Adopted by Heathers Cast

By chaoticgeek

65.4K 2.3K 3.9K

Catlynn Reeve is no stranger to abuse. Her father and older brother have abused her since the day she was bor... More

Aw Look, Catlynn's Gonna Whine
So I'll Build A Dream That I Can Live In
Somebody Hug Me, Somebody Fix Me!
The Tiniest Lifeboat...
...Full of People I Know
It's Just You And Me, And The Castmates Who Love You
Act Like We're All Still Kids
This Could Be Beautiful
I Can't Promise No More Hospitals
She Was Sweet, She Said That I Was Smart
You're Welcome
Catlynn, Sure You're Scared, I've Been There
No One Sees The Me Inside Of Me
Wanna Fight For Me?
Dreadful Etiquette, I Know
We Always Knew You Were a Winner
Who Knew I Had This Thirst?
If She Had Your Shot
You Need The Strength To Pretend It's No Big Deal
Honey, Whatcha Waiting For?
At The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee...
Guilt, Regret, Anxiety, Fears We Dare Not Name
You're The One I Choose
Let Us Be Thirteen
Storms Are Approaching, There's Nowhere to Hide
Catlynn, I'm So Sorry...
Why Do I Cry Myself To Sleep?
This Could Be Our Final Chance
Greetings and Salutations
Think, Long and Hard
Are We On For Movie Night?
I've Been Thinking, Praying, Reading Some Magazines
Are There Any Happy Endings?
It's Time For Big Fun
Holy Crap! This Is Awesome!
So Let The Speakers Blow
Catlynn's Chandler Nightmare
Maybe Prom Night, Maybe Dancing
What's Your Damage?
Fine, We're Damaged, Really Damaged
That Freak's Not Your Friend, I Can Tell In The End
Time For You To Prove You're Not A Loser Anymore
Hold Me Tighter, Even Closer
They Made You Cry, But That Will End Tonight
Whine, Whine, Whine All Night
But We Let Go, Take A Deep Breath
We Can Start and Finish Wars
Life Is Random and Unfair
Catlynn, What's Going On?
Brand New Sheriff's Come To Town
People Hurt Us...
Hey, Mr. No-Name-Kid
Don't You Want A Life With Me?
Hope You'll Miss Me, Wish You'd Kiss Me
You Heard The Man, It's Time To Rage!
Got No Time To Talk
My Best Friend Seemed To Have It All Together
My Friend, You Will Be Missed
The Folks Are Gone, It's Time For Big Fun!
I Might Be Beautiful
It's My Favorite Moment Of The Bee
Are We Going To Have A Problem?
But Just Underneath Was A Terrified Girl...
Let's Be Normal, See Bad Movies
Blame It On Your Daddily and Mammily
When Are You Returning? I Know We Agreed
Chaos is What Killed The Dinosaurs, Darling
How I Wish You Were Home...
It's Possible, Anything's Possible
Oh, The Thinks You Can Think!
Dear Mom and Dad, I'm Thinking of You...
I Saved A Chair For My Mom...
Are You A Heather? No, I'm A Catlynn
I'm Hugging My Knees
I'm Alone in the Universe
I'll Be Home With You
Solla Sollew...
My Future's In Your Hands
I Am Damaged
Shut Up, Violet!
My Own Planets and Stars Are Glowing
I'm A Thinker, And I Think Thinks!
Give Me Some Hope Here
We're The Asteroid That's Overdue
My Problems Were Myriad, I Just Started My Period
Why Rehash A Nasty Crash?
One True Friend In The Universe
Set Your Sights, I Am On A Mission!
Regrets and Goodnight
Mama, Mama, Mama!
I'm Drifting Through Space And Cannot Steer!
I'm Going Home, And That, Sir, Is That!
Stick Around Here, Make Things Better
Baking Cookies, Eating Paste
Look Who's With Her, Oh My God
Joy Never Comes For Free
Try Not To Think, Try To Behave
My Philosophy Is Simply, Things Could Be Worse!
Don't Worry, I'm Not Nervous
I Think Dad Is Angry, Ma
...And I Do Not Know What To Do
But We Are Equals, Ma, Where Neither Condescends!
I'd Rather Have Christmas Than War, Wouldn't You?
In These Lights, Can You Feel Our Pain?
Tell Yourself How Lucky You Are
Why Do They Hate Me? Why Don't I Fight Back?
Brains In My Head and Feet In My Shoes
And Will You Succeed? You Will, Yes Indeed!
Our Perfect Little Girl...
Save Our Dust, Sir!
Breaking The Peace, Creating A Fuss
You're On Your Own, You Know What You Know
Think And Wonder And Dream
Welcome to My School, This Ain't No High School
There's A Faraway Land So The Stories All Tell
Catlynn's Trying To Keep Him Out Now...
...Too Late! He Got In
We Were Kind Before, We Can Be Kind Once More
Here Comes The Cootie Squad!
I Was Meant To Be Yours
And You Feel Almost Normal...
Yo Girl, Keep It Together
You Were The Perfect Child
Wake From This Coma
And In This Case I Say The Shoe Fits
We Have Rights! That's Why We Complain
Mama, I Made A Friend
You Were Good But Not Good Enough
Doesn't Anyone Else Care About The Rules?
And I'll Sing You A Lullaby...
You Are The Only Thing That's Right About This Broken World
If I Go To Washington, Will I Be On My Own?
Life is Pandemonium!
I Try Not To Disappoint
Mama, I Love You
Woe is Me
That's The Reason We Despair
Please Let Me Say It One Time Louder
You're Planning Your Future, Catlynn McLemore
Who Will Be My Chaperone?
I'll Make It Happen, And Not As Previously Reckoned...
...Cause I Will Not Come In Second!
Kids Are Mean, Kids'll Talk
All For You
Your Love's Too Good To Lose
Not One Person Is Listening
When The News Is All Bad
I Believe In Ethical Conduct
A Very Nice, Very Very Nice, Very Nice Beginning
I'd Trade My Life For Yours
But You Didn't React...
Tell Me What You're Learning
I Had Quietly Packed
Winner's Destination: Washington, D.C.
Could You Be Seen With Me And Still Act Proud?
You're Right, That Really Blows
Maybe We Won't Grow Up
My Letter To Catlynn
A Special Thank You

Troubles There Are Few

197 10 8
By chaoticgeek

Cat's blanket.

The one thing that Cat left on the couch was her blanket. 

The paramedics had just left, and I was on the phone with Elle, explaining the situation and trying not to sob my eyes out. 

Every single time I'm alone with Cat, something horrible happens. First it was the time that I offered to take her to her blood test. The very next day, she wound up in the hospital and then ran off. The second time, it was when she found out Red was moving and she hurt her knee. Then she slipped in a coma and almost died.

I would've never forgave myself if Cat died.

The next order of business: getting to the hospital to make sure Cat's okay. I snapped out of my mindset and ran to my car, getting in the front seat and speeding off in the darkness.

It was 2:30 in the morning. And I was heading to the children's hospital. 


I was standing in the lobby of the hospital, clutching Cat's blanket to my chest and trying to work up the courage to go into her hospital room.

"Come on, Katie." I said to myself. "She just hurt her knee, she's not in a coma or anything. You're acting like she could die during the night." I probably looked like such a baby. 

I took a deep breath and headed down the hallway to Cat's hospital room, which the nurse had written on an index card for me. 

I found the correct room and quietly opened the door. 

I looked around the room. Cat was curled up into a tiny ball, covered with hospital blankets. A monitor was beeping softly in the corner, and Cat's arm had an IV in it. 

I ran over to the sleeping Cat and stroked her hair. Cat stirred a little and I felt bad, I didn't want to wake her up. She hasn't gotten enough sleep as it is. 

"K-Katie..." I heard Cat mumble. She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Hi, Sunshine." I said softly to Cat. Cat smiled and threw her arms around me, sobbing into my chest.

"I'm sorry...this is my fault..." Cat whispered. I kissed her head and said, "It's not your fault, Sunshine. It's mine. We should be having a fun night together and now we're both in a hospital."

"Because of me." Cat said softly. I hugged Cat and said, "No, because of me. I should've checked in on you. I should've been more careful." 

"It's not your fault, Katie. It's just a bunch of very rotten luck. Stop blaming all my hospital trips on yourself." Cat said, gently hugging me.

"Hey, how's your knee?" I asked. Cat pulled down the blanket and showed me her knee in a knee brace, her kneecap red and swollen.

"They put it back in place. But it still hurts a bit and it's still super swollen." Cat said. Cat grabbed my hand and squeezed it, and I squeezed back. 

"Can we cuddle?" Cat asked softly. I nodded and held my niece in a hug.

"I'm sorry Auntie..." Cat said, choking on her words a little. I felt horrible. She was apologizing for something she was absolutely not at fault for. 

"Hey, it's not your fault. At all." I said, stroking Cat's hair. Cat seemed to relax a little, so I started rocking her back and forth.

"Katie?" Cat asked softly. I kissed Cat's head and said, "Yeah, Sunshine?"

"I want to go home." Cat said. 

"I know. Just a little longer, then we can keep having fun." I said. 

A lightbulb went off in my head. I held Cat close and started counting softly in her ear. No one else knew about this, not even Elle. It was a calming method I used with Cat when I first met her, and it was mine and mine only. 

"1...2...3..." I whispered.

By the time I got to 6, Cat was fast asleep in my arms.


Catlynn's POV

I woke up not knowing where I was. When the world came into focus, I saw Elle sitting on the chair in the living room.

I was home.

I threw myself in Elle's arms, crying. Katie pulled me back and said, "Sunshine! Watch out for your knee!"

Oops. I forgot I hurt my knee. Again. I giggled and hugged Elle again, not really noticing or caring about the brace on my knee. 

"Was she a good girl?" Elle said to Katie, pulling me on her lap. 

"She was perfect." Katie said. I looked at the mess in the kitchen. 

"You two made a mess." Elle said. I laughed and said, "Katie wanted me to make the frozen pizza you were saving for this weekend."

Elle looked at Katie, who shot me a Help me look. 

"It was my idea." Katie said, lying right through her teeth. I laughed and threw my arms around Elle. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" Elle asked me. I nodded and then Elle said, "I didn't actually have to go anywhere tonight. I wanted to get you ready for D.C. so I stayed at a hotel with Jess."

"So you...wanted to help me?" I asked.

"Yes. I wanted you to see how it feels for a night, just to make sure you really wanted to do this." Elle said. I smiled and said, "I'm ready, Mommy. I can do this."

"Do what?" Jessica asked. I waved to her and pulled out my phone, showing Elle, Jess, and Katie the email. The email that showed I really was going to D.C.

"I'm going to D.C." I said.

AN: IT ENDED WELL. Everyone happy? Good. Everyone's happy. I'm writing this while SCREAMING showtunes at the top of my lungs like the geek I am. Hope you enjoyed! Catch ya later!

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