sure that he was spending a lot of time making out with Abby before he noticed the howlers," Fred managed a chuckle. "But mum really did not care about how we felt nor how you felt since she was of the mind that what Ginny wants, then Ginny gets it."

"You are a human being and allowed to choose who you date," George says. "But mum cares about nobody but herself, Ginny, and Ron. Everyone else is nothing to her. They are just people that she wants to do as she says or they instantly become dirt under her feet."

Harry put his hands on their faces and rubbed their cheeks to help comfort them. He knew that their mum was not the best person, but he thought that deep down, she was still a caring mother. But after hearing all that, he thinks that the title of "mother" should be taken away from her forever. Treating her own children and other people like that just is not right.

"What about your dad," Harry could not help but ask. "He seemed like a really good person while you all were visiting here to see Charlie."

The twins both sighed.

"Dad is a good person and he is really kind," Fred says.

"But he is also a coward that lacks any kind of spine," George said.

"The time that he allowed Ginny to be punished for what she did in her first year was probably the only time he's ever stood up to mum," Fred admitted. "Otherwise, he normally just bends to her whims and does whatever she tells him to."

"He certainly never stood up for us, Charlie, Percy, or Bill whenever mum yelled at us over nothing," George says. "And almost every single time it was over some lie Ron or Ginny told her about one of us picking on them when really they just wanted her to yell at us because it makes them feel better about themselves."

"Dad is a good person, but not a good father," Fred adds. "When he is not letting Ron and Ginny get away with being brats, he is not doing anything to stop mum from being so verbally and emotionally abusive to the rest of us. He hides out in his shed of muggle stuff and comes back when things have calmed down."

"Plus, his obsession with muggles can get so embarrassing," George had his head in his hands. "The Summer before your second year, we were in Diagon Alley getting our supplies and we ran into the Gryffindor Harpy and her parents. Dad immediately started asking them a bunch of questions about muggle stuff. And he was not even quiet about it. The fact that he is so excited over things like a rubber duck is so embarrassing. He does not once think about how that type of stuff can make others treat his kids for having such a muggle-focused pureblood father."

Harry had to force himself not to openly cringe at that. Magical Britain is such a pureblood-focused place that anyone that is not the image of a perfect pureblood to them would be instantly met with prejudice against them. And the fact that most purebloods either hated muggles or just did not care about them at all, would make the Weasleys seen as a joke from how Mr.Weasley would act even though he is also a pureblood. 

He seriously wondered how Fred, George, Charlie, and Percy all became such great people when raised in an environment like that. And while he had never met Bill, he guessed that he also was not like the stupid members of the family given that the first opportunity that he had to leave the country, he took it.

"You two don't have to worry about them anymore," Harry comforted them both. "You can be whoever you want to be now with no worry about being hated."

He gave them both kisses on the cheeks to show how much he cared for them.

"We...We could still open our joke shop," Fred was getting his smile back.

"Yeah," George agreed. "Mum is not around anymore to destroy our products when she finds them."

Harry smiled at them. "You two never have to worry about your pranks labeling you as troublemakers here. We embrace all types of people at Crystal Rose. Not only do we think that normal is overrated, but we also think that being perfect is overrated as well. Just be yourself and that is the best thing you can do."

And as if on cue, some music started playing. They all looked in the direction of the main room. Melody was obviously at play again. She seemed to think that they could use some of Krinos's amazing voice.

"She had really good timing," the twins were getting back their bright smiles.

"I just made something unexpected
Something sharp
Something new
It's not symmetrical or perfect
But it's beautiful
And it's mine
What else can I do?"

The three boys went out of the room as they heard Krinos starting to sing. It was obvious that he was openly singing about there not being a need to try and be perfect. They probably were also teaching that to Neville and Daphne since they were most likely also taught that perfection was needed.

"Bring it in, bring it in
(Good talk!) Bring it in, bring it in
What else can I do?
(Let's walk!) Bring it in, bring it in
(Free hugs!) Bring it in, bring it in."

They all followed Krinos as he exited the tree. They all started descending from the branches on the vine swings. And it was the first time that those like Neville, Luna, Daphne, and Blaise all set their first sights on Crystal Rose. Their eyes shined with wonder and amazement as they looked at the mystic soul school. And Krinos's voice was just adding to the magic.

"I grow rows and rows of roses
Flor de mayo
By the mile
I make perfect, practiced poses
So much hides behind my smile."

Krinos spun around, making beautiful rose plants grow all around them. Even tree trunks were wrapped all the way up to their branches by the vines of rose plants. And the roses were an entire rainbow of colors. Some may not be actual natural in the plant world, but what did Krinos care about that when he could grow any color of rose he wanted to with his magic.

"What could I do if I just grew what I was feeling in the moment?
(Do you know where you're going? Whoa!)
What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect?
It just needed to be? And they let me be?"

"A hurricane of jacarandas
Strangling figs (Big!)
Hanging vines (This is fine)
Palma de cera fills the air as I climb
And I push through
What else can I do?
Can I deliver us a river of sundew?
Careful, it's carnivorous, a little just won't do."

Krinos spread out his arms and many other plants started to grow as well. Some that others would see as dangerous, poisonous, or just ugly. But Krinos saw the beauty in all of them. And as the music picked up with each lyric he sang, everyone started to dance among the plants. Harry pulled the twins with him and all three of them just started to enjoy themselves.

"I wanna feel the shiver of something new
I'm so sick of pretty
I want something true, don't you?"

"You just seem like your life's been a dream
Since the moment you opened your eyes
(How far do these roots go down?)
All I know are the blossoms you grow
But it's awesome to see how you rise
How far can I rise?
Through the roof, to the skies
Let's go!"

Other students all started to come over as well. It was almost all of Crystal Rose that was now out in the field and dancing to the music. They all loved Krinos's voice, so it was easy for them all to have fun.

Some of the others all started to add their own magic just to make the display even more beautiful than it already was. Abby added floating glowing snowflakes. Luna added glimmering diamonds that floated around like the snowflakes. Lily cast a spell that made white rose petals fall around them in a steady and peaceful breeze. A whistle from Sofia and White had the magical and normal animals from the stables all join them. The animals had their own dance moves to show off.

"A hurricane of jacarandas (Whoo!)
Strangling figs (Go!)
Hanging vines (Grow!)
Palma de cera fills the air as I climb
And I push through
What else, what else?"

It was this moment that let them all be free. Even if it was just for a few minutes, this was just their moment to have no worries or fears. They just had to dance and have a good time with each other. And surrounded by such beautiful plants and magic, it was not even hard for them to forget about everything bad in their lives. 

"What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?
(Seize the moment, keep goin')
What can you do when you know who you wanna be isn't perfect?
But I'll still be okay
Hey, everybody clear the way (Whoo!)
I'm coming through with tabebuia
(She's coming through with that booyah!)
Making waves (Making waves)
Changing minds (You've changed mine)
The way is clearer 'cause you're here, and well
I owe this all to you
What else can I do?"

While he sang, Krinos took Neville's hands and guided him forward. Neville had no idea why since the ones that Krinos was taking him to were the newly arrived Kingsley and Hestia. But then the two of them parted ways, revealing where the two had gone when they disappeared from the fight, back in Britain. Neville teared up as he saw that his parents were behind the two of them. Hestia had managed to heal them.

"Show 'em what you can do
What else can I do?
There's nothing you can't do
What else can I do?"

Neville practically threw himself into his parents' arms as Krinos finished the song.

All of them really were all home.

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