Novaturient || Wizarding World

By queenkastle

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Twin sisters Aurelia and Auriah Izar are the daughters of the Dark Lord. After years of being hidden away the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - Helena's Story
Chapter 36- Helena's Story
Chapter 37- Helena's Story
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 6

128 6 12
By queenkastle


The two months of school went by quickly. I loved my new life at Hogwarts. My friends and I had grown closer and did almost everything together.

It didn't take me long to find out that Draco's family was one of the most prominent and wealthy wizarding families, his father had a hand in everything. That was probably why his name sounded so familiar.

Blaise, Daphne and Tracey's families were extremely wealthy as well. All their parents were on the Hogwarts Board of Governors. Though I didn't have a single penny to my name or any fancy title, I was part of their group and fell under their blanket of privilege. People knew not to mess with us, teachers knew they couldn't really punish us. I loved being untouchable.

Theo and I were happy together. We didn't get much time alone but it was still better than not seeing him at all. He was quite friendly with a lot of girls, which made me uneasy, but I didn't want to seem possessive or clingy so I kept my mouth shut. And he stayed away from June so I was happy enough about that.

Out of the whole group Draco and I had become the closest friends. When Theo was busy Draco was always around, ready to hang out. The two of us loved to tourment Potter and his friends more than anyone. Draco also loved attention as much as I did, the bigger the spectacle the happier we were.

The one thing I missed was being with my sister. I didn't get to meet up with my sister often, the two of us were living separate lives. It was weird after spending 14 years constantly at each other's sides.

After Riah had defended Potter she was invited to join their golden trio. I sometimes spotted her with them during study hall, but she spent the majority of her time with Cedric. I suspected that her and Cedric were more than friends, the looks they traded were full of desire.

As I made my way to the library to find a book to help me on my potions essay someone grabbed me. I flailed and tried to get away but they were much bigger than me and much stronger.

"Oh stop it, it's just me." A familiar voice said after pulling me into an empty classroom.

"Yaxley?" I turned around to find his slightly yellowed teeth grinning at me. "What the hell are you doing."

"I've come to check on you and Auriah of course. I've been watching you guys all day."

"Creep." I sneered at him, playfully. Though Yaxley and Riah didn't get along, the two of us had a close relationship. He taught me everything I know, he taught me to be strong.

"Your father wasn't particularly happy to hear that your sister's a Hufflepuff."

"It's not like she asked to be one-"

"And," Yaxley cut me off. "He was less than pleased that she is spending so much time with that Hufflepuff boy. What was his name again? Oh yes, Cedric. Much too old for Auriah."

"They're just friends." I tried.

"Don't lie to me." Yaxley slapped me straight across the face. I was stunned, he rarely laid a hand on me. "It's bad enough that I had to come all the way here to find this out. You were supposed to report everything back to me."

"There's nothing to report, they're just friends." I insisted.

Yaxley took out his wand and threw a stinging hex on me, the pain vibrated through every inch of my body. I knew from experience not to scream or he would just do it again. And I was thankful it wasn't a Cruciatus like he did at home, without our home's wards the ministry of magic would know. "Stop lying."

I glared at him, reeling from the pain. Yaxley walked up to me and placed his gruby hand on my cheek as if he didn't just attack me.

"Don't worry my dear you can make it up to me. Now it's your turn to help your father."

My stomach dropped, I didn't want to do anything that would hurt my sister.

"What do I have to do?"

"Convince the boy to enter in the Triwizard Tournament."

"That's it?"

"That's it." Yaxley's grin grew. "I'll take care of the rest."


When Cedric didn't come to the great hall for lunch that day I was worried. We ate together every single day since I had come to Hogwarts, he never skipped out on me.

Despite my initial skepticism of Cedric he was persistent in becoming my friend, Merlin knows why. He was charming and funny, being around him made me feel safe. He was just pure goodness. His light brightened me up, made me forget every horrible thing I had ever done.

If I was being honest with myself I was starting to develop feelings for him. The feelings were one sided, there was no way Cedric would never go for someone like me when he could be with anyone he wanted.

With not much of an appetite I left to go find him, I took a few things from the table in case Cedric was hungry. After searching the Hufflepuff common room and the herbology classroom he liked to hangout in I went outside and found him sitting in the courtyard.

My heart sank as I saw him sitting with a much too familiar face. Aurelia. He watched her with amusement as she talked animatedly.

For the past few weeks every time Cedric said anything flirty I would remind myself that he was the attractive sixth year, prefect, quidditch captain that everyone wanted and I was just a nobody. Lia was the pretty, funny, charming, exciting twin and she pretty much had everyone at the school wrapped around her finger.

I had come to terms with the fact that I could never be more than a friend to him but if he started to fall for my sister I knew I wouldn't be able to handle that.

Suddenly Cedric glanced over and saw me standing there. "Hey Auriah!" He waved me over.

"Hey Ri." My sister smiled, scooching over so there was room for me to sit in between them. I searched her face for any indication of what she was doing but her features gave nothing away.

"Sorry, I should have told you I was skipping lunch. Aurelia just wanted to talk to me." Cedric explained.

"Oh what were you talking about?" I asked.

"I was just getting to know your friend." Lia said, tilting her head innocently. "I should get going but it was nice to meet you Cedric."

"You too Aurelia." Cedric beamed. My sister got up and left, leaving the two of us at the table.

"I thought you might be hungry." I said softly, laying the food on the table.

"Auriah Izar, you're amazing. I have no idea what I would do without you." Cedric gave his signature heart stopping smile.


"How does that Hufflepuff loser get both the Izar twins." Draco remarked. He stood at the front entrance as I walked into the school. His ever present bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle stood next to him but he sent them away with a wave of his hand. "I need to step up my game, I have twin fantasies that need to be fulfilled."

"Shut up, Malfoy." I rolled my eyes at him, used to his flirty banter. "Only in your dreams."

"What's that on your cheek?" Draco's face turned serious.

"Nothing." I snapped, moving my hair to cover the angry red mark Yaxley's hand had left that morning. I had put makeup over it but some of it must have come off.

"Lia, it's not nothing." He quickly grabbed my shoulder and made me face him. He carefully inspected my face.

"I'm fine."

"Don't lie to me." His words were sharp, reminding me of Yaxley and I flinched. His face filled with concern and his voice softened. "What happened? Did someone hit you? Was it Nott?"

"Theo would never hit me." I quickly defended my boyfriend. "I fell and hit my face with a door okay. It's embarrassing so let's stop talking about it."

I sensed Draco still didn't believe me but he let it go.

The two of us made our way to our common room to find the rest of our friends. When we got there we found Blaise and Daphne playing wizard's chest and Theo sitting on the couch with June. She laid with her head on his lap, he was playing with her dark locks. The sight shocked me considering he had said he was staying away from her but I took a deep breath and reminded myself they were just friends. Daphne gave me a sympathetic look when she saw me walk in.

I saw Pansy sitting across from them, her puggy face twisted into a little smirk. Refusing to show that I was hurt, I strolled over to Daphne, pretending I didn't have an ounce of jealousy inside me.

Draco was about to sit with us when Pansy called him over, he rolled his eyes and ignored her. That pissed her right off.

At the sight of their master Crabbe and Goyle scampered over, handing Draco a fresh bottle of pumpkin juice. I suddenly was more jealous of that than I was of June, I needed some minions.

"Daph, get me a pumpkin juice?" I asked/slightly demanded.

"Do I look like a house elf to you?" Daphne rolled her eyes.

I expected that answer, Daphne was not the miniony type but it was worth a shot. 

"Here." Draco handed me his.

"Thanks." I said, ignoring the amused smirk on his face. The second he passed the bottle over Crabbed scampered away to get another bottle.

Crabbe's rush caused Theo to finally notice my presence. He quickly hopped up and made his way over, June and Pansy reluctantly followed.

"Hi Lia." June's soft voice chirped. I gave her a small smile and scooched over so there was just enough room for Theo beside me. He came and plopped a big kiss on my forehead before sitting down next to me.

Fortunately, June sat on the other side of the table.

"Hey guys." Tracey walked in. She came over to our table and Blaise sighed. Tracey had the energy of a toddler on sugar, she was the peppiest Slytherin I had ever met. "My older sister owled me this great game, do you want to play?"

"Sure." Daphne shrugged, tired of losing to Blaise in Wizard's Chess.

"Okay so it's called Lying Long Nose." Tracey pulled out a jar full of what looked like furry jelly beans. "Someone will ask you a question and if you tell the truth you'll be okay but if you lie your nose will grow."

"Sounds stupid." Blaise muttered, Daphne kicked him under the table and he shut up.

"Okay I'll go first." Tracey said grabbing a furry bean from the jar. "Draco, if you had to kiss any girl in the room who would it be."

"Um... shit, I don't know." Draco shrugged.

"You have to answer." Tracey insisted, handing him the bean.

"Uh Pansy, I guess." He replied then popped the bean in his mouth. He grimaced at the taste and then suddenly his nose stretched. 

Pansy crossed her arms and looked away, clearly embarrassed.

Everyone let out an awkward chuckle and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Okay now you ask someone." Tracey told him.

"Blaise." Draco turned to him. "Are you part giant?" Everyone laughed, except Tracey.

"You have to ask serious questions." She pouted.

"I seriously want to know." Draco smirked.

"No, but part of me is giant." Blaise winked and swallowed the bean. His nose stayed the same.

Daphne and I exchanged wide eyed looks and snickered.

"Theo, are you a virgin?" Blaise asked.

"No." Theo replied nervously, his nose remained normal and the others let out a chorus of oohs.

 I was shocked, Theo and I had never done anything and we had been 'together' since we were 10. On top of that we were only 14! I tried to catch his eye but he avoided looking in my direction.

"Okay boys, give the girls a chance." Daphne whined.

"Fine, Pansy are you jealous of Aurelia?" Theo asked. She gave him a nasty glare.

"There's nothing to be jealous of." Pany sneered. Her nose grew and she blatantly ignored it. "Okay, my turn to ask."

"This should be good." Blaise whispered.

Pansy turned to face me with a big fake smile.

"Are you a virgin?" The grin on her face showed she already knew the answer.

"Obviously she isn't." Tracey laughed as if Pansy was stupid.

"Yes." I muttered as quietly as possible. Tracey's face whipped over to look at me.

"What was that?" Pansy held a hand up to her ear.

"I said yes, you dumb bitch." I hissed at her. My friends' faces revealed their shock. "I'm over this stupid game."

I turned around and walked straight out of the room, completely humiliated especially over the fact that I had caused a scene. 

My walk turned into a run and I kept running until I reached the astronomy tower. It was dark and empty. With a slight wave of my wand I managed to light a few of the candles floating around the room.

I felt every emotion that I had been holding in from my very first day at Hogwarts. The fear, anxiety, confusion, heartbreak, and most of all embarrassment. I slid to the floor and let ugly sobs escape my throat. I hadn't cried since I was seven, tears were for the weak. But I was so stressed. Between Yaxley, Theo and my sister I barely had a chance to breathe all day.

The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs echoed through the room. I quickly wiped my tears. I thought maybe Theo had ditched his skank and come to see me.

"Lia?" Draco's white blonde head appeared, the light reflected off his hair making it shimmer. He was the last person I had expected to see. "Are you okay?"

I tried to blink the red out from my eyes but I knew I couldn't hide that I had been crying. I felt Draco's eyes find me and waited for him to make fun of me for being weak.

He didn't say anything, he just took a seat next to me and pulled me into his arms. His embrace surprised me and set me off again, I couldn't hold in the flood of tears.

The whole time I cried Draco drew soothing circles on my back with his fingers. He didn't push for me to tell him what was going on. This was a side to Draco I hadn't seen in the two months we had been friends. Obviously since we were friends he was nice to me but he had never shown any kind of affection. Our relationship was light and easy, we just had laughs.

"You know..." Draco finally spoke after my sobs slowed into sniffles. "You're kinda hot when you cry."

I looked up at his smug face and couldn't help but laugh. That was typical Draco.

"You're such a wanker." I punched his arm lightly.

"I'm just saying. So next time you want to break down make sure to find me." He said it as a joke but his eyes told me he meant it.

"I can't believe it. I never cry. This school is getting to me, all the mudblood's weakness is rubbing off on me."

"Are you upset about Theo?"

"Well to be honest, the reason I'm upset is..." I looked him straight in the eye, "is because... I realized I had to see your ugly face for eight more months."

"What?" Draco's face filled with dramatized sadness. "But mummy always told me I was so pretty."

"Sorry hun, mummy lied." I gave him a pitying look.

The two of us continued to joke around, he didn't pressure me about Theo. 

I felt comfortable with Draco. I always thought he was funny and quick witted, and we always enjoyed tormenting muggle borns and first years together. But this moment I felt like we had a different connection, I felt like I could be honest with him.

"Can you be honest with me." I asked, getting serious again.


"Theo and June are more than friends, right?"

"I don't know if it's my place to tell you."

"Just tell me."

"From what I understood they were hooking up all of last year. Lia, until the first day of school this year Theo had never mentioned you before." Draco seemed more pissed off at Theo than I did.

I felt the tears rushing back. Draco pulled me into his arms, letting me sob into his chest. 

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