Starry skies and Gardenias

By Emekasign

547K 25.5K 13.6K

Being hurled through space and time was not in her plan, but here she was, way back in the past, the year 196... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Filler 01
Filler 02
Author's Note

Chapter 105

2.7K 137 46
By Emekasign

May sped in and hit them all like a ton of bricks. The heat rose rapidly, and students now chose to loiter around in the green grounds instead of staying inside. 

And with the arrival of the month of May, the Quidditch fever had risen to its peaks. The final matches were nearing. 

The month of May was also the time when the fifth years and the seventh years would start to panic. Because their "ultra-super-mega-important exams", as Andrew said, were coming up.

And because of the mass resistance from the fifth and sixth years, the Marauders put the Duelling Club on temporary hold, promising to hold only one last meeting the coming Wednesday. 

The teachers had stopped giving homework now and were making them revise and revise and revise. 

Slughorn, however, didn't seem to stop his little extra lessons for Isabella and Black. But both of them took it as an extra practical practice session for their O.W.L.s.

One day, a notice had come upon the notice board in the common room for the fifth years.


All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer Term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.

And along with that, came the variety of pamphlets with job opportunities and career choices on them.

Muggle relations, Ministry of Magic workers, Healers, curse-breaking for Gringotts Wizarding Bank, something about training security trolls, there were also a couple of leaflets for a career in Quidditch. 

Isabella sat in the corner of the common room, reading through all the leaflets trying to find even a single career she would like to pursue.

There was nothing. Literally nothing she would like to do after school. 

But she would have to do something. The most stable job seemed to be in the Ministry of Magic, but she wasn't going to take that because the Ministry was soon going under Voldemort's control. She could think about all that after the fight was done, and Voldemort was defeated. 

If she was being honest, there was a high chance she would be killed just for being muggleborn. 

She could hear people talking loudly about what careers they would like to pursue, and what they had planned for their future. Some wanted to follow in their parents' footsteps, others wanted to try out new options. 

And then there was Isabella who would rather do nothing. 

All the careers sounded interesting and nice, but she just didn't seem to be able to choose any one of them. 

That would be a nice thing to tell McGonagall on Thursday afternoon after lunch. She had insisted that she would take all the subjects for her O.W.L.s and her N.E.W.T.s and now she was saying she didn't know what to do with all this!

As the O.W.L.s neared, Isabella was finding it hard to make her predictions for the Dialy Prophet and the Witch Weekly. But Valerie couldn't go off on a break. Valerie was always on time, and was the most accurate there was. . .Really, it was just the way she worded it. That was the only thing Isabella was proud of, she was persuasive.

. . .That reminded her of Riddle. 
She should really find a word instead of 'persuasive'. 


Isabella stopped. She was on her way to the library to get some books on Care of Magical Creatures when she was called by Black.

"Yes?" she said holding in a sigh as Black walked up to her. 

"You aren't using the quill I gave you," he said. "It's been weeks," 

"I have another use for it," Isabella said simply. 

Regulus eyes travelled to the chain that was still around her neck. He had searched the entire library and asked around, but no one had a clue about what the hell the Deathly Hallows were.

"What are the Deathly Hallows?" he asked for the millionth time. He had been asking the same question in various different ways every time he got the chance.

And every time, he got the same answer.

She would simply hold up the pendant. 

"The Deathly Hallows," she said. 

Regulus groaned in frustration.

"No, that is just the symbol," he snapped. "What are they?"

"Magical objects," she gave a simple answer, and Regulus just wanted to run into a wall. 

Merlin, this was frustrating. 

He glanced around, trying not to swear loudly in the corridor when the leaflet in her hand caught his eye. 

"Training Security Trolls?" he read out with a laugh in his voice. "Why, yes, that sounds like a wonderful career,"

"Don't undermine any service, Black," Jefferson said curtly. "And, no, it is not my preference,"

Regulus huffed. 

"Obviously," he said. "What have you chosen anyway?"

Isabella shoved the leaflets in her hand into her bag, before Black could throw more questions at her. 

"Why are you doing this?" she asked. "Why do you suddenly want to talk to me? Weren't we following an ignorance is bliss policy?"

"Oh, please," Black scoffed. "Nobody was following any policy. I was busy with other things before,"

"It still doesn't explain why I came to be of importance to you," Isabella said pointedly and started walking down the corridor to the library again. 

"Important?" Black laughed. "No. . .But I am interested. Two different things, Jefferson,"

Isabella scoffed lightly. . .Git. Obviously, what else was she expecting? She would have preferred it very much if he wasn't 'interested' too. It would spare her the headache of slinking into hidden paths, disillusioning herself to use the time-turner. 

Of course, Black wouldn't know all the trouble he was causing. The Blacks never knew. Take Sirius for example. He went around doing all sorts of stupid stuff, with no idea how much mess the others, McGonagall and Filch had clean up after him. Consider his parents, from what she knew, they weren't the best parents there either. There was Bellatrix Black, enough said, honestly. She could go on and on about how the Blacks were annoying little shits, causing trouble for someone or the other. 

"How do I get you to become 'uninterested'?" Isabella said, annoyance dripping in her voice.

"Ah," Black sighed. "Too bad. There's nothing you can do anymore. You're too late,"

Regulus was way too invested to back out now. He had spent hours and hours of his time thinking about what Jefferson could possibly be up to. Like hell, he was going to give all his efforts away. 

"Do you have anything to do in the library?" Jefferson said bringing his attention back.

"Why do you ask?" Regulus said.

"Because that is where I am heading now," she answered simply. 

Regulus raised his eyebrow. "And what has that got to do with me?"

"Oh, nothing," Jefferson said blithely. "Other than the fact that you have been following me blindly,"

Regulus flushed a dull pink when he realised what he had been doing. Crap. . .

"Blindly?" he scoffed, in an attempt to regain himself. "I know exactly where I am going, Jefferson. You don't have to fry that little brain of yours because of me,"

Isabella rolled her eyes. 

Forget Regulus Black being confusing. An idiot is what he was. 

Please, it was way too obvious. His tries to cover it all up were almost adorable. 

"I see," she said flatly. 

"So," Black said clearing his throat slightly. "What are you looking for? Which career path entices you most?"

"Why are you asking me this?" Isabella said. 

Black shrugged. 

"I told you," he said. "I didn't want to keep assuming. So I'm trying to get to know you,"

"I am flattered," Isabella said dryly.

She stared at her hands pointedly. Black really had no idea what he was saying, did he? He just blurted it all out, and then thought about what the heck he had said. Even after that, Isabella didn't think he knew how it would have sounded to the others. 

It was very obvious, that Black was completely oblivious to what he said. So, it was also pointless to dwell on the fact that her heart might have skipped a beat when she heard him. 

And even as that may be, she would have preferred it if he had just kept assuming. That way, she wouldn't have to explain anything. 

"However," Isabella said. "I suggest you stop,"

Black raised an eyebrow mockingly.

"Wow, Jefferson," he drawled. "What happened to small talk? As civil humans, shouldn't we know that?"

Isabella closed her eyes wearily.

"If you want small talk, Black," she said icily. "Why don't you go talk to your brother?"

Black froze in his tracks. And Isabella was sure he was glaring at her, but before he could say anything, Isabella hurried away. 

Isabella felt that was harsh but necessary. 

He really needed to sort things out with Sirius. . .so that Isabella's little plan would work.

And on the plus side, she got rid of him.

Sure enough, Black didn't bother her or even act like he knew she existed since that day. 

Until Friday evening. 

The Gryffindor team was just returning from their Quidditch practise when they ran into a rather unpleasant scene. 

In all honesty, it wasn't something that rare of a sight to see. Only it didn't usually happen in the Entrance Hall itself. 

Bullying wasn't a new thing at Hogwarts, now was it? 

The poor boy, he was probably being bullied for being a muggleborn. Yeah, Voldemort's influence was reaching places. Not to worry, he was doing his job well, wasn't her? 

"Oi!" James roared, pulling his wand out. 

"What d'you think you're doing?" 

Isabella sighed softly. Ah, the same old, same old. . .Well, if she thought about it, she should stop the bullying. But the most effective way at the moment would be to hex without all the talking and yelling and the other mess.

. . .She did have her wand with her. All it would take is a couple of minutes. 

There was now a large crowd gathered there. The Gryffindors were blocking the way out of the castle, and the Slytherins were blocking the way into the castle. 

Technically, there were only a few bullies, the rest were just watching

Didn't make things any better.

Isabella's hand reached to her pocket as she realised that she also happened to be a prefect. . .

. . .Didn't seem much of a problem, because Regulus Black was also in the crowd standing and watching the little show, and he was a prefect too. 

"What's wrong with you?!"

Isabella was startled at the sudden yell. 

Sirius pushed past them, and into the thick of the conflict, going to stand beside James. 

And Isabella noticed that Sirius was yelling at his brother. 

And since Regulus Black was amongst the watchers, doing nothing, it seemed to anger Sirius. 

"You are a prefect too, aren't you?" Sirius said. 

Regulus scoffed. 

"Big deal," he sneered. "Sod off. Nobody wants you here,"

Oh, how wonderful. There goes Isabella's plans for a quick Muggle Studies revision. 

"Padfoot," James said slowly, placing a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Not the time,"

But Sirius shrugged his hand off and took a step towards Regulus.

"So you've sunk this low now, have you?" he snapped.

And was Regulus Black someone to back off. Oh, no. No, he is not. He had to step up and take up the challenge. 

By this time, everyone had forgotten what was happening in the first place. The third-year who was lying on the floor, looking like he had been a victim to many hexes and jinxes that shouldn't really be combined, ignored by all. 

Isabella slipped through the crowd, pulling her wand out.

First things first. She had to prioritize. 

"And why would you care?" Regulus sneered.

"Standing there, and watching," Sirius growled. "It's something only cowards do,"

Aha! How nice!  A beautiful reunion, if she must. 

A humourless laugh left Regulus mouth.

"So you would know all about that, wouldn't you?" he said.

Isabella had managed to get to the third year on the floor, with her wand pointing at him. he started muttering incantations under her breath, lifting hexes one by one. . . And by the looks of it, mixing certain hexes gave terrible results to the victims.

"Here," she said in a whisper, extending her hand for the boy to take. 

Marlene seemed to have noticed this, and she came over to help Isabella. 

"Should we take him to the hospital wing?" Marlene whispered to Isabella. "Doesn't look too good, does he?"

"Yes, I suppose one of us should," Isabella nodded. 

"I'll do it," Chris said as he hurried over. "I know him,"

"Alright, then," Isabella said, as Marlene heaved the boy from the floor with Chris' help. 

"Go around the crowd," Marlene told Chris, who nodded and made his way around, with Andrew joining him and helping them pass through. 

Isabella straightened. 

Now to the Black brothers.

When she looked up, she felt her heart drop. Since talking and yelling didn't seem to work as well, they had resorted to drawing their wands.

"Well, isn't this just swell," Marlene muttered gloomily. 

They didn't think Sirius would do anything, but it was Regulus they had doubts about. 

Isabella knew that Regulus was no less likely to do such a thing as much as Sirius was. They were only baring their teeth, provoking the other as their frustration bubbled up. 

"Padfoot," James said slowly, placing his hand on Sirius' shoulder. "You don't have to do this,"

Regulus laughed dryly again. 

"Ah, of course," he said, glaring at the two Marauders. "Need precious Potter, don't you? Is there anything you can do on your own?"

"Stay out of this, James," Sirius snapped, pushing James' hand off.

"And you," he snarled at his brother. "Shut up,"

"Oh, please," Regulus scoffed. "I am not taking orders from a free-loader like you. You've always been an ungrateful brat,"

"And you've always been a coward," Sirius snapped. "You are too scared to stand up,"

Angry red sparks erupted from Regulus' wand. 

Isabella closed her eyes wearily.

She could intervene, but it wasn't her place to do that. . .But, if she thought about it. . .it might just work out. 

"Don't you dare," Regulus said quietly, raising his wand and pointing it at Sirius' chest.

Sirius let out a bark of laughter. 

"Why? You're going to hex me?" he said mockingly, taking a step forward.

"Yes, I will," Regulus said, stepping up. 

. . .Just a bit more, Isabella was counting down. Almost there. . .

The atmosphere was tense, and the drama was tingling, everyone watching intently, the fight between brothers. 

If there was one thing Rosier was known for, it was poking his nose where it wasn't required. And he had a particular talent for adding fuel to the flames. Isabella also called it the 'say-something-stupid-and-become-the-target' talent. 

And just as she had expected, Rosier opened his mouth.

"Oi, Regulus," Rosier said loudly. "Don't be a blood traitor like that arse of a brother you have. Hex him into bits, and maybe then you'll prove yourself a Slytherin,"

Two jets of purple light flew from the wands. 

Both of them aimed at Rosier. And yes, it hit him right in the face.

Isabella raised her eyes to the ceiling. 

In three seconds now. . .

As Rosier's face erupted into nasty hives and his anguished cries filled the place, a loud, shrill cry echoed through the Hall.

"Mr Black!" 

Yep. Right on time. 

Professor McGonagall marched into the Entrance Hall, looking at the scene in front of her furiously. 

Well, one couldn't blame her. All she could see was in the clearing, two people pointing their wands at a boy who was thrashing around in agony on the floor.

"It's not their fault, professor!" James spoke up.

"Enough, Potter," McGonagall said stiffly. 

"Yeah, Rosier was the one who started it," Marlene nodded, but McGonagall wasn't in a mood to listen.

"Both of you," McGonagall glared at Sirius and Regulus. 

"My office,"

Regulus pocketed his wand with a scowl and stalked off. Sirius followed reluctantly. 

"Professor," James said. "It really wasn't their fault. Rosier was bullying—Where did he go?"

James looked around in confusion. 

"Potter," McGonagall said sharply. "I will take care of this. To your common rooms," she glared around at the crowd that was formed in the Entrance Hall. "All of you,"

As the crowd dispersed slowly, Isabella hurried forward to McGonagall.

"Professor," Isabella said, catching up with the older witch as she marched down the corridor. 

"What is it, Miss Jefferson?" McGonagall said curtly.

"Professor, James is actually telling the truth," she said. "But I think you should give them detention,"

McGonagall looked down at her, slight confusion and exasperation mixed in her eyes. 

"I think it was rather obvious that Sirius ran away from home," Isabella said quietly. "And he hasn't made up with Regulus yet. They were having a huge row back there,"

"I think a long detention together might just help them clear things out between them," she said. "It is the saddest things to see brothers wage war against each other. Both of them are just sad, and hurt,"

"It might change things for the better," Isabella urged.

McGonagall didn't say anything, as she went down the corridor.

Then finally, she said, "Miss Jefferson. I appreciate your concern for your friends. But this is under my jurisdiction,"

"Of course, professor," Isabella said simply. "I was merely suggesting. Good evening, ma'am,"

She stopped in her tracks and watched Professor McGonagall walk away. 

Once the older witch was gone round the corner, Isabella set off to the Gryffindor tower. 

Well, she'll see the result tomorrow.

As it happened, she got to know the results sooner than she had expected.

The common room was almost empty and Isabella had occupied a corner table in the room, because her dormmates had invited their friends from the other houses and were having fun upstairs. So she was down here with her work and Snow. 

Suddenly, the Portrait Hole flew open, and Sirius stormed in. 

He glanced around the room, and noticed that the rest of the Marauders were in their dormitories instead of the common room. 

Then he saw Isabella. 

He dithered on the spot for a second, then marched towards the other end of the room. 

Isabella looked up as Sirius threw himself onto a chair beside her. 

"Waah," Sirius sighed and plonked his head down onto the table. 

"Look at you, our little Izzy's studying for O.W.L.s," he said, looking at her work. 

"Feel free to talk, Sirius," Isabella said, not returning to her work. 

Sirius groaned and put his head in his arms, and then sat there silently for a few minutes. 

It took a while before he spoke, "McGonagall's given me detention,"

"I see," Isabella nodded. "And how many points did she take?"

"None actually," Sirius chuckled. "Minne's giving us detention together. Every Sunday, for the rest of the term,"

He groaned again and slammed his head on the table.

"It might be a good thing," Isabella said. Sirius scoffed in incredulity.

"Yeah, likely," he droned. 

Silence fell again. And this time, Isabella took the liberty to break it.

"My father ran away from his home too," she said, her eyes still on her book.

Sirius looked up at her through a crack between his arms and Isabella knew he was listening. 

"He doesn't seem to regret it. He is actually happy," she said.

"Did he talk to his family later or something?" Sirius asked.

"Apparently, not for around eighteen years or so," Isabella said.

Sirius laughed. 

"You're dad's one cool bloke," he said. "What'd he run away for?"

"He didn't like his father very much, apparently," Isabella said. "But that is not what I wanted to say. I didn't know I had an aunt until last year,"

"I didn't even know I had a family other than my parents," 

"So, you've had a little family reunion?" Sirius said, sounding slightly bitter, as though he wouldn't want anything of that sort ever in his life.

"Oh, not really," Isabella said. "Only my aunt's nice. And my grandfather refuses to acknowledge me,"

"Sounds like someone I know," Sirius grumbled. "Let me tell you, you are better off without them,"

"Apathy is all I feel, Sirius," Isabella sighed. She closed her books and looked at him.

"What bothered me was my aunt's reaction," she said. "She hadn't talked to my father, her older brother, that is, for sixteen years. She didn't know what had happened to him, or what he was doing, nothing. Not a single word was exchanged between them for years,"

Isabella got up from her seat, packing her bag. 

"Don't let the same thing happen with Regulus," she said. "I am not advising you. I am just saying that I think you would feel better if you tried to fill the wedge between you two,"

She slung her bag over her shoulder and called for Snow Wiffle who jumped off an armchair and followed her out of the common room. 

Well, the Room of Requirement it was then.

She better have something to tell McGonagall in a few days when she went for Career Advice.

And as it happened, she didn't have anything to say to McGonagall. 

The atmosphere was very awkward. 

"Miss Jefferson," McGonagall said as she sat across the desk on Thursday afternoon. "Which career do you wish to pursue?"

" . . .There isn't any, professor," Isabella said in a small voice.

"That is alright," Professor McGonagall said. "Many students have doubts when it comes to their future,"

Isabella nodded as McGonagall started talking about the careers she could pursue. But she wasn't listening. 

Isabella always had everything planned out, and she knew exactly what she wanted to do, and what she had to do to get what she wanted. 

But here she was, stranded in the middle of nowhere. 

In all honesty, nothing seemed to appeal to her. 

McGonagall said that she was best suited for the Ministry of Magic. She could go for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, or the International Magical Cooperation. She even said that it would be easy for her to get into the Department of Mysteries. 

Isabella didn't really find the appeal in all of those. 

But she had to choose one, she had to take up some sort of job to earn money for her future. Yes, the Ministry did have the most stable jobs. And the Department of Mysteries had one advantage, if asked, she could just say 'I am not allowed to say anything'. Minimal interaction, how wonderful. The Department of International Magical Cooperation meant an opportunity to know more about different countries and their cultures and values. The Department of Magical Law Enforcement meant she could go fighting dark wizards, if she chose to work as an Auror, that is. Maybe practice her skills or something. . .


She could try to work for the Wizengamot. Why didn't she think of that before?

. . . Well, for that, she would have to start with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. . .After that, she could try to switch to the Department of Mysteries, that ought to elevate her status, so it would be easy for her to. . .wait a second, it would mean too many years of working for the Ministry, and gain things like experience and stuff. 

But, on the plus side, she knew Griselda Marchbanks. Hopefully, she'd get a nice recommendation. 

Isabella shook her head wearily. 

She still needed time to think. 

She would choose to work in magizoology, but it wasn't something that produced a lot of income. And it meant not settling down sometimes, having to travel a lot. . .Travelling a lot does sound nice, though. . .

Such uncertainty. 


"Second last session of the year," Slughorn said brightly on Saturday evening. "I'll leave you two to study for your O.W.L.s,"

"And I've got a surprise for you," the professor said, looking way too bright for his own good. He slipped a book in front of them, and humming went back to his desk. 

But they had to check their Polyjuice Potion first. 

"You do it," Black said. 

"No," Isabella said shortly. "You should do it, the last one was taken by me,"

"Excuse me?" Black sneered. "I got turned into a bleeding cat!"

"That was not my fault, Black," Isabella said. "Besides, I think you already have a hair with you,"

Black mouthed angrily, then flipped her off. 

Isabella shrugged at the obscene hand gesture. 

"Let me assist you," she said smugly as she brought a goblet and filled it with the murky polyjuice potion. 

Then she placed it in front of Black.

"You are doing the next one," Black said threateningly.

"Alright," Isabella shrugged. 

"You may add the hair," she said.

"I know," Black growled. "Shut up,"

He pulled out a small vial from inside his pockets and took out the single hair in it. 

"Whose is it?" Isabella asked.

"Marcus," Black answered as he dropped the hair into the potion and it instantly started bubbling, then turned a pale orange. 

Black's frown was so prominent now. 

Technically, they didn't have to drink the potion. Isabella and Black had just started challenging each other to do it, and now it was a habit. They took the potion they made alternatively. 

Black raised the goblet to his lips, then took a deep breath. He pinched his nose, and downed it in one, before lapsing into a series of violent coughs and gagging.

Slughorn looked up from his desk, then shook his head wearily. 

Teenagers were certainly one of the most fascinating creatures on the planet. Who knew what went on in their heads?

"Are you dying?" Isabella asked.

"I wish I was," Black managed to splutter as he straightened. "It's disgusting!"

Isabella's eyes widened as she saw his skin bubbling. . .literally bubbling! And changing. . .Was there anything that was worse than the taste of polyjuice potion? Yes, the gruesome transformation. 

Isabella placed her hands over her eyes. She didn't want to see anymore. 

"We're not that different," Black said. "Me and Marcus,"

"Almost the same build," then he gasped, for his voice had changed too. 

"Holy—" he breathed. 

Isabella moved her hands away from her face, and saw Marcus Warrington standing before her.

"How long?" Black asked, in Warrington's voice. 

"An hour," Isabella said, her hands dropping to her sides. 

"Oh, great," Black said rolling his eyes. "So, I'm stuck as this idiot for an hour,"

He sighed and reached out for the book Slughorn had kept on the table. 

Luckily for them, he had also bookmarked the page. 

Black opened the book and flipped to the page, and then his mouth fell open.

"What the—?" he breathed. 

"Professor!" Black cried. "Do we have to?"

"I don't expect a perfect potion," Slughorn said looking up from the papers he was grading. 

And both Isabella and Black stiffened. 

That was considered as a challenge by both of them. Now, they wouldn't rest until they got the perfect potion.

"I will be there to help you," Slughorn continued. "And you can have some fun,"

"What are we supposed to be making?" Isabella said, going over to Black who looked like Warrington, it was almost alarming. 

Black didn't answer immediately. 

And Isabella took this opportunity to slip some of the polyjuice potion into the flask she was carrying under her robes. She had a use for that.

Then she went over to Black, and looked over his shoulder. 

"Amortentia?" she said in astonishment. 

"But, professor!" Isabella cried. "If anything goes wrong—"

"Nothing will go wrong," Black scoffed. "Don't you have any experience in Potions?"

Isabella rolled her eyes. 

"It is the potion, not experience," Isabella snapped back. 

Black laughed mockingly. 

"You just don't want to make it because you've got to take it," he said.

"That is not what the problem is," Isabella said sharply. ". . .Fine. Let's do this then,"

"You don't have to take the love potion," Slughorn said from his table. "All you have to do is make it, m'dears,"

But Black's smirk only challenged Isabella to take the damn potion once it was done. 

Even though he looked like Warrington, she could still see Black's face in her head, and it gave her a strong urge to punch something.

"Fine," she sighed. "Amortentia, it is. . .Get the cauldron," she ordered, snatching the book away from Black's hand.

"Who died and made you in charge?" Black sneered.

"It not death, Black," Isabella said tartly. "But your existence that has forced me to do this. I wouldn't want to leave something like this in the hands of an amateur. Now, move along,"

"How lovely," Slughorn said simply from his desk. "Such a nice banter," 

Black who had opened his mouth to retort angrily, closed it and stormed off, swearing under his breath. 

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