Peter Parker Imagines Book

By thatgeekyemo

151K 3.4K 3K

Here's a bunch of random reader-insert Peter Parker/Spider-Man one shots, drabbles, and ministories because I... More

Sticky Notes
Subway Boy
These New York Streets Are Dangerous (Drabble)
An Unlikely Meeting
Be Careful With Secrets - Part One
Be Careful With Secrets - Part Two
Out At The Movies
Post-Book Troubles (Drabble)
The Cancelled Date
It's Only A Word - Part One
It's Only A Word - Part Two
It's Only A Word - Part Three
It's Only A Word - Part Four
Noticed From A Distance
It's Only A Word - Part Five
"I Swear, I Don't Have A Crush."
It's Only A Word - Part Six
It's Only A Word - Part Seven
It's Only A Word - Part Eight (Final Chapter)
The "Group Retreat"
Just Like An Old Western
Jedi, We Are
You Wish (Drabble/Mini-Chapter)
A Sleep Performace
Forever Indebted And Filled With Gramercy
I'll Be Fine...Right? (Extended Drabble)
He's A New Book
There's Always Instances In Which Being Early Isn't Good
The Spider Upstairs
His Name
It Was Always There
Straight Outta Quarantine
Road to Redemption
Super Friends
New Kid
TEASER: His Warrior Angel
Stress & Secrets
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 1
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 2
His Warrior Angel Is Here!!
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 3
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 4
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 5
The Secret of Spider-Man - Part 6
The Secret of Spider-Man - Final Part 7
Super(secret hero)nanny
A/N (Important: PLEASE Read!)
6K (A/N)
Sober Thoughts
It's Spooky Time [HolidayVerse]
It Takes Two - Part 1
It Takes Two - Part 2
Promise Me
When It Comes To The Avengers, Multiple Turkeys Are Needed [HolidayVerse]
Peach Scone [SongFic]
What Are Friends For?
What Hurts The Most
Mistletoe Revelations [HolidayVerse]
All We Can Do is Wait and See [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 1
Non Posso Crederci
Food For Thought
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 2
Dedicated Distraction
Something Just Like This
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 3
Stardust [HolidayVerse]
Hope Dangles On A String
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 4
Favorite Muse
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 5
Define Luck [HolidayVerse]
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Part 6
What He Won't Know Won't Hurt - Finale
Fool's Crown [HolidayVerse]
Warmth [HolidayVerse]
Weakness And Strength
Moments to Remember
Amaryllis - Part One
Amaryllis - Part Two
Amaryllis - Part Three
Amaryllis - Part Four
Amaryllis - Part Five
Amaryllis - Part Six
Amaryllis - Finale
Get Used To It
Correlation, Not Coincidence
The Long Summer
Cruel Irony
notice + q&a
i'm back!
At Peace
Event of the Century
Too Good To Be True
REQUESTS CHAPTER! [currently closed]

Sunshine And First Kisses

1.1K 18 39
By thatgeekyemo

Three things.

1. 70k! Thanks guys, that's crazy! :)

2. I just realized each one of these imagines are a What If...? episode


A chat with the lovely ananyapfangirl a few days ago convinced me not subject y'all today, but the NWH angst IS coming. I physically HAD to write it, the idea was killing me from the inside out. Heed this as your only warning. Until then, enjoy 4k words of fluff!

I swear it's actually fluff this time. There's literally like no plot. Just me word vomiting. Be proud of me.

(Also, this one falls a little on the self indulgence scale so...sorry?)

The crisp autumn air was embraced by the mid-day Kansas sun, clearing lungs with every breath and leaving red splotches on noses with every nip. 

Songbirds and crows alike contributed to a peaceful picture from your perch. The countryside seemed to stretch on for eternity. While you knew that was far from the truth - knowing of the large cities that lay outside of the small residing town of Smallville - it calmed you nonetheless. 

Leaves fluttered under your palms, the rich colors of a setting sun. Legs outstretched and eyes closed, you let yourself relax in the surrounding serenity that was your family's farm. Sometimes you wondered what your life would have been like if you had grown up somewhere else, confined to the cramped spaces of apartment buildings and bustling traffic, but it was days like these that reminded you of why you loved your home so much. The seclusion. The freedom. You didn't have to hide who you were here. 

Of course that wouldn't go to say you haven't dreamt of moving somewhere else when you got older. It was more than likely you were destined to go into the family business sooner or later - your future awaiting a 'S' on your chest and a cape on your back. But until then, you only wanted to enjoy the life you lived before then. The trials and tribulations that came with being a teenager in the modern world. If you could help it, you held no plans to be making a rogues gallery of your own just yet. Your biggest problems were with bullies and tests and crushes. 

But if you were to mention the latter, you couldn't go without thought. It was your first big trip outside of the life you knew that you had met the boy that had changed your life for the better, after all. Since then, he’s filled every corner of your mind and elicited a happiness unlike any other. A lazy smile stretched across your lips as a cool wind rustled the leaves of the tree and washed over you, a delightful shiver dancing down your spine. 

You wouldn't put it past twice in the world you lived in that someone had sensed your thoughts, it being just as likely as it wasn't. The sounds of jet engines caught your ear, approaching at rapid speeds in the far distance - the Mach 2 speeds giving it away it wasn't just your usual commercial airline.

The start of this weekend had been like any other. Nothing new or out of the general definition that was the word 'ordinary'. You had put school behind you and done your normal chores around the farm, your time spent exploring your budding powers and loving your dog more than the people around you. If you had sensed that something would differ from your normal routine, you would have been prepared. Instead, you experienced one of your first moments of being caught off guard, surprise coursing through your veins as you sat up and peered into the horizon. 

Although you jumped, you landed like feathers on your feet. Your clothes fluttered as you descended from the top of the oak tree you had been sitting on. The blades of grass were still damp from the morning dew, soft and cool under your bare feet as you padded across the open field. It wasn't much too often anymore that one of your powers would activate without your focus - you liked to think with your age you had gotten better with control - but you were also still growing and full control still fluctuated with emotions or stress. It also didn't help that new powers still emerged without warning from time to time (that was fun). 

You walked with your back stiffened and alert, but otherwise normally. You were sure if the farm was in danger, Ma or Pa, or even your brother or cousin would have warned you. Your first thought past the anxiety was that the suspicious jet was an air force test. There wasn't a base too far away, after all. You tried your hardest not to think it would be anything that would be cause your intervention - not that you wouldn't fight if the need be - and tried your best to keep your calm as you made your way to go be with your family. Just to be sure. 

The winds grew stronger, at first believed to be only the weather. Then the trees began to sway, and a flock of crows took to the skies. A shadow eclipsed you and the sound of thrusters caused your eyes to drift upwards to spot the jet you had heard earlier gearing up to land just above you. Dark and sleek, built obviously for optimum efficiency and protection. Panic crossed your mind briefly before relief replaced it instead. Not JLA, or even an enemy. If that familiar white eagle meant anything, you knew exactly the owners of the aircraft. 


Nerves relaxed as they passed overhead. Of course, you had no idea what prompted the visit, but confusion seemed to lay to rest. Normally, you had a sense for when things seemed to go wrong, and your mind decided to scream the opposite. As if it knew something you didn't. 

Ma stepped out of the farmhouse with a grin seen even from where you were distanced, and you couldn't help but to take a pause in your stride. When your mother knew something you didn't, it was bound to either be the best or the worst thing ever to happen to you. Watching as the jet landed, Krypto came bounding out, circling enthusiastically around your feet. Giving the dog a scratch behind his ears, you waited expectantly as the door lowered open. 

You were expecting Captain America or even Black Widow to make an appearance. They were usually the ones that came on business terms. But that was not who you saw at all descending the ramp only a few yards in front of you, wearing a cobalt Midtown Tech hoodie with newly ruffled hair and a half zipped backpack slung over his shoulder. 


His name fell as an involuntary whisper from your lips as a grin split them in half. It seemed almost surreal to see him now, outside of towering skyscrapers and red spiderwebbed spandex. But as his eyes found yours, and a grin of his own lit up his face like a star, you realized he really was there. And standing way too far away for your liking. 

Acting on the instinct you had wanted too, Krypto bolted forward, legs barely touching the ground as he barreled right into Peter, nearly knocking the boy over. A hand clasped over your mouth acted as an anchor long enough for you to notice Tony Stark standing just a few feet behind, hands clasped in front of him and the proud smirk of a father glinting in his eyes. 

Your feet were moving before you could even think about it, pausing only when you couldn't get any closer. Butterflies erupted in your stomach, fluttering faster when you heard Peter laugh. A melodious sound that instantly played on repeat in your mind and filed away to the safety of your memories. 

"That’s some dog.” Tony remarked, gaining your attention as he gestured to the cape still tied around Krypto’s neck, not yet taken off from his last trip outside of the farm.

“What can I say? He’s a Super.” You replied with a fond smile. Your heart tugged in all the right ways. 

“Whoza good boy?” Peter chuckled, finding his way back up and unceremoniously wiping slobber away from his face from Krypto’s enthusiastic welcome. “Aw, I missed you too bud.” A bark, and he floated up into the air, giving one last circle before dashing away. 

For just a moment, time seemed to slow. The wind stopped moving and the birds stopped chirping. And then, in a movement that was sure to knock you off your feet if you hadn’t been invulnerable, arms wrapped around you, a face inviting itself into your shoulder. In a moment faster than you could blink, you were holding Peter Parker. And you’d be damned if you weren’t going to hold him tight. 

“Surprise,” Peter whispered, the word sending a pleasant tingle that didn’t hesitate to ripple over your skin. He was warm, just like sun rays beaming down on a cold winter’s day. And he was soft, like you could just melt right into him; like you could stay with him forever. 

“I’ll say!” You laughed, squeezing the boy a little tighter - minding your strength of course. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you in person Y/N,” he pulled back with his teeth still flashing, taking care not to let go of your hands even as you parted. “Can you blame me for wanting to visit my-” he paused, an embarrassed cough pairing with a red flush that threatened to creep up his neck, “For wanting to visit you?” But an amendment to his words didn’t hide what he was going to say, the unspoken word hanging silent in the air for you and him - and Tony - to fill in your heads.

The man gave you a minute before he let out a loud sigh, clapping his hands together and gathering attention. “The kid’s all yours until Sunday if you want ‘im. If not, feel free to give him the push back inside. The trip in this baby’s only about two hours, and I gotta get to my daughter’s ballet recital.” 

A protest was quick to escape your throat, but you forced it to die down, embarrassment of your own not too far from making an appearance. Turning your head back to your mom, you saw her nod her head in encouragement. And by the look that was shared between Tony Stark and Martha Kent, you had enough evidence to believe that this had been planned all along. 

The expression on your face must have been enough of a thank you. Your eyes found Tony and he just seemed to understand. You wondered if it was the overwhelming happiness that gave it away. 

“All right Underoos, this is the part where I leave you to it.”  

Peter turns, his grin unwavering even as he speaks. "Thank you again, Mr. Stark. I really appreciate this." 

"Hey," Tony starts as he climbs back up as the door started to close, "if it were really a big deal, d'you think I would've risked the wrath of my wife?" 

As the quinjet thrusters gained power, the two of you watched as it began to lift off. Tempted, you resisted the urge to fly up yourself and give the pilot a good scare. Instead, you tightened your fingers where they were laced with Peter's and did your best to keep your hair from getting too wild. 

It all seemed surreal that you let out a laugh. Sure enough, Peter Parker was standing right next to you, hands intertwined with no means to let go anytime soon. The boy you only ever got to see at during the threat of apocalypse and the occasional gala, here at your home. And here to stay - at least for the weekend. It was more than you could have ever asked for. 

"You're right on time, sweetie," Ma had made her way toward you, Peter's hand slipping out of yours only to be enveloped in another large hug. "Dinner's just ready. Then a pie straight from the oven, just waitin' for us to dig in." 


"Freshly picked apples." You supply with a smile. "Ma's pies are to die for, you'll never taste anything better." You nodded for him to follow you, taking a step toward the house, but a small tug had you stop in your tracks. 

You paused in waiting, smiling softly under Peter's gaze. Watching as his eyes flicked carefully over your face, you realized it really had been that long since you had last seen each other. Doing what you had thought of but were too scared to do, you tilted into the apprehensive touch of his hand to your cheek. 

It was a silent gesture, but the meaning screamed louder than any voice could. I missed you. 

"Well? What're y'all waitin' for?" Ma called from the door, Pa appearing just behind her, a loving hand on her shoulder. "The weekend to be over? Come eat!"


The differences between the lights of the city versus the lights of the country didn't seem like much until you had a subject to study them. 

No matter where you were, NYC or Metropolis, everything there was always so filtered. Light refracted through screens or windows. Dulled by smoke or blocked from buildings. Even obnoxious from ads or neon billboards. 

Sunlight was important to you, being a Kryptonian. You loved it in a different way anyone else could feel or perceive. So that also meant you appreciated it in ways you wouldn't have otherwise. 

The light in Smallville was so natural it was pure. Of course you had your share of electricity, but never enough to overpower what truly mattered. 

Growing up here meant you learned to appreciate the little things. To never take anything for granted. And because of that, you had nearly died more than just once over the course of the weekend. You have been able to survive without air for hours at a time, but the experience still was one that had you gasping for breath. 

It was one thing to see Peter as Spider-Man. The superhero covered head to toe in a more than flattering suit, complete with funny (and some not so funny) quips and amazing acrobatic skills. And it was another to see him dressed in a different type of suit. Dressed in a perfect fit of black and white, hair gelled back, and watching from a distance as he fixes his tie or drinks from a crystal glass. 

But now, here, Peter was neither Spider-Man or pretending to be the same as people rich enough to buy his life three times over. He was just Peter Parker - the handsome and dorky teenager that you were beginning to fall in love with. 

You had a first hand experience to who he was free from responsibility or worry. A willing witness to how stubborn he could be when offering to clean up after meals. To how he tries his hardest to cover up how afraid he was of the chickens you kept when he accompanied you to grab eggs in the morning. To how he sang to himself when he brushed his teeth. To how even after spending a whole twenty four hours with you, you could still catch him stealing glances in your direction like he did the first day you had met. 

There was something so domestic to seeing Peter like this. With brown hair fluffy and free from product, dressed in comfortable clothes not meant to impress even himself. Enthusiam unwavering even as you talk for hours, sprawled out on the grass next to you under the light of the setting sun. 

You couldn't help thinking about a future where this could happen forever - without the underlying worry that it would eventually come to a close. A future where aside from the superheroing, you could always look forward to lazy mornings in bed and hugs on porch swings. Knowing that you would have each other to pick yourselves up when you feel down. Or to make each other laugh and smile endlessly with nothing but a few words or nudges. Knowing that he would always be there through thick and thin - through brushes with death to buying first houses to greying hair. 

In your future, you could imagine Peter Parker becoming your home. 

"What are you looking at?" The corners of his lips turned up at your focus. 

"You." Your answer was a simple as it was obvious, but it was enough for a pink blush to compliment the golden light of the sun on Peter's cheeks. 

"You shouldn't so much. You might get sick of me." 

A chuckle bubbled from your chest and you shook your head the best you could. "I could never."

"Me either," His voice dropped to a whisper as his thumb dragged lightly across the skin of your hand. "You're perfect." 

Your body hummed with contentment, finding nothing but solace in his words. Those butterflies were calm now. You didn't have to be nervous around him. Not when you knew he felt the same way. 


"You're one to talk." He joked back, making the bold move to reach out and curl his arm around your torso, pulling you gently across the grass and closer to him. 

It was an engima, how you could feel both so strong and so weak at the same time. It was rare you could ever find true comfort, yet here it was. You felt the both of you were alone together, but you were far from alone. You didn't need words to speak. You just needed him by your side. It was the feeling of wanting to give him more even though he had your entire heart.

You were already close, but somehow, the both of you instinctively moved closer. Sharing the same space with someone had never felt so unintrusive. Only one thought occupied your mind. The word finally, having it's time to shine after all this time. 

Your noses touched. You could nearly feel his lashes flutter close. 

And the first clap of thunder scared you so much that you had wound up moving drastically in the wrong direction, courtesy of the super speed you were so graciously blessed with. 

Like someone changed the filter over a camera lens, rain began to storm down. Crossing over the sky, mahogany was colored navy with dark clouds. Out of seemingly nowhere, it was more than distance that was between you and Peter, but a heavy sheet of water. 

Thick raindrops assaulted your skin, turning the goosebumps you had from anticipation into goosebumps from the cold. 

The moment was broken, but another quickly took it's place. It only took a few seconds for the rain to drench your hair and clothes, but just as fast you were back Peter's side and helping him to his feet. 

"Let's get inside?" He prompted with a bashful smile, a little too shy to meet your eyes just yet. "Spiders don't do too well in water." 

"Afraid of a little country storm?" You decided to tease, floating off the ground in front of the boy and extending your hand. 

If only you knew that in that moment, your skin seemed to glow even in the dark. Peter knew you were born on another planet, but you didn't look alien to him. Celestial was the word he was thinking of. 

"Do you trust me?" You asked with a smirk. And without hesitation, Peter took your hand. 

The fire was dying on the hearth as the both of you barreled inside - your speed saving you from tracking water through the kitchen - but the fix was as easy as lasers igniting another one. 

You didn't miss the look of awe on Peter's face as you raced around to grab towels and sitting next to him before his butt even hit the ground, and grinned in reply. You weren't one to flaunt your powers, but even you couldn't resist seeing that look. 

"You are so much cooler than me." He gasped, and you rolled your eyes, giving him a small shove. 

"If you wanna go shower and warm up that way instead, I'll be right here." 

"You go first."

"Pete, I'm perfectly fine," you laughed. "I can spend nearly a day in outer space before I get cold. A few seconds out in the rain is nothing." 

"Then I'm gonna stay here too." He said stubbornly, and you shook your head. The both of you knew his susceptibility to the cold, but Peter seemed to have a plan. "There was something I kinda wanted to do."

You sent him a sideways look as you scooted closer, leaning your head on his shoulder to try and supply him with another heat source. "Oh yeah? What's that?" You hummed, watching as Peter's hand slowly traced down your arm before slipping his fingers in the spaces between yours. 

There was a beat of silence that told you there was just a hint of fear behind his words and you couldn't help but to summon the courage for you both that the rain seemed to wash away. 

You shifted in front of him, legs crossed and leant forward. There you studied his face, commiting the picture to memory. 

Peter looked soft under the firelight. Almost like he was a painting on a wet canvas. Orange shadows danced across his face, changing shapes and amplifying the gold in his brown eyes. 

The fluttering excitement caused your heart to beat twice as fast in your chest, but it wasn't yours you were listening to. 

With a bold grin, you tilted your chin up and inched even closer. "Can I kiss you?" 

"I- yeah. Yeah."

You stifled a laugh. Even with your confidence, you still hesitated before the two of you could connect. 

Then Peter's face was in your hands and you were doing the thing you wondered why you had waited so long to do this.

Noses bumping and smiles too large for effect cut the kiss short. Breaking away laughing and filled with a new type of happiness, you felt Peter cradle your neck as he leaned his head against yours. 

"Okay, can we try that again?" His words were like how bubbles looked. 

You only nodded, not even needing his question to give permission. 

This time, you couldn't think. Only feel. Everything clouded around you. The fire burned hotly. Water droplets fell onto your face. Your skin buzzed with a shared electricity. You were a radio station tuned into Peter, and he played on every channel.

The intensity inside didn't match the actual action, but it sure felt like it. Your universe wouldn't ever be the same, and you realized that your world just shifted, finding a new sun to orbit. 

Peter's breath was shaky as he pulled away, and you were able to taste sugar he left on your lips from leftover desserts. You didn't want to open your eyes just yet, lingering in the immensity of the feelings that were coursing through your veins. 

And it turned out, you didn't have too. 

Through your eyelids, Peter's face became as clear as glass. Lips still parted and a rosy blush blooming on his face. And in your moment of shock, your gaze drifted down. 

In hindsight, you realized it must have been confusing for Peter to watch as you clamped a hand over your already closed eyes. 

"What're you doing?" He laughed, prying your fingers away and taking them in his own. 

You tried your hardest to keep your eyes trained on his, fighting temptation. You flashed him an embarrassed smile. 

"Guess who just got their x-ray vision." 

I've been rewatching Smallville, what do you expect from me?

Okay, so like, I also just started watching Titans, and I feel like someone should have warned me that my 2015 crush on Brenton Thwaites would just be like Hi! You know what's fun? Whiiplashhhhh
(Anna Diop as Kori be causing it too-)

Also just. Teagan Croft is really pretty and I wanna be her friend (or maybe date her. Idc)

But like. The rest of the cast tooooo...
I just can't with this show I found my newest addiction. It might not be *great*, but I'm never one to oppose watching attractive people run around in costumes and kick ass, so...

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