Mr.Bad boy

By thedruginmeisyou455

246K 5.5K 877

I woke up with the biggest hangover ever. I felt something heavy over my chest, so I looked down. Sure enough... More

ch.1 best in a snapback and converse
ch. 2 that smirk
ch.3 the tree
ch. 4 im not afraid
ch. 5 so you care now?
ch.6 friday night
ch. 7 what happened last night!?
ch. 8 the weekend
ch. 9 scary movie marathon
ch. 10 head over heels
ch. 11 confessions
ch. 12 why me?
ch. 13 My Knight in Shining Armour
ch. 14 tear-filled eyes part 1
ch. 15 tear-filled eyes part 2
ch. 16 partners for games&life
ch. 17 "bad girl"... apparently
ch. 18 a new style
ch. 19 school fucking sucks
ch. 20 a day with the girls
ch. 21 his bad ass
ch. 22 one day
ch. 23 fuck you's, pranks, and pictures
ch. 24 the fair
ch. 25 a new addition
ch. 26 long day at the ice cream shop
ch. 27 secrets revealed pt. 1
ch. 28 secrets revealed pt. 2
ch. 29 i love you
ch. 31 the bestest friends ever
ch. 32 the city of love
ch. 33 Mr. Romantic
ch. 34 lets be cops
confusion? read! (A/N)
ch. 35 heading home
ch. 36 a day at the gym
ch. 37 now i have the last laugh
ch. 38 New Years Eve
ch. 39 Treasure hunt
ch. 40 hospitals and vodka at midnight
ch. 41 this means war
ch. 42 the fight
ch. 43 back to school
ch. 44 anniversary
ch. 45 5SOS concert
ch. 46 court date
ch. 47 fighting for Emma
ch. 48 deadly message
ch. 49 Hello Hospital
ch. 50 goodbye

ch. 30 pretty little Emma

4.3K 85 19
By thedruginmeisyou455

Trey POV

     I woke up and I had my angel in my arms. I missed this feeling so much, I didn't ever want to let her go again. I smiled as I watched this beautiful girl sleeping in my arms.

     I got my phone off of the ground, trying not to wake her. I checked my messages, and had texts from all of the boys and some of the girls.

Adam: hey bruh, what's going on? Are y'all okay? You didn't text me last night. Are we still on for the trip?

Jake: hey man, the girls are going crazy. Update us before we all loose our minds lol but update on the trip, please?

Preston: hey dude, how are your nuckles? Has the swelling gone down? How is she? Are we still on for the trip?

Dennis: hey can you please text these girls before I go fucking insane and chop my damn ears off? Lol I'm here for you text me back and update us on if we're still going on the trip, we gotta surprise the girls if we are

Sarah: what in the hell is going on with my babygirl?! Why didn't she text me last night? What is going on? Please fucking tell me!!!

Abby: dude please tell me what is up Jade isn't answering any of us and I'm worried you better damn text me back I know how to hide a body

Taylor: hey what's going on Jade hasn't texted back and we're really worried

Amber: please tell me if that precious human being is okay!! I'm worried as hell and so is everyone else!

      Okay, this was annoying, and I bet Jade has a thousand too. I quickly texted all of them back.

You: hey Adam, yea we're okay I fixed everything I was um busy but yea just don't say anything yet, I want to ask her first

You: hey jake we are okay again I'm so glad I got my babygirl back but Yea we're on just wait till I give the all clear to ask

You: hey Preston I haven't really checked them I couldn't last night cuz I was busy but yea just wait I'll let y'all know when to ask

You: hey dennis I'll text them after you lol sorry but yea I'll give you the all clear later and thanks man

You: Jesus calm down Sarah we both couldn't text last night she is fine we are fine and I am so happy I got this wonderful angel back, it almost killed me but I fixed it

You: calm down Abby, she is fine don't loose your mind and tell the girls to stop annoying the guys we're fine we just couldn't text last night

You: she is totally fine chill Taylor I got her back, I'm happy, she's happy, everything is good

You: Amber would u take a breath? She is fine and I am fine and we are perfect sorry for the delayed texting

      I sent all of the texts and put my phone on the nightstand. The trip, well it was supposed to be a surprise for the girls. We were going to take them somewhere, for the whole break.

    I tried to fall back asleep, but my phone went off. Jade woke up, and Im pretty sure I yelled a 'fuck'. She just laughed, "go, I'll be here when you get back."

     "I love you." I said, kissing her forehead. She said, "I love you too," and I jumped up with my phone, and I ran downstairs.

     I answered it to see it was Adam, "Jesus fucking Christ Adam, what?" I said into the phone. He laughed, "damn what the fuck were you doing that was so important?" "My girlfriend Adam is that important enough?" I replied.

     He yelled into the phone, "ohhhh!! My man got some last night!!!! Ooooohhh you dirty little dog!!!" I pulled my phone back from my ear, because his voice was so goddamn annoying.

      But, it was a little funny. I chuckled. "Man, its not like that. You see, well, I can't tell you everything, but what had happened was is that I, uh, I kinda said I love you, and I ment it. She said it back, and now I just woke up with that perfect angel in my arms.

    I missed that feeling so much, I didn't want to let her go. But you had to come in with your phone calls, bitch. Haha but really, this feeling is so new to me. Its just, when I'm around her, I feel like I'm on top of the world. She makes me feel like who I want to be when I'm around her."

    I was fixing us cereal when she came up behind me with only my T-shirt on, wrapping her hands around my waist. I turned around and held her in my arms.

      I continued, "and when I look into her eyes, god, its like I'm in paradise. I've been sent this perfect angel Adam, and she has made me feel that one feeling that I needed all my life. Ever since I laid my eyes into her pretty blue ones."

    She mouthed an 'awww I love you so much' and I smiled, leaning down and kissing her. Adam said into the phone like he felt it for Amber too, "man, I don't know much about it, but that is love." I chuckled. "Yea, it is."

      "And, um, I uh, I kinda think I'm falling for Amber." Jade snatched the phone out of my hand, "oh my gosh, Adam! That is so sweet! Since when have you been feeling like this!"

      I laughed. "Oh shit, Trey! Why the hell didn't you tell me she was there!" I laughed, yelling a 'sorry adam' into the phone.

   "But honestly little J," he began, "I think I am. I mean, the feeling is so foreign to me, but I know love when I see it. And that girl, is just, god. She is amazing. And yea, I'm falling for her." I could tell he was smiling.

     "Aww! Adam!! Where is she now? When are you going to tell her?" She asked, happy for him. It was so adorable. I kissed her nose and she giggled. "Well, she's kind of in my room, and at a time that you cannot know." He said.

     She laughed again. "Well, tell her that I said that I love her, and that good things are coming." He laughed and said an 'I will,' they said their goodbyes, and she hung up.

       She smiled at me. "How long were you listening?" I asked. "Well," she began, "I heard everything you were saying about me. Is it all true?"

     "Oh no, because the sun obviously doesn't shine and there is definitely a unicorn flying over the rainbow down the street." I said in the most sarcastic way possible. She laughed, "oh, totally."

     I gave her her cereal bowl, and we sat down at the island. I sat her in my lap, and we finished our breakfast.

    I planned to take her to the park where I asked her to go out with me, and then I was going to take her to the place that I usually went to think, clear my head.

     I would go there when I would have problems. I went there when my dad split, I went there when me and one of the guys fought, I went there when me and Jade had our fight. After I went to the gym, I would go there. And yea, I'll, admit, I've cried there. But I'm not a pussy.

     Today was going to be the day, I made things better for the both of us.

Jade POV

      I woke up to Treys phone going off. I told him to come back, so he went downstairs to take the call. I got texts from everyone asking if I was okay, if we were okay. Only Sarah and Trey knew about my arms, and what happened with dad.

     I put in a group chat with all the guys and the girls and said:

You: everyone, I am fine, we are fine. Actually we're great! I'm so glad everything is alright now. And sorry for not texting last night, I was um, busy. But yea. Thanxx for the support!!

     I sent the text and Adam was the first to reply.

Adam: I know what you did little J, or should I say little dirty ;)

You: lol shut up Adam

     Everyone else started to reply.

Sarah: I'm so glad your okay! Do not ever scare me like that again! And I get the drift lol love you babygirl!

You: lol hush and I'm sowwy I won't love you too!!

Dennis: good now they know your okay so they'll shut the hell up for once like goddamnit

You: lol damn dennis what did they do to you nearly kill you?

Dennis: yea something like that

Jake: glad your OK tell my boy to message me

You: thanxx and do it yourself lol

Taylor: omg finally!! I love you baby cakes!! Thanxx for the scare, not lol

You: lol love you too boo and your welcome ^~^

Amber: finally!!! I know how you were busy lol glad you guys are good now

You: thanxx and I'm pretty sure now everyone knows lol and if you don't then your a dumbass and you shouldn't know

Preston: hey girl how is his nuckles?? Take care of them for me just clean them up and put another bandage on them and just keep them clean but yea happy your okay

You: thanxx I will Dr. Preston lol

     I walked downstairs in his T-shirt, and I heard Trey talking to Adam on the phone. "I missed that feeling so much, I didn't want to let her go. But you had to come in with your phone calls, bitch. Haha but really, this feeling is so new to me. Its just, when I'm around her, I feel like I'm on top of the world. She makes me feel like who I want to be when I'm around her."

     What he said, almost brought tears to my eyes. The way I treated him, I hurt him. I can't forgive myself, but Trey would want me to, so I can't tell him. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, and he turned around and wrapped his around mine.

    "and when I look into her eyes," he continued, "god, its like I'm in paradise. I've been sent this perfect angel Adam, and she has made me feel that one feeling that I needed all my life. Ever since I laid my eyes into her pretty blue ones."

    I mouthed an 'I love you so much' and kissed him. I heard adam say something about loving amber, and I snatched the phone out of Treys hand and talked to his smartass about it.

     I hung up the phone. Trey asked, "how long were you listening?" I answered smiling, "well, I heard everything you said about me. Is it all true?" "Oh no, because the sun obviously doesn't shine and there is definitely a unicorn flying over the rainbow down the street." He said in his most sarcastic voice. I laughed. "Oh totally."

     We finished our breakfast and went up to the room. I sat on the bed, "so, what are we doing today?" He got in the bed next to me, "well, you'll have to find out. Come on, get ready. We need the whole day."

     I laughed. I got up, and went to the closet. "What do I wear?" I asked him. "Just jeans and a shirt. A jacket too, you'll freeze." I picked out my skinny jeans, my pretty blue shirt, and my blue jacket. I put on my boots.

     I turned around to see Trey staring. "did you like the show?" I said. He nodded, "mmm, yes I sure did angel." I laughed and went up to him. I quickly pecked his lips and went to brush my hair. I braided it off to the side and was done. I quickly did my make up.

      "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yea. Are you?" I answered. He nodded. He started walking toward me, "you know what's going to happen one day?" I shook my head no. "Well," he started, "this is going to happen!" With a swift movement, he picked me up bridal style.

     I started laughing and kicking, "Trey put me down!" He laughed, taking us downstairs, "Ah, you see, I can't. Because one day, you are going to be my bride, and we need to practice." I laughed. He opened the door, grabbed his keys, and took us to the car.

     He finally set me down in the car. We both laughed, as he got in. We pulled out, and he started driving.

      I didn't recognize where we were going, but I knew the roads, I've been down them before. I turned on the radio, and my favorite song came on. I immediately started singing.

"I've seen the world, done it all, had my cake now

Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel air now

Hot summer days, mid July, when you and I were forever wild

Crazy days, city lights, when you would play with me like a chil

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?

Will you still love me when I've got nothing but my aching soul?

I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will

Will you still love when I'm no longer beautiful?"

   I sung the rest of the song, and it went off. Trey looked at me like he had just caught a star. "What?" I asked. "Angel, that was amazing. I mean, I knew you had a voice, but that was just, wow." I smiled.

      We soon pulled up to the park where Trey asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so happy, I wanted to come here again, but I didn't think he would want to.

      It was December, so there was barely anyone here, and the kids who were were dressed in sweaters. "I'm gonna go play, are you coming?" I asked him. "Oh no, I'll just watch." I nodded and walked in.

      I saw this little girl, she was about as old as Eliza. She was so adorable, like a little cupcake. She was going down the slide, but she was scared. Her mom wasn't around, so I decided to help her.

      "Hey there, are you scared?" I asked her from the bottom. She nodded. "Well would it be better if I slid down with you?" I asked again. She was hesitant, but soon nodded. "Okay, I'm coming up."

    I climbed the stairs and walked to the slide. "Hi, my names Jade, what's yours?" I asked her. "Emma." She said. "Well, its nice to meet you emma. Where's your parents?" She pointed to a guy and a girl on the bench, the girl straddling the guys waist.

     The only thing that I could think of, was what kind of bastards leave their child at a park just to go make out? What if she got hurt? This beautiful little girl deserves real parents. She reminds me of me, and I can't think of that one thought.

      "Oh.. Well, Emma, what do you say we slide now?" She smiled and nodded. I sat down and put her in the middle of my legs and slid down the slide with her. At the end, she laughed with her hands in the air, "again, again!" She said.

     After a couple more times sliding, she got on the rocking bug and I pushed her. "So, mommy and daddy don't play with you?" I asked, curious to find out more about this little girl.

     "No, mommy likes to play with daddy." She said. I nodded, "oh. Do they pay attention to you?" I asked again. "No, mommy and daddy are busy a lot. They say that they need to do important stuff, and they don't have time for me."

     I asked the final question that was getting my heart racing. "Emma, do um, do mommy and daddy love you?" She answered, "no, mommy and daddy love each other. But what I think, is that they love each other so much, that they don't have enough love for me."

     For a second, I stopped pushing her. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. This little girl hasn't been shown love, she doesn't even know the definition. She is living in lies, in darkness.

     "Are you okay Jade?" She asked me. I kept pushing her, "yea, I'm alright Emma. So, what do you wanna do now?" I asked her.

     "I wanna swing!" She said, and got up to run to the swings. After a few minutes of pushing her, Trey joined us. "Emma, I want you to meet a friend of mine. His name is Trey. Trey, this is my friend Emma."

     Trey bent down, "its very nice to meet you emma. Say, how about I push you two lovely girls? Would that be fun?" "Yes yes yes!" She chanted. I laughed and sat down, and Trey began to push us. 

     After about 2 hours of playing with this pretty little girl, I hear someone call her name. "Emma! Emma! Get your ass over here! Time to leave!" It was an older man. She looked upset. "Well, can I walk you over there?" She nodded and smiled.

     She held on to my finger as we walked over to the couple. "I'm here daddy." she said. "Where the fuck have you been?" He says. "She's been playing with me." I answered for her. "Well its time to leave. Say bye, I have business to take care of at home."

     Her grip on my finger tightened, and I kneeled down in front of her. "Jade, I don't wanna go." She said in a faint voice. "Aw, I'm sorry kiddo. Well, I had fun." She smiled and nodded.

     I couldn't get the question out of my head, so I asked it in only a voice that me and her could hear. "Hey Emma, does, does daddy hurt you?" She nodded with a frown on her face. I gasped. "How often?" "All the time. I really hurt Jade, I wanna stay with you. I don't want daddy to hurt me anymore."

     I took in a sharp breath. "Well, I can't promise soon, but things will change. Have a good day, kiddo." I stood up and pulled out my notebook. "Thanks for taking her, we were busy." Emmas mom said. "Its totally fine. Here, that's my number and name. If you ever need me to watch her, just call me. I know business can be hard nowadays."

     I handed them a piece of paper with my name and number on it and she took it and put it in her purse.  "Sure, thanks." They said. I kneeled down again, "okay Emma. I'll see you soon. And if daddy hurts you so much that you hurt all over and it gets really bad, get that number, find a phone, and call me. I know it might be difficult, but just try your hardest okay?"

      "Okay Jade. Bye bye! Bye Trey!" She waved as her dad pulled her away. I walked back over to the swings and sat down with a sigh. Trey sat beside me as I looked down.

     A silent tear slid down my cheek. Trey grabbed my hand, "hey, what's the matter angel?" I sniffled. "Trey, that precious little girl, she is just like me. She said that her daddy hurts her all of the time, and that her parents don't love her and that they don't even pay attention to her. she said she thinks that they love each other so much, that they don't have enough love for her. She is growing up just like me and it scares the shit out of me because that precious little girl has no reason to ever be treated like that!"

      Tears were streaming down my face now. "Hey, angel shh, trust me, I know. No one deserves to go through that. Just please calm down, I love you so much just please it kills me seeing you like this." He sat me in his lap and held me.

     I tried to stop and sniffled. "All I want to do is take that little girl from those bastards. They don't deserve her, and she doesn't deserve it." He nodded, "I know angel. I know."

      After a few minutes, we got up and continued walking. After an hour of talking and walking, it was already 4, so we decided to leave. "Where are we going now?" I asked him. "You'll have to find out." He said. I groaned, but sat back. He turned on the radio again, and another one of my favorites came on, and I started to sing.

"Right from the start, you were a thief you stole my heart

And I, your willing victim

I let you see the parts of me that weren't all that pretty

And with every touch you fixed em

Now, you've been talking in your sleep, oh oh

Things you never say to me, oh oh

Tell me that you've had enough of our love, our love

Just give me a reason, just a little bits enough

Just a second, we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again

Its in the stars, its been written in the scars on our hearts

We're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again"

       I sang the rest of the song with all of my power and emotion in it, and I think Trey realized because he grabbed my hand after the song was over and just held it.

      We arrived to this place that I've never been to before. It was outside of town. I got out of the car and walked to the edge of the ground. I peered over, and it was a view of the whole city. I gasped, it was so beautiful.

     "What is this place?" I asked Trey. "Well, whenever I'm upset or I have a lot of emotions, I come here. It just relaxes me." I turned around and smiled at him. "I love you." I said. "I love you too."

     It was about 7, and the sun was going down. We were sitting on the hood of his car, cuddling and watching the sky.

     "Hey angel?" Trey said. "Yea?" I answered. "What do you wanna do later on? Like, what are your plans after school?" He asked.

     That was an easy question, because I had always had this idea of what I wanted to do. "Well, when I get out of school, I want to go to juilliard, a music college. I'm going to major in singing, and I'm also going to be a pharensic scientist. I was going to do julliard at day, pharensic at night, and a job in the middle. But I mean, juilliard is in New York, so I'll probably move there. I mean like, my parents always told me that I couldn't do it, that I would loose my mind and quit, or I would get caught up in things and struggle, but the only thing that I kept telling myself was that nothing is impossible until you've tried it. But I don't know, what are you going to do?"

     "Well, I always wanted to be a business man. I mean, the guys say that I'm good at getting my way, so I want to be a lawyer. My dad was a lawyer, and I wanted to follow in his footsteps, but he told me I wasn't good enough and split. I always wanted to prove him wrong, do a lawsuit against him and win. But if you want to go to new York, then I'll be one hell of a lawyer in new York with my angel."

     I smiled, "really Trey? You would come with me?" He laughed, "angel, I would move mountains for you." I smiled. "I love you," "I love you too."

     We sat there until it was dark, just talking about random things, watching the city lights. The radio was on, and the song that I had loved since it came out came on. It was the song that kept me holding on for love. I began to sing.

"When I was younger, I saw my daddy cry, and curse at the wind

He broke his own heart, and I watched as he tried to reassemble it

And my momma swore that she would never love herself again

And that was the day that I promised, I'd never speak of love, if it does not exist

Well darling, you are the only exception, you are the only exception,

You are the only exception, well you are the only exception"

       "Hey angel?"


       "Go to Paris with me?"

       "Of course, my love."


Hello sexy unicorns XD

First song: young and beautiful by Lana Del Ray

Second song: just give me a reason by pink

Third song: the only exception by paramore

Vote, comment fan

Love uuu

Unil next time,

Sexy unicorns XD


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