From Rags To Riches

By LouiseAuthor

167K 6.3K 302

You've nothing left to lose when you pack up and move from New York to Texas with your college best friend. ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten - Trigger Warning
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven

Chapter Thirteen - Trigger Warning

3.7K 119 0
By LouiseAuthor

** Harry's POV **

I wake up wrapped in all things Pippa.

Her hair is pushed up all over my face, her leg is wrapped over my waist and her arm is tightly hugging me, her face nested on my chest.

She looks so uncomfortable but the feeling of her body against mine is heaven. I push her hair out of my face and admire her.

Fuck she's so beautiful.

I know I have to get to chapel but I dont want to move. Her chest rises and falls peacefully and I just lay in bed with her limbs tangled around me. I run my hand up her leg and she flinches, jumping back from me as she rolls off the bed and onto the floor with a loud thud.

"Pip, fuck -"

"Oohhh shit" she groans as she rubs at her head that hit the ground full force.

I jump over the bed to get to her side, I go to lift her but she put her hands up.

"Im okay. Im good. I can get up" she pushes herself off the ground with ease before she sits on the side of the mattress.

"You okay, you're head -" I point and she nods giving me a weak smile.

"Sorry, I got a fright. I'm good. My ego is bruised from the embarrassment more so than anything else" she chuckles as she stands up dusting herself off. My black tshirt swimming on her but she looks edible.

"I'll let you uh, get dressed" her eyes fall onto the erection in my boxers. They are tight as hell as my erection peaks out to say hello.

I grab her waist as she tries to walk by me, her ass rubs against me as she falls on my lap and it feels fucking delightful.

"Not so fast, don't I get a morning kiss" I whisper in her ear and she shivers. I love the effect I have on her.

I feel her cheeks heat up before she spins in my arms and looks me dead in the eye giving her shoulders a shrug.

"Meh, not feeling it" she pushes away from my grasp and saunters out of my bedroom, not daring to look back as she wiggles her fingers in goodbye.

She's killing me. Im going to be a corpse if she carries on doing this to me.

Speaking of a corpse. I have a man out back that's about to be fish food.


After pumping one out in the shower I felt a bit calmer. Don't get me wrong, its a quick fix for what I really need which is Pippa and her glorious kitty.

It has just gone 9am and business needs to be taken care of so I bang on everyone's door, they have approx fifteen minutes before I start to lose my head.

We could potentially have a lead in this Blackhawks shit with having now having Jinx. He wasnt a member of the Blackhawks but he's an allie of them for years, so might as well be one.

I wait at the chapel table, a glass of whiskey in my hand. Hunter is the first to join, then Moose and Big K. Pop comes in giving me a dirty look before he sits down, he's testing my patience. I get he isnt Pippa's biggest fan yet but he hasnt even given her a chance.

The party was cancelled last night and everyone was sent home. Its bad for business and bad for my reputation as President. I understood the risks but for fuck sake, Pippa could have been seriously hurt.

"Who has Jinx?" I question and Big K looks around the room to see who is missing.

"Racer must be" Hunter speaks up before Moose jumps in.

"Nah, I heard him and Trisha getting freaky. He was on Jinx duty but palmed it off I think"

"To who?" Pop grunts, he was mad as fuck. "To say you have been the president of this damn club for less than twenty four hours son it seems to be all over the place, you cant even keep tabs on your men. Too busy with the girl"

I never wanted to box my Pop more than I do now. He's annoyed that Pippa had taken some of my attention when I had just been handed the club. She could have been badly attacked had I not gone upstairs.

What is fucking wrong with him!?

"Get me Racer, now!" I growl at the boys and one of our OG's leaves the room in search of him.

"She is keeping you away from what is important already. What does that tell you?" Pop pushes me even further.

"Give us the room" I announce and the boys clear out giving Pop and I some privacy.

"Pop, I respect you but I am telling you now, shut the fuck up. You stepped down so this is my shit. Jinx tried to get in Pippa's pants and if it had of been Georgie you would have a different tune so back the fuck off and let me lead. Pippa is Georgie's best friend, she isnt here to cause trouble"

"She has caused trouble. Last night has put a nail in your coffin. Dont get me wrong son, Im glad nothing happened to her. Her being here without being a member is dangerous, she is an easy target and now everyone knows about her. I thought you would have the sense to tell her to stay away last night. That girl is not my responsibility. Did you give the boys clear instructions on who was to guard Jinx? This is you're job now." He confronts me and I know he's right. I failed already.

"No, I was preoccupied. But Ill own my fuck up, I dont regret going upstairs and I wont say sorry for my decision to shut it all down."

He stands up, pointing a finger at me "You need to appoint your second in command so someone can make decisions for you when you're busy" he takes another dig at me.

"I repeat. Back the fuck up. This is my shit" I shout at him and he just shakes his head in annoyance.

"And shit it is son, shit it is" he throws himself in the chair and I go out to get the boys again, needing a breather before I do something Ill regret.

Keep your cool Harry. His priorities are with the club. He doesnt know Pippa yet.

We all enter the room and Racer strolls in looking like he had the time of his life last night.

"Boys" he winks at me and I want to shoot him in the kneecaps.

"Where the fuck were you?"

"Pussy licking then dipping" he waggles his eyebrows trying to be funny but no one laughs. Racer automatically looks in my direction and I can see him swallow hard, realising his fuck up.

"Who is looking after Jinx and why the fuck did you think it was okay to pawn work off on someone else? Every time we use that shed, its two men. One either side. What makes you think it would be different this time?"

"Well I mean, we were partying, so rookie could sit and guard a door, no?" My blood run red hot.

When Racer sees my expression he swallows the lump in his throat, back tracking on what he said.

"Look I fucked up. Jinx was knocked out, he was barely conscious. I didnt think same rules would apply when the man was almost on deaths door. I fucked up, not my decision to make"

I storms out of chapel and down to the old hay shed. This property back in the day was a farm back in my great grandfathers time. He bought it and extended on throughout the years as the club got bigger. The shed was barely standing but came in useful the odd time.

As I approach the door of the shed, I notice our youngest prospect limp in the steel chair leaning against the door. His chest was rising and falling but he was out cold.

I tap his cheek to wake him but he doesnt budge. Realisation sinking in about how much I fucked this up. My mind was on Pippa. Talking about fucking feelings. Fuck sake.

"Boss, I was only gone about two hours, I stayed until 7am and then grabbed for Holly. This is all recent work"

I turn around seething with anger and grab Racer by his shirt throwing him against the frame of the shed, I lodge my fist against his stomach leaving him badly winded as he falls to the ground groaning.

"Im not fucking done with you yet" I speak through gritted teeth stepping over him to have a look at Lenny, our prospect who had clearly been drugged.

"Find out what they did to Lenny, ring the doc. Have him checked over. Bite marks on his neck, he was injected with something" I spoke to no one in particular as I pulled the door across knowing I was going to be greeted with an empty chair.

How the fuck did I let this happen.

The rope used to tie his hands and feet was thrown onto the floor. The chair was tipped back and of course empty.

"Well would you look at that, I hope the pussy was worth it" my Pop spoke quietly so only I could hear him but his words made my anger reach boiling point.

"Boss I -" Racer tries to apologise as he walks in front of me.

Mistake on his part when I pull out my gun that rests in my holster, pulling off the safety I let it off, right into Racer's leg, just above his kneecap.

Racer falls on to his back, his scream makes the boys wince as they look at me in horror. Tears streak down Racer's face as he holds on to the open wound, blood seeping out onto the concrete.

"Someone put pressure on that until the doc arrives and it's a lesson to all of you. Use your fucking heads. Get back inside and start tracking down Jinx. Miles, get me the CCTV" I scream at them all as Moose gets down on his hands and knees applying pressure to Racer's leg. Big K helping as they try to lift Racer to bring him back to the house.

"Bring Lenny inside" The rest of the boys follow me inside as we wait for Miles to bring up the CCTV.

"Boss, don't you think that was -" Hunter pulls me aside as we wait on Miles to boot up his computer.

"I shouldn't have to announce every little thing I want you fuckers to do. Pop never had to ask twice, we all knew what job needed to be carried out and it got done. I demand the same fucking respect. Can I trust you to be my right hand man? To make sure this never fucking happens again"

"Of course. I got your back. But as your right hand man I don't agree with you coming down so hard on our own. Were family"

"Pippa nearly - she nearly - you know what I am trying to fucking say don't you? Jinx should be being carted out of here in a body bag, instead I gotta find him and risk him coming after my girl"

"Your girl?" He gives me a smug smirk but I was to wound up.

"Not the right fucking time Hunter. Racer has shown nothing but disrespect to my new position. Its like Pop is waiting on me to fail and he doesn't agree with me being with Pippa. Ill do what I have to to prove him wrong starting with ending the fucking BlackHawks and castrating Jinx before I put a bullet between his eyes"

'Sheesh, you're on fire today"

"I'm only getting started"

We give each other a bro hug and continue our walk over to Miles, on the screen is Jinx's right hand man, Pee.

Yes, his name is Pee.

"Fucking Pee managed this" Big K speaks highly amused.

"That fucker is stupid as hell, how did he do it?" Hunter presses play on the tape and it rolls showing Pee shake the lock on the back door, the one Racer should have been guarding, distracting Lenny. Lenny moves off the chair and starts to peak around the corner only for Pee to sneak up on Lenny, a needle straight into his neck before his body goes limp.

He drags him over to the chair and throws him into it, before getting a large snips from his backpack and cutting off the lock on the front door of the shed. All you can make out is his shadow, he tries to keep out of sight but fails when you consider he is about five foot in size with a round belly. His shadow alone gives him away. Pee and Jinx work together on everything. There is no Jinx without Pee so its obvious who came to his rescue.

Moments later, he is helping Jinx out of the shed, Jinx barely conscious and they head towards the dirt road leading out of town the far side of the lake.

"This is odd, its like they planned this, they knew where the cameras were and to avoid looking at them directly" Pop announces as he glances over my shoulder watching the footage. "Pee knew where to find Jinx, was Jinx banking on you finding him with Pippa? How did Pee even know Jinx was here. Did we notice any others?"

"They knew the night that was in it, we would be on high alert. Everyone knows we are at war with the BlackHawks. But we made peace with the Devils, I know they are allies of the BlackHawks but why would they go against us. Unless this is a one off thing, stupid decision made by Jinx. I didnt notice any other Devils here" Hunter spoke, his arms across his chest.

Everyone speaks out to say they didnt see any other Devils. Miles shows us the CCTV from the party and we search the crowd for Devils faces and come up empty, apart from Jinx and his sidekick who none of us recognise. We see the moment he comments to Pippa, we see her go upstairs, five minutes later, they follow.

"Who is Jinx's friend? Can we get our cop friends to run and ID on him?" I ask Miles.

"Ill get on it now" he responds and picks up his burner phone and walks into the living room to make the call.

"Where is Jinx's friend now? I ask Big K.

"Gone. Sent him on with a message and broken bones. Should have fucking questioned him boss. I assumed he was a Devil and just joining in on Jinx's fun." Big K says, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep.

"We all did, we didnt view this as an attack. Just Jinx getting drunk. We all know his history with our women. Georgie said he gets agressive with drink" Hunter says rolling his eyes.  

"With other MC's here and us all on good terms, no one would be brazen enough to attack us last night, I think we all thought that anyway. They would be outnumbered immediately, its a stupid decision" Moose says as we all look at the footage again.

"We cant not look into it, just to cover all bases. Lets take it that they are working with the BlackHawks, they are allies, Im guessing they are building a tribe. Rylan is getting anxious, he wants power. So what's the plan? They are coming at us from every angle" Pop asks sounding concerned.

"We draw out the pawn, someone go tidy and fix up the shed. Meet back here in a half hour, we got some digging to do" I say before we all go our seperate ways.

Im heading straight for the bar.


When the evening comes around Im exhausted from the hours of dead ends.

The Blackhawks have disappeared off the face of the earth just like Jinx and Pee. We've had our cop friends on the lookout, tracing Pee's and Jinx's movements. It brings them to the interstate and then they start taking dirt roads so we lose them.

A beat up old Toyato Corolla collected them about two miles from our land, we cant see the driver but we are guessing its one of Rylans men.

Jinx's friend is a hobo, no relation to either crew. Im guessing that decision is just to throw us off the scent and waste our time.

We tried to get information on the Devils but it seems Jinx and Pee had gone rogue in the last few weeks. Coincidence, I think not.

Jinx and Pee took out the President of the Devils. His name was Victor and he was a sixty eight year old man that didnt want anything other than a leather cut and a Harley, he had no interest in the club and they had no trade here in Dallas. Money had dried up so I guess Jinx and Pee made moves to gain power and approached Rylan knowing he was eager for men, bringing the remaining Devils with them. 

The more we went digging, the further away we got from solid information so we had to put the dots together, they all kept leading to the Devils and BlackHawks joining forces. 

I have a headache and all I want is sex and steak, preferably in that order.

After showering and changing I swing open my bedroom door to have Pippa fall into my arms.

"Well, hello there" she slurs. A bottle of whiskey in her hand, her eyes all glassy in her drunk state.

I steady her on two feet. She has a red leather dress on that clings to every bit of skin and I cant help but bite my knuckles at the sight of her. I was hard just looking at her. She makes me feel out of control. Ive never been so horny in my life.

"You want to tussle?" She rubs up against me in her leather clad and even in her state she's sexy as hell. Pippa has been drinking a lot since she got here, so she could handle quite a bit of liquor. That means she must be drinking for the past few hours to be in this state.

"Harry answer me!" She whines and I cant wipe the smug smile off my face. She's needy and I like it. She loses some of that control when shes drunk. She becomes more open.

"You should slow down on the hard stuff" I try to pry the bottle from her hands but she holds it tight squeezing her dainty hands around it.

"Nooo, I want you to lick a trail of whiskey from my chin to my pussy" my dick springs to life at her words, she starts pulling on my belt buckle and I have to nearly wrestle her to give it up.

She was strong for a little thing.

"Im not fucking you when you're trashed. Lie down" I place her on the bed, steeling the whiskey bottle off her and placing it on the bedside table.

"So you will go down on me then?" My god she was relentless. She loves to torture me.

"How about you tell me what's going on?"

"Oh my, does Harry want to talk about feelings?" I bite my tongue in annoyance at her tone. She's mocking me and I want to bite her tit for being such a tease.

"Don't be a dick and tell me what's going on" I pin her to the bed as I lay between her legs. Im sure she could feel my erection dig into her core as her eyes went wide.

"I just need you" she pouts, clearly not ready to make this easy on me.

"Big change of mind since last night. Im guessing you heard Jinx got out? I wanted to come tell you myself but Im guessing Pop let that information out" I push her to talk by opening the conversation.

She bites her lip and swallows hard. Her eyes show me how nervous she feela and no doubt the alcohol shes been drinking is a way to block this mess out.

"I failed you, I didn't keep my promise. Im sorry" It has been weighing on my shoulders all day. I let her down and it kills me to think he could try to get to her again.

The BlackHawks now know my weakness. Fuck.

Thats what this is about. Last night was a test from the BlackHawks and I just played into there hands.

I know my Pop gave me shit and he was right too. This is not good, I failed Pippa and my men. I failed my club.

Pop can be angry all he wants, but ranting about me to Mom or Georgie shouldnt have been how Pippa found this out. Im pissed the fuck off now. 

Racer got the brunt of my anger earlier and I got to say, I feel a little bad about that too.

One good thing to come from it is, I earn respect for my position. Now I just gotta show that my Pop made the right decision.

Pippa rubs her soft hand along my cheek, her eyes full of raw emotion.

"I'm scared, not just for me but for you and what this means" she holds my gaze as I lean down and peck her lips.

"I presume you know what my job entails?" She nods as she bites her lip, something she does when she was nervous and it turns me on immensely.

"It's hard to know who to trust. Im sorry I brought those men into our home"

"Our home?" She questions, her eyes blinking fast like she was fighting back tears.

"Our home, this is your home too Pippa. Don't ever forget that. We will do anything to protect you. I will personally kill anyone that hurts you"

She gives me a weak smile, her hand running along my cheek again. I could see the gears turning in her head.

She was about to -

"How do you feel about me?" I knew it. I fucking knew it.

This is where being vulnerable gets you. She tugs on my weak spots, when all I want her to tug is my cock.

Fucking feelings.

I steel all my courage, suck in a breath as I really think about what she's asking.

Im sweating even thinking about it. Why is this so hard, I cant make sense of it in my head and she wants me to voice it.

"I don't know how I feel, but it's a nice feeling and I only ever have it when I'm with you. That's all you're getting. I don't do this mushy shit" she gives me a megawatt smile, one that has my heart beating and dick twitching.

"I can see myself falling for you" I freeze. There it goes.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"But I don't think I should" she adds looking away from me.

"And why not?" I feel a bit offended. I am a hypocrite, I know this. Apparently having feelings doesnt make sense either.

"Because this is bound to end up in heartbreak" her voice cracks slightly and she looks away clearing her throat.

She fights against her feelings a lot and she only ever speaks freely when she is half a bottle of whiskey deep. Its becoming a habit here and I like the freedom of speech act but this shit was deep.

I dont fucking do deep, unless it balls deep in a pussy.

"Pippa, I cant promise you anything. This whole 'love' shit, I don't get it. Its fake, it's not a feeling. It's a word posh people throw around. I love cheesecake but I don't feel the need to declare it every five minutes. I dont see that changing" Her eyebrows furrow and she looks at me like I have ten heads.

"That's not true"

"It's my truth. I want your crazy fucking ass Pippa, that's all I know"

She nods her head, a hint of a smile on her face.

"Just one more thing.." she runs a finger along my chest.

"Uh huh" I watch her finger slowly trail down to my open belt. Kill. Me. Now.

"When you find Jinx, I want to see him. I want to show him that he didn't break me. I want to stop the circulation in his balls by squeezing until I hear a crunch" I wince at the thought but I was concerningly hard right now.

"I think I just jizzed my pants, where the hell did you come from" I ask amazed by her.

"Glory Angels Orphanage" She laughs out loud in a menacing tone. It was freaky but sexy.

"What?" I question. She has like six different personalities tonight.

"Never mind" she pulls me down attacking my lips, her tongue pushes into my mouth aggressively as her hand slips into my boxers stroking me.

Im painfully hard but I cant do this. Not when she's drunk.

"Not tonight" I bite down on her lip and she moans into my mouth just to finalise my torture.

"You need to sleep this off" I push her up the bed and she sprawls out taking up the bed.

"For a tiny thing you take up the whole damn bed" I strip down and check the clock. It was hitting on 11pm and I was getting into bed.

I sent off a quick text to Hunter to tell him that I think I know what the BlackHawks are coming for next and to call chapel for 9am before I jump in beside her. She nestles her head against my chest and begins snoozing.

Hunter text back to say he has let everyone know before I grab hold of Pippa and get comfortable for the second night of cuddles.

What was happening to me?

The idea of the BlackHawks going after Pippa was enough to make me want to keep her by my side 24/7. The more I thought about it the more anxious I felt that she now had a big X on her back.

I have to protect her.

I lay awake replaying what Pippa said about the orphanage that she came from. I assume its a joke but something about her tone and the expression on her face made me second guess my opinion. Maybe she is an orphan, I really dont know that much about her.

I want to get to know it all though. Every single detail.

It's always a priority to run background checks on anyone new to the club, Pop is probably right about doing one on Pippa. Id like to give her a chance to tell us first though.

** Authors Note **

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