My Personal Dancer

By SnowMegami

163K 7.1K 2.5K

Jimin just finished high school and is going to college to become a professional dancer, but what happens whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
So like...
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Oh noes!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75


1.2K 64 9
By SnowMegami

Jimin POV

As the sun started to set and things were pretty much ready. I headed to the back to get ready for things to go down. I dressed my skin with makeup for the performance and set out both outfits that I'll get into. Sadly due to how loud the second outfit is, we had to switch the performance around so that he wouldn't guess what's to come. Once I finished, I got my hair done, picked out accessories, and jewelry out so that changing in the middle of the performance won't be a hassle. I stared at myself practically vibrating at the idea that for one, I don't know if I got accepted into the group of dance and two if this is going to work out. I've practiced so hard for this day and thank goodness that I'm not exhausted because this would definitely put me out.

"Alright Minie, woah dude you look delicious," Tae said, walking over to me.

"Thanks, that's the whole point," I chuckled.

He swats my shoulder then sits beside me while going through the clipboard of papers then looking back at me with a smile.

"So we ran through plans to scoop him up and of course we don't want to scare him too badly but we really wanted to kidnap him and have his eyes and ears covered until he gets here to have you be the first thing you see."

"You guys are horrible," I commented.

"Having him blindsided is the best surprise and even Wonho was willing to help out since he's good at snatching bodies without it being noticed. I contacted Tamori about it and she's willing to play along to make it realistic."

"So you guys were willing to do this without my say.... Well, we'll see how this plays out since you guys already had it planned. Just know if he were to react negatively, all of this won't work out."

"Don't worry, I know my brother like the back of my hand. Plus with pops and Wonho, this is going to be fun. Welp enough talk! Time to go steal your man and transport him into the place in the Magic Shop that only belongs to him."

Jungkook POV

"I think I should go on ahead and head back. Thank you guys for an amazing time," Jungkook said softly.

"Anything for you kid," Wonho smiled.

"You deserved it. You've grown so much at such a rate that I've never seen anyone go through and you need time to appreciate it today. Beside I- JUNGKOOK!"

Before I could turn to see what she was looking at, I was off the ground and the world dark. Restraints were on me quicker than I could mutter a word hearing Tamori and Wonho trying to get to me. I couldn't wiggle out no matter how hard I tried. I was placed in a car and was held in place.

"Who are you! I swear to god I'll fucking kill you all!"

I couldn't move, it's as if I was cemented onto the seat, sandwiched between two thick men. No words uttered throughout the trip and I couldn't focus long enough to figure out where we were going. The car stopped and was then shoved out on the back of a motorcycle? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Again strapped but onto the driver and was wiggled throughout the trip. I couldn't keep up and now have a headache. Fuck this isn't how I want my birthday to go.... I hope Jimin is ok.... I hope my past hasn't tried to get to him again.

"Good, bring him in," A voice said.

Something about that voice seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Shoved inside, I was moved into a room then forced into a chair. The bag on my head was removed but was still pitch black. I calmed myself but it was hard to not want to break free and tried my hand at it until I heard someone clear their throat. I froze unsure what's going to happen, finding the hairs on my body standing at attention. Lights cut on and viewed a stage with smoke pooling onto the floor. There was a very familiar body on stage in a familiar outfit. They turned around and my heart was at my throat, yet was able to call out his name


He smiled but not cutely.... But as if he had something more to what he plans to do. The music started and it was as if he was a different person. I've never seen him do something like this and I couldn't help but be drawn to his every move.....gods he's belly dancing. Is this what it feels when people watch me? The song wasn't traditional but rather something you could definitely move your hips to. He moved effortlessly with such intricate hip movements that I was too wrapped in the dance itself. God, he was beautiful.... As if he was a god himself dancing for me like he was trying to enchant me. The chair I was on was moving me up closer, his eyes not leaving me looking down at me as if he was hungry. His stare shot straight to my dick and spine. I found it a bit hard to breathe wanting to rip him from the stage and have my way with him but then was moved back a bit as the song ended and it got dark.


Jimin POV

"Of course he wouldn't figure it out but I guess he'll have to suffer," Tae whispered as the first song faded and I was already in my second outfit a little shy to wear it with everyone eyeing me like I'm a meal. Without a second thought I moved out as the second song started and the lights shined me looking down at Jungkook who looked like he wanted to eat me...Good... and don't worry he'll get that chance soon.

Jungkook POV

As soon as the second started and the lights hit him once more, I swear I could've broken the restraints to take him because holy fuck is he sexy. Sleeveless turtleneck crop top with a collar and ring attached to it. Shorts with leather straps and still barefoot. I leaned back, spreading my legs open to watching him perform for me.... Just me and him....

Once it was finished, pop sounds sounded off scaring the shit out of me and thankfully killing the boner that I was sporting almost through the performance. Everyone came from different directions singing happy birthday, at the same time letting me free. Jimin came down from the stage and waddled over to join us at my side. The cake came to the center as the room dimmed to take in the moment.

"Aw guys," I managed to say before the tears came out.

Of course, everyone cooed while I tried to get myself together so I could do this damn speech.

"Thank you all for this.... Taehyung and Hobi I'm so going to beat your ass for this but thanks, man.....Pops...thank you for being in our lives and allowing this to happen. Everyone who helped I'm so giving you guys hell for this because god I thought this was real until I saw this beautiful angel at the end," I said, turning to face Jimin.

"I didn't want them to do this but they wanted to do it," Jimin tattled.

"Don't worry it was all worth it, especially that performance you put on? I couldn't be any happier thanks to you all."

"Alright, enough of the sappy shit make a wish and blow the candles so I can get wasted," Hobi said, earning a slap from Seolji without hesitation.

I looked at the cake once more and thought about how I want to live my life with these beautiful people.... I looked over to Jimin and smiled knowing that I get to live my life with this angel....god, I'm so lucky to have him with me.... Someone to call mine....maybe permanently....soon....

I blew out the candles once I got what I wanted to wish for and everyone immediately started the party with music, dancing, and such. Jimin slipped away from me then came back with more comfortable clothes which is understandable because that's the most revealing clothes if you want to call them that, I've ever seen on him..... Speaking of which...

"Minie, please tell me those aren't yours," I asked.

"Yea! I went shopping with Tae to get them," he answered.

"....He didn't help you pick them out?"

"Nope! It's all me, he wanted to help so badly for the performance but I swatted him away so that I could work my magic. Don't think I didn't notice you looking hungrily at me throughout the performance," he smiled kissing my jaw.

"Wait till we get back to the dorm," I threatened as I grabbed a handful causing him to jump.

Jimin POV

Of course, it's nice for Jungkook to think this is all that he's getting tonight. I'm glad to make sure that he doesn't drink himself under the table or somewhere I couldn't get to him somewhere, so just as we were on our way out, I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye as it approached me without warning.

"Jimin," he said, causing me to move away from Jungkook and the man.

Jungkook looked up at me and moved in front of me standing there looking rather annoyed. There stood Kai and what it seems to be Mona at his side.

"How do you- never mind of course you would know where Jimin would be you fucking stalker. The fuck do you want now," Jungkook said.

"Jimin, this is your last chance..... You know you need me baby come back to me," he said ignoring Jungkook altogether.

Mona gave him the same look we gave when he spoke to me, moved back a bit.

"Jongin..... Leave me the fuck alone..... I want nothing to do with you.... Go rot somewhere."

Kai smirked and frowned then started for us. Before he could get at least 3ft towards us, I stood in front of Jungkook and took him by the hand.

"Jimin, what are you doing," Jungkook asked, stepping up a bit.

I looked at him with a sad smile and held my head low. I knew Kai loves this kind of behavior and wrapped his hand around my waist laughing.

"Of course you knew what was going to happen if I got a hold of your fling.... Now let's go."


"It's alright Jungkook.... It's alright...."

Mona then steps up to Jungkook without saying a word, but before we walked down the alley that the incident happened. I look back at Jungkook one last time before leaving.

"You got some nerve to ignore my advances bitch.... That's alright.... Now that I have you again I don't have to worry about losing you.... You don't understand how long it's been since I get to taste you and I can't wait any longer," he said pinning me to the wall.

"Kai what are you doing... why.... Why can't we do this inside? I know a room we can go into," I suggested.

"Alright, lead the way..... No funny stuff," he said as he poked a knife on my back.

Great, while I'm trying my damndest to NOT vomit, I have to hope and pray that the plan works out.....

We went in through the back and managed to sneak into the room that Chen occupied in the past and he started to shove me onto the ground.

"You didn't have to shove me ya know," I commented.

"Say something else and I'll make sure to leave a mark," he said holding my neck down leaving his free hand trying to pull something out..... Something far too familiar.

"Now be a good slut and not let this go to waste," he said as he pulls a syringe out.

"Nope," was all I said as I punched him in the nose and managed to get out of his grasp.

"Bitch if you don't come here right now, I'll kill you myself," Kai yelled holding his nose.

"Bitch try me," I shouted back with a smile.

Without hesitation, he bolted straight for me to only fall and drop the syringe.

"You know better than to defy me bitch.... You will become my bitch and always will be," he growled as he picked himself up then stood there.

"You're unwell Jongin.... The things you did to me hurt and want no part in it....," I spoke softly.

"You could've gotten used to it..... You becoming your own person wasn't what I want for you.... I can take care of you Jimin," he pleaded.

"Oh so now I have a name? And dine you're so reluctant to hear me out once more, do yourself a favor and turn yourself in for what you did to me.... You know they're still looking for you," I notified.

"You really think they'll find me!"

He came for me and pinned me to the wall. Thankfully the pain wasn't severe but he started to squeeze harder.

"You wanna die so badly then DIE!"

Now normally this is sad and hoping for me to get a free kinda thing but my body decided this was a great idea and popped a boner from him choking me......lovely. To top it off, he notices and smiles at me which then he stops and starts touching me.....ew.

"So you wanted it rough huh? Why didn't you say so?"

He's like a switch, leaving me rather confused about how fast his anger diffuses just to start kissing down my body and ripped my favorite shirt. My stomach started to turn and maybe vomiting isn't so bad as long as I get it all over him.

"Call me daddy bitch," he said, slapping me, knocking me out of my train of thought.

"No, get off of me," I said, shoving him off as rough as I could.

He slapped me harder causing me to fall. He picks me up and throws me on the chair closest to the door and pins me. I happen to look down and realize that he has a gun....fuck now I really can't do much.

"Oh, you see that? Should've shown you this from the beginning but I felt that I didn't need to resort to such measures. But let that be a reminder if you continue to test me.... Daddy only has but so much patience," he whispered running his tongue down my neck.

I just want this shit to end but I don't plan on having this end in his way either. Before I could even think of anything the lights cut out and it was pitch black.

"The fucks going on?"

"I'm going to ask you once," a familiar voice spoke oozing malice in his words.

"Leave or I'll make sure you don't walk again."

The lights cut on, and it was Jungkook with a knife at Kai's neck. Shivers shot down my spine with how intense his expression is.

"Why won't you give up fling? You're just an excuse-"

Before He could finish his sentence, Kook grabbed him by his hair and yanked him to the ground. Tae and Hobi appeared to make sure I'm alright.

"Kook, don't overdo- is that a gun?!" Hobi shouted, moving in front of me.

"Yea," Jungkook answered, snatching it off of Kai, kicked him in the ribs as he unloaded it.

"Minnie baby are you alright?"

Jungkook comes over and holds me then examines me, seeming to make sure I'm not showing any marks until he gets to my neck. His eyes widened, stepped back, and....relaxed? I couldn't help but to furrow my eyebrows and looked at a reflection to see a hand-sized bruise decorated around my neck. I turned to look at Kai as I marched over to him. I could hear Jungkook and the others calling me back to them but couldn't hear them anymore after my fist made contact with Kai's face followed by a collective gasp behind me.

"Fine have it you way bitch!"

Kai sprang up and punched me..... Why couldn't I feel it? Before I could register the chain of events, Kai was on the ground and passed out... God, he looked horrible... is that blood on my hands? Did I do that? My hands are tingling like before when I blacked out. Voices sounded muffled, seeming to be a bit frantic... Jungkook... He looks scared... so does Hobi and Tae... oh Van's here....



"Are you ok? You were trembling really badly," Hobi said wiping the blood off my hands with some rag.

"Yea.... what happened? All I can remember was looking at my neck then everything went silent ... did I do this?"

Hobi looked at me with a sad expression then smiled.

"Sadly yes. He's still breathing, but god Jimin... You did a number on him. I'm not gonna lie and say he didn't deserve it, but if we didn't pry you off of him, we would have to get rid of a body."

I looked at the lifeless body and felt nothing but relief... this time my rage was used on the right person... the one who needed it the most.

After a shower and a change of clothes once more for today, I was taken home by Tae and stayed until Kook came. Once we were alone, he picked me up, carried me to the bedroom, and kissed my forehead.

"Are you ok?" I asked him, earning a quizzical look.

"I should be asking you that... I'm fine now that he's dealt with... just... processing all of that... seeing you get at him like that as if you wanted to rip him literally into shred was an experience."

"Which I've been told," I replied snuggling into the blanket some more.

Jungkook took a moment then opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"It's ok if you don't have anything else to say, love," I said tugging his sweats.

"Just wondering if you're ok, how do you feel right now, is there anything I can do for you-"

"Give me a hug and pet me," I replied softly.

And like that, none of those questions mattered right now. Just us, in bed, enjoying each other's company until we were too tired to say anything else if either of us had anything to say for that matter.


Is all I can think about. Like I was released from my past chains and able to finally start recovering from it all... if only I could do it faster. Things that were done couldn't be forgotten but all I can do was forgive myself for the bad things I've said and thought about myself and heal from it all. I'm so thankful to have those who not only care for me but are there.... If I was alone I wouldn't know what I could've done, or where I would be.


"God what's in this box Kook," I asked, dropping the box a bit, hoping nothing fragile or expensive is in it.

"I did write what was in it on the box, Minie," he replied, walking over to look at it.

"While you figure that out, I'll go check to see if there's anything else in the truck," I told him as I headed out of our house.

"Looks like everything's out Minie," Yoongi says as he carries what was left followed by Hobi, Namjoon, and Ravi.

"Great! I should order food for the hard workers then!"

"Yea!" They said in unison.

Tired, full, and happy, we chilled out and some of us just dozed off because of all the lifting and brainpower we had to do all day. Jungkook came to gather me since I refused to sleep and moved me to the bedroom.

"What about the others?"

"I'll be sure to get them situated, you got a big day ahead of you," he whispered, planting a kiss on my head.


The next day I was introduced to the dance team and finally went into therapy after being financially stable. Jungkook started class in photography and graphic design. Hobi and Seolji took over Magic Shop while Van retires along with Hobi tending to his dance studio. Namjoon, Ravi, and Yoongi managed to sign themselves to an awesome deal and already got their music out quickly. Jin hyung and Namjoon got engaged surprisingly and planned to have their marriage later in life to focus on their careers to save money. Tae is now one of the most well-known designers across the globe doing shows in places he's never been and receiving pictures of everything he sets his eyes on.... We still keep in touch and whenever we manage to get together we do it big and have a great ass don't get me wrong we still go down by the Shop and perform and I like to put Jungkook on the spot when he least expects it, but life's great!

I reached my dream not only with my efforts but with the people I love and care about. And that's how I was able to live my dream.

Thank you all for reading this story... you guys have to understand that I've never thought this story would lift off the ground as much as it did and it's all thanks to you all. I'm happy to come back and finish it properly before moving on to projects that I'm currently working on as of right now and hope that you enjoyed it from beginning to end. Reading yalls comments has been a treat so thank you for this experience! Bye-bye!!

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