From Rags To Riches

By LouiseAuthor

171K 6.4K 303

You've nothing left to lose when you pack up and move from New York to Texas with your college best friend. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten - Trigger Warning
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen - Trigger Warning
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven

Chapter Thirty Eight

1.9K 80 5
By LouiseAuthor

** Harry's POV **

The only thing that can strike this amount of anger from me is anything to do with Pippa..

You hurt her, Im angry

You look at her funny, Im angry

You speak about her in a sexual manner, Im fucking angry

But this...

This is next level bullshit and if it doesnt start making sense I will lose my shit.

On top of all the drama, I am scared of fucking losing Pippa.

Im scared of losing my babies.

For once in my life I have something other than the club to live for. I have a life I never knew I fucking needed because of Pippa.

As I pace the hallway of the hospital I am close to losing my god damn mind. They wouldnt allow me in with Pippa as Im not listed as her emergency contact and she wasnt alert to say otherwise so Georgie is in with her and I cant even explain how I feel about my sister right now.

If my Pop and Mom hadnt been here to calm me down there would have been shots fired at the hospital staff.

I want to fucking scream.

"Miles has called, he says that he has firewall put on our burners for now but it might be worth taking a trip to change them all" Moose spoke quietly, he looks nervous.

Everyone was fucking nervous.

"Go get them, or send someone to get them, I dont care" I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. Moose nodded and walked over to one of our recruits sending him on an errand for new burner phones.

"Get the girls some" I shouted after him and he nodded to say he understood before he took off down the hallway.

No way in hell were they keeping there phones after this. God knows what else this creep has.

"Hey lady, any news yet?" I shouted to the receptionist on the front desk, my patience was wearing thin.

"Not -"

"Harry! Shes asking for you" Georgie burst through the double doors and shouted at me.

I never ran so fast in my life.

As I ran down the long hallway I could hear Georgie close behind shouting directions at me. I practically threw myself into room 304.

When I seen Pippa sat up in bed with a nurse checking her over I almost cried with relief.

"Baby..." I walked beside her taking her hand and kissing it. She looked so frail in the hospital gown, her complexion pale and lips chapped.

"Im waiting on results" she croaked out, her voice filled with emotion so I pulled her into my chest giving her head kiss after kiss.

"I told the doctor I was pregnant, I dont know if they checked me over" I looked to the nurse and she shrugged her shoulders.

"Can you check? We need to check if they are okay. I told the paramedics this already!" Georgie slammed her hand down on the side table beside Pippa's bed.

The nurse hurried out and I looked at Georgie waiting for information.

"The paramedics that checked Pippa over when she was taken from the car, they asked me for her details, seeing as I am listed as her emergency contact. I gave them all the details they needed Harry!" Georgie spoke with frustration, I could see she was getting worked up, more than likely because Pippa gave us one hell of a fright.

"You sped here Harry, we got here faster than any ambulance could. I have argued with every stupid doctor and nurse, they wont listen!" Georgie started crying and Pippa eyed me with concern.

"Ill get someone" my voice sounded calm and reassuring but a fire had been lit under my ass and these doctors were going to fucking help us.

I kissed Pippa's head before I made my way out to where a gathering of doctors stood, reading from charts and discussing patients. I stood beside them demanding there attention.

"Paramedics and doctors were told that Pippa Langford is pregnant with triplets and not one person has checked that my fucking babies are okay. I suggest its done right away before I really lose my fucking temper"

Some of the doctors wouldnt look at me and those that did, I could see them swallow hard and they looked nervous.

"Ill be with her in a minute" an old doctor, half my size with his nose in the air replied to me, his presence making me click my tongue in annoyance.

"I said now..."

"I have other patients to tend to, I will be with Pippa in due course now if you-"

I grabbed him by the long collar on his blue shirt, his white coat slipping off his shoulder slightly as I shook him before I stuck my finger in his face.

"Get me Elisha, the maternity doctor that was dealing with Pippa and get your fucking scrawny ass into that room and check on my girl and our babies or so help me fucking god!"

"I need to get her chart, now let me go and stop manhandling me!" He spoke in his snotty voice and I pushed him away, his back hitting against a portable table.

"Dont make me come looking for you... doctor Shaw" I glanced at his name tag, fucker will be getting a visit for his lack of compassion towards my woman thats for fucking sure.

I sure as shit wont be having tea and eating biscuits either. Stupid white coat wearing jackass.

When I returned into the room Pippa was crying and I held her immediately as she clung to my leather cut.

"I think I lost the babies Harry. I dont feel good. Why havent they checked?"

"He's coming baby, hes coming." I could feel my head banging and hear my heartbeat thud against my ears.

If I didnt have Pippa and my babies to worry about I would have opened fire on that asshole. I cant do time though, not now.

"What is taking him so long?" Pippa asked after she eventually calmed down. I didnt want to leave her as she sobbed against my chest but I am fit to kill now. Literally.

I stormed out of the room in search of the pretentious asshole I previously dealt with and thankfully I didnt have to look too far as he spoke with a patient two doors down from us.

"I suggest you do physio -" I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of the room, the family in the room all screamed for help but I didnt care.

Did I not fucking warn the man?

When I placed him in front of Pippa he had gone red in the face with anger.

"She would be better off without any babies if it means she gets away from you and your appalling attitude. You think because you wear a leather vest that you scare me, you -"

"Shut your fucking mouth and get me Elisha right this minute"

"Doc just please check the babies out" Pippa pleaded with him, tears welling in her eyes.

"You will wait your turn to get a room in maternity, this vest doesnt get you more privaledge than anyone else in this town" the doc fought back and I reached for my gun.

"Harry, no!!" Pippa shouted at me and I rested my hand against it, I finally had Mr Shaws attention.

"You dont scare me Mr Riches, I know your kind, the unruly biker who takes lives for fun. You lot ruined this town, you ruined families and homes. You will wait your turn because this is not an emergency. Your vitals are back to normal so you could actually be discharged very soon. Now excuse me, I have real sick patients to attend to"

I could feel my hand twitch but Pippa kept pleading and telling me to let him go. There was a 60% chance that if I shot him dead I would get away with it, I have connections.

But doing it in front of Pippa, I dont know what her reaction would be and for once I am too much of a pussy to find out.

"I am already stressed Harry, what the fuck were you thinking? Do you want to end up doing time? I cant -" she burst into tears again and the guilt sunk right into me.

The leather cut on my back was finally coming back to bite me in the ass.

"Im gonna go find Elisha, ill get her okay or maybe someone else that can help" Georgie let go of Pippa's hand and walked out of the room in search for help.

A half hour passed and Georgie came running through the door with Elisha in tow.

Elisha brought another nurse with her and they wheeled Pippa down to maternity and started examining her immediately.

We filled them in on doctor Shaw and Elisha looked at us with a wary glance.

"Look, you have to understand that bringing your full clan here upsets a lot of patients and some staff. We see a lot of death here from gang related violence. The cut on your back Harry-" she explained but I cut in, already feeling the weight of what this may have cost me.

"I know Elisha, I realise that now. We usually dont use hospitals but then Pippa got pregnant and we wanted to do it right."

"I hold nothing against you two, just maybe sent the rat pack home eh?" She joked and I fired off a message to Hunter to tell him to send the boys home.

When the doc eventually grabs the wand, I can feel my heart beat erratically.

"Everything okay?" Pippa asks as we hear absolutely nothing over the ultrasound.

When the harsh sound of beating hearts fill my ear drums I let out the biggest sigh of relief. Pippa laughs nervously and I take her hand kissing each finger.

Elisha remains quiet, studying the screen and moving the wand, we watch her with apprehension.

"Im sorry but I am only picking up two heartbeats"

* Authors Note *

Only two babies 😢

How rude was that doctor?

More to come on Pippa's pregnancy next chapter.

Dont forget to vote 😍

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