Any Kind of RWBY Stories 2

Von DarkSoulsDepression

297K 2.3K 1.2K

After part 200 DarkSoulsDepression was unable to write another part. So he took it upon himself to start a ne... Mehr

The Nevermore and the Raven
When Forces Collide
Everyone Makes a Mistake
Beach Day Fun (Lemon)
The Shining Sun and Red Rose
Two Red Hoods
You Make Me Feel Invincible
You Will Fall For Me
An Unknown Encounter
The Boss' Son
No One I'd Rather Be With
Beach Day Events
Flames of Rage and Fires of Passion (Lemon)
Let Me Guide You Through Your Shadows
Exploring the World Through a New Point of View
Time Changes a Lot of Things
Bonding as a Family (Lemon) [Remaster]
Love of the Ice Queen [Remaster]
I Don't Care What You Say About Her [Remaster]
The Queen and Her Puppet
Never What It Seems
Droids and the Brees
The Sting of Embers and the Fears of Shadows
Double the Schnee Double the Worries
Triple the Pain, Triple the Sadness
Quadruple the Weiss, Quadruple the Wives
Believing in Destiny
The Queen of the Underground
Two Faced Lover
Please Stop Apologizing
Never Letting Go
Prey of the Golden Lion
Rejecting Destiny
The Alpha and the Beta
The Black Rose
The Color of Fear
Miscommunicated Feelings
The Smallest Beginning
A Quiet Rage
Always by Your Side
The Wallflowers
Personal Property
Special Eyes
You Belong to Me
Otherworldly Desire
A Gentle Soul
Nightmare Vacation
Ice Cold Coffee

For Honor and Glory

3K 43 47
Von DarkSoulsDepression

This one may get... very complicated and for that I truly apologize. But this has been in the making for many months in my head. Therefore much time and thought has gone into the base of the story and many, many, many ideas have been had since then. So hopefully this will somehow turn out okay anyways let's go... OH NEARLY FORGOT it is gonna be a very long time before the love interest is even introduced so yeah... Like I said tons of ideas making this very, very, very long.

Medieval au also you are a two year old baby for now

I sat down beside my mother as she was picking some food. I tugged on her sleeve wanting her attention as she happily gave it to me. She picked me up and bounced me up and down slowly as I laughed, smiling at her until she covered her mouth with her elbow and held me further away. I reached out to her wanting more attention until a man walked up behind her as she sat me down turning to the man.

"Taking another break you filthy wench."

"I-I'm sorry sir... M-My son just wan-"

Abruptly she was slapped and fell back a bit as I looked at her then the man as he just spat on her as I began to cry from the scary noise.

"Be happy I am even willing to let you work for a few copper. Now back to work and shut that fucking child up right now you stupid sow!!"

He screeched at her before walking away as my mother just took a deep breath clenching her fist.

I crawled over to my mother shaking her while wanting to be held again. She just smiled and held out her hand. I clung to it as she giggled and went back to picking food. I watched as she picked food for a long time. When the man came back and handed her three pieces of copper. He screamed at us to leave as mom picked me up and carried me out of the place.

She walked the dirt streets on the side as knights and more important people walked down the center. I clung to my mother as she kissed my head humming my favorite melody. I felt my eyes growing heavier and heavier as she just hummed to me and I fell asleep. The next thing I remember is the seats in church and my mother was praying.

I tugged on her sleeve as she opened one of her eyes and sat me in her lap. I giggled a bit until she stuck one of her fingers into my mouth as I suckled on it. I felt happy with this as she continued to pray. I just suckled on her finger oblivious to all the things around me as time blended together. It wasn't long till I saw something being passed around and mom pulled her finger out of my mouth. I just watched as she put in one of the things the angry man gave us into a bowl and passed it on. After that we left the church and went back down the dirt streets to a ditch of others like us.

"Who's mommys' sweet heart."

She held me up as she cooed those words out over and over again.

I giggled and raised my hands up thinking we were playing as she threw me into the air very gently over and over again. We did this for a while until mom put me down and coughed into her hands. I watched as a red liquid covered her hands and I wanted to be held again. She just smiled wiping her hands on her dress covered in stains and tattered with holes before picking me up again. This time instead of playing she held me close to her chest and rocked me back and forth slowly as I smiled falling back asleep.

The next thing I remember when I woke up was mom looked really tired and had some food in her hands. She must have noticed me and kissed my head as I giggled reaching up to her. The smile on her face was bright but she looked much more tired. My eyes began to water up as my stomach growled and I started to cry until she ripped off a bit of bread and presented it to me. I looked at it before grabbing it with my hands and shoving the food into my mouth.

Her smile grew as I ate the food and slowly deafened my wails as she just slowly fed me. This persisted for a few more minutes until the bread was all and my belly was full. I slowly closed my eyes as I felt my mom place me on her lap. As my eyes slowly fluttered open I looked up to see my mom leaning down close to me. I giggled and reached out to her as she was motionless.

"...Oh you poor thing..."

I heard someone say this to me as I was lifted from my mothers lap.

I reached out to her crying as my mother just fell over motionless. I cried even harder until I was turned around and saw the face of the person carrying me. She wore that outfit I saw a lot of times we were at the church. She offered a soft smile to me as I kept crying wanting my mother.

"There there little one... We can take good care of you..."

She softly spoke bouncing me a little as slowly my tears dried up and I giggled at her.

This was my first memory of my adoptive mother Sister Maeri. After I was found in the slums with my dead mother Sister Maeri brought me to the church. I was bathed and cleaned and clothed like brand new. I was played with between services and taught to love and respect god. It wasn't too long till I was praying with the others to god and showing my appreciation. Today I turned seven and it was the middle of prayer time.

So I sat on the bench next to other members of our church as the Father recited the holy scriptures. I kept my eyes closed and my hands tightly clasped together. I thought with all my might and heart hoping to be able to speak with god himself like the Father can.

"Dear heavenly Father watching over us from above. Thank you for the blessing of life and the blessing of joy you have bestowed upon our world. I pray that you will continue to bless us with your love and kindness as you have blessed us before... And tell my mom I love her... Amen..."

I finished reciting my prayer in my head just saying everything that I hear except for the last part that I wish to know.

After we had finished prayers Sister Maeri tapped me on the shoulder as I turned to her with a smile. She returned it in kind and extended her hand as I held it tightly. We walked out of the church and to the courtyard as I saw the others left at the church or found like myself. The only one that I knew to a degree was Tae a boy who was left at the church steps six years ago.

"Now you play nice with Tae today (Y/n) while we have a sermon alright? I better not hear about you two fighting is that clear otherwise the creatures of sin will come for you in the middle of the night and take you into the woods."

She said as I shivered a bit scared of the creatures of sin, their black exteriors and bone white protrusions.

"I-I won't Si-Sister Maeri! I-I promise!!"

"You better be now I will come get you all when the sermon is over then we can have some bread."

She said with a smile on her face as she patted my head gently before turning back.

I watched as she walked away before looking over at Tae as he just had this look on his face. The kind of look that made me wanna not play nice with him, however the thought of being taken by the creatures of sin kept me in line. So I went about just walking around the courtyard before finding a stick. And it wasn't just any stick it was a cool stick, it looked a lot like a sword. So like anyone would do I picked it up and for the first time felt something weird as I swung it around in the air.

I was just swinging it away from the other kids to make sure I was playing nice until I hit something. I jumped a bit out of shock not exactly paying attention before seeing another really cool stick against mine. I looked at it seeing it in the hands of Tae as we shared this look of wonder.

"Hey your stick is really cool Tae."

"Thanks (Y/n) yours' is as well."

"Wanna play knights?"


And without another word between us we played knights.

We swung our sticks at one another pretending to be in a clash as two knights of the holy order. I snickered as we kept swinging the sticks at one another. Pretty soon we both were laughing until I swung my stick a bit too hard and it snapped in half against his stick. We both stopped playing and looked at the remains of my cool stick on the ground. I looked up as he handed me his stick with a smile on his face.

"But it's your stick you found it."

"But you are stronger you broke your old sword so here is a new one."

"But every strong knight needs a strong squire and to withstand that blow shows you are truly a strong squire!"

This continued on for a while until Sister Maeri came to collect us for our meal.

When she asked if we played nice we answered her truthfully swearing by the heavenly father. We knew better then to lie using the name of the heavenly father in vain unless we wish to be smited. This news made Sister Maeri very happy as she gave us each an extra piece of bread before we even ate. Confused we both looked at her until she told us we could have them for being good devout followers of the heavenly father and being friends.

Like a wolf Tae ate his piece of bread as I put it in my pocket deciding to save it for later. When we began to walk towards the church the red dusk showing the change of time. I looked ahead of us until I heard a noise behind us. Hesitantly I turned around somewhat scared until I saw someone sitting on the ground. Slowly I stopped walking towards the church and began to walk to the mystery person. Close up I could see their clothes were in tatters and their bones pressed against their skin.

Just seeing this made my stomach tie itself in many knots as the memories of my mother flooded back to me, the knowledge of what I know now revealing the truth. I reached into my pocket before pulling out the extra piece of bread and tore a little off. Timidly I reached my hand out offering him the bread. His head motioned a little as he cupped his hands together very shakily. I was about to drop the small piece of bread as I hadn't eaten the entire day, until I felt a twinge of guilt knowing I should help him more. So I pulled my hand away with the small piece of bread and gave him the rest. Slowly his head raised to look me in the eyes as I saw one of his eyes was cloudy and the other seemed dim.

"Th-Thank you yo-young one..."


I just offered a small smile before placing the other small piece in his hand and leaving him be.

As I walked back towards the church I turned my head back to see his form slowly eating the bread. Despite the hunger I felt a sense of peace wash over me, as I hurried up my pace to get some food. As I walked into the side room of the church where our meals were held I noticed everyone was praying which told me I just missed my chance for food. However as to not be disrespectful I got on my knees off to the side and clasped my hand together offering my prayer up above.

That process continued for the next five years of my life, I would eat a bit and save what food I could to help the less fortunate. Tae, Sister Maeri, and all the other important figures of the church learned of this very early on. When I was twelve I was pulled aside one night and scolded by Sister Maeri for putting myself in constant danger since the poor people lived in bad parts of the town. But I always calmly told reminded her my mother took care of me in those same streets and I always feel guilty if I can't help those.

While to myself this made me feel better to the others it sounded like a bad idea. While all kingdoms and churches believe in the same god, the royalty was a different story. Many royalty especially in the area we lived in didn't see eye to eye with the church and constantly threatened our livelihood. The members of our church believed if the royalty saw what I was doing they would have my head. The thing was I was prepared for that outcome, to me if I become a martyr to those in need then I had used the life god gave me to the fullest.

But those words were not enough to persuade everyone of my righteousness. So I was given a punishment of fasting and working for the local blacksmith. Both of which I was okay with as I did what I was told and kept on believing in god and his plans for us all. While serving out my punishment I still kept feeding the less fortunate more and more feeling joy in seeing their feeble forms slowly grow stronger and stronger.

Even after the punishment I was given was served I kept working at the blacksmith and Tae joined me eventually as well. We worked hard and earned a steady pay of five silvers each week. While we both wanted to be Fathers like the head of the church we both were still boys and wanted to be knights. So we saved our pay and bought reliable iron swords at a discount cause of our hard work.

We trained day in and day out when we had a chance to improve our swordsmanship with one another. We had the same goal of joining the Holy Guard, knights that worked directly under the orders of the Pope himself. The most important thing neither of us didn't have separating ourselves from the Holy Guard was Gods' Gift, a power received from that empowered humans and faunus. For some it was a colorful light that encompassed the body protecting the person, for others it was an ability or power that allowed them to fight off the creatures of sin and other monstrosities that went against our teachings or openly opposed the Pope.

It wasn't for maybe three years of training did we experience a miracle that gave at least one of us hope. During one of our usual duels Tae and I had been working extra hard and it was rather late at night. In order to not disturb the others in the living nearby we ventured out into the woods thinking nothing of it. That was until we were half way through a duel I was losing regrettably we heard bloodthirsty snarls. Hearing these my body locked up and the greatest fear I had was coming true. Slowly I looked behind me to see multiple pairs of red eyes, just watching us from the shadows.


"....Yeah I know (Y/n)... We are done for..."

We both were unsure of our actual prowess in combat seeing how we had to really hold back during training to not injury the other one, having never actually struck at one another with the sharp end of our swords and instead using the blunt ends.

I was about to suggest we run for it until the sounds of twigs snapping set me off. Off of instinct alone I spun around raising up my sword narrowly blocking a slash. This would of been amazing if not for the fact I got launched straight into a tree. I smashed into a tree trunk gasping for air as the bark splintered and shattered from the impact. I looked down at my sword coughing in pain as it felt like my ribs just got shattered. The moonlight at least made it evident to me that my weapon was okay but cracked a bit showing the age of it.

Weakly I pushed myself off the tree onto my feet once more before coughing up some blood. I watched as Tae was barely able to stand his ground guarding the attacks from the monsters. Quickly I shook my head rushing forward with my sword raised. I screeched at both Tae and the monsters as I swung with all my might. Tae thankfully was able to get out of the way in time as my blade connected with the body of the monster. I didn't celebrate off of landing a hit as my blade was stuck midway through its' neck.

Hastily I pulled the blade out and jumped back, barely avoiding a swipe at my stomach. Stumbling I had to take a few steps to regain my balance before focusing on the sounds around us. I felt something push up against my back as I offered a quick glance to see Tae. We shared a silent nod and rushed forward once more facing our own battles.

I slid between the legs of one of the monsters and slashed at its' ankles. Thankfully my blade went through the entire way. The monster fell forward after letting out a horrifying screech as I jumped on its' back. With all my might I shoved the tip of my sword through its' skull all the way to the hilt impaling the ground at the same time. With a few spasms of death the monster dissipated into ash and blew with the wind.

I tried to pull my sword out of the ground before finding it stuck as my eyes went wide. I tried to turn around bringing my arms up to block the attack coming at me from behind. I jumped away from my sword needing to find a way to retrieve it from the ground. Thanks to my movement and raising my arms up I was able to escape the attack with a gash on my arm instead of losing my life. The blood seeped out of my wound as I just held it seething in pain as puddles started forming on the ground infront of me.

All I could do was roll out of the way and duck under attacks from the monsters trying to find a way to retrieve my sword. With the adrenaline of actual combat and fear of a meaningless life on my mind I kept pushing myself through the pain. I circled away from my weapon and Tae watching as the monsters followed me with ease. Taking a deep breath I spun around and ran right at the monsters as they prepared to attack me. Ducking my head down I rolled past them as their claws grazed my legs causing me to slide across the ground a bit.

Crying in pain I rolled across the ground as it felt like my legs caught on fire from the pain. I glanced down at my legs seeing the massive gashes and seeing a bit of my bones. My heart was pounding in my chest as I began taking very quick, shallow breathes seeing as the bleeding worsened. The sounds of twigs snapping dragged my attention from my wounds to the monsters, as they skulked closer to me. I bit my lip and tried to crawl backwards to my sword as they seemingly were just savoring their meal, getting ever so closer and closer slowly. I pulled my body as I gripped the handle of my sword and tried with all my might to remove it from the ground. However the blood and sweat mixing in my hands made it impossible to get a good grip. As my hands kept slipping on the handle my body shaking in fear before hearing their horrendous breathing. I froze only offering a glance back as both the monsters lunged at me to secure their kill.

Then without warning I watched as Tae jumped infront of me and raised his arm up. My mouth was open, but my voice was gone as I watched my best friend trying to sacrifice himself for my sake. When I finally found my voice they made contact snapping their bone white jaw close down on his arm. That however is when I saw that at least one of us would be able to live up to our dreams as Tae had a bright yellow glow around his body. In almost an instant I watched as the monsters seemingly bounced off of him and he was perfectly fine.

With several blinks just to make sure I was seeing this correctly I watched as the yellow light stayed for a bit before disappearing. Tae just offered me a quick smile before rushing towards the monsters again. All I could do was watch in shock as he made seemingly quick work of the monsters in a matter of minutes while I struggled to even kill one. As he returned to me I just felt a sudden sense of relief wash over my body before losing consciousness falling over.

The next thing I remember is that I was in one of the recovery rooms in the church staring at the decrepit wood ceiling. I tried to push myself up for crying out in pain falling back in bed as the door to my room swung open. I watched with tears filling my eyes as Sister Maeri barged into the room fear showing in her hazel eyes. Before I could even speak she enveloped me in a hug as I just grimaced in pain before feeling something wet hitting my head.

I just looked up to see her eyes tightly squeezed shut while tears trickled down her face. Her violet hair hanging loosely as I just wanted her to stop crying. Weakly while feeling my body scream in pain with even the slightest movement, I was able to wrap my arms around her.

"Pl-Please stop cry-crying Sister... It doesn't su-suit  you..."

"H-H-How can I-I not cr-cry... You haven't mo-moved in almost a we-we-week..."

As she sobbed to me, I felt the world just stop hearing this news.

"An-And I kn-know I shouldn't co-covet one of the ch-children... Bu-But I feel so-so connected with yo-you... Li-Like you were my own so-so-son..."

My eyes went wide hearing this as I always thought of her as my adoptive mother despite it never being said, but hearing her say this hurt me far more then my body did.

I couldn't find the strength nor the words to say anything as she hugged me tighter, as if scared that if she let go I would disappear forever. It took several minutes before she calmed down enough to let go of me and look me in the eyes. Ever so slowly she checked every inch of my face before my arms and chest as I felt slightly embarrassed about it.

"Well... your arm is looking much better then when Tae brought you back..."

I glanced at my arm seeing it wrapped in a bunch of cloth that seemed to be freshly changed as no blood could be seen soaking through.

"Your legs are also doing a bit better but still need a while to heal properly..."

She said as I looked at my legs seeing them also tightly wrapped in cloth, but also had blood seeping through.

"...I just changed them a few hours ago too.."

With a heavy sigh she stood up and walked towards me again softly patting my head with a sad smile.

"I wish you would only pray (Y/n)... Just be the same devout follower to god as you've always been... Leave the fighting to the guards..."

"I... I can't... I need to fight... Tae and I-"

"(Y/n)... Tae left a few days ago..."

Shocked I looked at her as if she was joking before seeing the solemn look on her face.

"Once it was found out he had received a blessing from the heavenly father, he was sought out and recruited by the Holy Guard. He wanted to at least stay and wait for you to wake up, but they had other plans and refused his wish."


"I know you are upset..."

I looked up at her before slowly shaking my head.

"I-I'm no-not upset... I-I'm happy he got recruited... I owe him my life... So I can't be jealous he was accepted..."


"I-I'm gonna lay back down and see if I can't sleep a bit more Sister Maeri... I feel really tired all of a sudden..."

"Alright (Y/n)... I will be back with some porridge and bread for you to help you recover a bit more."

All I could really do was nod to her as she slowly walked out of the room.

I laid down staring at the wall beside me as I heard the floorboards stop creaking. I turned over to see she was standing in the doorway staring at me with a very worried look on her face. All I could do was smile at her in an attempt to ease her worried mind. It seemingly worked and she left me alone as I was left now with my thoughts of Tae and my own weakness. I bit my lip before offering a prayer to god to keep my friend safe and to let me be stronger next time in the face of death. As I unclasped my hands and eased up on the squeezing of my eyes my body no longer felt painful just heavy and sluggish. As if the days I had just spent sleeping meant nothing and I was truly tired. My thoughts quickly wandered from the thoughts of my weakness to a distant memory from my childhood seeing my mothers smiling face once more.

For a few weeks I was bedridden only able to pray and pray for more strength. The first day that Sister Maeri deemed me fit to walk I tried to stand and walk to the door. Very quickly I collapsed onto the floor wide eyed in shock at what just happened. Sister Maeri helped me stand up and accompanied me to the doorway. This set back made me realize how far I had to go if I even dreamed of catching up to Tae or even becoming a Father.

"Maybe you should rest (Y/n) you don't look so good... You are fifthteen you can at least take it a bit easier before pushing yourself even more."

"No... I'm tired of resting..."

I refused to rest anymore till I could walk again as I gripped the rosary around my neck tightly.

Again and again I tried to walk more then a few steps without falling and failed miserably. With each failure I pushed myself back up and tried again. I held the words of our heavenly father in my heart and refused to allow myself to wallow in self pity anymore. After a few hours of trying I was drenched in sweat and Sister Maeri was at her wits end.

"(Y/n) that's it you are resting now! You are pushing yourself far too much! You just barely recovered from life threatening injuries!"

Shakily I looked back at her and shook my head trying once more.

"(Y/n) if you ke-"

I could hear the gasp behind me as I slowly walked down the hallway opening the door to the empty prayer room.

With an exhausted smile on my face I looked back at her and wiped the sweat from my brow. All she did was let out a sigh and smile at me before covering her mouth with a cough. As if it was a trigger my heart just stopped and I slowly walked back to her knowing I was showing concern on my face.

"It's fine (Y/n). It was just a little cough nothing more."


"Come on let's go take a nice walk around town and see if we can't take it easy."

She said this to reassure my worries and it somewhat worked but I still felt my stomach tying itself in knots over the thought of losing her.

As time went on we began making it a habit until I was better to take strolls around town doing menial tasks of shopping for the church. Eventually my body had recovered completely and I began doing the shopping with the silvers and coppers entrusted to me by the Father. Despite wanting to feed the less fortunate with the fresh produce I just bought , I knew better then to steal from the people that took me in and raised me to be the way I am today.

While taking on more and more tasks for the church I resumed working at the blacksmith without Tae finding seldom joy in the endeavor anymore. However I kept working hard and giving my all in prayer and helping the needy. I only hoped over the course of three years we would of have at least received a letter or something to let us know if Tae was doing okay.

However one thing that was made clear was that the royalty were taking notice to the health of the homeless. It was very subtle but now it seemed like less and less shopkeepers were helping the homeless. Sister Maeri and Father Sacer pulled me aside multiple times warning me that my actions may anger the royalty and provoke them. Of course I heeded their warnings, but kept believing that I was given this life to help anyone I could.

A few weeks after I turned eighteen I was walking down one of the alleyways with some more food in my rucksack. I looked around feeling a bit like someone was following me. With a deep breath I tried to shake the feeling as best as I could and continued on my path. I had reached the worst off part of the town seeing none of the homeless around which confused me. Then I heard what sounded like boots running up behind me in the dirt. I tried to turn around while unsheathing my sword but froze as it felt like my chest was on fire and was growing damp.

All I could do was stare in horror as a person with a mask covering their face was staring up at me. Then they pushed harder as I coughed up blood beside them as I dropped my rucksack spilling the food onto the ground. Shakily I reached up and looked down seeing the dagger hilt deep in my chest as blood rapidly poured out of the wound. Trembling I tried to stop this until they twisted the dagger and I felt my body quickly losing all feeling and my life diminishing. As I fell to my knees slumping over to the side feeling the blood gushing and forming a puddle around my entire body. All I could think was that this is what God had planned for me and that I would become a martyr for the Pope and his Holy Guard to finally stand up to the zealous nobleman. With my fleeting moments of life I only prayed to God that he kept everyone safe as everything went pitch black while my life flashed before my eyes.

The next thing I expected to see was an angel standing at the gates of heaven preparing to decide my fate in the afterlife. But instead I was met with the dirty faces of the beggars crowding around me. I sat up a bit rubbing my head wondering what I was doing until they all looked at me like I was some kind of ghost. Confused I just tried to ignore their looks until a sharp pain in my chest made me cringe in agony, causing me to look down. My eyes went wide as I saw a dagger hilt deep in my chest covered in blood as what happened came back to me.


"We-We pulled you off to the side... Af-After they... assassinated you..."

"....What again? Ho-How am I..."

I stammered out looking around hoping someone had an idea or some way to answer me.

But looking at their faces they too also knew not what exactly happened that caused me to survive an obviously fatal wound. Shakily I decided to stop the pain and grabbed the daggers hilt tightly with both hands as my breathing was growing quite erratic. I mentally prepared myself for the pain I was about to go through until I heard her voice.


That voice was definitely Sister Maeri causing my head to jerk to the side seeing her in her nun outfit over her nightgown as my hands removed the dagger.

I quickly looked down having realized what I just did preparing to see a gushing of blood from my chest. However as I and all the homeless in the area saw nothing came out, in fact the wound itself seemingly never existed. Sister Maeri ran towards me and fell to her knees staring at my face in tears as I just looked at hers then the dagger in my hand completely covered in my blood.

"What happened to you!!?!?"

"I-I... I was on my way to help these people even a little bit... An-And just like you said I was targeted by the royalty for going against their wishes. They assassinated me I have no clue how much time has passed and I was more then prepared to die and then, and then I just woke up here with a dagger in my chest and my wound magically healed. I don't know what to think right now I can't even stop talking it's like I am trying to explain to both you and myself what exactly happened. One moment I am slumped over on the ground praying to god to keep you all in his graces while preparing to be met at the gate of heaven to be judged. Then the next moment I am laying on someones bedding which I apologize for my blood definitely stained that and I can't apologize enough for that disgrace, but I just woke up fine. I don't feel light headed or even woozy or dizzy. I just felt a sharp pain from the dagger and that was it just that. Do I look pale from the lots of blood I have lost, do I look pale? I can't tell from my hands but is my face pa-"


She shouted as I froze about to continue rambling out of shock until she kissed my forehead hugging me tightly.

"Calm down... Take deep breathes before saying another word please... As your second mother I can only take so much shock... You have shaved so many years off of my life with your injuries these last six years..."

She sobbed out as I just dropped the dagger and hugged her back worried about the blood staining her clothes, but she obviously didn't care about it.

But as she asked I took many, many, many deep breaths trying to understand what was going on. She refused to let me go as I thought it over as calmly as I could for several minutes noticing the massive puddle of blood in the middle of the dirt road. I also noticed it was still night time as my mind was getting clearer and clearer. When I held Sister Maeri at arms length she stared at me with her tears still cascading down her face as I took one more deep breath.

"I... I was assassinated for helping the poor, and my last moments were spent praying for your safety and the others. Then I opened my eyes and was greeted with the knowledge I lived and seemingly healed the wound. Sister Maeri, I think I... I think I have gained a gift from God..."

"...That's... That's horrifying (Y/n)... I-I know we warned you, but... I didn't think it would ever happen..."

She was at a loss for words shaking her head as I gently shushed her not wanting to stain her lips with my blood, I used my voice as she slowly stopped talking and giving me her undivided attention.

"Sister Maeri... It is horrifying that I was struck down, but I am alive by the grace of god. I am still coming to terms with the fact I watched everything that has ever happened in my memories flash past my eyes for nothing. But... But I have been granted an amazing boon by God.. I-I think..."

I looked down at the dagger wanting to make sure I was telling her the right things.

She remained quiet as I released her and reached down picking back up the dagger. I could feel all the eyes on me as I held out my hand and closed my eyes as I sliced my palm. The pain was immediate as Sister Maeri called out my name as I opened my eyes. I watched as the bleeding stopped in an instant and the wound was healed up not even leaving behind a scar.

".....Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me this power to continue the mission you have given me..."

I smiled before feeling Sister Maeri tightly clasping her hands around mine.

I didn't say a word as the homeless brought me my rucksack as I thanked them before seeing the food that fell out was back inside. I had to pull my hands away from Sister Maeris' as I handed out the food to the poor as they looked at me as if I was a saint of some kind. I just smiled at them before helping Sister Maeri up and slowly we walked back to the church. The entire time she was dead silent as I was as well feeling a swell of emotions ranging from joy to the horror of experiencing the reality of death.

When we made it back to the church I had to head to the bathing area where I could wash myself off of as much blood as I could. Sister Maeri just hugged me again even tighter then before for several minutes before letting go. After she released me I spent over two hours using cold water and rags washing my body of blood, and examining everything I could seeing absolutely no wound from the dagger on my chest. When I finished I changed in some clothes that Sister Maeri left out for me and headed right to the main room of the church were services were held. I knelt down on one knee infront of the altar and tightly clasped my hand together.

"Thank you our God of Light for giving me another chance at life here. I promise from this point on I will use the second chance you have given me to continue to help those worse off then I. I will always believe in your plan for us and work my hardest in your name. Please if I can be selfish keep everyone in the church safe from danger, please grant me a selfish wish despite receiving such a generous gift from you. Please even if you have to take your gift to me back in order to save the people important to me, please take it away from me and keep them safe. May you keep us safe and continue to bless us with your guiding light and benevolence... Amen..."

I slowly stood up and walked back to my room getting into bed and closing my eyes drifting off to sleep.

The following day there was a meeting with all the important members of the church, myself included. I already knew what the meeting was about as we gathered in one of the prayer rooms staring between the Father and myself. No one knew how to approach the topic, not even myself so I watched as Sister Maeri cleared her throat gaining the attention of everyone.

"So... The reason we are meeting like this is to discuss an... im-important revelation that has occurred..."

With the tension broken Father Sacer cleared his throat and stood up slowly walking towards me.

"Yes... Late last night while we all slept one of us decided to go out and help the less fortunate... And it would seem the royalty had been expecting this since that member of our church was... killed brutally stabbed through the heart and left to die on the dirt."

Everyone looked around mumbling to themselves until Father Sacer placed his hand on my shoulder as if passing on the story to me.

"...I was that poor man who was assassinated... I-I only wanted to help others... Like I was raised to do... I was prepared to die that moment, but as it turned out... God decided I had more to do... After being fatally stabbed in the chest I was left to rot on the floor only to awake later healthy as can be... The only reason for this is that I was granted a gift from God in the last moments of my life... And now seemingly even fatal wounds will heal."

At first everyone was mumbling but with those final words they all went silent looking at both myself and Father Sacer for answers.

"...So Sister Maeri and I have called this meeting to put it to a vote among our group. Should we tell the Holy Guard and his holiness Pope Calice of this, or keep this secret amongst ourselves? Everyone here is to raise their hands for what they believe is the best course of action."

We all nodded our heads in agreeance to what the Father has said and waited.

"Alright so all of those that wish to inform the Holy Guard raise your hands."

I watched as for a few seconds no one raised their hands as if they were too unsure of the outcome.

Even I hesitated knowing how much Sister Maeri cares about me, makes me worried about what may happen in the Holy Guard. I glanced to see Sister Maeri had her hands firmly clenching her dress obviously scared of what may happen. Then slowly one by one I watched as many members of our church raised their hands. Our group being about twenty people I counted more then ten of them had raised their hands. I watched on Sister Maeris face her eyes went wide seeing this and squeezed shut in an instant as if trying to block out what is happening.

"...Okay I will write a letter to Pope Calice informing him of this and we shall see if they take another of ours into their hands. That is all please go about your duties my children."

He waved us off as everyone but Sister Maeri, Father Sacer, and myself remained in the room.

"...Well didn't both you and Tae want this (Y/n)? To join the Holy Guard, instead of living the boring life of a Father."

".....I don't know anymore... I thought I was prepared to be a martyr but after last night..."

The sheer fear of remembering how it felt to die once was engraved on my heart and in my mind.

"Father can't we change the vote... Can't we just keep (Y/n) here..."


"I-I know I am being selfish Father but please he doesn't want to go you saw him. He didn't raise his hand... Please Father I am begging you to not do this..."

I watched as tears trickled down her face dripping onto her skirt as she was digging holes into her dress from how tightly she was clenching her fist.

"You know I can't... I can't betray everyones' trust just to please one person. I'm sorry but his fate is up to the Holy Guard now, whether they come to pick him up or not is up to them."

And with that Father Sacer left us alone as I got up and went to Sister Maeri.

Slowly she was shaking her head mumbling to herself as the tears grew worse. All I could do was sit beside her and hug her tightly. To see her this distraught and upset hurt more then the dagger did. I just sat there and hugged her tighter promising to her that I will be safe and visit whenever I can.

It wasn't long maybe a few weeks after that there was a heavy knock on the door of our church. It was very early in the morning so we were still in the process of preparing the service. Father asked me to get it and apologize for the inconvenience since I was right at the door and jumped from the knock. I nodded and opened the door opening my mouth to apologize before seeing the red cross of the Holy Guard and a man standing tall in a set of full plate mail armor, the visor of his helmet down. I just backed up inviting him in as he thanked me with a nod coming in with a few others dressed similarly.

"We are members of the Holy Guard under Pope Calice. We are here responding to the letter referring to a member of this church. Where is (Y/n)?"

His voice boomed in the room as I just raised my hand genuinely terrified of the man before me.

"I-I am (Y/n)... si-sir..."

"You claim to have been granted an immaculate gift from God correct?"

"Ye-Yes sir..."

"Come and prove it before my eyes."

He turned around gesturing for me to follow as I quickly followed behind him and his men out of the church into the front yard.

Suddenly he stopped and drew his sword as I felt my chest tighten out of fear seeing him do this. My eyes followed his hands as he raised his blade poised to strike me as my breathing quickly grew erratic. Then it was over in a flash as suddenly his sword was at his side and I felt an immense pain in my chest and a damp sensation growing exponentially. I coughed up blood infront of me onto the ground staggering from the blow I was dealt. I fell to my knees looking up at him as even with the visor down I could tell by his stance that he was disappointed.

"And to think we came all the way out here for nothing..."


"Alright I guess it was just mere chance you lived and you squandered it by preaching it was a gift from God. Your death will serve as a reminder that blasphemy before the Holy Guard is an offense that only has one punishment... Death."

He turned around as I wanted to cry out in pain before gritting my teeth as the pain was slowly dying down.

"I-It wa-wasn't.... me-mere... cha-chance sir..."

He spun around in a heart beat as I shakily pushed myself up still not used to the immense pain.

Everyone was speechless as I was gasping for air while leaning on the wall as the wound was quickly healing before everyones' eyes. The members of the Holy Guard talked amongst themselves until the man who struck me held up his hand, in mere moments the talk stopped as he approached me. I caught my breath as he removed his helmet revealing a grizzled bald man with scars all over his face. The smile on his face was a bit unsettling until he held out his hand to me as I looked at it unsure of what to come.

"Welcome to the Holy Guard (Y/n), I Ascended Knight Calvus will be the first to welcome you to our glorious brotherhood."

"....Ye-Yes sir..."

I stuttered still recovering from the shock before grabbing his hand, immediately he crushed my hand shaking it as I winced in pain.

"Gather your things immediately we have leave in an hour."


"What are you saying you are turning down this magnificent offer that came from Pope Calice?"

"N-No I just... just don't know this seems too surreal..."

He just looked at me as if in unison all five of the knights Calvus included just laughed at my words.

"Sorry squire We all thought that experiencing death would of made you much more mentally stronger then what we have been shown. Now gather your things so we may leave , but don't fret you shall be allowed to return in a few years or so depending on how your training goes."

It was almost like talking to a wall with this man as he was dead set on having me join the Holy Guard.

With a heavy heart I nodded my head and went back inside as it was obvious that everyone heard what he said, I am pretty sure that everyone in town heard what he said. Slowly I went to my little room to see my door slightly open. Already I knew who was inside as I opened it seeing Sister Maeri sitting on my bed, while holding my rucksack already packed, tightly against her chest. I couldn't find the words right there to say anything so I just sat beside her as she didn't say a word for a few moments.

"....Please be safe..."


"I knew... I knew when that letter was sent that this would be the outcome. I kept telling myself day in and day out that you would be taken from our church. I thought I had prepared myself for this, but... I can't... I can't bear to see you leave..."

She mumbled barely audible to me before shaking her head repeating the last few words over and over again.

"...I will be safe Sister Maeri... I promise I will come back to you alive and well... I will miss you as well just keep me in your prayers like always and I promise I will make it back to you. Not as just a member of our church but a proud member of the Holy Guard. This may be goodbye for now but it isn't for forever..."

"......Can... Can I ask you to do something for me..."

I looked over at her as she very gently placed my rucksack on my lap with tears staining her face.

"Please whatever you do keep God in your heart and how you go out of your way to help others. Please keep being yourself and don't ever change can you do that for me?"

Her voice shuttered as she spoke as I took a deep breath and nodded hugging her tightly.

"I will always be the same man you raised me to be, so don't worry about me just be safe so when I come back I have a mother to return to..."

With those words I felt her flinch before returning the hug even tighter as I smile letting her squeeze me as much as she needed to.

"I love you (Y/n)... You are the son I wish I had..."

"I love you too Sister Maeri, you are the mom, my birth mother would of wanted to have raised me. Now I must go but I will be back some day."


She released me with a tearful smile on her face as I stood up and grabbing my sword and sheathe.

I headed to the doorway looking back one more time at her face seeing a sorrowful smile on her face as she nodded her head. I returned the nod heading back through the church saying my goodbyes to the others as they were just as sad to see me go. This brought me the comfort of having a family that supported me even though they wanted this at one point. With one last look back to see their smiles and wishes of safety and tears I was given the courage to go through with my dreams. With renewed vigor and confidence I headed outside seeing Calvus standing there with his helmet back on. He raised his visor as I could see the question in his eyes as I nodded without a single word between us.

With my confirmation he lowered his visor and we began our march out of town as many people had come out of their huts and homes to see what had caused the commotion. I saw many people I knew that come every day for sermons and services and I saw people who more or less spat on our beliefs. Then I saw out of the corner of my eye the dirt street that led to the poorest district of the town.  All of a sudden the desolate street of dirt filled up with all the homeless I had helped over the years watching our precession cheering me on.

I heard a snicker from Calvus infront of us as I just felt a smile on my face nodding my head hoping that the homeless stay safe. The closer we got to leaving the town the more people came out due to the homeless cheering and saw what caused it. I saw shopkeepers and tavernkeepers watching from afar, and I even saw the blacksmith I worked with as he nodded his head to me flashing a thumbs up as I gave a small thumbs up back. As we approached the gate Calvus and his knights crossed the threshold as I hesitated knowing one more step would take me away from the only home I have ever known, as the confidence I thought I had deflated right away from the thought of leaving everything behind.

Then suddenly I felt someone place their hands on my back as I glanced back to see Sister Maeri still in tears. With all the force she could muster she pushed me across the threshold separating the town and the woods around. As I stumbled a bit making sure not to fall over I looked back to see she was smiling and waving her hand as the tears dampened her cheeks, clothes, and the ground. To see her giving me the last push to make sure I really went through with it.

I waved back to her and resumed walking with Calvus and his knights as we traversed the forest. I looked ahead of us unsure of what to expect now we were traveling. There was very little talking amongst Calvus and his men, making this an uncomfortable silence.

For the next two weeks we traveled from where I was born to the central town of the kingdom. I had to endure a hellish trek being attacked by bandits, the monsters of sin, even the elements themselves. But I made it, I made it to the capital of our kingdom and was granted access to the base of the Holy Guard. Once inside I looked around expecting to see Tae somewhere before being disappointed. However I had no time to be disappointed as I was immediately dragged into a meeting with the Pope himself, as well as the four cardinals that helped the Pope in making decisions. Just being infront of his holiness I was left speechless and just got on my hands and knees bowing to him.

" Hehe... Rise my child please, you need not grovel before me."

He spoke with a gentle chuckle as I lifted my head up to see him.

"You have a gift correct? An amazing gift."

"Ye-Yes your Holiness... I... I am able to regenerate my body blood and all to a degree..."

The unsure tone of voice I had was evident to all as the four cardinals mumbled to themselves before being silenced by the Pope.

"Your gift was only granted recently correct?"

"Ye-Yes... Your Holiness..."

"So there are still tests that need to be done before saying how strong your regenerative powers are correct?"

"Ag-Again correct your Holiness..."

"Then you will be tested in many battles to come, you are from this day forth called Squire (Y/n). May the god of light keep you safe in your training and give you the strength to fight in his name."

Just hearing these words from the Pope himself were beyond what I imagined.

"You will be shown around by a fresh knight of our order and be given a bedding. I hope you will put that gift of your to great use."

I nodded thanking him and the cardinals before leaving the room feeling my heart pound in my chest.


I looked up and down the hallway to see the blond haired blue eyed best friend rushing towards me.

We met in a joyous hug before I noticed the armor he wore now instead of the cloak and holy clothes from the church. He saw my stare and chuckled showing off the armor he was beyond proud of. I felt like this was just as when we were younger but this time obviously I was the squire in the situation.

"(Y/n) what are you even doing here!?!?"

"...I-I've been summoned... I have a gift now."

As those words left my mouth Taes' eyes lit up.

"Show me!!! Show me man!!! I want to know!!!"

"....I can't stain this holy ground with my blood."


The excitement was gone as Tae was looking at me worried.

"...I can regenerate my body as far as I can tell fatal wounds that don't sever limbs can be regenerated."

"....Have you had this for a while... or..."

"A few weeks at best, but enough about me Tae... Why did you never come back and visit us!?!?"


His face was bright red as I just raised an eyebrow at his looks.

"A-Anyways I was told to show you around!"

"Then lead me Knight Tae. Show me to my bedding and teach me the way our days go here."

He nodded his head still blushing as I followed him around learning what I could at first glance.

For the next four years I trained harder then ever before. I learned new styles of fighting, how to convert the crystals of elements into power of my own, and just how far I can regenerate thanks to God. During this time I ended up catching up with Tae rank wise as we both were ranked as Knights in the order on the verge of becoming Exalted Knights. We also gained the titles of Father meaning if we ever choose to leave the Holy Guard we can run a church of our own to revere the god of light.

One day however we were about to begin an hour long prayer session until Calvus grabbed our attention. He informed us of a request from the Pope to travel to a nearby town and help the church with their troubles. Without a seconds notice Tae accepted his cheeks burning a bit as I agreed to the request as well.

Before we left I grabbed the parchment which was a letter to Sister Maeri and the others letting them know how I was doing. As we traveled out of the base into the main town we passed a messenger as I handed him the parchment and a gold coin to make sure it gets there on time.

"So Tae what is this... Velum like?"

"It's not the best place but the people are very nice..."

I noticed his voice trailed off as if he had more he wanted to say.

Our travels to Velum were just like our journeys into the woods back home. We laughed and joked and fooled around like the boys we once were. In what seemed like no time three weeks worth of travel was over and we had arrived at Velum. Tae said he was going to check in with the local church as I was to go around and help as I always did. I agreed to this as we passed through the gates entering into the town as it seemed a bit run down. We walked together towards the church seeing no reason as to not help those along the way.

"So the butcher says he has ne-"

"You stupid animal!!"

We both stopped walking and saw a woman, with animal ears on the ground obviously collapsed from exhaustion as a man raised his voice and his hand towards her.

Before I even had a moment to think Tae rushed off as I saw it in his run, he was angry. I hurried after him as he got in-between the man and the woman. The man didn't even care about Tae all he wanted was his worker to stop slacking off and get do her job. I felt something switch on inside as I walked up to the man who was about to strike Tae and grabbed his wrist.

"He-Hey let me go!"

He shouted before losing his voice staring into my eyes as I slowly tightened my grip on his wrist.

"In the eyes of God all should be given justice. Man, woman, child, or faunus we are all equal in the eyes of God. Now I shall tell you right now... If you so much as think of raising your hand to your workers one more time..."

I yanked him closer feeling all the rage and anger welling up inside me thinking of how poorly my mother was treated.

"I will personally make you repent your sins... Now... leave this woman alone."

I pushed him off as he stumbled falling onto the dirt before turning around and running away.

"(Y/n)... Are you okay?"

"...Sorry the way he was treating her was..."

I shook my head trying to calm my heart as I turned around finally laying eyes on the faunus woman.

In an instant I felt my heart skip a beat seeing beautiful crimson eyes and long black hair. The ears where flattened against her head showing obvious overexertion and lack of self care. I wanted to ask her name until my throat went dry and I found myself tongue tied.

"Cor are you alright!?"

Tae asked the woman who just nodded her head slowly with a soft smile.

I felt my heart skip another beat seeing this soft smile, falling even more in love with her. She looked at me as I still couldn't find a way to speak to her and averted my gaze from her. This in turn elicited a giggle from her before a cough followed soon after.

"You shouldn't work yourself so hard Cor..."

"I-I'm sorry Tae I just want to get out of here soon..."

"Don't worry soon it won't be so hard for you."

As they spoke I found the words I wanted to say, but those words dried up seeing the gaze Tae and Cor had looking at one another.

It suddenly made a lot more sense about why Tae didn't even bother to let us know about him. He had fallen in love and wanted to keep moving forward, and this woman that I find myself wanting was the center of his love. Subconsciously I took a step back and turned my body facing my back to them both not wanting to see this anymore.

"Hey (Y/n) where are you going?"

"...I'm gonna take a walk Tae... I... Something is wrong my friend..."

As I took a few steps away I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey if something is wrong then tell me, we are both friends and brothers in arms."

I couldn't look him in the eyes right now because I felt differently now, so I shook his hand off.

"I'm sorry Tae but I just need... Alone time I guess..."

And with that I walked through the town with my rucksack on my back alone.

As I walked through the town of Velum I was left with many things clouding my mind. I found someone who was homeless and decided to ease my mind a little bit and gave them a loaf of bread. Their eyes lit up as I just smiled at them and gave them a few silver coins.

As I walked more I found more people in need of help as I gave as much as I could. What I couldn't give away in food, I gave away in coin. By the time I was on the last bit of food and coin I was lost in the town and had a clear mind. Taking advantage of this mind set I found a quiet place and sat down holding the rosary that hung around my neck. I tightened my grip on it tighter and tighter feeling it dig into my skin.

"...God... Please tell me I am wrong... It's a sin to covet what others have that you do not... So I am in the wrong for falling in love at first sight with the woman my best friend loves. Can you please give me a sign that I am still in your good graces. Can you somehow forgive my sin and give me a chance to repent for this sin."

I thought to myself feeling blood slowly trickle down my hand onto the ground, before healing up instantly.

"Hey (Y/n) there you are figures I would find you here."

I looked up seeing Tae standing there with a smile on his face as we were alone here.


"I was worried about you since you almost never act like you did earlier. And you left in such a hurry the girl we helped didn't even get a chance to thank you."

"...It's fine I just have a lot on my mind right now after seeing that man..."

I squeezed my hand even tighter feeling the rosary slowly being impaled into my hand as blood resumed to flow out.

"(Y/n) listen I don't know what happened since you never pressed my history so I never pressed yours. But you have to let me know is everything okay?"

"I'm fine Tae.. I just..."

All I could do is sigh and shake my head releasing my blood covered rosary.

"I... The earliest memories I have are when my mom worked at a stall like that woman and was treated just as poorly. I still remember vividly the shaking of her fists to keep herself calm, the words the man said, the fact that is truly one of the few memories I have of her... It truly makes me question if all living beings are loved by god... That men like that are allowed to exist... Treat others like objects... I hate it... I genuinely hate it..."

With an unhappy sigh I ended my little talk with Tae pulling out a rag and wiping off my blood from my rosary.

He didn't say a word before sitting down beside me as we looked up at the stars. Instead of pushing me more and more, he respected my boundaries and my reasoning. This man that was in love with a woman for possibly years is sitting beside me as my best friend. After a few minutes of silence he got up and offered me a hand up as I looked at him feeling like a revelation dawned on me.

"...God is this your way of allowing me to repent for my sin? I swear here and now I will make sure this man will live a happy life with the woman he loves."

I smirked and took his hand as he explained what happened after I left in a hurry.

As it turns out the church, royalty, and even the guards are struggling with the creatures of sin nearby. They requested the Holy Guard to send some of their members to help with the problem. And that is why we were here to help deal with the creatures.

"So yeah that's why we were sent here, I told the church we were here and that we would take care of the problem."

"Hmm... There are many different creatures of sin, do we know what kinds specifically? This will change our plans on how we handle things."

"Well... According to the survivors recounting to the church we are looking at the giant bird one just one of those, many of the wolves, a few of the boars, and finally the bear one. All in all we are looking at most likely more then a hundred creatures."

As we walked I was deep in thought trying to think of how we will handle this.

"Tae and... his friend are you going so soon?"

I snapped back to the waking world finding us at the town gate seeing the faunus called Cor talking to us.

"Hey Cor, no we are just going to handle some of the creatures terrorizing everyone."

"That flying one is gonna be the biggest problem..."

"U-Uh I don't know your name... But thank you for earlier today... Stepping in and making sure that shopkeeper knew what he was doing was wrong."

I looked at the woman I once held feelings for, before promising my best friend a happy life with her.

"You're welcome but please think nothing of it. It is what we learned growing up in the church, we live by the virtues of god. My name is merely (Y/n) a knight in the Holy Guard like Tae."

"My name is Cor Wen, I know it must be hard working like this but please keep up the work both of you and be safe."

I nodded to her kind words heading through the gates with Tae quickly behind me.

"As long as you keep us in your prayers then we shall return."

"See you tomorrow Cor!"

Tae shouted with a skip in his step as we left the safety of the town and headed into the woods.

As we walked I could see the joy on Taes' face as I smiled a bit as we approached a clearing about to set up a small camp. As we began to gather brush for the fire I heard a twig snap as I froze about to grab a clump of dead twigs. Slowly I backed up while reaching for my sword on my side as I felt someone bump into my back.

"How many do you think?"

"Sixty? Seventy? All the creatures?"

"Doubtful Tae, you know they don't mix their groups."

Slowly in the shifting shadows I saw movement as creatures encroached our position.

I drew my sword looking around trying to find the creatures until something fell on my foot. I glanced down and saw my rucksack as I knelt down rummaging through the contents. The sounds from the creatures were getting closer and closer as I found what I was looking for. I pulled out a red crystal and looked at where our fire was going to be seeing some twigs already set.

In a moment I crushed the crystal in my hand before throwing the dust onto the twigs. Instantly a fire sprouted to life as our surroundings lit up revealing the wolves of sin. They jumped back startled by the fire as I sized up the amount as best I could. The sinful creatures retreated back into the woods, but didn't leave us alone they just were staying out of our sight.

"...Tae I will be the distraction."

I stood up and sheathed my sword feeling Tae quickly grab my shoulder and spun me around facing me with a bewildered look on his face.

"I don't care what your gift is!! We don't know the extent fully! What if something happens to you won't Sister Maeri be sad?"

"...I will be fine. Besides I promise you here and now, I won't die before I feel fulfilled with life."

He stared into my eyes as I stared back promising him it will be okay.

Reluctantly he let me go and sighed nodded his head. I smiled and walked towards the edge of the clearing seeing their bone white protrusions in the shadows. I took a deep breath before taking a few steps into the woods. Almost in an instant I was tackled to the ground and a jaw sunk into my neck.

Blood splattered everywhere as I gasped in pain before quickly ignoring the sensation of pain and grabbed my sword. The beast were far too preoccupied with having me as a meal to notice what was about to happen. I noticed many more around me as I plunged my steel sword into its neck and out its skull. It howled in agony for a moment before disappearing and blowing into the wind as dust.

I stood up blood coating my armor as it gushed from my neck and onto the ground. The beast lunged at me as I ducked down flipping them into the clearing. Instantly the wails of agony from the wolves could be heard for miles. I removed my hand from my neck feeling the wound regenerate as several of the wolves jumped on me in an attempt to kill me.

Crushed under their weight I fell to the ground before their claws and teeth sink and dig into my skin. I was in way over my head as I struggled to just find a way to breath. That was until the thought of Tae and Sister Maeri being sad sparked a fire in my soul. I gritted my teeth and let out a guttural scream slowly, ever so slowly pushing myself up with my sword.

When I was on one knee I quickly shifted my blade before shoving it through my stomach as it connected with one of the creatures. The pain was immeasurable as I vomited some blood onto the blood soaked ground. However I didn't falter and the weight on my back grew a bit lighter as I pulled my blade out of my stomach and stabbed myself through my shoulder. Once more the weight grew slightly lighter as I withdrew the sword from my shoulder feeling my hands tremble slowly losing feeling.

As I felt the toll of damage finally taking effect suddenly I heard something from behind me. I couldn't tell what it was and was prepared to fight to the bitter end like I was trained. Then as if a repeat of years prior I watched through the pile of wolves as Tae rushed towards me with his sword ablaze with flames. The creatures tried to escape as I used all the strength I could muster and kept them bundled on me as Tae swung with all his might. Thankfully the blade missed my neck by inches otherwise I would of been decapitated, but he destroyed a number of the creatures as they vanished into nothingness.

The ones that didn't take the hit from the burning blade of god escaped deeper into the woods as I felt my body slowly stop bleeding and regenerate. Tae watched over me as the wounds closed and the feeling returned to my body. I took a deep breath before standing up as Tae just shook his head in disappointment. 

"Yeah I guess I overestimated my own powers... You are still leagues above me my friend."

"Only because you are the strongest man I know, you may not think so but no one is willing to run head first into those creatures prepared to die."

"I think the Exalted Knights, Ascended Knights, Paladins, and Illuminated Paladins would beg to differ my friend."

We shared a chuckle together before returning to the fire.

I sat down looking at my armor seeing the dents, cracks, tears, and blood soaked clothes. We waited throughout the rest of the night as the creatures watched us but were cautious to approach. We slept in turns to keep our guards up, but also to keep score as we made it a game almost to see who could destroy the most creatures of sin. When the sun rose over the horizon I was shaken from my sleep as I sat up rubbing my eyes looking at Tae.

"Did you keep track of yours Tae?"

"Yeah I got thirty two."

"...Man I only got twenty seven oh well let's go back to Velum so you can see your girlfriend."

I stood up as he just went bright red trying to protest my claim of his relationship.

The walk back I examined my armor seeing the damage from last night again causing me to sigh. With the fact I had only four copper coins which was nowhere near enough to fix the damage. Suddenly I was stopped right outside of the gates of Velum as Tae had pulled me aside from the dirt path. Curiously I looked at his red face as he was glaring at me.

"(Y/n) it-it's not what you think... We-We aren't... Courting..."

"Why not? You both care for one another obviously."

"Cause... I'm nervous..."

"...You shouldn't be, you are both a great guy and a knight of the Holy Guard. Two amazing parts of your soul. Just put your best foot forward and tell her your feelings."


He went dead silent before plopping his coin purse in my hands as I profusely refused.

"Tae I can-"

"(Y/n)... You are my best friend and you are helping me yet again instead of yourself. So take these coins, get your armor fixed and pray for me."


I looked into the coin purse and pulled out three gold coins out of the hundreds he had and about twenty silver.

"This should cover the costs my friend, buy her a gift with your coins and I will pray for you like always."

With that I walked away waving him off as I wandered the town looking for the blacksmith receiving obviously disturbed stares from the townsfolk.

When I found the blacksmith he gave me one look and shook his head. When I told him my name and status his denial of fixing my armor changed in a heart beat. I left telling him to let the church know when my armor is fixed and walked around. I helped around the town doing the little things I could before stumbling upon Tae and Cor. I didn't hear what they were saying but I saw a nod and a deep hug.

After witnessing the start of a happy couple the year seemed to pass by. Tae and myself slowly but thoroughly dealt with the creatures of sin cleansing the land of their filth. Of course after we cleansed the lands we helped out like his holiness Pope Calice asked us to. By the end of the year we were very well respected and treated far better then we deserve to be.

As the year of being at Velum we received an emergency letter from Pope Calice. Of course neither of us knew what was going on so we took the rolled up parchment. The messenger rode off on his horse as Tae and I looked at one another before I unfurled the parchment. As my eyes skimmed over the words my heart slowed more and more until I read the final word.

"(Y/n) what's wrong? What is it?!"

"...Tae I am going to get my sword and say goodbye."

"....(Y/n) why are you saying something so unsettling."

"...Because... His Holiness has decreed a crusade I must leave immediately."

I turned to Tae as his eyes were wide in shock.

The look on his face was asking me if what I was saying was true. All I could do was nod my head as he just stepped back before running away. I didn't expect any other reaction from him knowing he had a someone to love.

I walked to the church informing them of me departure as I grabbed my armor and put it all on. I slung my rucksack over my shoulder and waved farewell to this wonderful town. As I approached the gate I saw something I didn't expect. Cor was furious at Tae as I tried to settle one last fight between the two.

"What's going on here you two? Fighting when I leave that's not very nice."

"(Y/n) why do both you and Tae have to leave?"

"We don't... I can't in good faith let Tae leave you behind."

I tried to dissuade Tae who was in his armor and prepared for the journey.

However I watched as he removed his rosary from around his neck and placed it around Cors' neck. In an explosion of feelings they both went bright red as Cor looked at Tae. He didn't say a word at first before kissing her and hugging her tightly.

"I promise I will come back and we will raise our child together."

" better come back..."

She said with a shaky voice while hugging him back with a smile.

"I promise I will make sure he comes back. On my honor as a Father and a Knight of the Holy Guard, Knight Tae will return at the end of this crusade or may our father the God of Light strike me down."

I promised them both as they gave me a thankful smile before releasing one another from the embrace.

With one last loving stare to one another, Tae and I finally departed from Velum. We were leaving behind the place we were given to protect and serve with our lives. As we walked I kept glancing back towards the town slowing down before coming to a complete stop. Tae must have noticed this and stopped as well.


"Tae you shouldn't be leaving her like this. You should go back right now and let me journey alone."

"You know I can't do that you idiot... I would become an outcast and ruin both my life and more importantly Cors'. Turning my back on the Holy Guard on top of the church would make me a heathen and hunted down like a dog."

"...But I can tell them..."

I couldn't shake a weird feeling as Tae just ignored me and kept walking.

Quickly I caught up to him no longer trying to dissuade him from joining the crusade. The woods were lively with the sounds of nature seemingly trying to calm our nervousness. My heart has been pounding since I read that parchment knowing what it meant for a crusade to happen. I didn't want to truthfully kill someone, but if god wills it then so be it.

We traveled by way of dirt roads for a week before finding the encampment of the crusaders. We were approached by one of about twenty Paladins in the Holy Guard who questioned us. I showed him the parchment requesting our aid as he nodded scribbling our names onto a parchment of his own. He directed us to a section of the encampment where we were to armor up and await orders.

All we could do is nod and follow his orders as we wandered through the encampment seeing all the people we didn't know in the order. As we approached the section of the encampment I heard an all too familiar laugh. On reaction I spun around raising my arms up blocking a punch from Calvus who was shocked.

"Well if it isn't our two rising knights! I see one of you is keeping up with your training even away from the main base!!'

He boasted with a hearty laughter as I just sighed and nodded before seeing Tae laid out on the floor.

I knelt down and helped him back up as he was looking around obviously dizzy. I rubbed his back a bit before we walked into the armory section followed by Calvus. As it turned out he was to guide us to the appropriate armor and weapons, and he was in charge of our part of the crusade. He showed us to the armor that fit our bodies as we both just took off our armor and put on this crusaders armor.

"Why is there a big red cross in the middle Calvus, sir?"

"Tae you should study more I swear, that is the signature symbol of the templars. The originators of the crusade and our ancestors. We paint our armor with their cross in order to honor them and reserve a spot in heaven should we fall in battle. Now get your weapons and crystals, the crusade could start any moment now."

With a better understanding of our past we nodded and hastily finished up suiting up.

We were rushed to the weapons as many swords, axes, lances, any weapon really was at our fingertips. I looked around before finding a greatsword and pulling withdrawing it from the sheathe. Seeing my reflection in the steel I found myself being called to by this weapon as I buckled the sheathe to my back. Testing out my new weapon I slowly raised my hand up drawing the blade as it was heavy, making me remember this weapon will not being take creatures of sin but the lives of people.

"I can tell you both are hesitant so this might help you both relax."

I glanced back at Calvus seeing a rare sorrowful smile on his face.

"It's tough to take a life, easy to say you will. But all you need to remember is that right now, if you fall in battle then these heretics will take what you care about most and ruin it. God will give you the strength to fight and the resolve to finish the battle. Always remember our lives mean nothing if we don't protect what we can."

My mouth was hanging open as Calvus nodded his head before putting his helmet back on.

As his words slowly sunk into my mind we heard a horn being blown as he just flinched before taking a deep breath. He didn't say a word but we could tell what was going on and quickly grabbed our weapons following him out of the encampment. We were merely two among thousands as the Paladin who was leading the entire crusade stood before all of us.

"My fellow brothers of the Holy Guard. It is our duty, nay it is the meaning of our lives to protect the name of the God of Light. We toil for long days, worship every chance we get, and help those that deserve gods loving embrace. And yet these people... No thescale heathens dare to spout such blasphemies about our glorious, incandescent father. I will not stand for it will any of you stand by while they deface our father and make a mockery of our religion!?!?"

My heart was pounding with both courage and fear hearing these words as no one stayed quiet refusing to allow these people to make fools of us.

"Brothers!!! We crusade in the name of Pope Calice, in the name of our fallen brothers, and for out glorious god!! DEUS VULT!!!!"


We let out a furious roar repeating his words as we rushed the castle set before us.

As we ran across the battlefield I saw the gates lower and an army rushing out to meet us. I could see from top of the towers archers prepared their bows. Some prepared their defenses as I rushed head long towards them disregarding my own safety. Surprisingly I was the first one to meet the enemy, not even the paladin was the first one to strike a blow.

Upon meeting the enemy army I unsheathed my greatsword bringing the sword to my side. The first few I encountered met me with their shields raised as I bashed my shoulder into them. Their guards were staggered as I plunged my greatsword into the shoulder part of their armor. Blood gushed out of the wound as I withdrew my blade as they cried in pain. An adrenaline rush hit me as I mentally prayed to god before lunging forward my blade poised to strike. In the blink of an eye I impaled my blade into the head of the enemy I just struck. His arms hung lifeless on the side of his body as I registered what I just did.

I kicked his body off of my blade seeing it stained in anothers blood. I felt my body wrack with guilt and fear as I stared at the bloody blade. My breathing was erratic until I flinched coughing up some blood onto the ground. Then again and again I felt from all sides blades enter my body as arrows pelted my body. Shakily I looked at my hands as blood shot out from all over my body creating a puddle of blood mixing with others around me. That was when it hit me, that no longer was I someone who could say they had never taken anothers life.


"Another one dead damned followers of a blight... The god of light is nothing but a scam."

As I fell to my knees slumping on the ground surrounded by blood I heard this person insult that which I believe in most.

Slowly I rose back up ripping the arrows out of my body as the ones who thought they slew me turned around. Even with the battle running amidst us and people dying on both sides I had but one goal, no two goals. I gritted my teeth and picked up my sword going into a frenzy. With a flurry of attacks the men surrounding me fell as I felt several volley of arrows hit my body. I staggered backwards before standing my ground and ripping out the arrows, chunks of my skin attached to them.

I tried to regroup with Tae or Calvus as the enemies surrounded me. I prayed for a second before deflecting a blow from behind with the hilt of my greatsword. I spun around delivering a strong punch to their face. They recoiled in pain holding their face as I felt a spear stab me from the side. I turned to face the enemy until my eyes saw in the distance Tae being taken into the castle.

Fear took its' toll on my mind as I grabbed the spear and shoved it further into my body dragging the enemy closer. Caught off guard they stumbled towards me as I snapped the spearhead off and stabbed it through the enemies eye. They died in moments as the others tried to take me down. I ripped the wooden pole out of my stomach and smashed it against the head of the one I punched. The wood cracked and splintered into pieces as I grabbed their throat and slowly began to crush their windpipes.

All the training, all the fighting, all the praying gave me the strength to protect that which is precious to me. Suddenly I was lifted into the air as several halberds pierced my armor and impaled me. I looked down before being thrown down onto the ground. Before I had time to recover I was bound and gagged being dragged inside as I saw our forces struggling to win the crusade.

I was tossed into a cell still bound as I could hear the fighting still going on outside. I stood up looking around before seeing Tae laying on the ground in an opposite cell. The fact he was still alive and seemed okay to a degree. We just needed to get out of here and get him to a healer so he can have that wedding. I sat and waited for something to happen for what felt like hours until he sat up.


"H-Huh... (Y/n)? Where... where are we?"

He asked still in a daze as all I could do was sigh.

"We got captured by the enemy. They might use us as decoys to slay the Paladin or something... But I hope we get out of here alive."

I felt like I was trying to make myself believe the lies I was telling more so then him.

"(Y/n) you're bound. I guess that makes sense they can't exactly beat you into submission like they did me."

"Yeah I think I got impaled by seven halberds and thrown to the ground..."

Quickly I looked down at my armor seeing nine total holes in it.

"Correction make that eight halberds, eight halberds and a spear."

"You are one tough man, well all we can do is wait."

I nodded in agreeance as we sat there in total silence praying for the battle to turn in our favor.

However the sounds of the battle died down slowly ever so slowly with the enemies drowning out the crusaders. This didn't bode well for either of us as we shared the same look. Then suddenly the door to the jail was kicked open as we both jumped in shock before seeing a man fully clad in black steel armor approach us.

He didn't say a word but pointed at the both of us as several armed knights appeared behind him. They opened our cells and pointed their weapons at us as we had no other choice but to cooperate. As we walked through the darkened halls of stone we were terrified of what was to come. Then suddenly the darkness was illuminated by the light of fire as we entered into the courtyard of the castle. I looked around in suspense as my eyes landed on a wooden block stained in blood.

Without warning we were both kicked onto the ground as I just looked back to see the black steel knight walking away. Then the sounds of cheers erupted around us as I took notice of the crowd of the army surrounding us. Tae and I both looked around trying to sit up until I felt someone bash a shield into the back of my head. I slammed into the ground cringing in pain as blood seeped out the back of my head.



I tried to sit up only to have someone slam their foot into my back causing me to cry out in pain feeling my ribs snap under the pressure.

"Leave him alone!!"

"Oh but the fun has only just started. You see you two oh so devoted followers of a false light are our entertainment for the night. And it's my job to make you playthings do your job... now dance..."

I turned my head to see Tae being shot at with arrows, they bounced off of his skin but his golden glow was starting to show signs of breaking.

He was trying to avoid the arrows as best he could before his golden glow disappeared, shattered even. The arrows now pierced his skin as he let out grunts of agony as I tried to push myself back up feeling my ribs fully heal. The struggle feeling the boot of our antagonizer on my back was making me agitated beyond belief. I couldn't turn around but I grabbed his boot and tried my hardest to push him off of me.

"Ooooh this one still wants to fight, not now you watch as I finish your friend."

The man who I finally saw the man dressed like he was an executioner said before smashing his boot into the side of my face.

As he removed his foot as I rubbed the side of my head before trying to spring up and reach Tae. However before I was able to move at all I screamed in pain having the shield smashed into my back as I lost all feelings in my lower body. I fell to the ground cursing my legs for not responding as the man cackled at my flailing around while walking towards Tae. Then I watched as Tae noticed the man approaching him as he brought his fists up. The man just laughed before smashing his fist into Taes face. My eyes went wide as he did it again and again grabbing Tae by his chest plate.

I watched as teeth landed scattered around Tae as blood was gushing out of his nose. I tried to push myself up as laughter erupted from the crowd watching me. All I could do was fall to the ground in shame that I couldn't do anything as the executioner was devastating Tae. I watched as Taes' arms hung semi lifeless as he was tossed aside and the executioner walked away. Feebly I crawled towards Tae holding my hand out breathing heavily as he just weakly held his hand out to me. Then I watched as his head was smashed into paste by a war hammer.

Seeing this all the memories I had with Tae flashed before my eyes, all the smiles, all the tears. Then it all ends, all the happiness ends with his head being smashed. All the noise around me was deafened as I focused on my best friends lifeless corpse as I started crying feeling so weak. I was lifted off the ground and dragged to the chopping block as I cried wallowing in the fact that I failed to keep my best friend safe.

"Oh when they cry its the best, that's right cry your little heart out. Your friend is laying there nothing more then mush now. Cry, and cry, and cry to your god who doesn't want to protect those that serve under him. Unlike you people we worship the God of Darkness and they take care of us, he gave us a champion to help us. Can you say that your god does the same??? Now lament in your weakness in your final moments of life."

He said as I watched the greatsword I had chosen was being raised to cut off my head.

Time seemingly slowed down as he begun the swing downwards. All I could do was pray to god to give me forgiveness for failing in his plan, for allowing his name to be besmirched. I prayed for forgiveness from my mothers for letting both of them down, and from Cor for not being able to protect her beloved. I prayed begging Tae for forgiveness for not being able to fight alongside him till my dying breath. More so then anything I prayed for a selfish request, another chance to redeem myself in gods eyes, to avenge my best friend and make amends with his beloved and my mother. Then it seemed like time resumed as I watched my body fall limp to the ground seeing the base of my neck from above as blood shot out. In the last few fleeting moments of consciousness I felt something snap before everything went dark.


As the executioner taunted the two knights he had just played with the crowd cheered him on laughing at his antics. However the laughter died down in an instant as the executioner was confused. Then slowly he turned around in horror seeing the man he just decapitated, as the body had stopped bleeding and the head laid on the ground far away. That wasn't what was startling, it was the fact that slowly the body stood up and a new head regenerated to replace the one laying on the ground.

The executioner just looked before pulling his warhammer off his back. (Y/n) however just watched before stumbling towards the executioner. In the fraction of a second (Y/n) was laying on the ground his head smashed like Taes'. The executioner let out a sigh of relief thinking it was just a one time power. That was until (Y/n) stood back up his head regenerating again as he glared at the executioner.

Now it was more then just a power, this was the beginning of a true crusade with an undying knight. (Y/n) slowly walked forward as the executioner stumbled back dropping the greatsword that (Y/n) was using. (Y/n) just knelt down picking up the weapon with an unfocused gaze his mind lost in the rage he was feeling. With uncertainty in his voice the executioner demanded the army to strike down the knight.

With no hesitation the crowd drew their weapon and charged down (Y/n). Many blades entered his body severing limps, organs, anything. But nothing was stopping (Y/n) as he regenerated every injury dealt to him as he sliced and bashed anything in his way. No one could stop that which didn't die, and what couldn't die had only one thing on his mind.

In hours (Y/n) trudged up the steps into the throne room seeing the black steel knight sitting on the throne as his guards stood before him. Blood seeped out of every wound before being healed as his armor was in shambles. The black steel knight stood up holding out his hand as a greatsword twice the size of the one (Y/n) wielded was given to him. (Y/n) didn't care about what happened next other then apologizing to Cor.


As I walked out of the castle I dragged the head of the leader behind me. My mind struggling to comprehend just how my life will play out from now on. I was approached by the crusaders who looked at me in astonishment. Many began to question me, but I had no answers I was still in shock until the Paladin stopped me and grabbed my shoulders.

"You are (Y/n) correct? The knight that came with Knight Tae?"


All I could do was nod my head as if a bright, dazzling light was suddenly shining and brightening up the world around me.

"What happened to you both? What are you dragging behind you?"


His question brought back the memories as I fell to my knees feeling the tears well up in my eyes.

No one approached me as I placed my head on the ground as the tears fell to the ground. All I could keep saying was, that I was sorry. I repeated that over and over again like those were the only words that I knew. Suddenly I felt a hand on my back as I looked over to see Calvus as he had this understanding look in his eyes.

".......It's alright now (Y/n) the crusade is over... They died a glorious death, we should see them off with smiles no matter how much it hurts."


I shook my head wanting to have my life switched with Taes, someone who had so much going for them.

"...Come we should get you changed. It seems that war isn't meant for everyone, even the undying..."

Slowly I was coaxed into leaving the battlefield with the others and returning to the encampment.

The rest of the night I was lost in my own mind now questioning what will happen to me. How I should tell Cor that her beloved is dead, and I was helpless to save him. I was in a cloak and had a bowl of stew in my hands, but I had lost any sort of appetite. No one really sat beside me and I wanted it that way, I wanted to just be alone now.


"It's always hard to lose a friend, it's even harder to watch them die before your very eyes."

I looked beside me seeing the Paladin sitting beside me in a traveling cloak like myself.

"...He... He had a beloved before we left... I-I promised he would return and yet..."

"....Not all promises can be kept, just like all lives can end. Sadly you learned that today and you are suffering like many other first timers."

"...How... How can you be so calm about all of this?"

I stared down at my stew seeing my hands shaking so much, stew was actually starting to spill over the sides.

"I guess I'm not calm about this. Honestly I am always scared and worried that the men I fight beside will not make it home. But I've done this for so long that I can hide my fear and worries. You will live with this for the rest of your life and I am terribly sorry for that. But you are stronger if not mentally then physically. I saw that knights armor and felt such an immense presence from that man, I was planning to retreat and call for the other Paladins and even the Illuminated Paladins. But you took on that monster for the sake of your friend and won. You deserve to be at ease if not for a little while so here..."

I turned to him feeling no better about everything that had been going on as he raised his hand.

"Rest well..."

Suddenly I felt all the feeling in my body leave me as I just closed my eyes falling asleep.

When I next opened my eyes I was laying in a tent by myself. I slowly sat up trying to remember what had happened before the events of yesterday came back hitting like a wall. I just stared at my hands waiting for the tears to fall before realizing that I wasn't crying, in fact I was sad but felt at peace almost.

"...Tae please watch over me and protect Cor..."

I prayed in remembrance of my fallen friend for a few minutes.

Slowly I pushed myself up seeing the clothes I arrived in sat beside my bedding. I didn't question it as I began to dress myself and prepare the apology. When I got done getting dressed I walked out of the tent seeing a few other tents and fire pits around the area. As I wandered through the encampment I was met with Calvus and the Paladin as they were in the midst of talking. While I approached them they seemingly stopped their conversation noticing my arrival.

"Ahh (Y/n)! Glad to see you are doing much better!! Are you off now?"

I was somewhat taken aback by the booming voice of Sir Calvus right now.

"Ye-Yeah Ascended Knight Calvus sir... I am leaving to apologize. After that I am letting God decide what to do with me."

"...Well then be safe (Y/n) I trust that God will have a plan for you after all of this."

"Thank you sir... And... Paladin...."

"Oh how rude of me, I never gave you my name. My name is Igna, Paladin Igna."

"Thank you Paladin Igna for your comforting words last night, I felt at ease all night and even now. The memory is playing in my mind but I don't cry."

Paladin Igna just nodded his head with a smile, now looking at him without his helmet on he had very long hair and a gentle voice despite the speech prior to the crusade.

With a slight wave I was about to walk away until I felt a hand on both of my shoulders. I looked back to see Paladin Igna presenting me with the greatsword I had used yesterday. My eyes went wide trying to push it away, but they both silently gifted me with the greatsword. Eventually I relented and accepted their gift with a smile buckling the sheath onto my back and sheathing the weapon.

Now I was able to leave them behind as they were waving to me. I waved back walking the same beaten path that Tae and I took to get here. All I could do was sigh walking the dirt path feeling so lonely right now without his goofy self to keep me company. I looked up at the sun still high in the sky as I just took a deep breath and smiled.

After a few days without sleeping or eating or resting I made it to Velum. There standing at the gateway was Cor with an optimistic look on her face. I froze seeing her as her eyes landed on me and the smile she had was fading, quickly. I avoided her gaze as she approached me her ears against her head as she was still wearing his rosary around her neck.

"(Y/n)? Wh-Where's Tae?"


I thought I had the courage to tell her the truth, but all I could do is avoid her gaze in absolute silence.

"(Y/n)... Where is he?"

She asked again lifting my chin up so our eyes met as I felt the tears well up before slowly trickling down my cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I-I failed you both... I failed my god... I let everyone down... I-I'm sorry bu-but he... he's gone..."

With those words finally out of my mouth I watched as her face contorted in despair and disbelief as the tears just cascaded down her cheeks.

"....did... Did he die with dignity..."


I looked away remembering how they toyed with him for their own amusement.

"...He fought till the bitter end... I... I wish we traded places that day... I had the golden glow and he had the regeneration... That's all I want to do is switch our fates that day..."

".......Did you avenge him?"

"...Yes... I... I murdered every last one of them and I feel no remorse... All I feel right now is anguish, sorrow, and sickness. I'm sorry Cor..."

She didn't say a word as I turned to leave expecting she didn't want to see my face.

".....Thank you (Y/n)...."

I froze as she suddenly hugged me from behind as I couldn't accept her thanks, but I let her squeeze me as hard as she could knowing she needed this.

"...Are you going again?"

"...I have to tell our church where we met about his fate... I need to confess my sin to our Father and pray for forgiveness."

"Then please do what you think is right, and when you are done... can you come back and tell me more stories at Tae? So we may remember him."

I felt her let go as I looked back to see the sorrowful smile on her tear stained face.

"...Yeah... Sure we can Cor... I will see you in a few weeks."

She nodded her head and waved to me as I began walking back to my hometown.

As I walked on the dirt road I had a fresh perspective on life knowing a lot more then I did when I originally left for this life. Many things weighed on my mind and many things had changed within myself. Unlike the walk from the encampment for the crusade to Velum, I had to take breaks and eat since the distance was vastly different.

One night I was possibly halfway from my hometown and the fire was slowly dying before my eyes. I was entranced by the flickering of the flames lost in thought. Then all of a sudden the flames were snuffed out with the wind as I was snapped back to reality looking around. Before I would of been on guard but now I was more indifferent towards any sort of aggression directed towards me.

"...If you are here to kill me then please go away, I am a man of god who was chosen to be his champion."

I tried to reason with them that this was no easy kill for anyone.


"No response? Fine then, have it your way I am going to sleep so try whatever you like it won't work on me."

I laid down unbuckling the sheathe of my greatsword and holding it close needing only it now.

As I closed my eyes I heard some twigs snapping around me, many twigs in fact. This could be that it's one of two things. One, this was those creatures of sin trying to kill me which would explain why I was given no response. Two, these were bandits who thought I was merely a traveling holy man carrying a blade for show. Right before I could actually fall asleep I felt someone trying to take my sword away as I grabbed their wrist and yanked them onto the ground wide awake.

They only let out a quiet gasp as I glared at them before seeing it was a child. Immediately I let them go and sat up as they crawled back trying to escape into the woods. All I did in response was go through my rucksack pulling out the last bit of my food offering it to the child. The only thing I could tell about this child was that they had a darker skin tone, and that is it with the limited light.

"Here you probably are hungry so have this."


The child was obviously weary of me so I just laid it down on a piece of cloth.

I stood up slinging my rucksack over my shoulder and rebuckling my sheathe to my back. As much as I wanted to help this child I didn't think they would appreciate me. So I resumed my journey to my hometown thinking of nothing but what to say to everyone when I tell them of Taes' demise.

However, after traveling for two weeks my eyes landed on the gate to my hometown and my heart sank. My rucksack strings slipped from my hand falling onto the ground as I looked around seeing the gate in terrible condition. My heart was racing as I stumbled forward looking around as buildings were run down and the town was abandoned. The first thing I could think of when I saw everything like this was...


I rushed to the church looking around seeing shattered windows, broken doors, homes in disarray.

I was gasping for air as I approached the church seeing it was left in shambles. I swallowed hard and rushed inside bashing open the door looking around. I began shouting for someone, anyone to answer my cries. I hastily walked through the church seeing the support beams crumbled and decayed. The dust in the air was heavy as I covered my mouth opening the door to the hallway as I checked room to room. Then my eyes landed on the door to my old room seeing it completely off its' hinges and old blood staining the ground.

Slowly, almost too scared I approached the doorway before my eyes landed on several skeletons laying on the ground. They were varying in sizes as I felt my breathing going erratic as I just slowly entered the room. Old stains of blood were plastered all over the ground and wall, the more I saw the worse I felt. Then my eyes saw a letter in the hand of one of the skeletons, stained with blood and half eaten by moths.

I knelt down and shakily reached out, sweat pouring onto the ground as doing this felt wrong. However after many minutes of deliberation and hesitation, I grabbed the letter and stood up. My stomach was going crazy with so many emotions as I slowly opened up the letter and immediately dropped it onto the ground. Before the letter even hit the ground I was on my knees and clenching my fists tightly. I immediately recognized the handwriting as my own telling me this was the one person I wrote to.


I screamed at the top of my lungs in tears smashing my fist into the ground over and over again.

I kept slamming my fists until the skin cracked open and blood splurt onto the floorboards. I just looked at my hands as they trembled with so many volatile emotions while they slowly healed. After losing my best friend and now finding out I had been writing to the dead for so long something inside me snapped. I ripped off the rosary I wore every moment of my life and threw it onto the ground in an absolute rage.

"What about this is part of your plan you heartless bastard!!? We worshipped you far more then even the pope himself that worthless asshole!! And yet we didn't ask much, I ASKED YOU FOR REQUESTS!!! Why did you punish them!?!? Why did you punish me!?!? Why give me the ability to regenerate when you were going to tear everything from me!!?!??? Why wouldn't you punish me instead!?! Why hurt those I love!?! What kind of god are you!?! You are nothing but a devil! A BLOODY DEVIL!!!"

I screamed in tears at the heavens cursing god for abandoning his followers.

I began bashing my fists and head into the floor over and over again wanting the power I had to disappear. I wanted everything to go back to that day when Tae saved me, I want to go back. I kept going as blood splattered all over the ground before I broke something as everything went black.

When I next opened my eyes I looked around finding myself still at the church and the sun was still up. I was so unstable right now I wanted to pray, but it would mean nothing knowing that god was a lie. I grasped my hands together tightly begging anything and anyone to end my miserable life and allow me peace. That was when I heard something I didn't expect behind me.

"Oh so you finally found out~"

Immediately I looked around seeing Cor in shock before feeling my shoulder growing damp and on fire.

I looked down and saw a blade I knew all too well stuck in my shoulder. I tried to look back at Cor to get an explanation as my body froze up. I fell over crushing one of the skeletons as she just giggled and pulled the knife out of my shoulder.

"Man (Y/n) you really know how to piss off the royalist~ They hired me to kill you a second time, honestly I am flat out shocked when I saw you that day entering Velum.... Oh are you not going to talk~"

She waited for my response as all I could do was move my eyes completely paralyzed.

"Oh my goodness silly me I forgot about the poison~~"

She covered her mouth laughing as she walked around me.

"You know it's funny almost, as a believer of a higher being myself I didn't have any grudge against you. Even though you worship the god opposite of mine, still I don't think badly about you."

Suddenly I heard several snaps from behind me as I was powerless to do anything.

"I didn't hate you I think you in all honesty I thought you were doing a good thing, but you know what they say..."

Another round of crackling bones from behind as I wanted more then anything to beat her to death for setting us both up this entire time.

"Money buys you happiness and if you saw the gold coins they offered me this time. I think you would understand so do me a favor and die quickly~~"

Suddenly I was kicked to the side as I rolled over and was now facing her, seeing the shattered remains of the smaller skeletons as the only one left was Sister Maeri.

"Oh if only the poison wasn't so potent I wish I could see your reaction~ Just coming home to find it in ruins~ All your friends and family dead~ Oh it would bring me more joy then finding out your little friend died to our army~ Oh god when you told me that I nearly got off to the news~~~"

The more she spoke the more pissed off I was getting wanting to bash her brains in and painting the town red with the blood of everyone that pissed me off.

"Oh are you angry?? That's so cute!! What can someone who is immobilized do? I know last time you survived cause I missed that oh so vital heart by a few centimeters, but this time I know I won't miss it~~"

She started to giggle as felt I twinge of guilt doubting my religion, doubting my god blaming his divine wisdom and plan for the fault of others.

"And hearing you blame your god, the very being you pledged undying loyalty to. Oh it was music to my ears~ I just had to stand right outside the doorway and listen in enjoying the sounds of sadness and frustration~~ But I think it's time for our meeting to come to an end for the final time~~"

She said as I watched her smash her heel into the last intact skull, Sister Maeris' skull as it shattered into tiny pieces.

She giggled and cackled taking out her dagger as I just closed my eyes in tears. She was talking but I was blocking her out as I begged and prayed in my head to god for ever doubting him. I prayed that he could bless me with his benevolence once more for cursing him, I promised to live my life completely dedicated to him. Then I felt the burning sensation in my chest as I opened my eyes to see her twisted, smiling face looking down at me as she plunged the dagger deeper and deeper into my chest. Slowly and painfully she withdrew the dagger as I watched with the last moments of consciousness my heart beating outside my body while stabbed by a knife. As it stopped beating everything went black and I was prepared for anything.


As the assassin finally finished her hit after many years she was beyond happy. The local royalists had hired her with the promise of over five hundred gold coins for the death of (Y/n). As she happily began to walk away she stopped remembering she needed proof of his death, and what better proof then his head. So she turned around only to freeze in horror as she watched (Y/n) slowly stood up, his chest still oozing blood from the wound before closing.

"......You tricked Tae... You tricked me..."

"H-How are you still alive!??! I TOOK YOUR FUCKING HEART OUT YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!!"

She was hysteric as (Y/n) just chuckled while unsheathing his greatsword, tightly clenching the handle with both his hands.

"You think by removing my heart you can kill me? My god, my benevolent and glorious god has not forsaken me even after I fell to my vile emotions. I am his champion, you can not and will not ever be able to kill me."

"Th-They never to-"

Before she even had a chance to respond (Y/n) closed the few feet between them in the fraction of a second.

He rammed into her, bashing his shoulder into her chest. She gasped for air trying to beg for mercy as (Y/n) was able to deliver two quick slashes at her chest. A bright violet light shined off her body revealing a gift from the devil himself, the God of Darkness. However he didn't relent, he kept on the pressure as she tried to stab him with her dagger once more.

Her form and posture were completely open to attacks as (Y/n) took advantage of this. He raised his greatsword blocking the dagger near the tip of his greatsword, before sliding the blade against the palm of his hand and the dagger slashing at her chest once more. She let out a pained gasp trying to get back as the fallen door ended up tripping her.

As she fell to the floor (Y/n) was quick to resume he attack fueled by his loss and newfound resolve in his religion. While she laid on the ground scrambling to get away he raised his greatsword to the sky and brought it down with a thunderous crash. She cried out finally getting out her pleas for mercy as they fell on deaf ears. (Y/n) winded up another swing to crash down upon her, as if ignited by the fires of rage and anger burning within him. His blade came crashing down, cleaving through her gift from the devil and severed her right arm from her torso and sending the dagger flying to the opposite end of the room.

Blood shot out as she cried and screamed in agony until he knelt down and covered her mouth with his hand. Slowly he picked her up and slammed her into a wall before impaling his greatsword into her shoulder. Tears streamed down her face as her screeches of agony were muffled by his hand. Slowly he removed his hand as she kicked and screamed begging forgiveness as he just shook his head turning his back to her.

"Tell me why you did this... Why did they need to die if I was the target?"

"Be-Because... Th-They were close to yo-you... Pl-Please let me go... I-I'm sorry!!"

"Sorry? You are sorry?"

He turned around seeing a weak nod from her as she had a pleading look in her eyes.

"Pl-Please I-I will do anything! Yo-You can hav-have your way wi-with my bo-body! O-Or you can take th-the gold coins! Pl-Please just sp-spare my life!!"

"How about you tell me why you acted the way you did years ago, why you made yourself seem like a peasant when you are clearly a higher standing."

"Be-Because... I-I was told.. I-I had to tr-trick you bo-both. I-I'm sorry!!"

The look on her face and the tears she was crying made him sick to his stomach, discovering she had planned this out years before and was tricking both of the Knights.

"You know... It's funny if this would of been before the crusade I might have felt a twinge of guilt and remorse and let you go cause I was in love with you."

"Th-Then we can ge-get married! I-I promise I-I willl mak-make you the happiest man al-alive! I-I will devote the re-rest of my life to wor-wor-worshipping the god of light! Pl-Please just spare me!!"

Slowly he approached her and gently rubbed her cheek as she flinched before leaning into his hand hoping for salvation.

"But this isn't (Y/n) before the crusade, this is after... After I watched my friend die before my very eyes, and find my mother dead and desecrated... After hearing your words and how happy you were to find the one that truly loved you was dead. I hate you with every fiber of my being and will make you regret the day you attacked me."

Her eyes went wide as he removed his hand from her cheek and began to break her finger one by one.

Her howls of anguish and agony echoed through the empty town as (Y/n) tortured her. All the anger, all the resentment, all the hatred had been boiling the entire encounter and finally boiled over. With every finger broken, a bit of his anger was relieved as she was crying and begging for someone to save her from the monster before her. (Y/n) was growing tired of all her screaming and walked away from her as she hung from the wall screeching like a madman. He knelt down picking up her severed and returned shoving her forearm into her mouth, and quickly followed it up with the hardest punch he could throw. Stuffing her mouth with his fist and the severed arm muffling her cries.

"I disregarded my love for you once I found out Tae loved you. I owed him my life and so I promised both God and myself that I would make sure you both live a happy life. I failed in so many regards that its almost funny. And since I don't want to hear that nasty voice of yours ever again I want answers with nods... Now was it your devil tricks that killed my family?"

He demanded as her head feverously shook side to side as he started pacing back and forth.

"Was it a planned attack by the Royalist?"

She hesitated before both shaking and nodding her head perplexing the man.

"....Were the followers of darkness involved as well?"

Very slowly she nodded her head as he walked towards the corner of the room picking up the dagger.

"So you are saying it was a planned attack by both the royalist and the followers of darkness, all because I was someone that helped the poor and revered the god of light."

Ever so slowly he walked back to the woman as she nodded her head, her eyes begging to be released from this torture.


He didn't say a word, instead he started feeling her body as her face exploded in a blush until realizing he wasn't groping her he was looking for something.

After a few moments he was able to pull out a piece of paper from her one pocket. Her eyes were wide as she began kicking with renewed vigor. However her kicks didn't affect him as he read the paper looking for the information he needed. Then his eyes landed on several names he was familiar with as well as many more names in agreeance with this slow assassination of all noteworthy figures in the Holy Guard.

"...Now all that's left is to show this to his Holiness, and put the dead to rest."

With one last look at her eyes seeing the fear in them took the dagger and with all his might stabbed it through her eye as she died on impact.

With all his anger finally vented out on the person that hurt him the most, he was at peace once more. Finally calming down he pulled the greatsword out of the corpses' shoulder and wiped it clean of her vile blood. Her body fell to the floor in a puddle of blood as he returned his attention to the shattered skeletons slowly and carefully picking up the bones trying to keep them as sorted as he can.


After a few hours I drove the last wooden cross into the ground etching into it the name of who I believed to bury in the ground. I wiped the sweat off my brow looking at the graves I finished burying. Kneeling down I clasped my hands together praying for their spirits to rest easy as I took the first step of revenge. Once I was done praying I got back up and began my own crusade hoping the pope will support me in my endeavor. As I approached the gate I covered my mouth coughing violently into my hand as some blood coated the palm of my hand.

I didn't worry about it and resumed walking as the woods were silent. Hearing twigs snap all around me telling me something wanted me dead. However I didn't care I kept walking on the path as my stomach growled in hunger.

Suddenly one of the creatures of sin jumped out of the bushes and pinned me to the ground. I looked into its' crimson eyes as it opened it jaw, reeking of death and misery before trying to bite off my face. Quickly I shoved my palm into its' lower jaw going right through the fur and pushing it off. As it rolled into a tree I slowly stood up and drew my greatsword with one hand as it recovered and lunged at me. With one clean slash I sheathed my blade once more and resumed walking as the creature disappeared into nothingness.

After two weeks of traveling I arrived at the central kingdom, panting heavily as the guards approached me. They questioned my intentions since I was in tattered bloody clothes and covered in dirt. I pushed them aside as they weren't going to let me in until I took off my rosary showing it to them.

"I am Knight (Y/n) of the Holy Guard! I need inside right this instant!"

"....His Holiness Pope Calice has been waiting for your return, please after tending to your wounds please go see him."

"I will see him now."

I pushed past them, as they followed me from the gate to the base constantly telling me to appear properly before his holiness.

As I approached the door leading to the Popes' chamber, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder. I turned around about to threaten the guards before seeing Paladin Igna with a look of concern on his face. The look in his eyes erased any thought I had of seeing his holiness in this form as I sighed and quickly went to the bathhouse.

Once I took my bath cleaning myself of grime, blood, and dirt I got dressed in the clothes I had brought along. With one step out of the bathhouse I was followed by Paladin Igna, as he was trying to talk about something. I kept dismissing him telling I had more pressing matters at hand. As he tried once more to talk to me I knocked on the door to his holiness' door, being answered with a demand for my interruption.

"I'm sorry but I am Knight (Y/n), and I am here to discuss something of great importance to his Holiness and the Four Cardinals. Please let me in."

My voice was shaky as I waited with Paladin Igna accompanying me of his own volition.

Slowly the door opened as I entered inside followed by Igna. I went to the center of the room being looked down upon by Pope Calice and the Four Cardinals. I was feeling a bit tongue tied before remembering the anger I felt seeing my mothers skeleton. I clenched my fist tightly before prostrating myself before all of them placing my forehead on the ground.

"Pope Calice, your Holiness I am sorry for bothering you but I have a selfish request for you."

"...Raise yourself my child, you need not lower yourself to the ground. Stand up and speak of your request to me."

"Thank you very much..."

I slowly stood up pulling out the letter and opening it.

"I took a leave of absence to visit my hometown only to find it destroyed. In that place there was an attempt on my life, failed as you can see. But the assassin was someone Tae and myself trusted."

"This Tae you speak of... he was one of the knights that fell during the crusade months ago correct?"

"...Yes sir..."

"He was a brave knight and a strong believer his death saddens me even now. I know it saddens you as well."

I froze for a second hearing his Holiness speaking of my friend so sincerely, before resuming my request.

"Well this assassin had a letter on her person and in this letter she had my name, and many more of the notable figures of the Holy Guard. The assassin and possibly even more of them lie in wait, made a deal with not only the royalist but followers of the God of Darkness as well."

"And of this assassin you speak of what happened to them?"

I looked up to one of the Cardinals taking a deep breath.

"After watching her desecrate the skeletons of my church and openly admit to assisting in their demise... I took it upon myself to punish her, and she now is burning in hell where devils like her belong."

Suddenly one of the Cardinals smashed their fists against their chairs outraged.

"You dare to say you punished someone like you are god!!?!?"

"....I will never claim to be the benevolent lord we all worship, but I will claim to be his champion. And I took it as my duty to punish those that disgrace his worshippers and his place of worship."

"You aren't allowed to make that decision, your head should roll on the ground now Pala-"

"Sit down and calm down Cardinal Auda, you know that threat won't work on one such as himself. And besides he is the champion we discussed this before, and from what he says the punishment was necessary."

Pope Calice finished as I was in awe that he was not only on my side but officially appointed me as the champion of light.

"Finish my child, tell me of your request."

"O-Oh right sir... I would like to lead a crusade against the followers of darkness and the royalist. I have several names here that need to see the light of justice."

"...You know knights can't do anything other then participate in a crusade. But this has been over due for a long time, Knight (Y/n) please kneel down."

Pope Calice ordered as I nodded and knelt down as he descended the steps and appeared before me a few minutes later.

"I, Pope Calice bestow upon you the position of Ascended Knight. Now rise Ascended Knight (Y/n) and listen to my words."

I looked up and stood before his Holiness as he gestured to the Cardinals.

"We will be going on yet another crusade! This one shall hopefully put the fallen brothers to rest as we smite these heathens that dared to desecrate a holy place! Paladin Igna!"

"Your Holiness!"

It was so sudden that even though this is what I wanted I didn't know what to expect seeing Igna run forward and kneeling beside me.

"Summon as many men as you can while I call upon the other Paladins and Illuminated Paladins. This shall be a battle like no other, we shall crusade across the kingdoms driving out the heretics and helping the ones in need! Now go! Go and prepare!"

"Of course!"

And just like that Igna was gone as everything was going so fast.

Just as the Pope decreed a grand crusade was held that lasted several years. I lead many charges into enemy lines drawing some attention from the others and helping even the tide of battles. As the crusades continued more and more towns ousted their royals and the heretics to us, gaining our gratitude and saving themselves from tyranny. Once the final battle was done we had purged nearly every heretic and greedy, evil royal family. We lost many knights, ascended knights, exalted knights, and even a few paladins. But we won, our crusades liberated much of the lands and lead us to a new era.

I worked under the Pope for nearly thirty years doing whatever tasks was asked of me. Besides being a diligent and devout follower and helper I rose the ranks all the way to Illuminated Paladin. However I had developed an illness and it was becoming more and more apparent that my life was naturally coming to an end. Pope Calice in his old age as well allowed me the peace of mind dying where I was born where I could only be thankful to him for this.

With one last tired goodbye, I bid farewell to the area of the central kingdom that belonged to the Holy Guard seeing many of the knights I trained and higher ranking members I grew with. As I walked through the town I was heralded as a saint people bidding me fond farewells and thanking me for always being there to help others. I took their praise humbly telling them it was our benevolent god that gave me the mission of helping others. Once I was approaching the gate I saw a mare and the local farmers waiting for me. Confused I questioned them about the creature as they offered the reins to me as I was against the idea. They on the other hand were not going to let me travel all that way with the illness ravaging my body.

Reluctantly but with a thankful smile I took the reins and slowly got onto the saddle. With one last wave goodbye I gently tugged on the reins trotting out of the kingdom seeing the prosperity from the hard work of  everyone. For the next three weeks I traveled via horseback stopping to feed myself and the mare will petting its' chestnut mane. With the bright light of the early morning I saw the refined gates of my hometown.

I was stopped by the town guard who gave me a scowl before recognizing me I presume since he got on his hands and knees begging forgiveness. With a smile I slowly got off the horse and knelt down infront of him telling him nothing wrong with caution. He questioned my reason for visiting all of a sudden as I had nothing to hide and told him as plainly as I could.

"I am sick and dying, I have reached a fine age of fifty eight and I believe my duty as a champion is coming to an end. I was granted the peace of being home again to the end."

"...B-But you dying... Isn't your body regenerating?"

All I could do was chuckle and nod before smiling at him.

"I believe so but my body is tired from all the crusades and battles, the regeneration is weak now. I would like to just rest here in my hometown till I am gone."

"Th-Then we shall give you the best rooms!"

"No... I will live like I always have..."

He tried to speak me into reconsidering this but I already decided.

As I journeyed to a small cot many people questioned me and praised me. I just smiled and waved thanking them for hard work and devout prayers. Before entering the cot I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I began coughing violently as blood splattered on my clothes. Leaning against the door frame everything was going dizzy as I stumbled towards the bed. I didn't make it as everything was in pain and I prayed one last time shakily clasping my hands together falling onto the ground.

"Thank you God of Light for blessing me with this life, for all the hardships, for all the joy, for all the victories, and for all the chances to redeem myself. I hope to lay my eyes upon your incandescent visage very soon. Mothers, Brothers, Tae... Please wait a little while longer."

And with that I felt everything go numb as my heart stopped completely and I laid still on the floor.

As I slowly opened my eyes I was expecting to be standing on a fluffy cloud and infront of the golden gates. However as my eyes adjusted to the lighting I realized I was in the cot still. Then slowly I looked at my hands not seeing a single scar or any sign of age, in fact they seemed downright like when I was younger. Then I slowly stood up seeing the clothes I was wearing hung very loosely on my body. Confused I went outside and looked into the window seeing my reflection as a truth was revealed to me as I gingerly touched my face.

I didn't feel the beard I had been growing for twenty some odd years. My hair had grown back and seemed just as well kept. It was almost like my body had reverted back to the way it was when I first received my gift. I hurried down the hill back into the village holding onto my pants as it was very early in the morning.

Few people were out and about right now, but I was stopped by one of the town guard. I looked at them needing to talk with Pope Calice right now about the situation. But the town guard was not letting me go as the clothes I was wearing were stained in blood and to him I could imagine what was going through his mind.

"...You killed him..."

"Look just listen before you sa-"

"You killed our champion of light... How dare you! To the headsman!!"

He began dragging me as I didn't have time for this.

I tried to break free of his grip as it was a strong grip, but not the strongest I had to deal with. Right before I could break free I felt a blade from behind placed against my throat as our commotion had caught the attention of the other guards. They were infuriated believing I was murdered so I knew of only one way to get out of this. I leaned back before throwing my entire weight forward as the blade dug deep into my neck as everything went black.

Slowly I blinked opening my eyes as the guards were trying to prevent people from seeing my body. I stood up stretching my body missing the feeling of being able to move my body so freely after ten years of aching bones. Silence fell around me as I looked around seeing the bewildered looks and expressions of the town. As if awaiting my explanation I sighed and held up the rosary that I had been wearing for over forty years.

"I am Illuminated Paladin (Y/n)! Why I am like this I don't know, but understand I am still the same man that entered the town yesterday. Now if you will excuse me I need to go see Pope Calice and discuss these circumstances."

The town guard upon hearing my explanation begged for forgiveness as I forgave them not angry in the slightest.

I hurried to the front gate seeing the mare I had arrived on was gone meaning someone was taking it back. I ran pass the town guard who didn't know anything about what was going on, as I ran past him he tried to stop me but was too slow. He demanded I stop as I just yelled to him to ask the others about who I was and kept running.

As my feet pounded on the dirt path I felt an old exhilaration that I hadn't felt in so long. My body carried itself with ease as I kept running as I felt a seemingly unlimited amount of energy coursing through my veins. Day in and day out I ran without much care for my body, only stopping to forage for food and take a break. The three weeks on horseback at a lazy trot was cut down to two weeks at a mad dash. As I approached the central kingdoms gate I was barred from entry as I held up my rosary.

"I am Illuminated Paladin (Y/n) I desperately need to see his Holiness, Pope Calice."

They looked at one another before laughing heartily, as the mid day streets stopped what they were doing to check on the guards.

"You!? Illuminated Paladin (Y/n)!?!"

"Yes it is I."

"You a young one, old enough to be a scribe at best claiming to be the champion of light!!?!?"

"Again yes, I know it may be humorous. But please listen I ne-"

I was cut off with a several blades drawn and several knights poised to kill me on the spot.

"Your claims can and will be seen as blasphemy, punishable by death if you dare speak his name once more."

"...You are Exalted Knight Subli, you would of lost your life during the crusade twenty years ago if not for me blocking a volley of arrows to let you retreat to the healers. And you are..."

I went on to one by one call each of the knights by their names and ranks giving details only I would know about them.

They sheathed their swords and apologized repeatedly as I dismissed it, knowing they were in the right any other time. With great urgency I was escorted right to the meeting room of the Cardinals and Pope. I knocked on the door as I was urged to shower at least before meeting his Holiness, but it was too late as I entered the room being given permission.

"...(Y/n)? Is that really you?"

"Yes, Pope Calice it is I Illuminated Paladin (Y/n)..."

I knelt down to him lowering my head to show him the utmost respect like always.

"What happened to you? Weeks ago you left looking like an old man and yet you return like the first day I watched you enter with Calvus."

Slowly I raised my head to answer him as the Cardinals were silent, which in a sense was strange since they never liked me after I proclaimed myself a champion.

"If I may speak truthfully..."

"Of course with all the years you spent helping others and risking your life."

"Thank you Pope Calice... I don't know how I ended up like this, two weeks ago I fell in a cot and my heart stopped. Then the next thing I know I woke up like this, and my first thought was to come and seek your guidance."

I felt a judgmental gaze cast upon me by his Holiness as I awaited his words.

"...It seems god has chosen you to be his champion till he deems your job done."

"...So I will, until the God of Light decides to let me rest, continuously regenerate my body. Being unable to die and grow old only to die and regenerate my younger body..."

The revelation of this made my heart grow heavy for a dreadful reason.

"What's wrong Illuminated Paladin? You sound sad, depressed even."

"It's... I forsook all romance in order to serve god to my fullest, that way I would be able to devote every ounce of my being to serve him. But now knowing what awaits me I am glad and sad that I never settled down. Knowing I will forever outlive my family, having to deal with that terrible pain again and again."

"...Your love and devotion to god is admirable and truly inspirational. Not many man can go their entire life without experiencing the love of a woman. You are truly worthy of the rank you have, but I want to know this..."

I looked up seeing his tired smile on his face.

"What is it you want to do now (Y/n)?"

"What... I want... to do....?"

I trailed off thinking about the question in an instant.

The room was deathly silent as no one dared to speak as if that action would anger god himself. I was thinking more and more about what I wanted and what made me truly happy. For several minutes I thought before coming to a decision as I clasped my hands together.

"Pope Calice, I wish to keep serving the Holy Guard and to keep helping everyone I can if I may."

"...A very honest answer like always, I grant this desire you may continue your devotion and teaching here."

"Thank you Pope Calice."

And with that my life had been decided once more and I was in control of it.

For many life times I served the Holy Guard to the best I could at the time. As I grew older I tended to help others over teaching, and when the time came I would return to teaching and helping. Every crusade, every battle, every war I was part of it. I was always there fighting for god and to protect those that deserved it.

During one of my lifetimes the Holy Guard was disbanded by one of the later Popes and I was given freedom to do as I pleased. So I spent many, many, many years wandering the world helping the less fortunate and protecting the weak. I watched as kingdoms fell and nations rose, religion fell and technology reigned, and gifts of god become more common while the creatures of sin gained new names and forms.

I was always wandering as my deeds began to spread like rumors. The thought that others believed me to be an angel helping the devoted and honest, bleeding like man and dying, nit never truly dying. It gave me a sense of satisfaction that I never felt before. And like before for over one thousand years I declined any and all romantic interests to protect myself from feeling that agony of loss.

As it stands right now I was living on the streets of the city of Vale, which was once Velum. The difference between my Velum and todays Vale was like night and day something I found amusing and worrying. I had just started a new life cycle and was still carrying the burden of the past, rummaging through my pockets pulling out a few coins of lien and nothing more. All I could do was sigh and hide in the alleyway not wanting to bother people while I prayed to god for a sign of what to do.

"...Ah hello there we meet at last."

I looked up seeing a man with silver hair and black glasses as he smiled at me.

"I'm sorry did I bother you? I was just praying, but I can leave."

I was about to stand up till he spoke once more.

"No, keep praying please... Illuminated Paladin (Y/n)..."

My eyes went wide as I looked at him in absolute shock hearing that name after six hundred years.

"Ho-How do... do you...."

"I know it because you helped me over a thousand years ago, you gave me food one night when I tried to steal that weapon you have on your back."

"....No... You can't be telling the truth you look nothing like him."

I shook my head feeling a bit disappointed, turning to leave the man.

"You aren't the only one who technically exists outside the laws of time. The boy you are thinking of was dark skinned, correct?"


"Still don't believe me alright... How about the crusade where you slaughtered an entire army after watching your best friend die before you."


"Believe it or not word of your deeds spread like fire back then, and still live even if as rumors today. You gave me some food because I had made the mistake of running away from home without any food and was doing anything I could do to survive. I tried to steal your weapon to sell it for as much gold, or silver, or copper it would go for to feed myself."


"My friend, if you will permit me to call you so. I have an offer of a lifetime for you, if you are willing to give me your time."

I struggled to find my voice as he offered me his hand with a coy smile on his face.

Slowly I looked at the hand he was extending to me as I was hesitant to accept his offer. However I felt something in my heart, almost like a conversation with god telling me it was alright to trust this man. With a moment of clarity I took his hand and shook it profusely apologizing to him for dirtying his hand.

"Come with me to my home, there you can shower up and we can discuss this in further detail."

"...Of course thank you for the chance to talk with someone, sadly no one has the common decency to check on the poor on the streets."

He nodded his head agreeing with my comment as we made our way to the home he spoke of via a bullhead.

After a two hour flight and an hour of showering I was finally done and dried myself off. I entered into the living room of his home in a fresh set of clothes he gave me for the time being. I sat down across from him as he sipped on a drink as I waited for him to tell me this offer.

"Before we begin would you like to talk about your many lifetimes? I wouldn't mind listening to your stories since well, you did help me several times without knowing it."

"First good sir, may I have your name or more correctly what you go by now and what you went by then."

"Fair enough, as of now I go by Ozpin headmaster of Beacon Academy for ten years. Back then our first encounter was when I went by the name Ozma over one thousand years ago."

"....This Beacon you speak of is that the school of Velum?"

"Velum? You mean Vale, even I make that mistake every now and again."

I nodded with an exhausted sigh finding myself slip between the words I know and the words of today.

"My offer is this, come to my school and teach history of the world. No book would be able to tell the feelings of one that has lived for many lives through many hardships. Death, plagues, illness, poverty, slavery. No book can express those feelings better then you, no one can do this but you."

"....I am just a retired crusader and holy father. I don't believe I will be of assistance to you Ozma."

"Ozpin is fine, but you can think of it like this. If you take my offer you can teach every generation to come what it meant to be a huntsman and what it meant to face your fears. That and I am sure you could use the lien that working at my academy would provide you."

His offer was honestly too good to be true, and I felt like he was hiding something from me.

"A few things Ozpin before I give your offer deliberation."

"By all means (Y/n) I am more then happy to explain anything you would like to know."

"Then tell me... How exactly did you pass the time? You aren't darker skin so I must know how did you traverse through life?"

"...Ah I guess I do owe you that much of an explanation. Well my gift from god much like your own since you don't have an aura so you don't truly have a semblance, is that I can reincarnate and merge my soul with someone that shares my mindset. So as of right now this is my... tenth reincarnation, but I don't mean to talk about myself anything else you would like to ask?"

His answer wasn't so startling to me, but more comforting since I felt alone for so long without someone to talk about the old times.

"My next question is what are you hiding from me? Your words earlier were very sweet and made to sound like a perfect reason for my hiring, but I know it's not everything. So be honest with me what secrets are you hiding?"

I watched his face change as he clasped his hands together infront of his face going deathly silent.


I gave him the time as I began to deliberate on his offer as much as I could without knowing everything.

".....I would like you to help me stop the woman I love from taking over the world."

The first thing he said after ten minutes of silence was something that heavy.

"...The woman you love? Ozpi... No now it's Ozma, what do you mean by that?"

"Like I said I was given a gift by the god you revered. To protect the relics and lead humanity on the right path, much like yourself truthfully. However the woman I loved and had children with aligned herself more with the god of darkness and we split up. The worst part is that she went down the dark path to bring me back from death, to this day I feel responsible for everything that has happened."

"I-I.... I'm sorry to hear that Ozma I deeply apologize for making you tell something so personal."

He just dismissed my apologies saying he was undeserving of such kind words.

"We fought time and time again, and now over a thousand years later we are still fighting with no clear end in sight which is why I would like you to help when the time comes. Much like myself I believe you were chosen to be a champion to lead Humanity to a more prosperous and peaceful life. Like you did over six hundred years ago, you took part in a war that helped to shape the world as it is today."

"....I'm sorry I had so many battles and so many traumatic experiences watching my comrades die before me. My memory tends to be hazy when it comes to things like that, just saying I participated in a battle doesn't help with much."

"Oh well... It was the last technical 'crusade' you were in before the Holy Guard disbanded."

With that clarification my eyes went wide as the many people I watched die before my eyes play in my mind over and over again.

"Do you remember now?"

"...Unfortunately so... I remember that crusade all too well... The opposing army using the creatures of sin... I-I'm sorry I still forget. They used the grimm and both sides lost many, many lives. I lost many good friends that day."

"Yes we both shoulder a heavy burden for the past. But let us get off this depressing subject and move on, do you have any other questions."

He was telling the truth as I opened my mouth but was cut off by my own stomach. 

"......What about food?"

"We have extraordinary culinary staff at Beacon, every meal is guaranteed to be the same quality if not better then a five star restaurant."

His words were sweet like honey, but I couldn't be swayed by temptations of material possessions when all I need in life is devotion, my weapon, and my rosary.

"What do you do with the leftover food, I am sure your students don't eat every single morsel."

I planned to reject his offer, however he chuckled at my question with a devious smirk.

"We give all our scraps to the less fortunate in Vale and the surrounding towns. Now (Y/n) will you become a teacher for my academy?"

"Aren't you playing favorites with me? Giving me an easy way out of my current situation?"

"No, I believe in repaying my debts. And my debt to you is far greater then you know, for you have saved me many times throughout your lifetimes. You are far more capable then any of my teachers and even myself."


I went into a deep thought trying to decide if I should take this offer and allow him to repay these debts, or if I should decline and continue my wandering.

After ten minutes of silence I looked up from my hands to him as he didn't have a smile or frown, his face emotionless. With a deep breath I looked him in the eyes and nodded my head. His face went from emotionless to ecstatic in moments. He extended his hand as I shook it agreeing to his offer as he went over everything that I would be teaching, and the assistant I would be getting to help with the more modern history.

Within a few weeks until the new year of school I was introduced to the other staff. I was also introduced to the assistant I was getting as he was a very energetic and hyperactive man. This was an entire new ordeal for me, dealing with all these new people after such a long time being just a nameless no one that did only help others.

Then the day of the first actual classes began as I went from period to period saying the same thing and getting the same question of my age over and over again. The answer was always the same and I dismissed their worries with my words promising them that I was fit for this position. Then it was the first class after lunch as I was sitting at the front talking to my assistant Bartholomew Oobleck.

"Just drop it you blonde dumbass."

I felt my body freeze hearing a voice I never expected to hear again as students were starting to enter the classroom.

"Hey listen here bird brain I was trying to apologize for spilling your tray of food!"

Right then and there I felt my heart stop as I heard one voice I was desperate to hear again, and one I hated with ever fiber of my being.

I felt someone shake me as I blinked several times before looking to my right seeing Oobleck with a concerned look on his face. I stood up looking out to the sea of students as my eyes landed on the two that were too good to be true. The seemingly perfect reincarnations of Tae and Cor were arguing quietly in the middle of the room. Just seeing Tae again the exact same as a thousand years ago, nearly brought me to my knees as I turned my back to the class and clenched the rosary under my suit tightly praying to god.


"For the last time Taiyang if you don't fuck off I wi-"

"I am trying to apologize here Raven just accept it."

"Tai... Raven stop fighting or else the professor is gonna get mad..."

I turned to Summer the leader of this rag tag bunch of misfits as I sighed resting my elbow on the desk and my chin on my hand looking out the closest window trying to ignore the blonde dumbass.

"Good afternoon students hope you had a good lunch. This will be your history class and I will be your teacher or professor whichever one you prefer. My name is (Y/n) and before you even ask yes I am your teacher and yes I am nineteen."

My attention was grabbed by the professor as he stood at the front of the class.

As my eyes landed on him I felt a weird feeling in my chest seeing his face. For a moment our eyes met as he was talking and I for the first time avoided the gaze of someone else. This strange feelings was so foreign to me as I tried my best to ignore it like Taiyang.

"If you have any questions at all please stay after class and I or my assistant will try and answer any and all questions. Now let us begin with the very basic of history..."

I listened intently to his words for whatever reason, this was the first class I found myself wanting to pay attention in.

As he spoke I found myself taking as many notes as I could, more then even Summer was taking. I glanced over to see Qrow that idiot was fast asleep as I returned my attention to Professor (Y/n). Then I saw he was walking up here as I watched him stop only a few feet from me as he gently shook my brothers shoulder. Qrow just looked up and blinked slowly as if he was registering what was going on.

"...Oobleck this is Qrow Branwen correct?"

"Indeed it is Professor (Y/n)! It would appear that he is far more interested in the fiction of his dreams rather then the reality we live in. He should be given a punishment for falling asleep on the first day! I am thinking twenty seven pages of the effects of dust and their impact on the lives of huntsman!"


It was right then that Qrow seemingly understood just what was going on and he was terrified until.

"I don't believe so Oobleck, I understand Qrow here. After eating a good meal sometimes even I find it hard to stay awake. So just this once I will overlook this, but please stay awake during class."

Professor (Y/n) said with a gentle pat on Qrows' back as I could only watch in amazement at this.

Then the class continued for an hour as I took more and more notes as did Qrow for the first time in his life. We left the tribe in order to discover more of the world and we both agreed that coming here would decide a lot of things about us. But one thing I was not prepared for was this weird feeling in my chest as the bell rung signaling the end of class.

"Alright everyone please review what we learned about today and have a glorious day."

Professor (Y/n) said with a smile on his face sitting down at the teachers desk.

Summer and Taiyang got up as I followed suite dragging Qrow behind me as he was trying to stay behind with the saint as he called our professor. As we passed the teachers desk all four of us were stopped by Professor (Y/n). We stayed behind as we were the only ones left besides Professor (Y/n) and his assistant Oobleck.

"Wh-What do you need from us Professor (Y/n)?"

Summer stuttered out what we all were thinking as he just offered a soft chuckle shaking his head.

"Nothing really, sorry for holding you four up I just... Never mind don't worry about it please continue onto your next class."

The change in his voice for some reason was worrying to me, from happy and excited to sad and depressing.

"Uh well if you are sure Professor thank you for the lecture today, it was very insightful honestly."

Summer smiled at Professor (Y/n) as Taiyang nodded as they both left as my brother and I stayed behind.

" you need something..."

He was glancing over the seating chart to figure out who I was.

"Raven... Pro-Professor... Raven Branwen..."

"What is this shy tone I have right now!? This is not me!!"

"Ah your his sister, I understand it may be a bit troubling with a brother like him. But please continue looking out for him, I noticed you caught me before I was climbing the steps to wake your brother up."

I was at a loss for words at his sincerity, as all I could do was nod finding myself acting more and more out of character.

"Professor can I stay with you for the rest of the school year!?"

"Now, now Qrow you shouldn't beg for something as trivial as that."

We both watched as Professor (Y/n) stood up and walked towards one of the windows.

"If you are going to beg to someone... Well beg isn't the right word here, pray is more of a correct term. You should pray to god and look for his signs and answers, you may be surprised when you pay attention you notice many more things. Now why don't you both run off and get to your next classes. I wouldn't want either of you two to be late cause of me."

All I could do was agree with his words as I turned to Qrow about to walk out until I watched him fall to his knees.

"I promise you Professor (Y/n) I will never commit a sinful act, I can only hope to be as kind to others as you are."

"....You two should really go... And don't say something as meaningless as that."

The sudden change in tone from gentle to a sad anger made me want to stay more, but Professor was right so I grabbed Qrow and dragged him as fast as I could to our next class just barely making it on time.

The rest of the day it seemed like nothing really mattered to me, other then Professor (Y/n). Each and every class for the next four hours seemed dull and boring compared to the time with him. By the end of the day I was trying to figure out so many new and weird feelings I was going nuts. I pushed away my tray of food even though it barely had any on it to begin with.

"Raven is everything okay?"

"Raven? Forget her look at Qrow the man was practically stuffing his face at breakfast and lunch and look at him!!"

I just glanced at my brother like Taiyang said and saw Qrow was fasting something he never mentioned or even knew about probably.

"My saintly Professor tells me to pray and I shall pray, if it allows me to become one as caring as him."

"....You Branwens are realy weird..."


"Bite me."

I responded half heartedly to Taiyang not caring about what he said, more interested in tomorrows lectures with Professor (Y/n).


"What is the meaning of this Ozma!?!?!"

I slammed my fists down on his desk as he just gave me a questioning look picking up his scatter papers.

"What could you ever mean (Y/n)? Did something happen?"

"Did something happen!?! I saw the exact reincarnation of my best friend and the woman that betrayed our feelings and attempted to kill me! Did you offer me this job to torture me!?!"

I was barely able to hold back my tears as his eyes were wide in shock before looking away.

"I'm... I'm sorry (Y/n) I didn't know. Truthfully I didn't know that something like this would happen. But you must believe me that I had no intentions of hurting you like that."

"...I don't know if you ever experienced it but I had to watch my friend die right in front of me even when I promised to keep him safe and happy."

I turned my back to Ozma fighting back the tears.

"To have to remember the look on his face moments before it became unrecognizable, and then see that face after a thousand years. It's an unbearable pain, I wanted to cry and hug him but I knew it would be weird having your teacher, someone you barely know, hug you out of nowhere."


"I won't press this matter anymore since you seemed genuine and sincere about this entire incident. I will keep teaching for your students, I will help them to not repeat the mistakes of the past."

I began to walk away from him until he cleared his throat saying a few sparing words to me.

"I... I had to watch my children die..."

In that split moment I froze almost to the door slowly turning back to him as if asking for the truth.

"It was closely after I reincarnated the first time... Salem my wonderful... Beautiful wife at the time and I had a falling out with regards to humans... The god you praise chose me to lead humans down the right path and for you to be the eternal champion willing to fight in his name and a just cause... Then we have the god of darkness that poisoned my wifes mind and put her at odds with me saying humans were a plague that needed to be cleansed. Very quickly a battle escalated and our children were unfortunately caught in the middle. We both watched our children die that day and blamed the same person... me..."

"...Ozma... I-I... Please forgive my words and actions... I should of known better then anyone that living so long you always end up hurt."

"No... You are fine (Y/n) I believe you were emotional, I mean if I saw my children again I would of reacted the same way. So please think nothing of it."


As the light creeped in through the cracks of the blinds I groggily opened my eyes. I sat up stretching my arms while gently scratching my head. I winced in pain accidentally pulling on a snag in my hair. With one quick look I noticed everyone was still asleep. I decided I couldn't sleep anymore and decided to brush my hair before getting an early walk to deal with some things.

After about ten minutes my hair was smooth and gentle, even I loved to touch my hair when I am alone. I walked through the hallways of Beacon as it was so different at the crack of dawn compared to any other time. I looked out one of the many windows seeing Professor (Y/n) by the fountain in the courtyard. My heart started to beat faster just by gazing at him as I shook my head refusing acknowledge these foreign and weird feelings.

My body seemingly carried itself as I found myself walking out to the courtyard. I tried to avoid talking since I wasn't dressed properly and only spent ten minutes on my hair. But he didn't notice me as I was right beside him, he seemed rather deep in thought and I couldn't bring myself to disrupt him.

"....You've been quiet for some time... Have you forsaken me after all these years?"


I gently touched his shoulder as he jumped up as I watched the life return to his eyes as he was scared and he scared me with the sudden movements.

"Cor- I mean Raven!? What are you doing here?"

"I-I'm sorry Professor, I just noticed you were out here all alone so early... I just found myself drawn here and I don't know what's wrong bu-"

"Nothing is wrong I am just an insomniac Raven, I tend to mumble to myself while zoning out."

He rushed off with a half wave as I was just stood there remembering what he said yesterday.

"...But you protected Qrow by saying even you got sleepy after a good meal."

I thought to myself before feeling a weird pit in my stomach.

Over the course of the next few months classes ramped up at an excessive speed. This was true for every class except for one specific class, the only class I found myself truly trying in besides combat classes. As lunch finished Summer and Taiyang giggled and laughed together while holding hands. Qrow had given up the life style he praised Professor (Y/n) for and gone back to his hungry and slovenly behaviors. And I was always struggling to understand these weird and new feelings I had been having since the beginning.

As we entered the classroom I was the happiest in I noticed that Professor (Y/n)s' greatsword was laying on his desk. I wasn't the only one to notice this as whispers were heard all around as I noticed something else very important.


I mumbled seeing that he wasn't anywhere to be found or even his assistant.

Worried I looked at the clock seeing it was over ten minutes since the bells rung signaling the beginning of classes. Some of the students began to move from their seats and start gossiping and talking. I noticed that Summer was helping Taiyang with the notes from yesterday as Qrow was fast asleep once more. I guess he doesn't understand that if Oobleck would catch him like this he would be royally screwed. Then as if on cue the door to the classroom opened and in walked Oobleck who sat down at the teachers desk clearing his throat.

"Students to your seats at once! And Qrow wake up or else fifty five pages!!!"


Qrow jumped up out of his seat from sleeping to a standing salute to Oobleck in the fraction of a millisecond as his skirt flipped up a little revealing his leggings underneath.

"....Why are you wearing a skirt???"

I snickered as Qrow had a flushed face as he refused to answer the question as everyone in class started laughing at him, myself especially.

"....Anyways we have a guest today, someone that would like to speak with you all pertaining to the topics we will be going over the next few weeks."

We all watched as someone entered into the classroom completely dressed in old fashion armor with a red cross on the chest.


No one said a thing as the man slowly removed his helmet revealing Professor (Y/n), as I felt at ease knowing he was okay.

"Sorry students, but I wanted to make classes a bit more fun so I staged this little introduction on our next subject."

"Believe me students he has been doing this all day..."

"Yes now our... next... su-sub... Qrow why are you wearing a skirt?"

Then as (Y/n) took over the class we all watched as assistant Oobleck left the room and the howls of laughter could be heard clear through the walls embarrassing Qrow even more.

"......Fricking Tai....."

"...If I owned a skirt Qrow I would wear one to help you feel less embarrassed, but I don't so tough it out you are strong. Now our next subject is going to be the renaissance of humanity, the advancing of our world. From honorable knights serving under kings to huntsman protecting the people. Any questions besides the obvious one?"

(Y/n) finished as no one raised their hands until I barely put mine up.


He was in the middle of taking off the armor as I felt very embarrassed all of a sudden as all eyes were on me.

"We-Well why are you so excited for the renaissance?"

"Because the events of that time really set the groundwork for the buildings of today. So I want everyone to learn from the past. Now then any other questions?"

I was worried since it was subtle, but I could see the change of happiness to sadness on his face before seeing Tai out of the corner of my eye raising his hand while trying to withhold laughter.


"Wh-Why is Qr-Qrow we-"


Qrow shouted as we all knew what was about to come out of Taiyangs mouth.

"Wearing a skirt!?!?!"

Tai just started laughing as did the rest of the class as (Y/n) just stayed silent while Qrow slowly sunk more and more under the table trying to hide his shame.

"...Taiyang do you think it's alright to belittle those under an agreement?"

Within one millisecond the entire class went dead silent as (Y/n) spoke and his voice carried more authority then even Headmaster Ozpins'.

"Answer me Taiyang..."

Tai was starting to sweat as if he was being punished for breaking something.


"No? Then why bring it up in class?"


"Because it's funny right? You can joke around in my class and have fun, I understand entirely the merits of fun and such. But please do not forget while I am very close in age to you, I am not as naïve or immature."

I was entranced by this sudden new cold and controlling side to our Professor as he just suddenly smiled turning his back to the class.

"How about this, you have two choices Taiyang wear a skirt for one week and constantly bring it up in class or fail my class."

"How is that fair!?!?!"

"It's not, but life isn't fair... Life isn't fair to a lot of people and it's better you learn that lesson now rather then later when it can hurt more."

There was an immensely heavy and depressing silence in the room as Oobleck came back inside the room.

"Anyways class let's continue with the lesson! Now back in the days of old it is stated that..."

It was obvious that Professor was trying to clear the air as class went on like nothing happened.

"And we will be stopping there for today, for homework tonight I would like you to study up and give a short summary of what was learned in class today."

The bell rung signaling the end of class as everyone left except for myself as I approached Professor (Y/n) and Mr. Oobleck.

"Are you really going to get dressed up in that rusty old armor? It must be incredibly hard to move around in that old suit?"

"Watch your tongue Oobleck...This armor is very important for.... Just watch your tongue."

The venom from Professors' words were obvious as Oobleck apologized profusely before they both noticed me.

"Oh Raven I'm sorry I didn't notice you till just now. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Well yes Professor I am wondering about this part of todays class..."

I leaned over his desk putting my notes out as he looked over them, while I felt like I was being close he was right next to me our shoulders touching and it was driving me insane.

"Wow you're very beautiful."

I felt my face flush red in an instant before turning to face him seeing a smile on his face.


"Hmm? Did I say something? Do you not like your handwriting being called beautiful?"

My face burned even more as I grabbed my notes and rushed out of the room.

I made my way to the bathroom as Summer and the others were waiting for me and questioning me. Without a seconds hesitation I passed them and went right into the bathroom looking in the mirror seeing my red cheeks. I poked them as if making sure they were real as I shook my head feeling my forehead as my heart had been racing for a few minutes now.

"Raven is everything okay?"

I looked to my left seeing Summer approaching me as I just shook my head looking in the mirror again.

"I don't think so... The boys can't hear us out there right?"

Slowly she shook her head standing next to me with worry all over her face.

"You just rushed past us and came in here, we didn't know what was going on. Qrow was going to come in here, but..."

"Yeah thanks I just... I think I am going crazy..."

I let out a tired sigh running my hands through my hair a few times.

"What do you mean?"

"I-I just... It's this weird feeling in my chest..."

I looked to Summer for some sort of answer as her eyes lit up and seemingly sparkled.


"Nononono don't say a word keep talking about your feelings! I can't help unless you tell me everything!"

I took a step back out of shock from this sudden and forward Summer I didn't know about, but I quickly took a deep breath before clenching my shirt.

"I... I get this weird feeling in my chest whenever I see..."

"See who? Tell me Raven I need to know so I can help."

"...Professor (Y/n)...."

Her eyes seemingly exploded with sparkles as she giggled gesturing for me to continue.

"Whenever I see him I... I get this weird feeling and feel captivated by his voice and actions... When he talks to me specifically he has this gentle tone that makes me feel so special. An-And earlier when he was helping me with notes we were... rather close to one another... ou-our shoulders were touching... An-And...."

The thought that he was calling me beautiful made me lose all my composure again as I turned my back on Summer unable to continue.

"Raven you have to tell me everything otherwise I can't tell you what is wrong with you!"

"I-I think I know what it is, but I don't believe it!!"

"Raven tell me right now otherwise you will be forced to see both the boys in skirts!!!"

"I would laugh my ass off at that Summer and you know it!"

"Then what happened between you and (Y/n)!?!"

We had ended up shouting at one another before I looked at Summers face and felt better about myself as she was all red and huffy, something that she doesn't express often.

"...he call....."

"What did you say Raven?"

She got closer as I tried telling her via talking to the floor.

"He called me bea..."

"One more time..."

I took one last deep breath and said what I thought I heard.

"He called me beautiful!!!"

"Oh my god did he really!!?!?"

Embarrassed I slowly shook my head feeling my face heat up even worse.

"I-I thought he said that... Bu-But he was only talking about my handwriting..."

"Oh... Raven that must have been embarrassing..."

"It was... But even though I raised my voice towards him, he still smiled and had a genuine look in his eyes..."

I was so confused cause I knew what it was I was feeling but I couldn't bring myself to admit it, I was scared that if I admitted what I thought it was it wouldn't be true.

"Raven the fact you act so much different when around Professor (Y/n)..."


"And that you take very detailed notes in his class and listen attentively to every single word he says..."

"Summer no... Don't say it..."

I was bracing myself for what Summer thought was wrong with me.

"You seem almost like an entirely different person when around Professor (Y/n), therefore I diagnose you with...."

I looked up to Summer seeing her eyes like a firework of sparkles and happiness.

"You are in love with Professor (Y/n)!!"

"...Yo-You think so too?"

Her eyes twitched once before looking me dead in the eyes.

"You knew you were in love with him? Then why act like you were some emotionless and unfeeling individual that never knew what love was!?!?"

"Because... I was scared... I was scared that if I said it out loud it wouldn't be true...Like when you wish upon a star and say the wish out loud. I've always been cold and uncaring towards everyone even very close family like Qrow or our parents. And yet this man who we only have known for only a few months has made me think of him and only him whenever I can. He has done nothing special other then teach us and yet I can't stop thinking about him..."

"Well he is pretty close to our age so why not ask him out and talk through your feelings? I know it's very scary from how you put it but I think if you can do this you will be set. Now come on we have to hurry otherwise we will be late for class."

She rushed forward grabbing my hand and gave me no time to respond.

After that encounter in the bathroom with my love for Professor (Y/n), Summer was constantly trying to get me to talk to him about my feelings. Of course with this being the first guy I ever actually liked, let alone loved it was terrifying to come clean with my feelings. I would be very subtle about my feelings by always staying after classes to get as much help from him as possible while he complimented different things I did. Of course since I was so tense I always mistook his kind words about my handwriting, or note taking, or attentiveness as direct compliments. Which in turn would be proceeded by an immediate escape to the bathroom to hide my embarrassment. 

That was until a few weeks before winter break I actually caught him at the end of the school day and he was alone. I actually hadn't meant to even go to his classroom, but here I am standing outside his classroom transfixed on his figure. I leaned closer to the door to get a better look as it slid open and I tumbled into his class.



I jumped up dusting myself off as he had this tired look on his face accompanying his sincere smile.

"What can I do for you? Need some more help? To be honest with your lovely notes and attention to details I don't think I can be of much help anymore."

"N-No I-I uh...."

The stuttering and shy tone of voice I had were so unlike me and I hated that he made me feel like this, but it was also something I loved about him.

"If you would like to stay a bit you can I have some paperwork I need to finish writing up."

"We-Well actually..."

He looked over to me as I closed the door behind me as he put his paperwork down and gave me his full attention.

"Take your time Raven as one of the best students it's the least I can do for someone as amazing as you."

"I-I'm amazing?"

"Yes indeed you are."

My face flushed red instantly as I turned my back to him trying to overcome this shyness as he complimented me right to my face and meant it.

"I... Professor I...."


"....I lo... lo.... lo..."

I gripped my shirt and turned around facing him once more firmly determined to tell him as his face was not happy anymore, but more upset.

"The worst he can do is say no... The worst he can do is say no... The worst he can do is say no... The worst he can do is say no... The worst he can do is say no..."

I thought to myself giving me the extra boost of confidence on top of everything to get my point of affection across to my beloved professor.

"Raven do-"

"Professor I love you! Please go out with me!"

I finally got it out with a smile as he had an overall depressed look on his face.


"...I'm sorry Raven... I-I can't do this... I-I can't date you, you are my student first off. Secondly loving me is a... a bad idea..."

"Professor... It took me a lot of courage and patience to tell you these feelings after so many months. Struggling to comprehend these new feelings I fought with my fear to tell you this. But you can't just dismiss my feelings all because of our professional relationships."

My shyness was melting away and my usual tone of voice was coming back after he dismissed my confession.

"Ra-Raven you don't understand."

"What is it then Professor go on tell me! I will listen like always and I will understand your point of view far better if you explain it to me. I've seen teachers and students date in other places so what is it about me that makes you unable to date me!"

"...Raven I'm sorry but I am going to have to ask you to please leave right now..."

"Professor bu-"

"Raven! I said please leave!"

He shouted at me as I was taken back by this tone and felt my confidence and voice disappearing.

I didn't say a word and left him like he asked. I ran from his room to the bathroom and thankfully was alone as I looked in the mirror. I saw tears starting to form in my eyes as I grew angry with myself for being so soft as I wiped my eyes stopping myself from even attempting to cry.

The rest of the evening was spent alone as I didn't want to even think about the fact I was rejected. When the moon rose I went back to my dorm and went right to sleep avoiding the questions from my team and my brother. Pretty soon the night became morning and I was awoken to Summer and Taiyang talking about something. I just groggily sat up while rubbing my eyes and stretching my body.

"Morning Raven."


"Here is your brush."

Summer handed me my brush as I just started to brush my hair still half asleep.

As I brushed my hair the knots that were abundant quickly disappeared. The brush essentially glided from the top of my head down to the ends of my hair as I sat my brush beside me while the others were talking. I just looked at the brush and let out a soft sigh remembering yesterday and feeling dreadful about seeing Professor (Y/n) today.

"Raven you alright?"


Again I sighed before getting up and kicking both literally and figuratively my brother and Taiyang out of the room so I can get dressed.



"Shut up I do this every morning!!!"

I barked at them before slamming the door shut and locking it.

Taking deep breaths I walked to the dresser Summer and I share as we both got dressed. Summer of course clear minded got dressed in mere moments as I struggled too busy thinking about him. As I got my jacket on after ten minutes I just buttoned it up and let out a quiet groan regretting the fact I confessed to him now.

"Raven are you sure you're alright?"

" Listen I need you to keep this between us... Absolutely no telling your boyfriend, my brother, anyone and I mean anyone."

I threatened her as she just giggled giving me her undivided attention as I sighed really wishing my threats worked on her like they did before.

"You know you can't threaten me anymore Raven, I've seen your girly side so I am not scared anymore."

"...Anyways... I..."

With one deep breath and drawn out sigh I told Summer what happened.

"I... I confessed my feelings to Professor (Y/n)..."

"....Oh my gosh!! I'm so happy for yo-"

"He rejected me."

Summer froze mid congratulations as I just wanted to go back to bed until winter break.

"Raven... Is that why you are in such a weird mood lately? We didn't see you at all before dinner yesterday and then you were so absorbed earlier."

"Yeah I... I didn't take it the best, I kept thinking the worst he could do was say no. But then when I wanted to know why he yelled at me to leave, that was what really hurt me. Not his rejection but because he never raised his voice not once, even Oobleck stated this multiple times during our classes."

"...Well just think a few more days and it will be winter break."

I nodded in agreeance feeling a bit better telling this to Summer as the day went by faster then the blink of an eye.

As the bell rung signaling the end of lunch we left the cafeteria after Qrow started or attempted to start a food fight. As we traveled across the courtyard towards the main building my dread was constantly building. All I could think about was how Professor (Y/n) gonna be and how would this affect the class. I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder as I glanced back seeing it was Summer giving me a reassuring smile. With her support she helped me overcome my own fear and set aside my pride so I took her smile and put my best foot forward. As we entered the classroom I noticed something off immediately.

"Hey where is Professor?"

"Tai when did you start referring to our teacher as Professor?"

"Summer he is a saint not a teacher or professor, speaking of which were is he?"

I took my seat ignoring their bickering as Oobleck came into the room as all eyes were on him.

"Good afternoon class, now onto our lesson for today we are going to be covering the death of a human supremacist that ruled with an iron fist and tried to suppress faunus. Now his name was Da- Tai you have a question!?"

I glanced at Taiyang who had his hand raised highly while smacking the table with his free hand to get Ooblecks attention.

"Where is Professor (Y/n)?"

"Oh I guess I should of expected this, but he decided to take a few weeks of vacation early. He needed some time away from the school due to personal matters. Anything else you would like to ask or do you plan on continuing to bang your hand on the table."

"Well, when will he be back?"

"...If I had to guess it would probably be after winter break. Anyways until then we resume on the lesson plans he left for us."

And with that Oobleck began speaking at such a speed Summer and myself as well as others were struggling to take notes.

I was a bit happy that I didn't have to deal with the aftereffects of confessing my feelings to him. But on the other hand I was a bit worried since he just left without so much as a word to anyone, apparently even he didn't even tell Oobleck.

And just like that three weeks passed and I was more then prepared for the confrontation with (Y/n). As the final day of our break was coming to an end I decided to take a stroll through the snow covered courtyard. I just gazed at the stars happy now that I am comfortable with everything going on as I heard snow crunch beside me. I just got a glance and saw Professor missing some of his fingers as his clothes were in tatters. I jumped up worried about what had happened to him.

"Professor!!? What happened!?!!"


"...Cor? I don't know who this Cor is, but it's me Raven!"

He gazed at my face as his face was absolutely a mess while his eyes seemed soulless.


"Professor we have to get you to a hospital you are suffering from frostbite!"

I reached out to grab his hand as he stepped back his gaze was fierce, terrifying even.

"Don't ever touch me Cor..."

"Professor for the love of god I am not this Cor person, I am Raven! Raven Branwen!"


He seemingly heard me this time as the light came back to his eyes and his gaze softened and was the gaze I loved.

"Professor we need to get you to a hospital!"

"Wh-What why??"

"You're hand! You're missing four total fingers on both your hands!"

I grabbed his hand not even thinking of this as a way to get his affection I was more worried about him.

He didn't move from the spot no matter how hard I pulled on his arm trying to get him to move. Then I looked down at his hand about to yell at him for this stupid stunt he was pulling until seeing all ten of his fingers. I just stared at them seeing six were purple and four of them were normal.


"Raven... This is why you are my favorite student, you show much more compassion for others then you like to believe. I am fine this is my.... Semblance... I have... regeneration... So no worries about me losing some limbs..."

He was avoiding my gaze as I reluctantly let go of his hand as he just gave me his trademark soft smile.

"...Professor can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, and you don't always need to refer to me as Professor especially during break. You can call me by my name, (Y/n)."

"Okay... (Y/n) why were you calling me Cor?"

With those words out of my mouth his eyes went wide as he just turned his back to me.

"...I can't answer that right now Raven, I am sorry but that is something you will probably go the rest of your life without knowing. I didn't mean to call you that, I was just so absorbed in my own world I just spoke.... nonsense..."

"...Like how you won't tell me why you can't accept my confession?"

"...That... That is an entirely different reason, may I be honest with your Raven?"

He looked back at me as I nodded wanting to hear his reasoning.

"...It's partly because of the fact that yes I am two or so years older then you and we are student teacher. It's mostly cause... And you may find this humorous but I am scared to love someone."

His cheeks were red as he had turned to face me completely as I felt my heart skip several beats seeing his cheeks.

"...(Y/n)... Do you... Do you wanna go into town and get something warm?"

"Raven I told you I can't date you ri-"

"I'm not asking for a date, I am asking cause I care about you. As your student I really like being in your class, and right now we are both more prepared to discuss our relationship then that day."


He didn't have a retort to my words, before sighing and nodding his head.

"Let me go get changed and then we can go."

With a smile I agreed and waited on the bench as he went to the teachers dormitory as I just gazed at the hand that held his so tightly.


"...His hands...  They seem like anyone elses but they were callous... Rough... I hope he is alright... But as much as I am worrying about him I can't get over the fact I held his hand so tightly and even asked him out on a date!! Go me!!!"

I just smiled even more doing a little fist pump while waiting on the bench.

After about five minutes I felt someone tap on my shoulder and saw Professor bundled up properly as I got up from the bench. I dusted off the little snow that was on my clothes as we walked through the courtyard and towards the docking area. As we waited for an airship we were very close, our shoulders were rubbing up against one another and it was a nice feeling. I then took notice to his hands and saw none of his fingers were purple anymore, meaning he used his semblance to replace the frostbitten ones.

"Raven you seem rather cheerful right now."

I glanced at him as the airship landed and opened its doors for us as we boarded it.

"Heh... I guess I just missed the time we spend together... Despite the fact we aren't dating I just... I guess I feel comfortable around you."

".....That's...Good to hear, I am just happy to hear you are doing better after everything."

Without warning I felt him wrap his arm around me as I nearly jumped in shock looking at him bright red in the face.


"Sorry I guess I am still feeling a bit cold, I overstepped my boundaries."

He tried to remove his arm from around me as I grabbed his hand and tightened his arm around me.

"....I-I never said I di-didn't like it..."

"......Just this once Raven...."

And with that we didn't say anything else as I enjoyed his arm being wrapped around me as we rode the airship for ten minutes.

Once the door opened he removed his arm from around me as I didn't stop him this time, despite really wanting to. We walked through Vale before stopping at a diner seeing it quite empty inside. We entered inside and sat down at the table ordering two cups of hot chocolate. We waited for a few minutes before our drinks were brought to us and we decided to wait on the food. I watched as he slowly blew on his drink before taking sips. He let out a relaxed sigh of content as I giggled a bit.

"So... About your feelings for me Raven."

And just like that I felt a sudden panic growing in my chest worried he was calmly going to hurt me.

"...I sadly still can't accept your confession seeing as we are student and teacher."

There it was the calm yet heart wrenching pain as he looked at his cup of hot chocolate tightly gripping it.

"You... You are a beautiful woman."

My heart stopped hearing this as I had to question him feeling my cheeks grow red.

"You... You think I am beautiful?"

"...Yes, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met...."

My cheeks were on fire as I saw his were red as well.

"And despite what the other teachers say you are an exemplary student."

"Wait what do the other teachers say about me?"

"You are rude, antagonizing, lazy, brutish, other words that don't fit the Raven I see before me."


I looked away before feeling him grip my hand in return slightly.

"But that is just their opinion, and I don't care for it. I know both Ravens and like them both. The girly Raven that was shy trying to confess her feelings for me, and the Raven that would sooner put her brother and her teammate in a headlock before kicking the butt of anyone that gave her a wrong look."

I felt my cheeks growing red in embarrassment as he giggled a bit.

"Honestly I truly wish everyone could see you like I do..."

Instantly all my embarrassment was gone as I looked at his face seeing his gaze lifting from his drink to me and then back down.

"Honestly any guy would be lucky to have you interested in them, let alone confess and promise love to them. However... I'm not just any guy I am your teacher. Maybe..."

He trailed off as I saw his face was far redder then even my eyes as I reached across the table gently holding his hand.

"...Maybe... If you... When..."

All I could do was giggle at his words since I had never once seen him get so flustered.

"(Y/n)... This is the first time I've ever seen you really blush let alone be this flustered."

"...It-It's because... Like... Like I said you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen... I-I just..."

He was so embarrassed as I just found myself falling even further in love with him now.

"...Let's say... Hypothetically here... You graduate and still love me..."

He was still looking down at his cup as I felt myself getting excited more and more hearing his words.

"If you... If you haven't found another person to love after you've graduated then... Then I would like to attempt to engage in a relationship with you..."

My heart was beating so fast in my chest as I tightened my grip on his hands really wishing my semblance was time manipulation right now.

"....I-I think I said it right... I'm sorry I have trouble with the language of this time. I-"

He withdrew his hands from mine and covered his mouth staring at me in shock.


"I-I'm gonna g-"

He tried to stand up and run away as I grabbed his hand and tightly held it as he froze in his tracks.

"Professor, don't worry please I don't understand why you're acting like this. Please sit down again and at least finish your cup of hot chocolate."

"...You still insist on calling me professor even now... Alright then I guess I am sorry for acting so strangely."

He was embarrassed and sat down sipping on his drink as I did the same.

"...You know it's funny Raven I had been dreading this talk with you since that day..."

"Honestly I was worried about it as well but then you left, and I had time to calm myself."

We looked at one another and had a chuckle together before finishing our drinks as I was about to pull out my wallet until he held out his hand.

"Raven, consider it my apology for earlier both times. This will be my treat, it's truly the least I can do for my favorite student."

All I could do was nod and smile as he pulled out some lien as some coins fell out.

I bent over and picked them up seeing they were not change, they were completely different colors. He held out his hand as I gave them to him finding the silver and gold one seemed very real, and felt real as well. After he paid we walked back to Beacon and waited for the airship. Neither of us said a word as I couldn't help but think of this as a date despite knowing it wasn't one. Once an airship landed we board and sat down as I looked up at him wanting to ask for him to hold me close once more. I felt shy and then remembered his words from earlier and took the initiative resting my head on his shoulder as he jumped a bit.

"....I swear..."

"Just let me stay like this please..."


He didn't say a word but he also didn't push me away as I felt so content right now.

As the airship docked we separated a bit and got off. We walked back through the gateway and the courtyard seeing others out and about despite the late night time. As we approached the intersection of the courtyard that diverged into four pathways I was facing the student pathway and he was facing the teacher pathway. I just looked back and saw his gaze on me as I felt full of confidence.

"That was nice Raven... Thank you... I... I haven't had that much fun in a long time."

"Me too (Y/n)... It was nice to learn you don't think differently of me and instead cherish me as your student..."

He nodded his head with a light blush and began to turn as I rushed forward and pressed my lips onto his cheek.

Immediately that light blush on his face exploded into bright red. I lingered on this kiss before taking a few steps back with a giggle as he just slowly reached up and touched his cheek. he couldn't say a word as I nodded my head as the wind picked up a tiny bit while I ran a finger through my hair to brush it behind my ear.


"I want to say this again Professor, I know you are scared and conflicted but... I love you and I will wait just like you asked me to."

All I could do was stare in amazement as her hair danced in the wind making her look even more beautiful.

"Have a good night and sweet dreams, see you after lunch tomorrow."


I couldn't say anything else as she walked to the student dorms and I just stood there still recovering.

"...This isn't the first time someone has confessed their affection for me... But this is the first time it felt so genuine..."

I thought to myself while holding my cheek noticing she had already gone inside.

I decided to head inside the teachers dormitory and go right to my room. My mind was racing with all the new information and embarrassing moments that had happened. Honestly I felt both ashamed and dismal about my actions.

"I am Illuminated Paladin (Y/n), and yet I act like a freshly knighted man going into his first battle... Maybe I should abandon this teaching for Ozma and go on a journey, find my crusader once more... But Raven... Cors double... She cares far more for me then anyone else, she values my words and opinions."

I thought to myself slowly getting undressed looking in the small trash bin seeing the fingers I ripped off before the outing with Raven.

"These conflicting feelings are driving me insane, I am slipping between my time and the current time when I speak. And the more time I spend with her the more it happens. This is why I never accepted courtships before, because I didn't want to feel the pain of loving something and being forced to watch it die."

I sat down on my bed setting an alarm on my scroll while running my hands through my hair infuriated.

"I just don't understand God, you haven't given me any signs no matter how closely I look. You still have use for me do you not? I pray everyday, every morning, every noontime, every evening, every night. I wish to know why you chose me, chose me to be your champion instead of Ozma or anyone."

I was begging at this point for a sign before letting out a sigh and shaking my head.

"I can't speak to anyone about this, everyone I loved died and now I am alone with my faith the only thing to keep me company. I will live for you as I always have, I just wish you would give me a sign that my place in this world is still important. That my fight isn't over, please god give me a sign. Instruct me your loyal champion with a sign..."

With a heavy sigh I laid down until I heard a sudden thump in my room causing me to sit up in a hurry.

I grabbed my scroll using it to shine light on the room and saw some of my books laid on the floor. Slowly I got out of bed and was about to pick them up until noticing they were on the floor weirdly. Then I realized that they spelt out a message as the first word of each one made a sentence.

Teach and love once more

I picked them up and nodded accepting the sign from god putting them back on the desk.

I turned around about to head back to bed before hearing thumps behind me once more. I slowly turned around seeing the books on the ground once more. I felt beyond elated that after two hundred years god has given me not one but two signs of his words. I knelt down reading the message they made now.

Make peace with the past and protect the future

"...I will try my glorious heavenly father, but I don't know if I can forget them..."

I mumbled to myself before putting the books back on the desk.

I walked back to bed and laid down now thinking about the messages from god. On one hand it made me happier then anything that he was still watching over me. But on the other hand it was saddening that I was raised on prayer and bloodshed and yet here I am teaching the next generations. I closed my eyes as the fatigue of walking five days through a blizzard and biting winds took their toll and I fell fast asleep.

As my scroll went off I sat up and stretched my body feeling rejuvenated. After sleeping on the ground in the snow for the past three weeks this was paradise and I wanted to stay. I had a quick breakfast and caught up with Oobleck who informed me he was able to go over the lesson plans I had set out for him.

However one thing struck me as odd with each of my classes prior to lunch. They seemed to be a bit sporadic taking notes on what I said before I even finished speaking. It was the class right after lunch, Ravens class that really struck my nerve. I watched as the students came in and saw I was back just like all the other classes they were beyond happy that I had returned.

"Hello students sorry sincerely for leaving without telling you all. I guess teaching made me lose track of time and forget something important. But I do have one question... Oobleck..."

I glared at Oobleck as he was standing tall with a smile on his face.


"Why is it this class in specific is... FIVE UNITS AHEAD OF THE LESSON PLAN!?!?"

I shouted as he just kept standing tall.

"They are excellent students sir, so I put them through their paces."


I just groaned and flopped into my seat rubbing my temples in exhaustion already.

"...Class I will be holding three hour sessions after school for anyone that would like to make sure they got the proper information during my disappearance. This is of course something that isn't mandatory so if you don't want to come you don't have to."

I expected them to groan or be upset however they cheered instead as Qrow jumped on top of the table and began professing to all that would listen that I was a saint again as I just felt my exhaustion disperse.

"Praise be Saint (Y/n)!! Praise be!!!"

"Reject Oobleck embrace (Y/n)!!"

"Finally I can get my notes properly checked out and make sure I got the right information!!"

"...Oobleck you are never teaching in my absence ever again."

"....understood sir, but I was just trying to help them..."

I let the students cheer for a few more minutes before calming them down and picking up on where they let off.

"Alright so today we will be starting a new unit, one that may be more entertaining to everyone. Mythology, or tales of the past is something I have been saving for the END OF THE YEAR... But someone decided hey why not just push four months of teaching in a week and a half..."

Again I glared at Oobleck as the class chuckled at my actions before jotting down some notes.

"And as an added bonus class, this unit specifically won't be counted for a grade at all. This is entirely for fun, so please don't worry about grades if you can't participate. So with that said let's start out simple. Can anyone tell me any myths, legends, or fairytales they know?"

I waited as everyone put their hands up and I had to choose deciding on Qrow.

"Qrow what do you wish to share."

"The myth I heard was of a benevolent and thoughtful teacher who looks out for his students and protects them from the slave driver! And as it turns out this myth is true because I see a saintly visage before me!!"

"....Qrow please be serious here and... You better see me after class."

I could tell he had been drinking something I was not a fan off, especially since the drinking age is eighteen and he was sixteen.

I looked at the students before seeing Raven smiling and extending her hand as high as she could while sitting down. I remembered our encounter from last night and avoided her looks before taking a deep breath.

"Raven please don't be like your brother."

I begged her as she nodded with a soft smile before clearing her throat.

"This one was mentioned by my parents when I was younger. I don't entirely remember what how it went, but it was about a man that traveled across Remnant helping anyone he could. People believed he was an angel in disguise proving that a higher force existed and was looking out for others. Even when he was cut down in half or lost his head he could bleed, yet he would never die and come back protecting others."

"Very good that is what I was looking for, I heard of this myth as well. Excellent job Raven, now anyone else?"

I praised Raven like I did the others that gave proper examples of myths instead of fairytales that everyone knew.

In the middle of the students taking their notes the bell rung signaling the end of the class. I wished them a good day and made sure Qrow stayed behind and got an earful from me about drinking at his age. As the day went on classes were more or less the same as the final bell rung and I stayed at my desk doing paperwork as Oobleck was trying to help.

"Oobleck, I appreciate the offer but please the students don't exactly have the best impression of you so if you don't mind I will be handling these after school sessions by myself."

"...I'm sorry I just was trying to help them."

"I know, and I appreciate it but you have to remember not everyone works the same. All students are different and grow at varying speeds so we have to be patient. While you may be able to comprehend more information in a glance then most can in an hour, as well as speak more. The students can't work as fast as you can just food for thought, and try to ease up on the coffee I am pretty sure I have only ever seen you drink it from morning to evening."

"...That is truly insightful sir thank you. With that said have a good day and see you tomorrow."

"You as well my friend."

Oobleck nodded his head as I waited patiently for the students that wanted the extra lessons.

I looked up from my paperwork seeing several students coming in and talking. I nodded my head to them as they waved and I saw the one student I knew wouldn't miss this opportunity. I waited for ten minutes as no other students had come so I had about five students from each class before me.

"Alright so today we are going over notes so please come forward one at a time and let me compare with you as to make sure you got everything you need."

One by one the students approached me as I compared with them my own notebook with the information they should have.

Of course a majority of them didn't have half the information they really should have. All I really could do was shake my head and let them copy down the information in their own words. As Summer was copying down five units of notes I was somewhat surprised at the fact that Raven wasn't the first one to approach me. In fact she was still sitting at her desk and waiting patiently as Summer finished up her notes. I looked up at the clock surprised to see three hours had gone by in what seemed like no time.

"Alright students well I apologize but todays extra classes are done, I don't want to keep you from eating."

"Thanks Professor (Y/n) you really saved my hide!"

"I was so worried I was going to fail because I didn't know what was going on half the time!"

"Let's go to dinner man I am starving!"

The students left together as I was happy to have been of help once more, then I remembered the message I was given.

All I really could do was take a deep breath and digest the message in its' entirety. However I felt someone tap me on the shoulder as I looked to see it was Raven with a smirk on her face. She just sat down her notebook and looked at mine taking notes as I didn't even agree to this.

"...Now I know what they mean about you, you really do tend to do whatever you want sometimes."

"And yet I am still your favorite student Professor now be quiet so I can do this as quickly as I can."

She didn't break her gaze on my notebook, meaning all I could really do is sigh and allow her to do this.

I sat there as she stood beside me her hair draping over her one shoulder as she worked. Her eyes were taking in the information in my notebook and her hand was writing it down as she read it. In all my years of living I truthfully had never seen someone work as diligently as she does. After fifthteen more minutes she stood up pressing her hands against her lower back letting out a satisfying sigh.

"There we go, man that hurt my back...."

"Sorry I should of offered you my seat to make it easier for you."

She turned with a smirk nodding her head.

"You definitely should have, I was waiting for you to offer me a seat."


I looked away from her feeling a bit guilty about this until she giggled and grabbed her notebook.

"Don't worry I was only kidding, besides now with you back we can enjoy the units far greater then we could with Oobleck."

"Speaking of... How fast did he teach you all?"

"One unit every two days."


I began to write on a part of my notebook, feeling her look over my shoulder while pressing her body against mine.

"What are you writing?"

"Making a note to have Ozpin find a replacement for me that isn't Oobleck...."

I had to control myself as best as I could feeling her lean closer for whatever reason.

"Professor can you tell me something I forgot to ask you last night?"

She was whispering into my ear as I nearly jumped out of my skin not knowing how to handle this at all.


"Where did you go after I confessed to you? You disappeared without a trace, as much as I was scared of how you would act afterwards I was more worried about where you were and if you were okay."

There was a shift in her tone as I just slowly shook my head denying her any answers.

"I can't tell you about it Raven, it's not important. But what is, is that you get dinner and get some extra sleep."

With that I tried to break contact with her as she wouldn't relent and held my hands tightly as I kept thinking about the message and her words.

"Professor if you ever need someone to talk to, please don't be afraid to talk to me. I know you are my teacher and I am your student and you are trying to set good examples. In fact you are succeeding I have never seen my brother praise someone as much as he praises you and try to copy your lifestyle mu-"

"...Tell him to stop trying to copy me..."

Hearing that one of my students was trying to be like me filled me with nothing but sorrow wishing nothing as painful as watching others die before you would befall any of my students.

"....I-I'm sorry Raven I just..."

I rubbed my temples feeling exasperated at so many things going on right now.


Raven didn't say a word as I felt her step away from me.

Then I felt her hands on my head before being dragged closer to her. Then my eyes went wide as I felt my head being placed against her chest as she softly ran her fingers through my hair. I didn't know what was going on right now and to be honest if it was anyone other then Raven I might be calmer.

"Professor... To be a teacher at your age means you've had a lot of ordeals you've had to go through. Last night solidified that thought when I saw your face and and lifeless it was. I want you to know that I will always be there for you."

"Ra-Raven we-we ca-"


Gently she shushed me while stroking my hair as I felt worried, embarrassed,  exhausted, and so many different feelings I didn't know how to react.

"No one is here so please... I know you are worried about me getting in trouble, not even yourself. You always put others before yourself and work harder to make sure everyone was better off. But right now... There is only two people in this room... You and me... So let me do this, as a thank you for all the hard work you do for the students you care for..."

Her tone of voice was so soft I felt my eye lids growing heavier as her touch became more and more relaxing.


Slowly my eye lids closed as I fought the urge to fall asleep right now, but for the first time in over nine hundred years someone was easing my worries.

"...As mu..."

Her voice faded as I gave in to the first relaxing sleep in many years.

Slowly I shifted trying to turn over in bed before finding myself unable to do so. Groggily I sat up rubbing my eyes taking notice of where I was. The empty classroom and my desk bathed in moonlight were before me. Quickly I sat up realizing what had happened as a blanket fell to the ground. I looked down seeing both the blanket on the ground and a note beside my arm. I leaned down and picked up the blanket finding it unbelievably soft and then opened the note slowly reading it.

Professor, I hope you get up before first class or anyone finds you. I am sorry for making you fall asleep but I wanted to help you be at peace if even slightly and made you fall asleep. I laid you down gently when I realized you fell asleep, and I got a blanket from my dorm to cover you up. You can give it to me tomorrow, anyways see you in class tomorrow.

I stared at both the note and blanket with an exhausted smile nodding my head before finishing up the paperwork I was in the middle of doing.

After that encounter with Raven the rest of the year went by and she was already in her second year. I still taught them and along with Oobleck went into deeper history about the world. Of course being second years the lesson plans were more geared towards small increments of lessons in-between missions. Each week it was a different class of students and it was hard work honestly juggling first years, second, third, and fourth. But with the help of others I was able to do it just fine. Then as if a repeat of last year Raven visited me the day before I left to go visit my hometown and confessed her love to me.

"I love you Professor please let's start dating!"


All I could do was laugh and shake my head seeing a smile on her face as well.

"Raven... You're still not legal and our relationship is still as student and teacher."

"I knew you would say that, but I want you to listen to me right now. I am not interested in anyone else besides you. So don't think for a moment I won't be confessing to you again next year or the year after."

I dismissed her with a wave as I remembered her first confession and how shy she was and now she was openly demanding a relationship.

After that I left for three weeks traveling by foot to my hometown that was left behind by everyone. I visited for over a week to tend to the graves and everything. I talk to my mothers and the others, then cleanse the surrounding area of grimm. Then I head back to Beacon having spent some much needed time alone with my past.

Raven and I spent more time together during her third year as she was technically according to the law, of legal age. She made much more aggressive advances towards me and I didn't know how to handle them. Despite being the older one between us, I always felt like she was toying with me. Classes were the same as they were the second year as Raven decided to confess before I left in a much more agressive way.

"...Alright so Oobleck is going to be teaching the classes... I don't know if that is the best idea now..."

I mumbled to myself before my door slammed open causing me to jump in my chair.

"What in the!?!?"

I shouted turning to the noise seeing Raven confidently walking into the class with her team standing in the doorway.

"Raven what are yo-"

"I love you."

Was all she said before she grabbed me by my tie and pulled me closer pressing her lips against mine.

My eyes went wide as my face was bright red staring at her face. I noticed she was blushing just as badly but her eyes were closed. I tried to think of something, anything to focus but all I could think about was how soft her lips were. Slowly she pulled away opening her eyes as we were at a loss for words. However her teammates weren't at a loss as Summer and Tai were supporting us as Qrow whistled and clapped his hands. I noticed Raven lean closer as I was still in a daze.


"Meet me here later Professor..."

She whispered into my ear before releasing my shirt as I flopped back into my seat, awakened from my daze.

I watched as she left with her teammates as they bombarded with her questions and I was left there speechless. Her words in my mind I finished my paperwork and went to dinner watching the time. I didn't know when she wanted to meet but I went to the classroom around seven thirty. I sat at my desk waiting as the door opened revealing Raven in the moonlight with her face bright red. Neither of us said a word as she walked in and sat right on my desk infront of me.


"Be-Before you go Professor... I-I wanted a kiss... That is why I walked in and did that earlier.. I-I hope you aren't mad at me..."

I watched as she fidgeted on my desk avoiding my gaze in an overly shy manner, something I hadn't seen from her since the first year.

"I'm not mad Raven just.... In shock I guess..."

"Wa-Was that your first ki-kiss Professor?"

"Yes... Raven I imagine someone as beautiful as you already had many kisses."

She shook her head violently gripping her skirt tightly as I kept my focus on her beautiful pale face being accentuated by the moonlight.

"N-No! You-You were my first as well!! I-I told you... I-I only am looking in your direction... I don't care about any other boy..."

"...Raven if you only knew..."

I sighed shaking my head as she stopped fidgeting and reached out grabbing my head making me look her dead in the eyes.

"I hate when you act like this, you always say stuff like that and hide things from me. I don't care what you think might be horrible about yourself, you are the man I am head over heels in love with."

"....Then tell me Raven, tell me why you are so in love with me."

I wanted to hear her words now after a few years as her face was still flushed and she was no longer shy about anything.

"Because you are the most caring and understanding man I have ever met. The first moment I laid eyes on you I was interested in you. Not a single guy here looked half as handsome as you did that day. You care about your students, you care about the school, you care about every single person in Vale except for one person."

She released one of her hands and gently poked my chest with a sad smile on her face.

"You don't care about yourself nearly as much as you should. You always fast and fast until you are on the brink of starvation and someone forces you to eat. You refuse saying others starve and you don't deserve food after what you've gone through. I want to know what you have done, what you have felt, I want to know everything about you cause I love you all the more. I'm not the girliest, or the most subtle, I'm no rose that needs to be protected, and I am more likely to start a fight then stop one. I am by no means the perfect woman for someone as benevolent and caring as you, and yet I am willing to move mountains and grant you the stars. I love you because you are the Professor that made me realize that I was special."

Her words were serene and melancholic as I found my heart beating faster then ever before.

I swallowed hard as my hands trembled while I reached up to her. She released my head and guided my hand to her cheek and held it there. With short breaths I stood up now the same height as her as we were lost in the other ones eyes. She gave me a slight nod, as if reading my mind and allowing me to do it. With one fluid motion I leaned forward closing my eyes and capturing her lips in mine. In an instant she released my hand from her cheek and wrapped her hands around my neck. As we continued kissing I was unsure of what to do at this point as my hands hung loosely at my sides. Raven pulled away as we caught our breath and I opened my eyes looking at her stunning beauty.

"Ho-Hold me cl-close..."

She panted before recapturing my lips as I was caught off guard by this.

I stumbled back into my chair as we didn't break lip contact while she closed her eyes. Taking her advice I shakily raised my arms and wrapped them around her waist pulling her closer to me. This was far beyond my limits as we pulled away from one another gasping for air. We stared at one another panting as she smiled resting her head on my chest while her hands drifted from my neck to my waist squeezing me.

"...I love you (Y/n)..."

"...Ra-Raven... I-I..."

"Shh... I know... It's alright... This was a one time thing..."

She understood me far better then anyone ever has, she still knows we can't be together for a number of reasons.

As we sat there in my chair with the moon clear in the sky bathing us both in its glow. I glanced at my clock seeing the time as it was getting rather late. However I didn't want this moment to end, after all these many long and horrendous years I felt so happy for first time.


As much as I wanted to say it I couldn't bring myself to finish it, before getting Raven off my lap.

However she wasn't moving as I noticed she was fast asleep as I felt a desire to protect this. So I held her close to me as she shifted in my arms but stayed asleep. I sat there for a few hours until I felt movement in my arms and watched as she stirred a bit before looking up at me. Before anything she yawned and covered her mouth and blinked a few times.

"Go-Good morning..."

"Raven... Good morning, but it's still dark outside. Now come along we need to get you back to your dorm so you can actually sleep on your bed."

"...five more minutes..."

She cuddled up to me as I jumped a bit nearly dropping her on the ground as she was wide awake now.


"No it's fine, you are right like always Professor. Now gently put me down and walk me back to my dorm."

She said so while stretching her arms as I slowly lowered her down as she stood up holding my hand.

As we walked through the empty halls of Beacon hand in hand I was in my own little world. No one was around to judge us or speak poorly of her. While we crossed the courtyard I looked up at the night sky before feeling Raven cling to my arm. This again caught me off guard as I released her hand out of shock.

She just giggled reclaiming my hand in hers as we walked into the student dorms. As we approached her dorm we were very quiet as we walked through the halls. Once we made it after five minutes she let me go and gave me a kiss on the cheek, this show of affection I was slowly getting used to. She approached her door after the kiss and smiled warmly at me.

"Good night Professor see you after winter break."

"Good night Raven see you then, hopefully my replacement won't steal your heart."


She didn't go right inside but instead enveloped me in a hug, tightly squeezing me.

"I can't wait to graduate now..."

"Wa-Wait did that come out wrong? I-I was just..."

I felt embarrassed realizing how I just sounded as she giggled releasing me and going into her dorm.

After that night I left for my hometown traveling the dirt roads for a week by foot. I found my hometown and was horrified finding it even worse off then the year before. I worked even harder this year clearing away debris, rubble, destruction. I cleaned and prayed to the graves hoping that sometime I would be able to join them up in heaven.

"Mother... Sister Maeri... Tae.... I miss each and everyone of you every day. But I hope that you all are well..."

I continued to discuss with no one reverting back to the language I was born speaking as I heard the wind whistle a bit behind me.

My sword laid beside me as I reached for it hearing footsteps crunch in the snow. Very slowly hands drifted towards my blade as the footsteps continued. When they were right behind me I swiftly spun around drawing my blade and going for a slash at the jugular. However instead of meeting the skin of bandits or the fur of animals I was met with the steel as I watched wide eyed seeing Raven blocking my attack, her eyes showing fear. Within an instant I stopped pushing on my blade and instead dropped it into the snow as she was scared.

"Pr-Professor... wh-why did you..."

I reached out to her as she took a step back, staying out of my reach as I felt like an absolute monster.

"Raven I-I...."

"Professor what are you even saying!? Tell me why you attacked me!!"

She shouted not scared anymore, aggravated and pissed off more so as I realized I was still speaking like I did so many years ago.

"Raven listen I'm sorry I didn't mean to attack you!"

"But the way your eyes looked when you attacked me... It was like a man ready to kill another person..."


I sighed falling down into the snow as she was still cautious of my actions.

"...Why are you here Raven?"

"...After that night last week I couldn't stand waiting for you to come back. And because we openly shared our feelings to one another I was able to use my semblance to travel to you. So I wanted to know where you go and what you do."

I cringe in pain as one of my fingers fell off as I watched the purple finger lay on the snow.

"Professor you shouldn't be out here like this even if you can regenerate."

She was no longer hesitant about approaching me, she rushed forward and yanked me up heading towards what could best be described as a tear in the fabric of reality.


"We are going back to Beacon I can't stand the thought of you being hurt willingly."

"Raven I can't!!"

I shouted ripping my hand out of hers as she glared at me.

"Professor (Y/n) we need to go back or you will get sick!"

"Raven I can't I'm not done yet!"

"Tell me (Y/n)! What are you doing here!?"

We were both red in the face from the cold and yelling at one another, something I am sure neither of us wanted.


I took a deep breath not wanting to yell at the one person I found the most comfort in.

"Raven... This is where I was born."

"What do you mean these ancient ruins!?!"

"...Yes I was born and raised here until ten years ago when a grimm attack wiped out everyone but me."

I lied to her face slightly as her tone shifted from angry and pissed to guilty and worried.

"(Y/n)... I-I..."

"No this time it is my turn to understand you Raven. You were worried about me and I appreciate it, but I can't leave. Not till I finish cleaning up the graves and the surrounding area."

"...What about the words you were speaking earlier..."

"That was the language of my home, no one else speaks it so I never have a chance to truly relax and speak like that. That's why I take three weeks off to come here and make sure I am always honoring those that died..."

Slowly I turned around walking back to the graves to dust them off as I heard Raven quickly follow behind me.

Suddenly she hugged me from behind as I just smiled softly patting her hands as they wrapped around my stomach. She hugged me tighter as I smiled more feeling better patting her hand trying to tell her that was enough. Then she squeezed me tighter and tighter as it was no longer funny but instead growing more painful.

"Ra-Raven... Raven!!"

"Oops sorry... hehe..."

"I heard that giggle Raven..."

I grumbled before calming down and going to work on the graves.

Raven helped me for the rest of the day as the sun began to set and the moon began to rise. I tried to convince her to return to Beacon but she refused profusely. So I started a fire and laid out my blanket under the only ceiling without any holes and wasn't at risk of falling.

"...Do you want to sleep in shifts? I don't mind cause of all the missions."

"Sure I will wake you up when it's time to switch."

She nodded and yawned covering her mouth as she went to the blanket and laid down under the second blanket to help keep her warm.

I watched the fire as it slowly crackled melting the snow around it as I could hear her still tossing and turning. I glanced over watching her figure toss and turn unable to fall asleep. Taking a deep breath and sighing with a smile I abandoned the warmth of the fire and sat down at the head of the blanket. When she lifted her head to turn over I took off my shirt folding it nicely into a makeshift pillow. Then I gently lifted her head scooting closer to her and laying the makeshift pillow on my lap, then her head on the pillow.

She didn't say a word and I knew she was awake, probably worried about me. Softly I stroked her hair while humming the lullaby my mother used to hum to me. Even after nearly a thousand years I still remember it by heart. I heard a soft noise as I looked down seeing Raven was fast asleep making cute noises in her sleep. This didn't stop me as I kept stroking her hair and humming the lullaby.

As the light slowly rose over the horizon I was wide awake used to many a sleepless nights. I then felt her move slightly as she looked up at me drool slightly escaping her mouth. With a gentle smile I wiped her drool as she smiled a bit before going wide eyed jumping up. She was freaking out as I was confused until she pointed to my body as I looked down realizing my entire upper body was succumbing to frost bite.

"Ohno! Nononononono!! Yo-You're! How! Fix!?"

She wasn't able to finish a sentence she was scared out of her mind as I opened my shirt up covering the serious affliction I had.

"No! (Y/n) you can't work like that! We are going to a hospital!"

She reached for me as I grabbed her wrist shaking my head knowing how to fix this.

"Raven please just do me a favor and sweep the snow around the graves please. I'm gonna go get some sleep and my body will heal itself."

"(Y/n) regeneration doesn't work like that! You're body is gonna shut down very soon if we don't get you taken care of!"

"Trust me, I did sleep out here for a week and a half without fire for three years."

Her mouth hung open as I smiled at here tightly holding her hand with both of mine.

"I promise everything will be okay. And you should know I never break a promise... Not anymore..."


She nodded without a word walking towards the graves picking up the broom, as I grabbed my greatsword and walked far away from her.

I made sure she wasn't nearby since I didn't believe she should see this. I took a deep breath taking off my shirt and placing the thickest part of my blade against my waist. With one swift movement I severed my top and bottom half as everything went black. When I opened my eyes next I didn't see Raven which meant it hadn't been too long. I slowly pushed myself up from off the snow seeing the top half of my body beside me severely frostbitten. I buried it under more snow putting my shirt back on rejoining Raven.

She questioned me instantly about the condition of my body as I happily showed her by taking off my shirt. Without missing a beat she gently traced her finger across my stomach as I jumped back blushing as she smiled at me. We went about the cleaning and cleansing and spent time together. As the end of my time here drew closer I convinced Raven to head back to Beacon and wait there as she did so, under one condition.

"Give me another kiss like you did before you left."

"...And there is that blunt side of your personality..."

She smirked gripping my collar staring right into my eyes.

"Kiss me now."

Smiling I nodded feeling my cheeks already growing red as I cupped her cheeks pressing my lips against hers.

She tightened her grip on my collar leaning into me to deepen our kiss as we both closed our eyes. We stood there kissing as the snow began to fall all around us. It lasted a few moments as I pulled away slowly opening my eye staring into her eyes as they fluttered open. She reluctantly let go of my shirt collar as I let go of her cheeks watching her draw her katana.

"I will see you again soon Raven."


She sighed out with a smile slicing another tear into the fabric of reality and leaving me.

After I returned to Beacon the rest of the year went by and it was suddenly my fourth year of teaching. I had gotten so accustomed to everything even letting Oobleck teach at his best didn't faze me. And it was just like clockwork I waited in my office after classes alone as Raven came in looking even more beautiful somehow confessing her love to me. I rejected it as she smiled this time not kissing me at all or anything. 

Then after that surprise I left for my hometown where Raven followed me the same way she did last year. She helped out again like before and we deepened our feelings for one another. During the four years I had known her I felt so much more comfortable with her that I tend to forget I would outlive her. Then after everything was said and done it was like the blink of an eye and I was watching her graduate with her team.

As each member of Team STRQ was given the title of huntsman I couldn't help but be proud of each of them having seen them each mature in their own way. Summer was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to her leadership skills, but by the end of her second year she was able to completely command her team with ease. Taiyang had stopped butting heads with Raven and took his job and training much more seriously and on the occasion would actually win a fight against Raven. Raven, being the one that I watched grow the most, proved her love for me and history by being the absolute top student in Beacons' history when it came to history and she was one of the very best combatant the school had ever seen. Qrow was able to truly find himself and learned to use his semblance the best he could, and became a crippling alcoholic despite being berated by me at least seventy times during his second year.

Once more it was like the blink of an eye and I was lonely. It was my fifth year of teaching and I was lonely since Raven graduated. I didn't think this would ever happen, I didn't want to grow close to anyone to avoid this pain. I was alone in the world and my only outlet was my teaching which began to suffer especially during Winter. She wasn't in love with me and I felt betrayed like by her ancestor all those years ago, even during my vacation she didn't show up. My heart wretched and shattered as I felt all my years of loneliness and sense of betrayal fill my person.

When I came back I tried to keep my mind clear as much as possible but it was obvious my mental health was deteriorating. One day a few months away from the end of the school year I was sitting in my office struggling to do my paperwork. I looked to my ceiling letting out an exhausted sigh wishing I had never accepted this if I knew it was gonna be this painful again. Then suddenly I heard the wind whistling as I looked towards my window thinking I kept one open. I got up checking on them only to find they were all closed then I heard my door slam open as I jumped in shock. Slowly I turned around hearing what sounded like boots running towards me.

Then my eyes went wide as I watched Raven slowed down her run approaching me. She panted a bit as I was at a loss for words, before the pain of betrayal filled my mind. Abruptly I tried to turn away from her until she grabbed my collar smashing her lips against mine. I was caught off guard trying to resist her, but I quickly succumbed to her kiss as I returned it holding her close and closing my eyes. After a few moments she pulled away as I opened my eyes staring at her face as she had the most beautiful eyes sparkling right now.

"I love you (Y/n)... Do you feel comfortable enough to accept my feelings now?"

"...I was lonely without you here, honestly I thought after all these years you found someone to love after professing for four years. How can I be sure."

"...I didn't know you cared that much about me, honestly I was worried about you day in and day out. Not being able to see you made me worried so I finally had time to come and collect the promise you made me."

She hugged me tightly releasing my collar and resting her head on my chest as I remembered what she was talking about.

"I still love you after graduating (Y/n)... Would you like to engage in a relationship with me?"

"...Yes... I would like that..."

As the message finally became clear to me from my god this is what he wanted, he wanted me to finally be find a reason to be happy again.

Raven was beyond happy I accepted her feelings officially as my mental health improved drastically. My schoolwork improved again as did my teaching, while my love life with Raven wasn't any different from our time at Beacon. She was very respectful of my beliefs and respected my wishes to go past kissing if we got married.

It had been two years of dates, kisses, hugs, and teaching at Beacon. My life had never been this bright, not even a thousand years ago did I feel this happy with life. Raven and I ended up moving into a small home we bought together to make our lives easier. The only real downside was that I didn't live right in Beacon anymore, meaning I had to wake up even earlier to leave and get to work on time. But as we lived together and I fell more and more in love with her the more I thought about the pain she would put me through when she dies, when she finds out why I always said loving me was a bad idea.

"Hey (Y/n) you okay?"

"....Yeah Cor- I mean Raven..."

I groaned remembering I was in our living room as I rested  my head in my hands.

She didn't say anything which usually meant she was either mad or worried. I heard her slowly walk up behind me as I was debating on telling her everything and I meant everything. Then all of a sudden I felt her hands on my shoulder as she slowly began to massage them while kissing my cheek. I felt the tension in my shoulders and the anger with myself slowly dissipating as she did this.

"You know I waited four years almost five for you, I love you and I am willing to listen to whatever it is you have to say."


I reached up and grabbed her hands that were still rubbing my shoulder as she froze.

"Raven... Can you... Can you sit down there is something I need to tell you.... A-A lot of things actually."

"Of course it's currently summer break for you and I have no missions so we have all the time in the world."

She came around the couch and sat beside me resting her hand on my thigh as I looked at it before holding it tightly.

"...Do you remember during your first year that myth you spoke about. The supposed angel in disguise?"

"Of course I do, that day holds a very fond memory for me since you came back and it felt like class was getting back on schedule again... Why bring that up?"


I took a deep breath looking her in the eyes.

"...I am that supposed angel in disguise."


She looked at me before struggling to keep a straight face having a terrible laughing fit covering her mouth with her other hand.


I waited for several minutes as she ended up wiping a few tears from her eyes from laughing too hard.

"O-Oh (Y/n)... That's the first real joke I've ever heard you say."

"...It wasn't a joke Raven, I am almost over a thousand years old..."

"....(Y/n) is working at Beacon stressing you out? I'm no longer laughing I am more worried about you."

She pressed the back of her wrist to my hand as I figured she wouldn't believe me.

"...Nevermind forget I said anything..."

I sighed dejected and got up from the couch heading upstairs to the empty room we never decided on what to turn it into.

I felt her eyes follow me the entire time I was climbing the stairs. Inside the room I saw my armor I was able to get back after spending a good amount of my money saved from my years at Beacon. I gazed upon the red cross seeing it heavily faded with time as I wished to go back to that time.


Raven said after knocking on the door entering the room.

I glanced at her seeing a very concerned look on her face as I just sighed. She closed the door behind her before kneeling down beside me and hugging me tightly. I was just so tired of lying to the woman that earned my love.

"I'm sorry I laughed at you, I should of realized by the fact you weren't cracking a smile or anything that this was serious."

"....Raven this is why I told you it's not good to love me... I end up getting hurt..."

She turned me to face her as she had a warm smile kissing my cheek.

"I will listen with no judging at all, I will take your words as if I was still your student. So go ahead and speak... Professor."

"....Heh I haven't heard you call me that in two years."

I chuckled feeling a bit better before taking a deep breath.

Over the course of the next five hours I went over my multitude of lives, the relations I lost. and the significance of many things I did. Raven took the information as best as she could which was all I could really ask her to do. As we sat there in silence after I finished I rested my head on her shoulder as she played with the tips of her hair.

"...That's just.... Wow... (Y/n) I... I don't know how to take all this..."

"Why do you think I was so against your love in the first place, why I told Qrow to not praise or worship someone like me. I have taken too many lives to ever be considered a saint, or to even be worthy of praise."

She didn't say a word but hugged me tightly as I closed my eyes feeling so many emotions.

"You sounded like back then you were such a total badass dealing with a lot of trauma. And now you sound like someone who has all but given up on everything."

"...I just... I want confirmation from someone that everything I did with my life was worth it, even knowing that the things I love will die."

".....Well then let me tell you right now. Everything you did was worth the effort, everything you have done led you to me. And I will love you now and forever just remember that, I support you and won't let you be alone. Besides you can say everything you love will die, but the thing is if we have a family you can protect our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren."

That was the comfort I really needed to hear right now as I blushed kissing her ear and hugging her tightly.

After that we made some dinner and proceeded to go to bed. We slept in the same bed but didn't give into our desires for one another. However as we were sleeping there was a loud thud in the hallway as we both shot up in a moment. I blinked a few times before getting out from under the covers heading towards the door. I cracked it open to see someone coming down the hallway as I turned around trying to warn Raven. Then I heard a loud bang as everything went black.


I just watch horrified as my (Y/n) fell to the floor his blood gushing out of the bullet wound in his head. The man that shot my dear opened the door as I glared at him reaching for my katana as he had his gun aimed at me. He stepped on my boyfriends corpse as I tightened the grip on my katana as he was speaking. However I watched as (Y/n) slowly stood up the hole in his head healing up. I smirked tossing the man my katana or more specifically towards (Y/n). I watched as (Y/n) smashed into the guy as he was mortified to say the least. (Y/n) caught my katana and unsheathed it decapitating the home intruder as he fell to the floor blood spewing everywhere.


"Raven he didn't hurt you did he?!?"

"No I'm good dear, but wow... I-I guess you really are pretty much immortal... You got shot in the head, went down, and got back up..."

"...You still love me right?"

"Let's remove the body, and go to a motel for the night. There we can cuddle as much as you want to prove I still love you."

I smiled and nodded knowing for a fact that she was the one.

After the whole house break in Raven and I decided to get married after three more years of dating. Without having a last name and no real family besides her I was inducted into the Branwen tribe. Of course I couldn't get in without a trial which I technically succeeded and failed at the same time.

It was very taxing on both Raven and I trying to get myself added to the Branwen tribe, but after six months of fighting and dying. We agreed it wasn't worth it and proceeded with the marriage. It was a very small marriage only a handful of people showed up for Raven. Her parents and her team came to our wedding as I stood at the altar feeling oddly calm about everything. However that changed as I watched Raven slowly walk down the aisle in her red wedding dress. Butterflies filled my stomach as the preacher began to read us his words about love. Once he finished I read Raven my wedding vows promising to protect her from any and all harm for the rest of time. She returned the wedding vows promising to love me for now and forever.

Summer, her mother, and Qrow who for some reason was wearing a dress as well cheered for us. I just smiled slipping the ring on Ravens' finger as she slipped the ring on my finger. We held one another as she tossed her flowers behind her grabbing my collar and smirking as we kissed. It was the most passionate kiss we ever shared as I could hear only one person caught the flowers. We kissed for a few minutes before breaking away from one another seeing Summer had caught the flowers as I wrapped an arm around Raven leaning closer to her.

"Why is Qrow wearing a dress?"

"It was a bet we made years ago, if I got married first he had to wear a dress and if he got married first I had to wear a suit."

"....I have a very estranged brother-in-law now."

"Yes... Yes you do (Y/n) Branwen~"

I felt my cheeks flush hearing her call me that as we watched Tai propose to Summer.

"Come on man this is MY special day!!!! Propose on your own time!!!"

"Bite me bird brain!"

"Wait does that mean I have to wear this dress again!?!"

Qrow shouted in fear as despite being in the middle of an argument Summer, Tai, and my beloved answered in unison.



Qrow shouted falling to his knees as I just chuckled kissing Raven on her head.

During our honeymoon Raven and I finally gave into the temptations of the body. We made love to one another for the very first time of our lives. It lasted at first a few minutes before escalating quickly to two hours by the end of the first night. Of course we used protection at first until Raven and I decided on the fact we were ready for a kid. So we tried the entire honeymoon and nine months later we welcomed into this world a brand new baby girl.

"...She looks scarily identical to you except for her eyes..."

"...She does doesn't she? Do you have a name for her?"

"...I was thinking Maeri but I think naming her after my dead adoptive mom might not be the best idea. What about you?"

"I was thinking Yang... Yang Branwen"

I nodded and agreed with her choice as I welcomed the second most important woman in my life.

Yang grew up usually around me as I had to become a stay at home father while Raven went on missions. While this was her idea she didn't spend the most time with Yang at first, but that would change very soon.

"Yang let's go get some yummy food for mommy when she comes home."

"Yay mommy is coming home!"

I smiled holding her hand as Yang who was six at the time looked so much like her mother.

However as we were walking I felt the hairs on my neck stand on edge as I heard someone running. I didn't think much of it since we were walking on the sidewalk of a busy street. That was until I felt Yangs' hand get ripped from mine and someone took off with my daughter. I didn't even think twice before breaking into a full on sprint chasing the person who had my daughter.



She screamed as I watched the man stealing her pull out a gun and shoot it at me.

I screamed in agony skidding across the sidewalk as my foot got blown off completely from the shot. I held my nub before pushing myself up seeing him getting into a van as Yang was fighting her hardest to escape. I wasn't about to let them get away as I forcibly regenerated my foot running again fueled by the flames of anger as the van drove into oncoming traffic before escaping. I was gasping for air but quickly ran as fast as I could after them pulling my scroll out. I fumbled with it as I ran on the side walk trying to think of what I could do to help. I called Raven as it rung a few seconds to be answered by an irritated voice.

"(Y/n) dear I am bu-"

"Raven someone just kidnapped Yang!! I am chasing but they drove off and I don't know where they went!!"


"Raven did you hear me!?! They took our daughter!!!"



I looked at my scroll seeing the call was dropped as I was worried about this.

I shoved my scroll into my pocket as I ran down an alleyway trying to find any sign of those bastards. After five minutes I stumbled down an alleyway looking for any sign as I felt tears well up in my eyes. There I saw my daughter being held by her mother as I staggered towards them wrapping my arms around them both.

"Thank goodness.... Yang... Papa is sorry..."


"Raven I'm sorry... I-I.."

Then suddenly I was enveloped by my wife as I felt something wet hitting my shirt.

I just glanced up seeing Raven was in tears as her hand trembled gripping my shoulder tightly. I hugged them both tighter since this was terrifying for all of us. Softly I stroked the two raven haired woman I love as we calmed down together.

After that terrifying encounter Raven agreed to spend more time with Yang and let me work again. We alternated who watched her as I got my job back at Beacon. We heard from Summer that her and Tais' daughter Ruby was doing well and almost like Yang shared nearly every single trait with her mother.


After the close call Raven and (Y/n) both agreed on training Yang incase something were to happen again. It was once again like mother like daughter since Yang took to fighting at the age of ten. She was very skilled at close quarters combat and wielded a variety of weapons. She was on track to be a huntress, a high quality huntress that adapts with her weapons. It was a family agreement that she would train to be a huntress like her mom with a heart of gold like her father.

"Hey mom!?"

Yang, sixteen shouted from the bathroom as she was brushing her hair.

"What is it Yang!?"

Raven shouted from the kitchen about to start on lunch.

"Can I dye my hair!?"

"As long as you don't make it some really stupid or ugly color!"

Yang who thought her mom was going to deny her was shocked to hear that.

"But make sure you ask your father first, he should be in his study!"

And that was what Yang figured so she kept brushing the hair that went down her back just above her butt walking to the study.

"Hey papa?"

She asked knocking on the door to the study opening to see (Y/n) in the midst of a prayer.

"Sit Sweetie pray with papa."

(Y/n) patted the spot next to him as Yang sat down happy setting her brush aside as she prayed to the god her father believed in.

As she prayed (Y/n) who had just finished began to brush his daughters hair. This was something he did every morning and every night for Raven. It became somewhat second nature for the crusader turned teacher turned father. Yang had a big smile on her face loving it when her papa brushed her hair.

"So you would like to die this beautiful hair?"

"Not my entire hair papa just the tips. I was thinking maybe yellow."

"Hmm... You know aside from your rare genetic lilac eyes you have every single trait of your mother bar her foul language."

(Y/n) continued brushing as Yang had finished her praying and just wanted to let her father brush her hair.

"I know... But I think blonde tips would look good."

"It's your hair sweetie, one of the things you are very proud of. If you want blonde tips you can have them. Papa will always love you."

He said giving her a big hug from behind as she giggle turning around and hugging him back.

Then taking the brush Yang went back to the bathroom were she was all prepared to dye her tips blonde. That was until she changed it last second and wanted to dye them a different color. A color her father would love and show that she is his daughter.

After lunch (Y/n) and Raven were taking care of cleanup as Yangs' lunch sat on the table growing colder. Both parents knew this would happen with the talk of dye so (Y/n) grabbed the burgers and sat them in the microwave for Yang. 

"Alright mama, papa. How does my hair look?"

Yang said coming into the kitchen as both the parents turned around expecting to see their daughter with blonde tips, but instead she had (h/c) tips.

"I told you just don't pick a stupid color, and you chose a color I love."

"I figured you would love it mama, what about you papa?"


(Y/n) just nodded his head with a smile as Yang giggled and hugged her papa and mama that she loved.

Two years later and Yang was going off to Beacon as Raven was a stay at home mom since Team STRQ hadn't gone on any missions recently. (Y/n) was still teaching beginners history while Oobleck taught the more advanced stuff. (Y/n) expected his daughter to be in Ooblecks class since he drilled a lot of knowledge into her at a young age bringing her to his classroom and all. And on the first day of the new year, the first class after lunch (Y/n) waited patiently for the students to come into the classroom.

As the students filled the classroom (Y/n) didn't look up from his lesson plan. The silent classroom was filled with the chatter of many different voices. Once the bell rung (Y/n) stood up going to the board and placing his scroll down after typing out his name as it appeared on the board.

"Good afternoon class my name is (Y/n) Branwen and I will be teaching you about the history of Remnant."

"Woah that's your dad Yang?"

"Yep that's my papa!"

He looked up and it was almost like déjà vu seeing in the exact order from twenty seven years ago.

In the middle section sat Summers and Tais child Ruby Xaio Long, a white haired girl that seemed to be in a good mood with Ruby, his own pride and joy Yang, and another girl with dark hair. With a sense of pride swelling in his chest he finally was living a fulfilling life. He started his life for honor and glory crusading in the name of god and the pope. Now he lives for his wife and daughter keeping them safe and happy.

And there we go! Sorry this is so long but to be honest I had a lot of fun writing this and just as an fyi... this is definitely a one shot that should get its own story. But with that said I finally got this done and I hope everyone enjoys it since I wrote so much of the story prior to introducing Raven. I also experimented with some things I hope you guys like. And I must apologize for the length and the time it took me to write it. I just had ideas and kept going, in fact I even cut some things to get it out sooner. Anyways till next time thanks for reading this dumpster fire so till next time.


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