Novaturient || Wizarding World

By queenkastle

7.5K 464 158

Twin sisters Aurelia and Auriah Izar are the daughters of the Dark Lord. After years of being hidden away the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Helena's Story
Chapter 36- Helena's Story
Chapter 37- Helena's Story
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 25

74 5 0
By queenkastle


The next day I led Harry and a few of the other DA members to Room of Requirement. The small cozy room I was used to was now a large empty room with high ceilings. It was the perfect secret place for us to have our lessons.

Earlier that morning Umbridge had announced that all student organizations were prohibited. Convenient timing, someone must have tipped her off about our meeting at Hogs Head. We had to be extra careful not to get caught.

I helped Harry plan what to teach and a few days later we brought the rest of the group to the room. Everyone was sworn to secrecy and we trusted everyone. I wasn't thrilled that Cho was part of the group but even though I disliked her I didn't want her to be unable to defend herself.

The first few lessons went well, everyone listened to Harry and managed to learn a lot. I was surprised when Ginny took my advice on her wand flourish. It was weird to be the advanced one in the class. In Yaxley's lessons, Aurelia was always ten steps ahead.

I was actually excited to go to these secret meetings, I had made lots of new friends. Their company was a welcome distraction from my sad Cedric thoughts. Except for the day we practiced casting Patronus Charms.

Harry had demonstrated his, Hermione and Ron had both produced beautiful Patronuses. When it was my turn I tried to think of a happy memory. I shut my eyes and thought about my time with Cedric. I thought back to when we solved the egg clue, when we snuck off into the Room Of Requirement for the first time, and when he told me he loved me.

 But the memory of Harry returning in tears and Harry's dream of Yaxley killing Cedric took over my mind much too easily. I couldn't make anything come out of my wand, Hermione smiled at me with pity.

A few days later I was about to leave Umbridge's useless DADA class when she asked my sister and I to stay behind. Lately she had been questioning students about any suspicious activity. I figured we were going to be questioned as well but I didn't know why we were asked together.

Anyone with eyes could see that Lia and I didn't do anything together, we were worlds apart.

"Girls." Umbridge clasped her hands in front of her and smiled at us as we approached. "As you may know the students at this school are struggling to follow the rules. I need help making sure that everyone is doing what they should."

She reached into her pink blazer pocket and pulled out two shiny silver pins that were shaped in the letter I.

"I would like you girls to lead my new Inquisitorial Squad. You will be in charge of enforcing my rules. How does that sound?"

"Yes that sounds great." My sister responded. I knew there was no way my sister would turn down having extra power around the school, as if being a prefect wasn't enough for her.

I, on the other hand wanted no part of Umbridge's insane little squad. Her rules were ridiculous, why would I want to enforce them.

"I'm sorry professor, I just want to focus on studying for my O.W.Ls." I explained.

Her cheery fake smiled waivered for a second. "Oh no worries. Miss.Izar, could you ask Mr. Malfoy if he would be interested in leading with you."

"Oh I know he would be honored." My sister batted her dark long lashes at the professor.

"Fantastic." Umbridge clapped again. She let us go and my sister immediately ran off to find her boyfriend.

I went to find my friends and I told them about Umbridge's new firing squad.

"What the bloody hell is an Inquisitorial Squad?" Ron made a face when I told them.

"They're like prefects but with more authority." I shrugged.

"We have to be extra careful now." Hermione sighed. "Having Filch on our tails is already hard enough."

"Malfoy and your sister will be much harder to hide from." Ron added.

"I can handle them." I reassured my friends. 


Draco was thrilled to be leading the Inquisitorial Squad with me, we knew it would definitely make our fathers proud. Umbridge had asked us both to handpick trusted students to join us. We figured since we had to pick out new Death Eaters for my father it would be a good way to multitask.

We obviously only asked people from our house to join. Theo and Adrian Pucey were obviously not asked, neither were Astoria or any first years. Unfortunately, Umbridge asked Graham Montague to join since his mother was close friends with her. It was a hard decision whether or not to ask Daphne, but she had proved herself to be somewhat loyal since the situation with her sister.

The biggest perk of our squad was being able to take away points from Ron and Hermione despite their prefect status. This pissed them off immensely, they tried to avoid us as much as possible.

On the day of the first Quidditch match of the season Tracey and I stood with the Slytherin team as we waited for everyone to arrive. Draco looked amazing in his dark green Quidditch robes, I couldn't wait to watch him play.

"Hey Weasel Face." Draco called out as the redhead walked by with his friends, including my sister. "Try not to make it too easy for us to win today."

"Shut up Ferret Boy." Hermione shouted.

"The mudblood thinks she's funny." Draco scoffed.

"Maybe you need a reminder of the rodent you really are." Ron scowled and pulled out his wand. He made a move to cast the spell but he was frozen.

He had a non-verbal freezing spell on him. Draco looked over to see if I was me who had done it and I winked back.

"What did you do?" Harry shouted. He was about to get up in Draco's face so I froze him mid walk.

The Slytherins around me were dying with laughter.

"Come on, Lia." My sister sighed, she knew it was me who had done it.

"What?" I feigned innocence.

"Real mature." Hermione crossed her arms and glared.

"What was that mudblood?" I stared right into her eyes.

"Just let the boys go." Riah insisted, I could tell she just wanted to leave. I unfroze the boys and watched them scamper away, staring at me fearfully.

Daphne and I left to find a spot to watch the game. When the match was about to start I noticed Weasley looking like he was about to puke.

"Weasley is Our King!" I shouted. The Slytherins around me all looked and laughed when they realized what I meant. Draco sent me a smirk from his spot in the field. 

Soon everyone chanted "Weasley is Our King" over and over again, it seemed to make Weasley even more nervous. He had let the Quaffle in countless times. There wasn't a single goal that he blocked.

The game was neck in neck, whichever team got the Snitch first would be the clear winner. Draco and Potter were both inches away from catching the Snitch. Out of nowhere Crabbe appeared next to Potter and shoved him with the entire weight of his large body. 

Potter flew off his broom but was saved by one of his team mates. Draco managed to get the Snitch while Potter was down. As Draco held the small golden Snitch in his hand he looked straight at me and smirked, sending my heart into a mad flutter.

As soon as the match ended I went to find Draco.

 I found him, Crabbe and Goyle head to head with Potter and the Weasley twins. Potter was shouting that they had played dirty. I rolled my eyes, it was a game and we played to win. All of a sudden I saw Potter grab Draco and the two of them started going at it. I ran over to stop them but Professor Umbridge had beaten me there.

"That's it, Potter. I've had it with you causing trouble. You are hereby banned from playing Quidditch for the rest of the school year, no, forever." She turned to the Weasley twins. "Same for both of you."

"You can't do that!" One of the twins, I couldn't be bothered which twin was which, shouted.

"Watch me." She smiled, strutting away. The three Gyffindorks stormed away fuming and I smirked at each one as they passed by.

Once they were gone I went up to Draco and slid my arms around his neck. His lip was cut and I could see the start of a bruise across his check, the imperfections on his typically perfect face only increased my attraction to him.

"We need to get out of here." I whispered into his ear.

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