In The Shadows ✔

By Hankiebeer

152K 7.5K 14.1K

❦ A Harley riding, vodka drinking, female killer, a Scottish bartender, a kindergarten teacher, several kids... More

Author speaks, reader listens
Characters, Music & Other Extras
[1] Uno - Kill
[2] Due - Red
[3] Tre - Gentle
[4] Quattro - Mamma
[5] Cinque - Telling him
[6] Sei - Bare
[7] Sette - Shoot
[8] Otto - Remenisce
[9] Nove - Giant
[10] Dieci - True self
[11] Undici - Bella Donna
[12] Dodici - Brother?
[13] Tredici - Trio
[14] Quattordici - Tournament
[15] Quindici - Tournament
[16] Sedici - Where's Logan?
[17] Diciassette - For love
[18] Diciotto - Moonlight
[19] Diciannove - Demons
[20] Venti - Dreaming
[21] Ventuno - Stay
[22] Ventidue - Here
[23] Ventitré - Evaluation
[24] Ventiquattro - Tattoo
[25 ] Venticinque - Bath
[26] Ventisei - Letter
[27] Ventisette - Hottest Ass
[28] Ventotto - Brother?
[29] Ventinove - Bella
[30] Trenta - Come back
[31] Trentuno - Smile
[32] Trentadue - Here
[33] Trentatré - Forever
[34] Trentaquattro - Kitty
[35] Trentacinque - Lady Godiva
[36] Trentasei - Dani
[37] Trentasette - Broken hearts
[38] Trentotto - Kiss me
[39] Trentanove - Madam President
[40] Quaranta - Matteo
[41] Quarantuno - Cast
[42] Quarantadue - Ricardo's Family
[43] Quarantatré - Practice
[44] Quarantaquattro - Sisters
[45] Quarantacinque - Mia
[46] Quarantasei - Rage
[47] Quarantasette - Boys
[48] Quarantotto - Balcony
[49] Quarantanove - Back home
[50] Cinquanta - New Office
[51] Hypocrite
[52] Tending Bar
[53] Boobies
[54] Self-respect
[55] Marisol
[56] Canvas
[57] Famous Boxer
[58] Hurt
[59] Making Love
[60] Liquid Love
[61] The Godfather
[62] Mortal Kombat
[63] Love is all
[64] I'll carry you
[65] Honey
[66] Miss Scorpia
[67] Respect is earned
[68] Violet Lion
[69] Little pirate
[70] Interview
[71] Please Hear Me
[72] Motherly Love
[73] Priorities
[74] Lasagne
[75] The Scorpions
[76] Gang of kids
[77] Come out and play
[78] With love instead of violence
[79] See, hear, feel
[80] Signs of Love
[81] Love in the ring
[82] Best gift
[83] Teamwork
[84] Hot and Powerful
[85] Games
[86] The power of a BONNIE
[87] Quartet
[88] Kisses
[89] Transformation
[90] Bonnie Shirts
[91] Wrong kind of costumers
[92] Big Boss and Mini Boss
[93] The Premiere
[94] Questions & Answers
[95] Heart of the Family
[96] Family Ties
[97] Kilted Love
[98] Unbiological
[99] Eat your veggies
[100] Growing Pains
[101] La vita è bella.
[102] His Bonnie
[103] Little Skunk
[104] Bar Full of Bonnies
[105] Power From Calm
[106] Embraced by Shadows
[107] For Bonnie
[108] Bruises and Warm Hearts
[109] Anchored
[110] Infected
[111] Wrapped In Love
[112] Goodbye Past
[113] Land of Magic and History
[114] Mo Chridhe
[115] Believe
[116] Meet The Parents
[117] The Whisky Won
[118] Wuthering Heights
[119] Healing Hearts
[120] Hide and Seek
[121] Knock, knock.
[122] Halo of Love
[123] The Center of Attention
[125] Here. Forever.
Thank you

[124] Young Hearts

389 22 49
By Hankiebeer

Two little voices, having a vivid conversation wake them up the next morning. Scorpia listens to them happily while Logan strokes her back. She looks up at him and he smiles at her, his eyes still half-closed.

There's a knock on the door and Scorpia gets up to open it. Logan loudly clears his throat, right before she touches the handle.

"Bonnie, you should pull the shirt down a little."

Scorpia looks down and suddenly realizes she's not wearing any underwear and Logan's shirt is scrunched up around her stomach. She giggles and quickly grabs the bathrobe from the hook next to the door, putting it on quickly, and then opens the door.

Mamma is on the other side of the door with Enzo, Lucas, and Matteo. They brought a cart full of breakfast with them and the smallest men are very excited.

Mamma says: "Sorry for the early visit but these men wanted to have breakfast with you guys and I wanted to grant Bruno and Lexy some more privacy."

The boys climb onto the bed and mamma walks over to the crib. Scorpia pushes the cart towards the foot of the bed and watches Enzo and Lucas climb on top of Logan. Mamma lifts Leo from his crib, who yells: "Mommy amo!"

Scorpia takes him from her mom, who lifts Pia from the crib too. They all sit down on the bed and Scorpia takes in all the happy faces around her.

She hands everyone a croissant and feeds Leo a small bite. The little boy lets out a happy sound and Matteo, who is sitting next to her, looks at Leo with loving eyes. Scorpia rests her head on Matteo's shoulder, "Good morning, Matteo. You're an example to all of these little ones. Did you dance some more last night?"

He nods a little shy and Scorpia raises her eyebrows. Mamma nods at him, encouraging him to tell Scorpia more.

Matteo says: "I danced with mamma, Cait, Violetta, Lexy, and you. And Gail. She's the hotel owner's daughter. She's thirteen and really sweet." He blushes and Scorpia smiles.

She nudges his shoulder with hers, "I told you. Being a good dancer is very attractive. Good for you, Matteo. You did exchange phone numbers, right? Or email?"

"Yeah, email info but she lives here... I don't know if..."

Scorpia leans close to him and whispers in his ear: "I'm planning to visit Scotland once a month for as long as Leo is still little. You can easily travel with us to see her again."

His facial expression goes from shocked to a wide grin quickly.

Scorpia adds: "This has to stay a secret because Logan doesn't know it yet." She winks at Matteo and he nods.

Lucas yells surprised: "Uncle Logan! You're still wearing your kilt!"

Logan chuckles, "Yes, auntie Scorpia wouldn't let me take it off."

All of the kids look at her and her cheeks color deep red. She shrugs and feeds Leo another piece of croissant. Mamma whispers: "I get why", while helping Pia drink her orange juice.

The kids eat and drink some more but are becoming restless. Mamma gets up from the bed and says: "Pia, Enzo, Lucas, and Matteo are you coming with me to the playroom downstairs? I think uncle Logan and auntie Scorpia could use a minute to themselves. And there's a lot of fun things to do there."

Enzo and Lucas jump from the bed with a cheer and Matteo gets up with a smile on his face. Mamma lifts Pia from the bed onto the floor and she grabs her grandma's hand. Enzo and Lucas walk towards the door holding each other's hands and Matteo rushes after them.

Mamma looks at Logan and Scorpia and says: "Enjoy your time together. See you later." She waves and takes the kids with her.

Logan sits down on the end of the bed and pours coffee into two mugs. Leo claps his hands, looking at his mom with a happy look on his face. Scorpia kisses and cuddles him before sitting him up against a pillow. Logan finds a sippy cup and pours a little juice in it, handing the cup to his son, who thanks him with a wide grin.

Logan chuckles and tries to hand Scorpia her coffee but she gets up to take the bathrobe off and pulls the button-up down as much as possible before sitting on the bed again.

Logan hands her a coffee and stares at her. "Hell, Bonnie. I should have torn those buttons of sooner."

She laughs softly before taking a sip of her coffee. Logan drinks his coffee too, looking at Leo who's proudly drinking his juice. When Logan turns his gaze to Scorpia again, he finds her sitting there with his shirt unbuttoned. She sips her coffee with an innocent expression on her face.

Logan moans, "Bonnie..."

She finishes her coffee and gets up, putting the mug down on the buffet cart before walking towards the bathroom as she lets the shirt slide down her shoulders. She enters the bathroom and opens the tap above the bath, rummaging through a bag to find Leo's bath foam. As soon as she finds it, she pours a royal amount into the water and hums.

She checks the temperature of the bathwater, walks towards the door, pushes it open, and asks: "Leo? Do you want to take a bath with mommy?"

Leo lifts his arms up and tosses the sippy cup aside. "Yes! Bath! Mommy!"

Logan laughs and shakes his head, laying Leo down on the bed to take his clothes off, carrying the little man to the bathroom as soon he's naked.

Scorpia is sitting on the edge of the bath, her fingers swirling through the water. She closes the tap, gets into the bath, and holds her hands out to Leo, who almost jumps out of Logan's arms.

"Hell, Bonnie. I know how he gets and I'm keeping a firm grip on him. But he gets way too wild when he sees you. I'm afraid he's going to fall often when he starts to walk."

Scorpia nods, "Yes, I'm glad I don't have the same effect on his daddy."

Logan shoots her a challenging look and she chuckles.

She takes Leo from Logan and sits down in the water with Leo on her lap and the little boy splashes around, his little giggles bouncing off the walls. Logan pouts, looking at Scorpia with sad eyes.

"Leo? Can daddy join us in the bath?"

Leo looks at his dad and grins. "Daddy amo. Bath. Yes."

Logan can't get his kilt off fast enough and join them in the bath. He looks at the ecstatic Leo and splashes water at him. The little boy giggles and tries to throw water at Logan too.

Scorpia gently washes Leo's hair and presses a kiss on his cheek. She holds him under his armpits and lets him 'walk' towards Logan like that. Logan takes Leo in his arms and sits him down on his leg. Scorpia slides further down into the water and closes her eyes.

Logan looks at the beautiful woman hiding under the bubbles and gets distracted. Leo plants his little feet on the bottom of the bath and pulls himself up with the help of Logan's arm.

Logan whispers: "Bonnie. Look."

Scorpia opens her eyes and looks at the focused expression on Leo's face. She smiles proudly but as soon as the little boy sees her, he falls back in Logan's lap. Leo giggles and Logan hugs him proudly. "So smart, this little cub of ours."

Scorpia nods, "Yes Leo, mommy is proud of you."

She sits up again and Leo holds his arms out to her. She takes his little hands in hers while Logan holds him under his arms. Leo tries to put his feet down again but the slippery tub is not the best place to practice walking. He stumbles into Scorpia's arms and laughs. Scorpia cuddles him and laughs along with him.

She sits him down on her lap and looks into Logan's eyes. "Daddy? Are you sad we're going back home?"

Logan looks back at her and she sees the answer in there before he says the words. "Yes, I am a little. It was wonderful with mommy here. Especially in the cottage."

Scorpia tries to hide her smile and whispers just loud enough in Leo's ear. "Shall we tell daddy about it? That we're not going home tonight? And staying a few days longer?"

Leo happily waves his arms around like he gets what she's saying and Logan stares into her eyes. "Bonnie? Is that true?"

She smiles and nods.

"And are we sleeping here?"

She shakes her head, "Let's get dried off and dressed first before I tell you all about it. I don't want us to catch a cold."

Logan gets out of the bath right away and takes Leo from her. Scorpia gets up and follows his example. She wraps a towel around her body and then dries Leo off lovingly while Logan holds him. Logan hands the little boy to her and she carries him out of the bathroom, lays him down in the middle of the bed and gets a romper, jeans, and a T-shirt from his suitcase to get him dressed.

She dries herself off and puts on the white version of the bralette set Logan bought for her.

Logan walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and grabs his chest. "So sexy, Bonnie."

She winks at him before gasping as her eyes move to the bed. Leo is looking at them on his tummy. Logan follows her gaze. "Did you lay him down on his belly?"

She shakes her head and Logan grins. "Are you having fun, Leo? We will be chasing after you before we know it."

Leo grins, showing off his gums, and Scorpia and Logan laugh. They get dressed quickly and Logan sits down on the edge of the bed, looking at her for answers.

Scorpia pulls her hair in a ponytail, "Yes, I'll explain all of it. Give me a second."

She opens the drawer of the nightstand and gets a set of keys from it, places them in Logan's hand, who stares at them in shock. "Do you recognize the keys, handsome Scot?"

"These are the keys to the cottage. Are we sleeping there for a few more nights?"

Scorpia nods, "Yes, and as many nights as we want in the future."

Logan stares at her and tries to read in her eyes what she means. She blushes a little and tries to avoid his gaze. He pulls her closer and onto his lap. Her eyes connect with his, "I might have bought the cottage."

His jaw drops and he stares at the shy expression on her face. "You what, Bonnie? Bought the cottage? It's ours?"

She nods and kisses his lips gently.

Logan strokes her cheek, "Why?"

"Because I'm happy there. Because it's a beautiful place. Because I would love to go there many times more. With you and Leo."

Logan looks at her with tears in his eyes, not quite getting it yet. She runs her fingers through his hair and looks over his shoulder at Leo, who is on his back again, kicking his feet in the air.

She chuckles, "We really need to keep an eye on him because he rolled onto his back again. We can't look away when he's laying on something he can fall off of."

Logan turns around to look at Leo, who's playing with his feet happily. "Yes, Bonnie. We really need to watch him like a hawk from now on. I can already imagine him falling off the bed."

He asks what her plans for the rest of the day are and Scorpia answers. "We're going to say goodbye to everyone in the hotel, besides Ciro and Flavio. They will drive us to the cottage before driving themselves to the airport. We'll stay in the cottage for two more nights and then we'll fly home as well. We have to go back to our normal lives sometime."

Scorpia looks into Logan's eyes, "So you're okay with the fact that I bought the cottage?"

He nods and covers her face in kisses. She giggles and catches Leo turning over again from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes widen and Logan follows her gaze.

"Yes, let's continue getting dressed and lift our little pirate from the bed so we can see if the other family members are awake yet."

They get dressed and Scorpia walks out of the room with Leo on her arm while Logan closes the door behind them, wrapping his arm around her waist on their way to the elevator.

They go downstairs and find a few familiar faces in the breakfast hall. Flavio of course, being the early bird he is. He beams at the little family and Leo calls out his name. Flavio takes the little boy from Scorpia and Leo cuddles up to him right away. Scorpia kisses his cheek. "Good morning, Flavio. Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning everyone. Yes, quite well considering you broke my heart yesterday. I immediately signed myself up for more dance classes."

Scorpia laughs, "You can't deny Lachlan's dancing skills."

Flavio laughs too, "I wouldn't dare. But that doesn't mean I like it. I'm definitely going to try and be the best at your wedding."

Scorpia chuckles, "Would you mind looking after Leo while I inspect the breakfast buffet with Logan?"

Flavio obviously doesn't mind and Scorpia and Logan saunter over to the display of food, holding hands. Scorpia fills a bowl with all kinds of fruit and Logan takes two poached eggs. They both get a cup of coffee too before joining Flavio at the table.

Flavio says: "The grandparents are in the playroom with the kids. Ciro is still sleeping, so are Dino and Violetta I think. And Lexy and Bruno... Well, we can guess what they are doing."

Scorpia eats her fruit, watching the relaxed Leo in Flavio's arms with a smile.

"Leo pulled himself up on Logan's arm in the bath this morning and just stood there. And the little man figured out how to roll over too."

Flavio kisses Leo's head and speaks in a soft tone. "Such a smart little man. But that also means keeping an eye on him at all times for everyone taking care of him."

Scorpia nods and Flavio's eyes move to Logan's plate. "How are they, Logan? Good?"

Logan swallows his bite and nods. "But yours are better, Flavio."

Flavio grins and rubs Leo's back, closing his eyes to enjoy this moment with the cute little boy while Logan and Scorpia eat and drink their coffee.

Scorpia catches Ciro walking up to them, who puts his index finger against his lips. She nods and sees him pull his phone out of his pocket. He tiptoes around Flavio, taking a picture of the big man, holding the little man, both wearing a relaxed smile. Flavio hears the sound of the camera and opens his eyes.

"Good morning, love. Are you hugging another man in public?"

Ciro kisses Flavio, who replies: "For sure. And I'm not even ashamed. I love a moment with this sweet, smart little man. He is practicing standing and walking and already knows how to roll over. Uncle Flavio is proud and even more in love."

Ciro smiles and looks at Scorpia with raised eyebrows. She tells him all about Leo's adventures this morning and Ciro listens to her intently.

Logan asks if he can get them coffee and Ciro and Flavio both nod.

Ciro takes the seat Logan left and asks: "Does he know yet?"

"He knows about the cottage. But not about the Wranglers yet. And I didn't tell him I'm planning to come back here once a month either."

She sees Logan walk back and quickly changes the subject. "Is there any news from the homefront? How is the business doing, and the cafe?"

"I really have to get back to sign stuff cause that has come to a halt. But Manon became a worthy replacement for you, with a little help from Bart. He really encouraged her to do what you would do. She's a feisty girl and doesn't take bullshit from anyone. It's fun to watch.

Gracia and Marco run the cafe insanely well. I'm pretty sure they will be exhausted when you get back but they had help from the Gentile family. And Freya has a week off from school when you're back, so she offered to work more hours to give Marco and Grazia some time off. Janet and the two boys from the hotel have the week off too and also said they'd be willing to work more hours."

Logan puts the coffee on the table during Ciro's story and sits down next to Scorpia. "Wow, Ciro. That sounds great. And like we could be able to go on trips more often."

Ciro winks at him and takes a sip from his coffee. Logan wonders if Ciro knows something he doesn't but Leo distracts him. Flavio has set him down on the floor and the little pirate is standing up, his arms leaning on an empty chair.

Scorpia snaps a picture of Leo, who is so happy with his achievement that he claps his hands, which causes him to fall on his behind. His laughter fills the air and they all laugh along with him, praising him for his achievement.

He looks at his mom like he wants to ask her something. Scorpia smiles at him, "What is it, Leo?"

"Pia? Teo? Enzo? Lucas?"

Scorpia gets up and lifts him off the ground, kissing his cheek before asking: "Shall I take you to the other kids? They are all in the playroom with nonna, nana, and grandpa."

Leo makes a shocked sound and his little mouth forms an 'o'. Logan gets up too, "I'm not letting Scorpia go there alone. I'm afraid I'll never see her again if I allow that."

Flavio and Ciro laugh and wave at Leo. 

⊱ ────── {⋅.♏︎.⋅} ────── ⊰

And another one for you!
Cause they are so much fun.
And I'm not going to let real life stop me from writing.

XO Hankie.

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